Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1194: Capture all

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The words of Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi said that Ning Xiaochuan was extremely angry.

At that time, he left the heavenly pride of the Shenhe civilization, but in order to enable the people of the Dayan world to better integrate into the Shenhe civilization, who knows that they have become a scourge, but instead caused the enemy to destroy the entire heaven.

However, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan was still suppressing the anger in her heart, and after listening carefully to the words of Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, she nodded: "So, you don't even know the whereabouts of Zijin seniors and others?"

Nie Lanzhi said: "When Zijin's predecessors left, one was to go out to find the news of their sisters, and the other was to go out to practice and improve their strength, but no one expected that the predecessor of Zijin would go out again Without returning, we all secretly guessed that Zijin seniors were very likely to have been killed by the nearby gods. "

"This is not the case. I have just checked the memory of Zou Chong's elder brother. Although there are pictures of his fight with Zijin's predecessors in his memory, he does not have a picture of the people in the God's Palace." Shook his head.

Just now he went out, not only to kill Zou Chong's elder brother, but at the same time he directly plundered each other's memory.

It is a pity that although the other party is a sub-god, but he knows it, it is not much more than the two of them.

"So, they are most likely still alive." Yu Qianxi said with joy.

For so many years, she always thought that these people who had disappeared from the god's palace had already died.

"Of course I'm alive. In addition, Xue Lingxue, the bright left girl, and Nie Lanxin, who were missing in the past, should also be alive and encounter their own opportunities." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and turned his former Guess came out.

indeed! The Tianjiao disappeared in the God's Palace, but all of them are the most extraordinary Tianjiao in the God's Palace, and their talents are definitely not worse than those of the top of the Shenhe civilization.

If they can be well cultivated, they may even condense the king of the gods.

Ning Xiaochuan's words made Nie Lanzhi smile immediately and posted on Ning Xiaochuan: "Thank you, Xiaohouye, I have been worried about my sister's accident, and now I can rest assured."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Nie Lanzhi, shook his head, but didn't know what to say.

Because the encounter between these peerless Tianjiao people is just a guess by Ning Xiaochuan, even if Ning Xiaochuan himself did not dare to guarantee 100% of his guess.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan can only diverge from the topic and say, "Your sister, I don't worry about it, but what I am most worried about now is the senior Zijin emperor. He has cultivated to the second god. Although he was born again, he was born again. As a result of the innate deficiency, without great opportunities, it is difficult to enter the realm of the gods, so it is impossible for those majors to take away Zijin's predecessors. As for the seniors of Zijin Emperor, they have not returned now, I am afraid they are true What happened? "

When Ning Xiaochuan said so, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi also suddenly expressed a worried look on their faces.

These years when they came to the Shenhe civilization, they all survived under the protection of the Emperor Zijin. Therefore, they have long had feelings for the Emperor Zijin, and naturally they do not want to hear the bad news about the Emperor Zijin at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment before he suddenly looked up and said, "You are waiting for me here. I'll go out to check the whereabouts of Zijin's senior and return soon."

After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flashed, and then disappeared in the God's Palace.

Leaving the divine palace, Ning Xiaochuan's mental power was released, and he immediately felt another sub-god nearby.

To find the whereabouts of Zijin Emperor, it is natural to start with these secondary gods.

Brush it, Ning Xiaochuan rushed directly towards this god.


In the temple palace, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi watched Ning Xiaochuan leave, then turned back to the temple hall of the temple, and stood with other Tianjiao, silently waiting for the return of Ning Xiaochuan.

About half a day later, Ning Xiaochuan's figure finally appeared again in the main hall of the Shenchu ​​Palace.

But at the moment Ning Xiaochuan was behind a large group of gods.

In such a scene, these disciples of the God's Palace were scared one by one.

In recent years, even a Zou Chong who has created a realm has dared to bully them at will, let alone a sub-god. If it weren't for the sub-gods who looked down on them, I'm afraid they would have died.

But at this moment, such a large group of gods appeared here so densely, and the momentum from the body alone was enough to scare a person.

Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi were also frightened, but after seeing Ning Xiaochuan in the forefront, their faces slightly improved, and ran over and asked: "Ning Xiaochuan, what's going on? Why all these masters come to us Then, did you come to avenge Zou Chong's elder brother? "

Thinking of this possibility, Yu Qianxi and others looked pale.

Although Ning Xiaochuan is powerful, there are too many of these sub-gods in front of him, at least hundreds of people. So many sub-gods, I am afraid that even Ning Xiaochuan can't stop it.

"Rest assured, I have surrendered them and brought them over just to judge them." Ning Xiaochuan reached out and patted the backs of Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian, comforting them.

"What? You surrendered them and brought the trial." Yu Qianxi looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a dull look, feeling a little dizzy in front of her eyes.

What Ning Xiaochuan said at the moment had a much greater impact on her than the impact Ning Xiaochuan had killed Zou Chong's elder brother before.

At the moment, the other princes of the Divine Reserve Palace can only tremble with fear, shrinking to one side.

They have n’t even practiced the creation of realm. In the face of such a group of gods, they ca n’t afford the courage to be side by side with them.

After seeing such a scene, Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand a little impatiently: "Well, you all stepped back a bit. In addition, you put away all the momentum in your body. It is also arrogant to come here, who you want to scare. "

"Yes, master." More than one hundred gods, nodding in a respectful bow, nodded, then converged, turned into an ordinary person, and retreated to the entrance to the god's palace.

Yu Qianqian, Nie Lanzhi and others, only at this moment finally believed in Ning Xiaochuan's words. The more than one hundred gods have now been surrendered by Ning Xiaochuan, and they have been surrendered very thoroughly.

What realm has he reached now?

Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi's beautiful eyes constantly glanced at Ning Xiaochuan.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan said to the princes of the gods around him: "You all go and see. Someone has attacked the gods palace before and pointed him out."

Although these sub-gods have been surrendered by Ning Xiaochuan, but after all, they are a large group of sub-gods. Even if they are bold, the gods of the gods ’palaces will not have the courage to point their fingers at the sub-gods.

Therefore, after Ning Xiaochuan's words, no one responded to him.

Nie Lanzhi glanced around quietly, pursed his lips, and jumped out, "I said first, Xiaohouye, that bald guy, who had previously shot against Zijin's predecessors, and shot very hard, we are the God's Reserve Palace Shattered. "

At this moment Nie Lanzhi was pointing to one of these sub-gods.

This ranking **** is burly and has a bald head. Xiu Zou is the same as Zou Chong's elder brother.

At this moment, when he heard Nie Lanzhi's designation, his face flashed a little panic.

"Come here." Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the bald head, then waved at him.

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's order, the bald-headed **** didn't hesitate, he walked directly toward Ning Xiaochuan, obediently stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan, and bowed his head, "Master."

Ning Xiaochuan was also polite, reached out his finger, and gently tapped his forehead.

A series of pictures of memory were immediately passed from this light-headed mind.

After just looking at it for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan directly let go of this bald head god, and said coldly: "Battle against the Zijin emperor, destroy the heaven, and kill the six disciples of the God of the Chu Palace ... Okay, you can die. "

The bald look didn't hesitate, he turned directly, walked outside the god's palace, and then waved his virtual godhead inside and crushed it.

A sub-nine master, just fell like this.

Although it is wasteful to crush the virtual godhead in his body in this way, this kind of godhead already has a master. Once the master dies, the godhead will soon disappear, so it is useless to stay.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's ten thousand gods can absorb the laws of the gods, they are like the sub-gods in front of them. There are not a few rules in the virtual gods. Ning Xiaochuan has the ball of soul. For these garbage virtual gods, of course, Even more despise.

When he saw Ning Xiaochuan's fingertips, a master of nine sub-gods killed himself. Those disciples in the surrounding temples finally determined that these sub-gods were indeed controlled by Ning Xiaochuan.

Perhaps because they have been suppressed for too long, they suddenly get a chance to vent at this moment, but they are a bit uncomfortable.

But only a few moments later, these disciples of the God's Palace made a loud roar.

"The guy who is not tall, I saw him kill Brother Mu with my own eyes, and even the body was not left."

"The second **** with a scar on his face, he took away my beloved little sister. So far, the little sister has no news."


At this moment, a group of disciples of the God's prince's palace are venting their long-depressed anger.

They were all heavenly pride, but when they came to Shenhe civilization, they were worse than prisoners. But they still have to suppress their feelings every day, so as not to end in a miserable end.

But at this moment, they no longer need to deliberately suppress.

Their tearful eyes and capricorn eyes, in addition to glanced at the group of gods in front of them, looked at Ning Xiaochuan more gratefully.

If it weren't for Ning Xiaochuan, they might never have the chance of revenge in front of them.

And the group of gods, although most of them look a little unnatural, but at this moment can only stand like a group of chickens, ducks, cows and sheep, quietly standing in place, listening to the wanton scolding of the disciples of the gods.

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