Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1195: Gold list

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More than a hundred gods have almost killed Tianjiao from Dayan World. Some of them are perverted, and they are even miserable.

For such a sub-god, Ning Xiaochuan has only one sentence, find a place to die on his own.

The sub-gods that are crouched in such a small place are almost all the weakest sub-gods. They have no strength to fight back in front of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

All these gods have now been planted with slave marks by Ning Xiaochuan, and they can't resist Ning Xiaochuan at all. Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's order, one by one turned around and walked out of the God's Chu Palace, then committed suicide and died.

Within half a day, more than a hundred gods died, and most died.

For the rest, Ning Xiaochuan's crime was not too serious, so they were left behind. Anyway, Ning Xiaochuan left these sub-gods, just ready to let them protect Yu Qianxi and others, and the remaining more than 30 sub-gods were enough to protect them.

Of course, even these sub-gods who survived, Ning Xiaochuan searched their memory one by one.

Ning Xiaochuan arrested them this time, not just to try them, but to search the whereabouts of Zijin Emperor and others.

After such a search, Ning Xiaochuan really found out some useful information.

For example, one of them was sent to a great force called Poseidon Palace by one of them to invite credit, but as an ugly mother-in-law Shennong-level psychologist, the treatment in Poseidon Palace was not bad.

In addition, some people have seen Xue Lingxu taken away by a woman with golden light, and then disappeared.

Searching for such a picture from these sub-gods' memories really reassured Ning Xiaochuan. The experience of Xue Lingxue at least shows that Ning Xiaochuan's previous guess was correct. These peerless Tianjiao were just taken away, not directly died.

However, these Tianjiao people were taken away, and since then, each side wants to meet again, and they do not know when it will be.

Ning Xiaochuan was also very helpless. With his strength at the moment, it took hundreds of years to get from the demon world to the source world. If he searched the entire Shenhe civilization to find these arrogant people, he would not know how many years it would take.

Such a waste of energy and time is not worth the cost.

So at this moment Ning Xiaochuan can only sigh, each of them has his own chance, and can only wait for them to come back here.

The only pity is that Ning Xiaochuan has collected incomplete information. Many familiar Tianjiao have no news to say, and the Emperor Zijin also has no news.

"Ning Xiaochuan, how is it?" Nie Lanzhi cautiously aside.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan told her that she was trying to find the whereabouts of Zijin Emperor and others. So at this moment she wants to know if Ning Xiaochuan has found the whereabouts of Nie Lanxin.

"Not so good! No news from Nie Lanxin." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head apologetically. Just now he promised Nie Lanzhi to help her find her sister, but the information collected by Ning Xiaochuan just now did not have any information at all. Information related to Nie Lanxin.

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, Nie Lanzhi's beautiful face was slightly disappointed, but then she smiled reluctantly: "It doesn't matter, anyway, Grandpa Hou has said that my sister is definitely not in danger, so we Sooner or later I will be able to meet again. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and was about to speak, but did not want the entire Shen Chu Palace to suddenly shake at this moment.

"what happened?"

Almost everyone, including Ning Xiaochuan, was incredibly confused.

Quickly rushing out from the palace of the gods, Ning Xiaochuan and others were astonished by the scene in front of Ma Shan.

At this moment in the sky above the god's palace, a huge golden list appeared. This list covered the sky, and the large characters on it flashed.

"Jiupin civilization truth heaven."

"Invite Tianjiao of all lower civilizations."

"As long as you pass the test, you can join the Kingdom of Truth."


On the huge list, the lines are clearly written.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and stepped into the starry sky. Judging from the position where the list appeared, the starry sky Ning Xiaochuan was fighting at this moment should be where the list was.

However, when Ning Xiaochuan stood on the starry sky, he found that this huge list was still above him. When he looked up, he felt no difference from looking at the planet below.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan changed several positions one after another in the starry sky, but no matter where it is, this huge list is hung high above the head so that people can clearly see it.

"Don't you see this list everywhere in the Shenhe civilization. If this can be done, it seems that the person who posted the list is indeed the truth and the kingdom of heaven is not false." Ning Xiaochuan was puzzled, and fell back to In front of the Divine Reserve Palace.

After a simple test just now, Ning Xiaochuan actually began to believe that this list was really issued by the Kingdom of Truth, not someone who was playing a prank.

Because, if a list can be spread throughout the entire Shenhe civilization, I am afraid that even the Lord God can not do this. Only the higher heavenly level of the kingdom of truth can have such a means.

Looking up again and carefully scanning the huge list above his head, Ning Xiaochuan's face began to look excited.

Staring at the huge list above his head, Ning Xiaochuan laughed and laughed: "Haha, it's really God's help, Lange, I guess I can help you find your sister soon."

Nie Lanzhi looked at it in puzzlement.

Ning Xiaochuan explained with a smile: "This is a list issued by Jiupin Civilization and the Kingdom of Truth. As long as you know what kind of person exists in the Kingdom of Truth, you will definitely want to participate in the evaluation of the Kingdom of Truth. Going to take part in this assessment, ten of them were able to meet Nie Lanxin in the assessment. "

Nie Lanzhi was immediately excited when he heard: "Then I will go to the assessment with Xiao Houye."

"I'll go too," Yu Qianxi said with a pout.

In fact, the two of them knew very little about the Kingdom of Truth. At the moment, they asked for it, but they did not want to be separated from Ning Xiaochuan again.

Looking at Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, Ning Xiaochuan groaned.

If the assessment was only a pure assessment, he would not mind taking Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian together, but the problem is that Ning Xiaochuan had a vague sense of anxiety about the assessment.

The Kingdom of Truth is Jiupin civilization, why is it that such an examination for low-level civilization is suddenly held.

This is as if the rich people suddenly want to distribute the money to the poor, and the purpose is easy to make people of Chinese descent.

Moreover, according to the memories of the original dragon shortage, the Kingdom of Truth is now in civil strife. Those rebels are mostly crazy people. If they organize this assessment, the situation will be even worse.

So he groaned for a moment, and Ning Xiaochuan directly shook his head and said, "No, you can't take this assessment. I'll see the situation before I inform you."

Seeing Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi still a little unconvinced, Ning Xiaochuan frowned, and continued directly: "Well, there is nothing to discuss about this matter. At this moment, all the sub-gods on this planet have been controlled by me. I have ordered them to listen to your instructions. With the help of these gods, your safety on this planet will be no problem in the future. Your current practice is still too weak. Wait until your practice is stronger and then go to participate. This assessment is better. "

Can not help but Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi continued to say more, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered and disappeared.

Standing in the starry sky, Ning Xiaochuan looked down at the huge planet under his feet.

At this moment he could even dimly see that because of his sudden departure, Nie Lanzhi was sad, but Yu Qianqian was scolding her wolfheartedly.

Ning Xiaochuan could only laugh about this bitterly. If he continued to drag with Yu Qianqian, he really worried that he would not help but take the two to participate in the assessment of the kingdom of truth.

The heaven of truth is Jiupin civilization. Just the truth heaven can freely spread the whole list of the current Shenhe civilization. It can know that the strength of the kingdom of truth is absolutely worthy of its rank.

Suddenly looking up, staring at the golden plaque above his head, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes have been extremely firm.

Nine Xiaochuan is going to break out sooner or later, but he did not expect that he could come into contact with the existence of the Kingdom of Truth so soon.

"Now that I've been in contact, then I'll go and see what qualifications of this Kingdom of Truth are called the Jiupin Civilization." He snorted coldly in his heart, and Ning Xiaochuan flew directly to the golden post on his head.

This golden list is clearly written. Those who want to participate in the assessment, as long as they fly towards the list, will automatically enter the assessment place of the kingdom of truth.

Although this statement is not reliable, no one doubts it.

Because the list is published, but the only nine-pin civilization in the world.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure shuttled through the starry sky. With his strength at the moment, he could tear the space with his breath, but the layers of space in the starry sky were layered, and almost countless spaces were torn forward and further.

Without a starry sky boat, Ning Xiaochuan's speed was almost slow to a painful level.

However, after flying towards this golden list of texts for almost a whole day, even when Ning Xiaochuan began to feel bored, there was a sudden rumbling sound in his ear.

"Well ... repaired for the Nine Gods, with an energy index of 1.7. If you exceed the minimum index, you can enter the test point."

With this voice, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly brightened, a sense of time and space shuttle came again, the next moment Ning Xiaochuan entered a completely strange world.

"Cultivated as the second god, the pure energy index is 0.9, which is not up to standard."

"What? I didn't meet the standard. How did you detect it? I am the strongest generation of Qinglong Valley. How could I fail to meet your standards."

"I said that I didn't meet the standards, but I didn't meet them, next."


What appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan was a group of Tianjiao who was being tested.

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