Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1196: acquaintance

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The name Tian Ning from Qinglong Valley in front of Ning Xiaochuan suffered a whip on his body because of constant argument.

As a generation of Tianjiao, when was he so insulted, so almost instantaneously, this Tianlonggu Tianjiao erupted, and a chain-like rule emerged from him.

But the fat man in charge of the detection didn't even look at it, like pinching a worm, and waved the Tianjiao in his hand, then threw it away.

Ning Xiaochuan clearly saw that in the place where the Tianjiao of Qinglong Valley was thrown away, a space loophole appeared, and then the Tianjiao of Qinglong Valley fell directly into it.

Such a scene made all the days around Tianjiao look dignified, because they could feel that the Tianlong Valley Tianjiao was strong and almost not worse than them, but in the hands of the fat man, the Tianlong Valley Tianjiao even connected There is no trace of resistance.

But the fat man didn't care about it, and still shouted, "Hurry up, next."

Another Tianjiao stepped up. This fat man just shook his head and just shook his head and said, "The pure energy index is 0.8, which is worse, but it is off."

"Impossible!" Like the Tianjiao of Qinglonggu just now, the Tianjiao heard the three words, but suddenly called angrily, but just vented, he suddenly remembered that this fat man had dealt with Qinglonggu Tianjiao. So I quickly suppressed the anger in my heart and said, "You keep saying the pure energy index, what is this energy index?"

This question is also curious about those Tianjiao around, so at this moment all of them look at the fat man.

The fat man shook his head and blinked, "Okay, you will know sooner or later anyway, it doesn't matter if I tell you now."

"This energy index is a measure of a person's strength. The higher the energy index, the stronger your strength. The pure energy index refers to the strength after removing artifacts and removing treasures from you."

"Generally, the most common deity energy index that an energy becomes a **** is one. You are all peerless Tianjiao. If the energy index in the sub-god realm can't even reach one, then it ca n’t be regarded as Tianjiao, and you are not eligible to join my kingdom of truth. "

"When we transported people from all over the universe, we chose to have an energy index close to one, or more than one. Otherwise, we would not be eligible to come to me."


Before the fat man's words were finished, Tianjiao, whose energy index was only 0.8, couldn't help grinning.

"Haha, this is the first time I've heard such a ridiculous word. When can a person's strength be described by a series of data, it really smirks me. If the truth heaven is so ridiculous, then I will not join the truth Heaven. "

The fat man's eyes glared, and he waved his hand to hold the Tianjiao in his hand, and then just throw the Tianjiao from the Qinglong Valley just thrown out.

"There's so much rubbish, so much nonsense." The chubby shrugged his lips before the fat man turned and grinned at other Tianjiao: "Tell you in advance, if you feel that there is something wrong with the detection of our truth heaven, you can retreat yourself, you You know, although this list is from my kingdom of truth, we have n’t asked you to join the kingdom of truth. In a word, love ca n’t come ... next. "

This fat man's words immediately annoyed many Tianjiao look around.

But in the end, no one chose to leave.

This is an opportunity to join the Jiupin civilization. In this world, there are countless other Bapin civilizations besides the Shenpin civilization.

But Jiupin civilization has only one kingdom of truth.

Just the previous star-studded list, and the ability to transmit to this space anytime, anywhere, are showing the power of the kingdom of truth.

And now the energy index in this fat man's mouth has caused a lot of curiosity in heaven, and he wants to enter the kingdom of truth to see what is the difference between the nine-pin civilization and the eight-pin civilization at the peak of the universe.

Testing continues.

"Pure energy index 0.6, lying down, how did the space-time hall do it? This kind of garbage goods has also been transmitted."

"Pure Energy Index 0.9, but off, next."


Tianjiao walked over one by one, but most of them didn't pass. This situation made Tianjiao, who had not been tested, feel nervous.

Ning Xiaochuan was also among these people. After a previous Tianjiao test, he stepped forward.

"Pure energy index of 1.7, haha, finally came across a pass." The fat man stared at Ning Xiaochuan and laughed loudly, and then pointed his finger at a beam of light behind him: "Boy, see that beam of light Well, if you walk in, you can officially enter the kingdom of truth. "

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan walking towards the beam of light in front, many arrogant in the back, his expression of envy suddenly appeared.

The fat man didn't care, and continued to yell, "Hurry up, next."

Ning Xiaochuan walked in front of this beam of light, took a deep breath, and walked in.

He didn't worry about the dangers. With the ability of the Kingdom of Truth to send people around casually, if he wanted to kill him, he wouldn't have to do so many tricks.

Time and space change, after stepping into this beam of light, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly appeared in a huge hall.

Many people have gathered in this hall at the moment, but unlike the mess just now, it seems to be in order.

The appearance of Ning Xiaochuan did not attract much attention, because at this moment, people are constantly appearing around the hall.

Although these people are all Tianjiao at this moment, obviously they are not all from the Shenhe civilization, because Ning Xiaochuan has already heard, and several of them are discussing other eight grades of civilization. Obviously they come from this place.

Since the Kingdom of Truth wants to absorb the arrogance of low-level civilization, of course, it is impossible to publish the list only in the Shenhe civilization, which Ning Xiaochuan had already expected.

"Amitabha, this place is really a good place. Poor monks love this place."

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan appeared in the hall, a familiar voice suddenly heard in his ear.

At the same time, a continuous scolding sounded.

"Women, monk, you don't want to die, and the Kingdom of Truth dares to talk nonsense, be careful to be destroyed directly."

"Amitabha, the impoverished monk was just excited and excited, so he expressed his sigh. The predecessors of the Kingdom of Truth will certainly not mind the little excitement of the impoverished monk." The familiar voice sounded again.

Ning Xiaochuan turned his head and looked at the place where the sound came. Sure enough, the monk Tangan was standing serious in the crowd at the moment, looking like a monk.

At this moment, the monk Tangan's cultivation has reached the realm of the Nine Gods, which is obviously an adventure before.

Looking at the monk Tangan, Ning Xiaochuan looked helpless in his face.

He had been ready to meet anyone here before, but he never expected that he would meet a monk Tangan here. But people like Xue Lingxu and others did not show up at the moment.

It seems that he noticed Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, and the monk Tangan got the look of a monk. He turned his head slowly and peacefully, with a happy smile on his face. When he saw Ning Xiaochuan, his face turned into a ghost. Looks like.

"Well, Ning Xiaochuan, how could it be you? Impossible, there must be something wrong with my eyes, otherwise why would I see Ning Xiaochuan here."

While talking, the monk Dangan rubbed his eyes vigorously.

Looking at the picture of the monk Tangan, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help laughing.

Although this guy is sometimes annoying, but it is barely reliable. At the moment, I can meet such an acquaintance in this place, and Ning Xiaochuan's mood suddenly improved.

"Haha, master, don't come without a fool." Ning Xiaochuan walked over with a smile.

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan call himself a master, the monk Tangan shuddered: "Do n’t you call me a monk of Tangan, Ning Xiaochuan, how did you come here, this time the list of truth heaven, but Appearing only in the Bapin civilization, like our small world, it is impossible to have a list. "

"Bangwen will not appear in the world of Da Yan? How did you know?" Ning Xiaochuan glanced up and down at Tangan Monk Road.

"Of course, it is the information that the baby exchanges for others. It turns out that you still don't know anything! It happens that the poor monk carefully prepared a detailed information that was revealed behind the scenes of the Kingdom of Truth. If you want, poor The monk can sell it to you. "The monk Tangan looked and suddenly stared at Ning Xiaochuan Road with bright eyes.

"The truth behind the list of truths in the kingdom of heaven is revealed? You can get this stuff." Ning Xiaochuan stared at the monk Tan Gan, with a deep skeptical expression on his face.

The monk Tangan had his chest up, was about to speak, but suddenly a young man came over and whispered to Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Brother, don't be fooled by this monk. What he said is all over there It reads, shit, I was misled by the monk just now, even the life-saving baby my master gave me. "

The young man's words made Ning Xiaochuan nod his head at once. This kind of thing is like the style of a Dangan monk.

After being demolished by his own tricks, the monk Tangan showed a little embarrassment on his face and argued against the young man.

"Well, little brother, I'm not right if you are so wronged. The content written there is so rough and almost nothing is written. The detailed version I explained to you is much more detailed than that written there. "

"Detailed fart, in addition to clearly written there, everything else is your own brain."


Taking a look at the monk Tangan who was arguing with others, Ning Xiaochuan reluctantly poked his lips and turned towards the place where the young man was pointing.

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