Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1200: God Coin

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Bai Lengxue looked at these Tianjiao and said, "Yes, you are right. These things that are impossible to achieve in Bapin civilization are actually nothing at all in the Kingdom of Truth. As long as your talents are strong enough, your strength will surely increase rapidly. This is also the main reason I promised you to compete with Kong Mo after three months. "

"Guided? Is there any way that the Kingdom of Truth can evolve our godheads? You know, the godhead I condensed, but the king of the godhead with 2,300 aspects." A voice of Tianjiao trembled.

Once the godhead is condensed, it cannot be changed. This is common knowledge that everyone knows.

If the Kingdom of Truth can break even this common sense, it would be a little too bad.

"Of course, but this time I won't say much at this moment. After arriving at the Tianjiao Palace, you can slowly realize it yourself. I only have one requirement for you, that is to improve your strength as soon as possible within these three months. Then defeated Kong Mo them three months later. Otherwise, not only will your faces be dull, but I will lose all face. "

Bai Lengxue nodded, and turned around with this group of Tianjiao and continued to fly towards Tianjiao Palace.

The group of Tianjiao who followed him was completely silent at this moment. Although silent, but between their looks, most of them at the moment were a little excited.

If everything is like what Bai Lengxue said, then this kingdom of truth is definitely the only nine-pin civilization between heaven and earth.

At the foot of the towering mountain, a huge palace stands. Above the entrance of the palace, at this moment, a plaque with the word Tianjiao Palace hung.

Bai Lengxue led everyone into the hall from the entrance, and finally stopped in the hall of the hall.

"Here is the Tianjiao Palace. Before you become a god, you have to live once. Next, I will distribute the energy detector to you first. If you encounter an opponent in the future, you'd better observe the energy index of the other party. If the energy index is too high for you, you can run away immediately, so as not to fall into danger. "Bai Lengqing took two steps forward, and then the fiber hand moved several hands in succession.

Then, on top of her head, fist-sized **** suddenly appeared. These **** split in the middle, like a single eye.

After the spheres appeared, Bai Lengxue waved at random, and the spheres flew towards Ning Xiaochuan and others, and then they received one in their hands.

"This is a clone of the Xeon artifact, you can see through a person's energy index, or you can assist in cultivation ... If you refine it, you can feel its mysteries." Bai Lengxue said.

The group of Tianjiao around them naturally began to refine the ball immediately.

Holding the ball in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan's look was a little surprised. Combining the material of the monk Tangan and the words of Bai Lengxue, Ning Xiaochuan began to doubt at this moment that the ball in his hands was the clone of the artifact civilization of one of the six highest artifacts of the kingdom of truth in the material.

But after the thought came to his mind, he immediately left it aside. Anyway, with his strength at this moment, he is far from being in contact with the six heavenly artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth.

This eye-catching artifact is not difficult to refine. Only a moment, Ning Xiaochuan thoroughly refined it.

When I opened my eyes again, everything in front of Ning Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly changed dramatically.

"Hmm ..."

The weird sound that Ning Xiaochuan sounded when he was transmitted from the Shenhe civilization to the test site of the Kingdom of Truth, at this moment again in Ning Xiaochuan's ear.

Immediately, Bai Lengxue standing in front of him burst out a bunch of data.

"Bai Lengxue, a member of the Heavenly Kingdom Palace of the Kingdom of Truth, is cultivated as the Ninth Emperor, with a pure energy index of seven ..."

The energy index is as high as seven, which does not mean that she is qualified to live on the mountain.

A little surprised on Ning Xiaochuan's face, then he began to scan the surroundings, including the monks of Tangan, and the data of the Tianjiao around them, now all fell into Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

These days, the weakest pure energy index has barely reached one, but the stronger one has an energy index of 2.6, and Ning Xiaochuan's 1.7 energy index can only be regarded as ordinary in these days.

As for the dangan monk near Ning Xiaochuan, the data itself is even weaker than Ning Xiaochuan, with only a point intensity, which is the bottom of this group of Tianjiao.

With a thought in his head, all the data that appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan's eyes disappeared. However, those data that appeared before have clearly appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind appeared at the same time, there was another string of information.

"Ning Xiaochuan, a member of the Truth Heavenly God's Reserve Palace, is a nine-level god, a pure energy index of 1.7, and has 500 **** coins."

The previous information Ning Xiaochuan was clear, but the five hundred coins made Ning Xiaochuan a bit confused.

Just when he wanted to ask, Tianjiao had already spoken around him: "Then, what is this **** coin?"

"God coin is the currency of the kingdom of truth. No matter what you want, you can buy it if you have enough **** coins." Bai Lengxue said.

This answer immediately made many Tianjiao exclaimed again.

You know, currency is very popular in some civilizations that have six grades of civilization. But in the eight-pin civilization, there is no concept of currency. Because many treasures of Bapin civilization are so rare that they cannot be measured by ordinary currency units at all.

But now there is a unit of money in this kingdom of truth.

Therefore, as soon as Bai Lengxue's voice fell, another Tianjiao immediately asked: "What's this **** coin?" Can you buy it? "

"Of course you can buy it, let alone artifacts, even if it is more precious, you can still buy it. As for the coin itself, it is actually just a series of data. It has no value in itself. The source of the coin depends on The contribution you make to the Kingdom of Truth, the greater your contribution to the Kingdom of Truth, the more divine coins you have. At present, as a new citizen of the Kingdom of Truth, you can get five hundred divine coins each. ...... How to get the Shen Coin in the future, you can study it by yourself. "Bai Lengxue nodded.

"Money is also a part of civilization. Of course, there is an artifact civilization of Truth, and of course a corresponding currency will be developed ... The poor monk said long ago that this information in my hand is true." The monk Tangan muttered aside, The corners of his mouth are all about to laugh and crook.

In fact, before that, the monk Tangan was completely unsure of the authenticity of the information in his hands, otherwise he would not be sold around the world.

But now, like Ning Xiaochuan, he is becoming more and more certain that the information in his hands is only true.

This situation, of course, makes the Tangan monk even happier.

You know, the information he had previously taken out and sold was only part of the information he had in his hands. The rest of the information is enough for him to go to Huyou several times.

"You refined the artifact artifact just now, which means that you have formally possessed the national identity of the Kingdom of Truth, and you can freely enter and leave all parts of the Kingdom of Truth. However, I still want to advise you that you have just arrived in the Kingdom of Truth. Go ahead, talk about improving your strength first, then ... I don't say much else. If you still have questions to ask, you can directly use the artifact artifact you just refined and send me a message. "Continued to tell Ning Xiaochuan After waiting, Bai Lengxue turned around and left, leaving Tianjiao to start exploring everything here.

These days of arrogance has been a little impatient, seeing Bai Lengxue leaving, immediately dispersed separately, and began to study everything around.

Tangan monk walked to Ning Xiaochuan with a smile on his face, and said with joy: "Ning Xiaochuan, let's go out and see how, like what the girl said just now, the temple of time and space, the secret temple, and the like, but the poor monk has been yearning for it. , You must hurry and see. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced up and down at the monk Tangan, grinning and exposing a white tooth, "Master, don't want to mix it up, you haven't said where did you get the previous document?"

The smile on Dangan monk's face disappeared instantly, replaced with a bitter face: "How do you always ask this, this is the secret of the poor monk, of course, I can't tell you easily, but ..."

"But nothing?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"But now that it's you Ning Xiaochuan who wants to know these things, then I can tell you that, it's okay, you really want to know these?" Tangan monk turned his words, his eyes turned back and asked.

"Of course, aren't you nonsense?" Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Dangan Monk.

Just the material that was taken from the monk Tangan before, but clearly recorded everything in the Kingdom of Truth, and those who can record such a material, I am afraid that only the great men of the Kingdom of Truth can.

However, this information is now in the hands of the monk Tangan, which of course made Ning Xiaochuan a little curious and wanted to know how the monk Tangan obtained this information.

The monk Tangan sighed and straightened his chest: "Okay, since you want to know so much, then I'll tell you, but for such an important secret, I only charge you two hundred **** coins and leave you three hundred Well, I'm quite interesting. "

"You mean a fart." Ning Xiaochuan stared, and turned sharply toward the outside of Tianjiao Palace.

Just kidding, now these newcomers to the Kingdom of Truth have only received a total of 500 divine coins. This divine coin can become the currency of the Kingdom of Truth, which is of great significance.

Under such circumstances, how could Ning Xiaochuan make it so simple that the monk Tangan extorted the **** coin in his hand.

In this case, it is the kingship that first understands everything here.

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