Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1201: Heavenly Palace

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When I first came to the Kingdom of Truth, almost everyone was a little skeptical and a little curious. So in the first few days, everyone was walking around and exploring everything here.

Ning Xiaochuan and Dangan monk are the same.

At first, some people doubted that the Kingdom of Truth had absorbed them, but it had a different purpose, but after a few days, they had no such thought.

Because the Kingdom of Truth is really cultivating them with all their heart and soul, and giving them the resources and environment for cultivation is more than a thousand times better than what they had before.

As Ning Xiaochuan had guessed before, for any warrior, the Kingdom of Truth is a sacred place for spiritual practice.

In such a sacred place of spiritual practice, these Tianjiao people are naturally excited every day, devoted themselves to cultivation, and even the confidence that they lost by being hit by Kong Mo began to gradually recover at this moment.

"There are too few sacred coins. Why are there five hundred sacred coins? If there are 50,000, the few treasures that the poor monk sees will be available. It is too sad ... Ning Xiaochuan, you borrow Let me order God Coins. "

At the top of a pillar-like peak, Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monk landed here. Just after landing, the monk Tangan mourned loudly.

Ning Xiaochuan, of course, ignored the Tangan monk, but walked directly towards the building standing in front of himself.

There are many such peaks and buildings around Tianjiao Palace. Their functions are to assist in spiritual practice, such as the Artifact Hall, the Space-Time Hall, the Elixir Hall, the Gongfa Hall, etc., but in addition to these main halls, there are still scattered around. Many other roles in the temple.

This temple, like Ning Xiaochuan's arrival at this moment, is called the Heavenly Palace.

Heavenly Palace!

As the name suggests, this is where you control the machine.

Ning Xiaochuan also discovered the existence of this heavenly palace after searching for several days in a row. When he came to the heavenly palace, he naturally wanted to use the ability of the heavenly palace to find Xiaolinger, Xiaohong, and Xueling Xu waited.

The monk Tangan has been with Ning Xiaochuan recently, so he followed along.

Entering the Temple of Heavenly Machine, Ning Xiaochuan immediately appeared a huge compass, this compass seemed to be illusory, surrounded by a lot of ring-like illusions.

Suddenly, an old man was condensed from the front of this compass. Haha laughed and said, "Haha, welcome to the Heavenly Temple. What can I do for this boy?"

Every temple in the Kingdom of Truth has instrumental spirits. The old man who appears here at this moment is the instrumental spirit of the heavenly palace.

These Tianning Xiaochuan have long explored these, so they were not surprised, and nodded directly: "How many **** coins do I need to find the whereabouts of several people?"

"It's hard to say. To search for other people's information, the amount of **** coins required varies. I will pass you a copy of the specific charging rate." This heavenly palace nodded, and then pointed at Ning Xiaochuan. .

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan felt a lot of content in his mind.

"Searching for the Lord God's trail requires more than one billion God coins."

"Searching for higher gods requires more than 100 million **** coins."


"Searching for special life requires more than one hundred God coins."

"Other low-level searches all start with one **** coin."

Ning Xiaochuan felt these contents carefully, but could not help but sigh.

This kingdom of truth is indeed the only nine-pin civilization between heaven and earth, which has reached almost all aspects, such as the ability of the space-time temple to allow people to teleport anywhere, and the ability of this heavenly temple to find other people at will. For other low-level civilizations, such capabilities are simply unthinkable, but here, these are already habitual things that everyone can take advantage of.

Of course, if you want to take advantage of these conveniences, the price you need to pay is God Coin.

In the past few days, the group of heavenly pride, who has just arrived in the Kingdom of Truth, has long discovered the importance of the **** coin.

It can be said that as long as there is a magic coin here, you can have everything. The artifact temple can use the **** coin to buy the strongest artifact, the Gongfa temple can use the **** coin to buy various strange secret methods, and the elixir palace can buy everything A rare elixir, the Temple of Time and Space allows you to teleport back and forth in any space ...

Of course, the premise of all this is that you have enough **** coins.

Take Ning Xiaochuan and others who have only five hundred divine coins at the moment, they can hardly do anything. Even if they go to various temples to buy things, they can only buy the worst ones.

So before that, the monk Tangan was so mournful. He had long liked many treasures in the treasure hall, but because there was not enough money in his body, he could only look at those treasures and drool.

Ning Xiaochuan felt a little at this moment, and then he had a little idea about the charging standard of Heavenly Palace. After a moment of groaning in his heart, he began to say, "The people I am searching for, I have recorded their identities. You first Help me see how much God Coin needs. "

When Ning Xiaochuan's mind moved, Xiao Ling'er and others' messages were all passed by him to the old man in front of him.

This old man is only an instrumental spirit, so Ning Xiaochuan doesn't worry about what kind of ghost he will secretly do.

Just a moment later, the old man named Qi Ling began to say, "My son, the people you are looking for will require a total of 482 million sacred coins."

"How much?" After hearing this series of data, Ning Xiaochuan almost bit his tongue.

"482 million, 136 **** coins." The old elder Qi Ling repeated.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression eased a little, and he looked suspiciously, "Isn't it possible? How come there are so many? I want the people you are searching for to be the highest. At this moment, it should be only the sub-god realm, and those who have achieved the next god. Not much, how can there be so many **** coins. "

"The charges of Tianji Diantang are absolutely fair, and the son can look at the specific list of charges." Qi Ling old man passed on a list with a smile.

With just a glance, Ning Xiaochuan was completely speechless.

On this list, the string of zeros that Xiao Linger followed was almost blinding.

In the previous charge of more than 400 million SGD, Xiao Linger accounted for the largest one. In addition, Xiao Hong's charge was also over 1 million SGD. On the contrary, the last Xueling Xu waited for someone, and the search for the **** coin was not too much.

Xueling Xu, Nie Lanxin, Luna, Xi Xi, and a group of gods in the prince ’s palace, search for the required **** coins, and add up to those 1,376 **** coins.

"My son, the little Linger and Xiaohong you are searching for are special lives, and they are extremely powerful special lives, so the search costs a lot of money. As for the other people, because they are ordinary people, and their cultivation is not high The reason is that the charges are not high. "Qi Ling elderly explained with a smile.

Looking at this list of charges, when Ning Xiaochuan was speechless, he could only temporarily cancel the plan to find Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong. Staring at the remaining names, he began to figure it out.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan had five hundred **** coins in total, and searching for all the **** coins needed by everyone required more than a thousand, which Ning Xiaochuan could not find.

Therefore, at this moment he can only search for two people before talking.

"Senior Emperor Zijin and Xue Lingxu." After a moment of hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan made a decision to search for the whereabouts of both Zijin Emperor and Xue Lingxu.

To search for both of them, the required **** coin is about two hundred and eighty **** coins. At the moment Ning Xiaochuan owns five hundred divine coins, but he also started searching. After the search, the remaining two hundred divine coins can be purchased in other temples to enhance his strength.

The information of the Emperor Zijin and Xue Lingxu was given to the instrumental old man in front of him. With a wave of his arm, the virtual compass behind him quickly spun up.

A blurry picture emerged from the ring shadow around the compass.

After a few breaths, a picture popped up on one of the rings.

In the picture, the Emperor Zijin lingers around Zixia and sits cross-legged on the core of a burning planet. The high temperature around him does not hurt him, but promotes his practice. Around Zijin Emperor, a thunder fell like rain. At this moment, Zijin Emperor was crossing the calamity. Once he passed this calamity, he could condense the godhead and become a real deity.

What Zijin Emperor did not do in the previous life, but this life seems to have signs of reaching it. Because in the picture at the moment, those thunders around him couldn't hurt Zijin Emperor at all.

"It seems that Zijin's predecessor does not need me to worry. After he becomes a god, he will definitely return to the God's Palace." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, then looked at another picture.

In this pair of pictures, Xue Lingxu's cold and cold face is shown. From Xue Lingxu's body, a breathless breath is transmitted through the picture. Around her, countless corpses fell to the ground, but farther away. At the same time, there are still a lot of looks, and monsters that look like corpses rush over.

At this moment, Xue Lingxu seemed to be in a dangerous place, and he was trying to fight with each other at this moment.

Such a picture naturally made Ning Xiaochuan's heart nervous for a moment, and kept Xue Lingxu's position at this moment firmly in his heart.

The picture in front of him disappeared, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that the number of **** coins he owned had been reduced from 500 to 220.

Their **** coins are controlled by the artifacts in the body, so even Ning Xiaochuan can't do it.

"Thank you, senior, we're going to leave." After searching for information on Zijin Emperor and Xue Lingxu, Ning Xiaochuan immediately turned and walked out of the Heavenly Palace.

After feeling the magic of the heavenly palace, Ning Xiaochuan felt relieved.

At least, if he wanted to find all the people in the God's Palace in the future, he would just search here.

However, thinking of the amount of **** coins needed to search for Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong, Ning Xiaochuan felt a few twitches in his heart.

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