Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1208: Transmutation

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In a palace in the Shen Chu Palace, Yu Qianqian's seductive figure sat on Ning Xiaochuan. After a long time, with a gasp, her body slowly lay on Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

Quietly feeling that kind of happiness, Yu Qianqian turned rosy after a full span of incense kung fu: "Have you ever been to the Kingdom of Truth with the Tangan monk before? This time, I deliberately I have searched the data of the Kingdom of Truth. It is said that the Kingdom of Truth is the most sacred, perfect, most fair, and supreme place in the world. But why did you and the monk return this time to persuade everyone not to enter the Kingdom of Truth? "

"Is the most perfect world?" Ning Xiaochuan's palm swept across Yu Qianqian's smooth incense shoulders, but her expression was a little dazed.

In the decades since he left the world of Da Yan, Ning Xiaochuan has successively entered several worlds, whether it is the most fierce and dreadful Nine Secluded Lands, the martial arts prosperous Shenhe civilization, and finally the supreme heaven of truth. Each has its own different operating rules.

But there is no doubt that they are not perfect.

Perhaps when the Kingdom of Truth was just established, everything was perfect, so the world has the legend of the most perfect empire.

But now, countless years have passed, and even the most perfect empire has begun to decay from within.

Therefore, the kingdom of truth can only be regarded as the strongest empire, but it cannot be regarded as the most perfect empire.

Lying quietly in bed, these decades of experience quickly passed in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Lord of Lightning Dead.

Suppressed a magical mountain of the galaxy!

Seemingly powerful but contradictory truth heaven!


Instantly, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, and a strong feeling came out from his heart.

The confused look on his face disappeared instantly, and Ning Xiaochuan had to sit up almost immediately, experiencing everything he had just realized.

However, Yu Qianqian lying in his arms, a pair of jade hands gently held him, his face dissatisfied: "It's this time, what are you still thinking about, tonight you are mine, I am not allowed You take a step away from me. "

Looking down at the beauty in her arms, Ning Xiaochuan smiled, nodded, and rolled over.

One night passed, and the next morning, Ning Xiaochuan immediately entered the closed room and could not see him for several days.

Recently, the monk Tangan was extremely glorious. He returned from the kingdom of truth and had enough bragging capital to use a bunch of tatters to miserably miserable those gods in the palace of God.

And when he left the Kingdom of Truth, he exchanged a lot of good things with God coins, so in recent days, his strength has also improved rapidly, and his energy index has improved from 1.1 to 1.5.

Just a few days after Ning Xiaochuan began to retreat, the figure of Emperor Zijin fell from the sky over the gods palace.

A mighty power was released from the Emperor Zijin. Today, the Emperor Zijin has actually entered the lower realm of God.

"All the disciples of the God's Chu Palace came out, and quickly left with me." As soon as it fell, the Emperor Zijin uttered a cold drink.

Tangan monks and others all rushed out of the palace of the gods.

Looking at the incomparable Zijin Emperor in front of them, all of Tianjiao's faces showed joy.

"Congratulations to the seniors. I didn't expect the seniors to be born again, but they can still become gods." At this moment, the monk Tangan looked at the Zijin Emperor with amazement and congratulations.

At this moment, the energy detector on the monk Tangan had clearly detected. After becoming a god, the energy index on the Zijin emperor had reached fifteen points.

Taking the emperor Zijin's current practice as the next major god, the energy index can reach 15 points, which is quite amazing.

However, at the moment, the Emperor Zijin didn't look happy, but frowned: "Don't talk nonsense. Although I have become a god, I have offended a group of extremely powerful opponents. Now they are coming here. I can only take you away from the edge. "

The words of the Emperor Zijin suddenly changed the look of the Tianjiao people in the Divine Palace. Even the Zijin Emperor who is now a **** is not an opponent. It is almost as if killing them is like pinching a worm.

"Haha, Lord Zijin, don't want to run away again this time, do you think we can't catch up with you for so long? We just want to catch you here."

Before everyone responded, there was a sneer in the air.

With this sneer, a broken boat suddenly stopped over the god's palace, and then a group of figures came out of the broken boat.

Among these figures, three people are like the Zijin Emperor, with a powerful divine power on their bodies. Obviously, like the Zijin Emperor, they have become gods.

The appearance of such a group of divine powerhouses suddenly made these disciples in the West look pale. However, their eyes were quickly attracted by one of the people above their heads.

"Han Fu, will you be with them?" Exclaimed a disciple of the temple.

Among the figures above everyone's heads at the moment, there was even Han Fu, who was also a disciple of the Crown Prince.

Han Fu's eyes glanced at the crowd, but a smile appeared on his face and said to the man on the side: "Boss, this is the God's Palace that I told you. These people all came from the world of Da Yan. Moreover, all of them have good talents. If they are taken away and sold to the big ones, they will definitely be able to exchange a lot of treasures. "

"What? Han Fu, you brought them here." Tianjiao, a group of gods below the palace, looked angrily.

Han Fu's look didn't change, but he glanced coldly at the bottom and said, "We used to be a bit of friendship, but now that we have reached the Shenhe civilization, we each have our own opportunities. Following the boss is my opportunity, you are taken away by the boss. , Sold as a slave, this is your chance, no wonder I am. "


Looking up at Han Fu above his head, all the disciples of the God's Palace all scolded him. If those gods were all around, I'm afraid they have already flew up at this moment, and they have beaten Han Fu in the past.

At this moment, the emperor Zijin showed a stunned look: "No wonder you chased after seeing me from the beginning. It turned out that someone was your inner ghost."

"Otherwise, do you think we would be interested in an ordinary lower god? It is because you are from a low-level civilization, and according to Han Fu, you seem to have become a **** again after being born again, which is of great research value. Now, if we capture you and sell it to the mind-gatherers who are about to break through the realm of Shennong, we will definitely be able to exchange a lot of treasures from the mind-growers. "Staring at the Lord Zijin, one of the three deities grinned. Laughed.

In fact, they came here this time, only after listening to Han Fu's statement, they wanted to seize the people in the God's Palace and sell them as slaves. But who knew that Zijin Emperor was encountered on the road. When I heard that Zijin Emperor was born again, of course, these three gods immediately became interested, so they would chase down Zijin Emperor all the way.

"If you want to sell me as a slave, you must first see if you have the ability." The Emperor Zijin looked cold, the figure flashed out suddenly, pinched Han Fu in his hand, and then returned to the place.

Being caught in the hands of the Emperor Zijin, Han Fu naturally changed his face and couldn't help screaming, "Boss save me."

The man who was called the boss by Han Fu was a fierce man with a horrible face. He was the highest existence among these three gods.

At this moment he watched Han Fu get caught, but he didn't mean to take any action, but grinned sneer: "You can sell even your own friends, I don't want this kind of men, so you die."

Han Fu looked desperate, turning his head and begging for mercy from the Emperor Zijin, but before he spoke, the Emperor Zijin had squeezed him into meat.

Since entering the Shenhe civilization, Lord Zijin has seen many such villains who are oblivious to self-interest, so he knows that in the face of such villains, there is only the way to kill without pardon.

However, judging from the situation at the moment, killing a Han Fu will hardly help the current dilemma.

The monk Tangan was hiding at the moment, but his eyes kept glancing at those in the sky.

"An energy of twenty, an energy of seventeen, an energy of thirteen, the others are **** ... Finished, this time is really finished, these guys are not as talented as the Emperor Zijin, but they are much higher. Nowadays, the Emperor Zijin is not their opponent at all. "

Relying on the energy detector on his body, the monk Dangan could easily distinguish the strength of these people above his head.

Of these three god-level masters, even two of them are stronger than Zijin Emperor, and only one is weaker than Zijin Emperor.

In this case, if the Zijin Emperor flees alone, he has a little hope of escape. However, these arrogant gods of the Divine Reserve Palace have no hope of escaping from these gods.

"Haha, elder brother, let's take a shot. Hold these guys before you talk, so as not to have any future troubles." The three god-level masters laughed loudly, and they were going to shoot immediately.

On the Emperor Zijin's body, a wave of purple blooming.

Just as a few people were about to make a shot, a voice suddenly came from inside the palace of the gods.

"Well, senior Zijin, I also said that I would go to you immediately after leaving the customs. I didn't expect you to come back by yourself."

Lord Zijin turned his head and saw that Ning Xiaochuan accompanied Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi and walked out of the palace of the gods.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was surprised, he didn't seem to see the danger before him.

"Ning Xiaochuan, your cultivation has reached the second level of God." The Emperor Zijin looked at Ning Xiaochuan, but his expression became strange.

He could see through Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation at the moment, but other than that, he felt faintly that what seemed to have changed in Ning Xiaochuan, but he couldn't see the specific changes.

The Zijin emperor could not see it, but the monk Tangan on the side could see it.

Glancing at Ning Xiaochuan, the monk Tangan suddenly exclaimed, "What's wrong with you, Ning Xiaochuan? It's only been a few days, and your energy index has dropped from three points to a little more."

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