Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1209: Kill God

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The monk Tangan carefully observed Ning Xiaochuan several times, and finally found that he did not read it wrong. The energy index of Ning Xiaochuan was indeed reduced from the previous three points to a little more than even himself.

This weird situation suddenly made Tangan monk's eyes turn to Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi.

With a stun in his body, the monk Tangan couldn't help but say, "My master said that it was true that women are tigers. Ning Xiaochuan was only entangled for a few days now, and his strength was almost drained."

Ning Xiaochuan noticed the strange look of the monk Tangan, and glanced at him silently, then shook his head and said, "I have a little feeling in the past few days, but I didn't expect to consume a lot of physical strength, so the energy index has now decreased so much."

A casual explanation, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes turned to Zijin Emperor.

Zijin Emperor became a god. He has seen it in the Temple of Truth and Heaven, and at this moment, it is certain that the Emperor Zijin has survived the divine calamity and became a **** completely. Ning Xiaochuan was still happy.

After a few glances at the Zijin Emperor, Ning Xiaochuan smiled and congratulated, "Congratulations to Zijin's predecessors for their hard work, and finally they can get what they want and become a god."

The three deities on the side began to glance at Ning Xiaochuan from just now. After seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was only a sub-god, they immediately showed a bit of scorn.

However, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi immediately caught their attention.

"These two chicks are good, brother, we must have fun before we capture them."

"Rest assured, these people are already in our palms. We mainly catch them. What can we do when we don't?


Unscrupulous jokes, one of the three gods stared at Ning Xiaochuan: "This boy is a god, but he pretends to be so aggressive and completely ignores us, so I will catch him first."


One of the three gods' fists seemed to turn into a meteorite, which fell from the air and crashed into Ning Xiaochuan.

The emperor Zijin saw this look change suddenly, his purple gas rose, and he immediately stopped in front of Ning Xiaochuan and stopped the deity's fist.

"Our Lord of Zijin, your opponent is me." Seeing the Lord of Zijin's shot, another **** also shot immediately. Of the three gods, the last one was looking coldly at this moment, as if looking around. Beware of someone running away.

Seeing that another **** was coming towards himself, Lord Zijin said coldly, "You guys are also gods. Now you don't even need the god's face, and you have shot against a sub-god."

"Well, can your face be eaten as a meal. It really comes out of a small place. In Shenhe civilization, the big fist is the truth. Who cares what you don't look like?" The **** snorted in disdain, The figure had been completely blocked by Zijin Emperor, separating Ning Xiaochuan from another deity.

Facing a deity alone, Ning Xiaochuan's look was almost unchanged, but he nodded to the anxious Zijin emperor: "Zijin seniors rest assured, I suddenly have a new understanding of spiritual practice a few days ago, these days It's almost the same, so I should be able to deal with the crisis at hand. "


Ning Xiaochuan's words made the **** in the sky immediately laugh and laugh. The sub-gods standing beside him were laughing at the same time.

For a sub-god, if you have a small understanding, you want to fight against a deity, and a strong person who cultivates to achieve the duality of the next god. This is simply a joke.

Even the Emperor Zijin showed a puzzling look at the moment. It seemed that Ning Xiaochuan, who had been suspicious for a long time, had become so arrogant this time.

Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, who stood on both sides of Ning Xiaochuan, were a little worried at the moment, and whispered, "Ning Xiaochuan, can you do it? Don't take risks."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded his head and said, "Rest assured, you can go further, I will have something to tell you later."

The deity opposite Ning Xiaochuan didn't take the shot at this moment, but watched Ning Xiaochuan playfully and arranged everything, glanced greedily at Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi, only a little disdainful smile appeared between his expressions. "Yes, let these two little beauties go further, so as not to wait for your blood to stain their clothes."

"I'm afraid it won't be me, but you." Ning Xiaochuan looked calm, took out the sword of extinction in his hand, and turned to look at the **** behind him.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's expression was already dignified, a very unique feeling emerged from him, and even the deity opposite him could not help but start to dignify.

"Sure enough, there is a doorway." A cold snoring in the mouth, the deity made a claw with one hand, making a rattling noise in his hands, two long rings of general law appeared in the palm of his hand, and then struck Ning Xiaochuan.

Extinct Kendo!

Ning Xiaochuan looked calm, waving the sword of extinction in his hand, and played a sword.

These sword qi collided with those two ring-like laws. Changhe just persisted for a while, and all these sword qi smashed into pieces. The two ring-like laws changhe directly bombed Ning Xiaochuan and drove him away. Yuan Bang flew out.

The statue of Ning Xiaochuan's deity looked a bit speechless, and even Ning Xiaochuan, whose figure had been embedded below the ground, looked disdainfully.

Many disciples of the Palace of the Gods originally had some expectations for Ning Xiaochuan. At this moment, the expression of despair suddenly appeared.

They also did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan, who was still full of confidence before, did not even catch the opponent's one move, and was beaten and killed.

Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi immediately wanted to rush to Ning Xiaochuan to check on Ning Xiaochuan's condition at this moment.

However, the deity playing Fei Ning Xiaochuan was now directly in front of the two, and he waved and caught them.

"Hey, two little beauties, follow me obediently, I won't treat you badly."

Under the running of the two laws, Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi simply did not have the power to fight back, and they were to be captured directly.

Just in this case, a qi of sword suddenly came in from one side, striking the two rivers away.

"Hey, don't be mistaken, your opponent is me." A calm voice sounded from behind.

This deity called Tu Wan's **** suddenly turned back and saw Ning Xiaochuan, who had just been hit by him, and now he had risen from the ground, holding the sword of extinction, and walked towards him again.

"It wasn't dead." Tu Wan looked slightly surprised, but then sneered again: "It was good luck that you didn't die last time, and I won't be kind to you again this time."

The two long river-like rules reappeared in his hands, and Tu Wan waved his hand and hurled towards Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, Tu Wan's head suddenly heard a voice: "Boss, we are here to arrest people, not to collect corpses, be careful, don't kill this kid, I think he has good talents , At least worth an artifact. "

"I almost forgot this, but the boy was too arrogant. Even if I didn't kill him, I would have to abolish his hands and feet so that he couldn't move." Tu Wan patted his head, and the rule came out. Much weaker.


Ning Xiaochuan still waved his swords of annihilation. These annihilation of swords and the rule of Tu Wan collided with each other, but they did not collapse directly like the last time. Instead, they continued to flow forward. These two rules blocked the river.

Tu Wan looked startled and immediately drove the power of the law Changhe with all his strength.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan was hit by the power of the law Changhe as before, and flew out again.

And this time, Ning Xiaochuan was obviously injured. People were flying in the mouth, and a large spit of blood had been spit out in the mouth. These blood flew in the air, radiating like a pearl, but disappeared.

With the last experience, Tu Wan didn't relax his mind this time, but stared at Ning Xiaochuan who flew upside down and wanted to see if the boy could stand up.

At this moment, he was actually a little surprised. If he had been replaced by another god, he would have been killed countless times now, but at this moment, the kid in front of him is obviously trying to die, but he is not dead.

Under Tu Wan's gaze, Ning Xiaochuan fell to the ground, but only a moment later, he got up again.

Standing in place, Ning Xiaochuan didn't come over immediately, but frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Wu Chu, this kid is using me to cultivate, it's all this time, he still has a hair to practice." Tu Wan could not help but whispered in his heart, and secretly decided that this time will definitely not let Ning Xiaochuan once again A chance to get up.

Ning Xiaochuan was quite attentive at this moment. After a moment of contemplation, he looked a little stunned.

"Wrong, are all those I thought wrong before all really wrong? If so, this time I should be able to completely kill the inferior **** in front of me. No wonder the previous master she has been saying that the world can be killed by the deities. It seems to be referring to this kind of power. "Ning Xiaochuanguchi whispered to himself, but stepped towards Tu Wan step by step.

The closer he was to Tu Wan, the more Ning Xiaochuan's expression became firmer.

"Boy, see if you can stop this blow from me this time." Tu Wan sneered, and the figure rushed at Ning Xiaochuan directly.

The sounds of the two rivers of Changhe roared and rang, as if there were two big rivers in his body.

Extinct Kendo!

Ning Xiaochuan held the extermination sword in his hand, and rushed towards Tu Wan. The figures of the two passed by, and everything calmed down.

"Impossible." Tu Wan's face showed an unbelievable look, then his head slipped off his neck, and a glittering godhead flew out of him. Just shortly after leaving the body, he cracked and cracked.

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