Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1210: Scared to death

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A god, even so fallen, was destroyed by a sub-god.

Almost everyone in the surrounding area was stunned by this scene. Even the Zijin emperor and another deity, at this moment, also suspended their hands and looked at Ning Xiaochuan in stun.

One sword beheaded a deity, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't seem to feel anything. Wu Wu held the extermination sword in his hand, and his face was groaning, but the joy on his face was becoming more and more obvious at this moment.

"Tu Wan was actually killed by a sub-god, this kid is just a sub-god!"

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan below, there was a feeling of fear in the hearts of the remaining two gods.

The **** who has stayed in the sky, named Tu Xiong, is actually the most powerful and cunning of the three deities. At this moment, after seeing Tu Wan killed, Tu Xiong's eyes flashed. After a little hesitation.

The strength of Ning Xiaochuan has made Tu Xiong feel threatened, although the other party is only a sub-god, but he already has the intention to escape.

However, looking at Ning Xiaochuan in front of him, Tu Xiong really did not want to let go, the sub-god can destroy the god's Tianjiao. In addition to his invincible talent, there must be other secrets, so he wanted to get this secret A secondary **** can kill God by relying on this. If he gets this secret himself, wouldn't it be more powerful.

Therefore, after a little hesitation, Tu Xiong looked firm. The temptation in front of him was so great that he couldn't bear to leave.

As soon as the figure flashed, Tu Xiong appeared next to Ning Xiaochuan. His body was hazy and seemed to be in another space, but his palm came out of nowhere and grabbed Ning Xiaochuan, trying to catch Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's look remained unchanged, but the shattered magic sword in his hand trembled, and he cut to the palm of his hand.

The palm of the hand slammed on the destroyer sword, but Tu Xiong's figure disappeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan again.

Although he was a god, he was more careful than Tu Wan and didn't know how many times. At this moment, he did not even confront Ning Xiaochuan at all, but constantly tried to test Ning Xiaochuan.

The figure returned to the air, but Tu Xiong's face showed a little confused look.

He tried Ning Xiaochuan's move just now. He thought he would be hit by a shocking counterattack, but Ning Xiaochuan just had a sword at his fingertips, and this sword was common, just like an ordinary man stabbed in the past. Tu Xiong's slap just now can completely fly the sword of extinction.

"Did this boy just run out of power when he was fighting with the third child, now it's just nothing." Standing in the sky, Tu Xiong's face appeared a little happy.

The next moment, he was going to continue his shot immediately, but Ning Xiaochuan, who was at his feet, suddenly turned around at this moment and walked towards the **** opposite the Purple King.

Such a scene immediately made everyone confused again.

In particular, Tu Xiong, who just shot, looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a very complex expression at the moment: "Boy, you ca n’t take the deity too seriously. Now the deity is your opponent, and you disregard me. To deal with others, is it that the strength of the deity has scared you out. "

Ning Xiaochuan raised an eyebrow, glanced at Tu Xiong, and said, "Your strength is really good, but I don't have the habit of continuing to fight with a dead person."

"Dead man! Haha, boy, you said I was dead, so arrogant that you look like this. This is the first time I have seen this deity, and this deity is standing here now. You even said that I was a dead man. Do you really think your strength is against the sky? , Has reached the point of killing people in the air. "Tu Xiong stood in the air, staring at Ning Xiaochuan with a playful look, taunting in succession.

Ning Xiaochuan kept walking, and continued in his mouth: "It is not possible to kill people in the air, but now here, I say you are dead, you are dead."

"What shit, I'll see, what are you going to do ..." Tu Xiong yelled, but without saying a word, his expression suddenly sluggish, the vitality in his eyes quickly dissipated, the spirit in his body, at this moment It cracked.

A demon corpse plunged to the ground without any breath and completely died.




At this moment, everyone around him, including the disciples of the Divine Palace, all felt a hairy body.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is really weird, but he is only a sub-god realm, even by speaking, he killed a powerful god.

What ability is this?

Opposite the Zijin Emperor, the only deity left was widening his eyes and shuddering in fear.

You know, the **** that Ning Xiaochuan said just now, but the boss of the three of them is the most powerful. Such a person was killed by Ning Xiaochuan in a word, and of course he was even more resistant.

Had it not been for these gods who didn't believe in ghosts and gods, he would have yelled in his heart at this moment.

"Escape, you must run away. This kid is too weird. If you don't run away, I will definitely die like my elder brother, unknown." Almost without hesitation, this deity will enter the void and break through the layers. Space fled.

However, a piece of purple sealed the space in front of him.

"It's all this time, can you still escape?" The figure of Emperor Zijin, mixed in a purple, blocked in front of this deity.


Of course, this deity was not willing to die here, so when he was blocked by the Emperor Zijin, his breath rose immediately, and he desperately attacked the Emperor Zijin.

The figure of the two was in a void fault, and they fought fiercely.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was holding the World Extermination Sword in his hand, and walked step by step in the direction of the two of them.

"Senior Lord Zijin, this guy will give it to me. With his strength, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, I can completely kill him. I'm going to take action right away. You are optimistic about this trick.

Ning Xiaochuan's words made the god's heart very panic. While playing against Zijin Emperor, he secretly turned his head and wanted to see what great tricks Ning Xiaochuan has now performed.

However, after looking back, he realized that Ning Xiaochuan did not take any action at this moment, but stood in the air, looking at himself with a smile on his face.

"What trick is this kid doing?"

Seeing what Ning Xiaochuan looked like at the moment, instead of being half relieved, this deity became more and more panicked.

Just now Ning Xiaochuan looked like such a deity, and told his elder brother Tu Xiong that he was dead.

"Did I already win ..."

Just when this deity was in a bad mood, a purple gas, like haze, penetrated into his body, and then dragged out the godhead inside him suddenly.

Holding this godhead, the finger of the Emperor Zijin flicked his head, and the will contained in it was completely destroyed.

Then, holding this godhead in his hand, Lord Zijin walked back from the void fault.

"Fucked, this guy is finally dead." Ning Xiaochuan looked relaxed at this moment, swearing in his mouth, but the whole person suddenly pulled out and fell from the air.

As soon as the figure of the Emperor Zijin flashed, he held Ning Xiaochuan in his arms and fell from the air.

Seeing this scene, Yu Qianqian and others were naturally very worried and ran over from a distance. But the group of Tu Xiong and others who stood in the air with a dull look in the air, completely desperate in their hearts, now showed a little surprise in their eyes, turned and fled towards the starry sky.

The Emperor Zijin put down Ning Xiaochuan, wielding a purple knife in his hand, and swept all these guys directly.

Most of these guys are in the realm of God. After being swept by this sword, the soul has been destroyed, and the remaining corpses are immediately swallowed by the storm of the void, leaving no residue.

This group of star robbers who wanted to plunder the members of the God's Crown Palace as slaves eventually died, and none of them escaped.

Outside the gods palace.

Yu Qianqian and others surrounded Ning Xiaochuan, looking worried, but also strange and abnormal.

Ning Xiaochuan's performance just now has shocked and surprised them.

"Ogawa, how do you feel? You weren't okay just now, how could you suddenly faint?" Yu Qianxi held Ning Xiaochuan in her hand, her expression worried.

Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes, drew his breath, and did not speak.

The Lord Zijin on the side said, "In fact, two gods have been killed in succession. Ning Xiaochuan has already consumed too much and has no ability to continue the war. But if he falls today, that **** is left. I'm afraid no one can suppress it. That's why he braced his spirit and just scared the divine spirit into fear and finally killed me. "

After explaining it in the mouth, the look of Emperor Zijin looking at Ning Xiaochuan was equally astonished.

In fact, he is now full of curiosity about Ning Xiaochuan like Yu Qianxi and others.

The first three deities just mentioned that the first person was indeed killed by Ning Xiaochuan. But the second one was killed directly by Ning Xiaochuan. The third one can be said to be scared to death by Ning Xiaochuan.

What Ning Xiaochuan did before, so far the Emperor Zijin could not tell.

After fully adjusting his breath for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan's spirit finally recovered.

Opening his eyes, Ning Xiaochuan saw the curious eyes of the people around him, especially the monk Tangan. At this moment, it was like burning a butt, and he bounced around without a moment of safety. Now he sees Ning Xiaochuan waking up He immediately rushed over, hugging one of Ning Xiaochuan's thighs, and wept bitterly: "Ning Xiaochuan, please tell me how you just killed the two gods just now, I think the head is big I didn't think about it. "

"Monk, this is Ogawa's own secret. If it is so simple, I will tell you, it is too unfair to Ogawa." Yu Qianqian pouted aside, looks like a housekeeper.

A bitter bitterness appeared on the monk Tangan's face, and he clamored a bunch of things in front of him: "These are the most precious treasures in my body. This time I'm really a homeless, I should be able to let Ning Xiaochuan give me a pointer Now. "

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