Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1211: mental strength

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The monk Tangan took out all his things, just to let Ning Xiaochuan give him a pointer.

Although this kind of behavior is extreme, no one feels anything wrong, because the strength Ning Xiaochuan showed just now is indeed against the sky. If you can grasp such strength, these treasures are nothing at all.

Ning Xiaochuan's face showed a little unexpected look: "Master, this is something you brought out yourself, Qian Qian, you take it away first."

The other day, under the persecution of Yu Qianqian, Ning Xiaochuan finally changed the nickname that called her Yu watermelon.

Ning Xiaochuan knew, however, that many of the things taken out by the monk Tangan at this moment were exchanged from the Kingdom of Truth, which was extremely precious. The entire Shenhe civilization rarely found those treasures.

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's command, Yu Qianqian showed a bit of joy on her face, and waved away all the pile of things on the ground.

The monk Tangan looked distressed and waited until everything had been taken away. Then he gathered in front of Ning Xiaochuan and said eagerly, "Ning Xiaochuan, the baby is gone. You can start talking."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "In fact, I was going to tell everyone about my feelings this time. If everyone can just like me and suddenly realize, it's best."


The monk Tankan fell to the ground with his butt.

Wulei booming! The monk Tangan seemed to flash the look of the pile of treasures he had thrown out before, but it was how many years he had taken it down, but now it's all gone.

With a sad face, the monk Tangan muttered in his heart, "Ning Xiaochuan, you really are the nemesis of the poor monk. The poor monk should not come back with you this time."

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's own feelings, the expression of the Emperor Zijin also showed a strange look.

The monks have always attached great importance to the practice methods they have developed. Except for their own friends and relatives, few people will directly publish them, just like the Zi Xia Jing practiced by the Zijin Emperor. It is only spread among the descendants of the Lord.

So at this moment Ning Xiaochuan really made many people feel a sense of admiration.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about this. He paused and continued: "This time I retreat, the most important result is to realize another kind of power. This kind of power is hidden in the human heart. Only the mind power is strong enough. In order to realize that this power should be called spiritual power. "

The monk Tangan had looked attentive at this moment, listening carefully to Ning Xiaochuan's speech.

At this moment, when I heard Ning Xiaochuan mentioning the power of the mind, the monk Tangan showed a little confusion on his face: "Ning Xiaochuan, what is this spiritual power? According to the poor monk, the monk ’s body represents physical power. The laws and goddess of the soul represent the power of the soul, and this spiritual power should have a carrier, right? "

"The master said it right. The monk's body is the carrier of physical strength, the laws and gods are the carrier of soul power. As for the carrier of spiritual power, I cannot say it well. If I have to say it, I can only say, The carrier of spiritual strength should be the obsession in the heart. "Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment.

"Dedication? Are you talking about the demon?" Lord Zijin looked surprised.

Obsession is tantamount to a demon. This is the consensus of almost every monk.

Too much desire for power will give birth to a power demon. If you are too eager for wisdom, you will be born with the wisdom demon ... Therefore, monks generally try their best to avoid obsession in their hearts.

Ning Xiaochuan replied: "Predecessor Zijin, in fact, I thought that obsession was the same as the demon, but now I don't think so. Obsession should be something stronger than the devil, higher than belief, higher than everything. In fact, even if the body is destroyed, the soul disappears, but if there is a persistence, then it will never die. This should be the true meaning of persistence. "

The body of the Emperor Zijin shook, and an incredible look leaked out of his eyes.

Others are too weak to comprehend. But the Emperor Zijin felt something else from Ning Xiaochuan's words.

For a moment of silence, the emperor Zijin said: "The monks practice, the body is immortal, and the soul is eternal. If this devotion is really so powerful, then this spiritual power you realize should be the most powerful one. . "

"There is no such thing as the strongest. No matter what kind of power, the most powerful one is just pursuing eternity." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hands.

The monk Tangan froze for a long time, then suddenly exclaimed: "This obsession can actually be so powerful. If so, shouldn't the poor monk be invincible all over the world, the obsession of the poor monk for the baby is absolutely No one can compare. "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed immediately after hearing the words: "Master, you are not obsessed at all, you are just greed."


The Tangan monk was ashamed and thoughtless.

The Emperor Zijin looked curious at this moment: "Ning Xiaochuan, now that you have realized the power of the mind, can you tell us what is the way to realize the power of the mind."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at everyone and slowly shook his head: "There is no way but to rely on yourself. I'm talking about the existence of spiritual power, but I just point you in a direction. In fact, I am also a coincidence. Only then can I realize this power, and if I do it again, I will not necessarily realize my spiritual power. "

Ning Xiaochuan sighed at this moment.

This spiritual power is indeed difficult to comprehend and cultivate. Ning Xiaochuan has experienced so much before, first staying in extreme places like Jiuyou Land for more than 30 years, then to Moyao Mountain, and then to the Kingdom of Truth.

After several worlds came down, Ning Xiaochuan came to the present day by step. Coupled with his unique magic power of the Seven Tricks, Ning Xiaochuan finally realized the existence of spiritual power.

As he said, if he were to do it again and live to say that he had not had such experiences before, he might still not be able to realize the existence of spiritual power today.

Yu Qianqian and Nie Lanzhi have been silent on the side, thinking about what Ning Xiaochuan is talking about now.

But after thinking about it for a long time, the two didn't think of anything, so the two simply didn't want to. Nie Lanzhi looked curiously at Ning Xiaochuan and asked: "Little Houye, you say that spiritual power is obsession, then your What is obsession? "

"My obsession." Ning Xiaochuan said with a look of distress: "I don't know what my obsession is?"

"Ah?" A group of people all looked stunned.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I do n’t know what my mind is, not what you think, but I know that I have a mind, but I ca n’t say it at all, maybe wait When I can speak my mind, no one in this world will be my opponent. "

Nie Lanzhi pouted and smiled: "Then I would like to wish Xiao Hou Ye to tell his dedication earlier, then Xiao Hou will be invincible."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, and did not answer Nie Lanzhi, but looked up towards his head.

After a while, the Emperor Zijin seemed to feel something and suddenly looked up.

At this moment above their heads, there appeared a wave of water. In this circle of water waves, a woman with a cold complexion and a blue dress came out.

After the appearance, the woman in the blue dress immediately bet on Ning Xiaochuan and others below.

"Bai Lengxue?" Ning Xiaochuan said in surprise.

The woman who appeared above him at this moment was the one who led Bai Lengxue into the Kingdom of Truth.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan, Bai Lengxue immediately said, "Ning Xiaochuan, leave here at a speed. The little prince has found your whereabouts from the Heavenly Palace, and will soon bring people here."

"What? Ye Chaofan's chasing after him?" The monk Tangan reacted with a shocked expression.

Bai Lengxue glanced at the monk Tangan, recognized that he was also a member of the Heavenly Pride Palace of the Kingdom of Truth, and nodded his head: "Yes, of course, you can't hide the matter of escaping the Kingdom of Truth. It is said that after the little prince, It's raging like thunder, and now it's time to take you back. "

"Well, this guy is really a ghost, we have escaped, and he didn't let us go." The monk Tangan sweared, and his face turned into a happy one: "Amitabha, the poor monk really has some I ’m sorry, the Buddha forgive me. In fact, the little prince feels very good at the moment, just let him see how these people die, and then choose a comfortable method of death himself. "

The monk Tangan didn't have any confusion at this moment.

Just kidding, even the guy with an energy index of twenty, Ning Xiaochuan killed each other. Now come to a little prince with an energy index of fourteen, isn't it an abuse of vegetables.

What's more, there is still a Zijin emperor here, no matter from that point of view, he has an absolute advantage on his own side.

Bai Lengxue reminded Ning Xiaochuan, but found that everyone below did nothing at all, and frowned slightly, she continued: "Ning Xiaochuan, I have already reminded you, you better leave here immediately, and the best in the future Don't stay in one place for too long. In the character of the little prince, if he got caught in you, he wouldn't let you go so easily. "

"Thank you for reminding me." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and suddenly a little curious expression appeared in his eyes. "Then, I have a question for you."

Bai Lengxue looked a bit ugly: "Now it is not nonsense. If you have any questions, please ask later. You should leave now."

"No need, it's late, Ye Chaofan will be here soon." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and continued: "Last time I had a conflict with Ye Chaofan, someone secretly transferred me 10,000 **** coins. I have been Guess who this person is? Now it seems that the owner of this 10,000 **** coins should be you? We didn't know it at all, why did you help me like this? "

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