Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1217: projection

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The gates of the people and gods from the Shenhe civilization leading to the world of Da Yan were originally very important existences, because every time the doors of the gods and gods were opened, a group of god-level strongmen could be born.

However, with the reduction of the number of gods in the world of Da Yan, most of the strong people of the Shenhe civilization no longer pay much attention to the gates of these eight people and gods.

The gate of the human and **** in the source world is located in a desolate space, and the gate of the gate of the human and **** is usually guarded. It is only a very humble door in the source world.

In the void, a tall palace stands.

Inside this palace is the gate of man and **** leading to the world of Da Yan.

The figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Emperor Zijin appeared silently outside the hall at this moment. As soon as their ears moved, the sound inside the hall immediately passed into their ears.

"What's going on in this battle against God? Even the Lord God in front, this time fell into the world of Da Yan."

"Isn't it that some of the indigenous people of the Dayan World rushed out of the gates of people and gods? According to them, it seems that there is a peerless powerhouse in the Dayan World, so all the people like Leng Wuyou are killed.

"These indigenous people really deserve to dare to kill our masters of the Shenhe civilization. When the door of the gods and gods opens next time, we can send some more masters to the past and slaughter the Dayan world."


Obviously, at this moment, those guys who guard the gates of God are chatting with each other boringly.

It's just the content of their chats that made Ning Xiaochuan and Zijin Emperor look pale.


Ning Xiaochuan and Lord Zijin looked at each other, and the figure immediately entered the palace in front of them.

The person who is guarding the palace at this moment is the one who is the highest in the world, not to mention Ning Xiaochuan, even if he is in front of Emperor Zijin, he is vulnerable.

He took out his virtual godhead, and Ning Xiaochuan directly crushed it, and then collected his body.

If it is not too time consuming to absorb the rules of this virtual god, I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan will leave the other person's godhead. As for leaving his body, this Ning Xiaochuan has another use.

Standing in the hall, Ning Xiaochuan looked up at the giant array in front of him.

This law formation is the gate of man and **** leading to the world of Da Yan, but at this moment, the law formation is dim and obviously cannot be urged at all.

"It is actually not difficult to urge this circle, but the key is that we cannot determine the specific position of the Da Yan World. Someone must sacrifice inside the Da Yan World before they can reconnect with the gate of people and gods here. Ning Xiaochuan , You have refined the seal of the leader of the Dayan World, I urged the circle, you can try to see if it can link to the Dayan World. "The Lord of Purple Gold circled the Circle and returned.

"Okay." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and immediately closed his eyes, and all his mind sank into the seal of the leader.

The power of this Seal of Leader radiated, and Ning Xiaochuan's mind suddenly crossed countless distances and returned to the world of Da Yan.

Over the familiar world of Dayan, an illusory figure of Ning Xiaochuan directly condensed out.

"The Seal of the Leader actually allowed me to condense the imaginary shadow from such a distance." Ning Xiaochuan glanced down at his illusion in shock.

Then he sighed again.

"Unfortunately, this illusory figure is just an illusory shadow. It has no fighting power at all."

With a sigh, the shadow of Ning Xiaochuan immediately flew through the air and walked around the world of Dayan.

After leaving Dayan World for decades, everything in Dayan World has changed dramatically.

The continents of the fragmented Dayan world that were hit in the past have now resumed their vitality and become vigorous again.

However, at the time, the demons were strong, and the situation of the human race was completely changed. Today, almost all the continents are strong, because the human race now has a common emperor sword.

King Jiange is the old master of Jiange Hou House. Now the old master's practice has reached the sub-god realm.

However, his cultivation was raised by receiving the **** beads, so it belongs to the weakest kind in the sub-god. But even the weakest is enough to suppress today's Da Yan world.

What's more, today's Jiange Palace, in addition to the sub-god of the King Pavilion, has two other goddesses, one of whom is Ning Xin'er and the other is Tang Shuyao.

Ning Xiaochuan's virtual shadow swam in the world of Da Yan for a moment, then swept directly in the palm, tore a void, and entered another hour of space.

In this space-time, Yu Ningsheng, who has become a god, sits cross-legged here.

With the aid of the Seal of Leader, Ning Xiaochuan can perceive almost everything in the world of Da Yan, including everything in the market.

Ning Xiaochuan did not disturb Yu Ningsheng's practice, but his figure flashed, and he left the space again and entered Guihui.

The demons in the Guixu have all disappeared, which made the Guixu desert a lot. The ghost of Ning Xiaochuan continued to advance in the Guixu and finally stood in front of the master Sui Hanyu.

Sui Hanyu closed her eyes, her white cheeks looked a little weak, but it only looked like. At the moment when Ning Xiaochuan's ghost appeared, Sui Hanyu's eyes suddenly opened, looking at the place where Ning Xiaochuan's ghost was. local.

"You have actually returned from the Shenhe civilization? No, this is just a phantom of yours. Did you give the refining seal of the leader of the Dayan world?" Just looking at the shadow of Ning Xiaochuan, Sui Hanyu saw through Everything about Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan Xuying grinned and said with a smile: "The master is really powerful, and he sees my details at a glance, but immediately, I will open the door of man and **** and return to the world of Da Yan. At that time, I will You were rescued from here. "

"Your strength is indeed much stronger than before, but you just want to save me by virtue of this strength. It may be too underestimated. But you seem to be weird at this moment. If it were your body, When returning, come and meet me first. "Sui Hanyu shook his head, his expression surprised.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't say much any more, but turned around the place where Sui Hanyu was before finally turning around and leaving.

This time, he was going to meet the old Houye directly, but before flying to the place where the king's palace was located, he suddenly felt a little strange.

In the deep underground of Dayan World, it seems that something is being nurtured, but when Ning Xiaochuan wanted to feel it carefully, this strange feeling suddenly disappeared.

Standing in the air, Ning Xiaochuan thought for a long time, but couldn't think of any clue.

Although the seal of the leader has been refined, Ning Xiaochuan also knows that there are still many secrets in the world of Da Yan that he has no ability to know. For example, the grandfather of Xiao Jinshen has never felt the existence of the other party.

Shaking his head, Ning Xiaochuan continued to fly towards Jiange Wangfu.

The King's Palace at the moment is located where the original King's Palace was located. It was originally the capital of the Yulan Empire, but now it has been changed to the King's Palace. As for the original Yulan Empire, it was relocated to another place at this moment, and under the care of the King's Palace, it almost occupied the entire continent alone.

If the number of strong men in the territory is not enough, the Yulan Empire at this moment is afraid that it can already be compared with the past six civilizations.

Standing over Jiange City, Ning Xiaochuan glanced down.

The old prince who is dealing with official affairs, Ning Xin'er and Tang Shuyao who are discussing each other and so on, Ning Xiaochuan can all see at a glance.

However, Ning Xiaochuan glanced down and saw a guy who was quite annoyed.

"Come and see, the Supreme Mystery crafted by the neighbors of the disciples of the world ’s first refining division, with eight dragon patterns attached to it. It was a trick to destroy the world. Two thousand black stones were bought. There is absolutely no loss. "

Yue Mingsong, who was embarrassed and squinting, was squatting on a street in Jiange City at the moment, constantly sipping.

The crowds coming and going all around, as soon as they saw Yue Mingsong's untrustworthy appearance, he immediately frowned and turned away.

Yue Mingsong drank for a long time, and finally drank a young man who was less than 20 years old. He drew in front of him and looked suspiciously: "This mysterious device is really so powerful, what grade is this mysterious device, and it reaches the seventh level ?"

"Little brother, you really have a vision. This piece of mystery is not only as simple as the seventh grade, but it is a stepless mystery that surpasses the seventh grade." The thief Yue Mingsong smiled.

"Stepless mystery? What level is this?" The young man suddenly became more and more surprised.

"It is a waste that is not even a first-class mystery. If it were to be replaced by me, at most I would only give out a black stone." A voice sounded behind the young man.

The young man turned a little back, but saw nothing, but he just listened carefully to the sound, so he snorted in a huff, dropped the mysterious device in his hand, and turned away.

Yue Mingsong originally wanted to hold this young man, but his eyes widened as soon as he reached out his hand.

"Ning, Ning ... Ning Xiaochuan, ghost! I didn't kill you, but don't come to me." After hurriedly packing the ground, Yue Mingsong patted his **** and fled.

The figure of Ning Xiaochuan followed behind Yue Mingsong eagerly, at this moment he became more and more curious about Yue Mingsong.

The guy who owns the semi-finished broken boat doesn't say that he can find himself at this moment. Just by this point, we can see that Yue Mingsong is definitely not simple.

You know, before, even Jade Ningsheng, who had become a god, could not find the trace of Ning Xiaochuan.

Along the way, Yue Mingsong rushed out of Jiange City. Yue Mingsong sat on the ground with his hips and looked back at Ning Xiaochuan.

After speaking, Yue Mingsong directly took out a spell that had been crumpled into a hand, and then unrolled it.

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