Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1218: Reopen the gates of man and god

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Ning Xiaochuan looked at Yue Mingsong in front of him, busy and busy. The spells this guy pulled out of his arms did not know when they were drawn. The wrinkles were like waste paper, presumably to be used to deceive people. Stuff.

At this moment holding the charm in his hand, Yue Mingsong began to mutter continuously.

"Ning Xiaochuan, it wasn't me who killed you. At the time of the broken boat, he was a semi-finished product when I got it, so it was the broken boat that killed you. Find it for revenge."

Muttering in his mouth, Yue Mingsong spit out two saliva at the charm in his hand, and then posted it towards Ning Xiaochuan in front of him, while muttering in his mouth: "Brother Ning, brother knows you are dead, so you just Go with your peace of mind, next year, your brother will burn some artifacts for you if you do n’t want to die. If you want a woman, you can burn some for you. "

Looking at the mysterious Yue Mingsong, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head helplessly and said, "Yue Mingsong, you ..."

Ning Xiaochuan had just spoken, and Yue Mingsong's tattered spell was stuck to Ning Xiaochuan's phantom.

What made Ning Xiaochuan speechless was that this spell was applied to himself, and he immediately felt a sense of confusion.

Immediately, his consciousness returned to the ontology.

In the hall where the gate of man and **** was located, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes a little suddenly. He didn't expect that the broken ones in Yue Mingsong's hands really dispelled his ghost.

At this moment, the main emperor of Zijin was sitting cross-legged on the corner of the hall. The divine power of his body had begun to permeate this law formation, and the magnificent law formation now released a brilliant light.

Feeling the change in Ning Xiaochuan, Lord Zijin turned back and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, why did you come back so soon? The gate of man and **** didn't seem to get through!"

"It really didn't get through." Ning Xiaochuan said with a look of depression just now.

Lord Zijin's brow frowned, "I have seen this Yue Mingsong before, and I haven't found his details, but as you said at the moment, he can easily destroy the projections you create with the seal of the leader. This shows that His strength, I am afraid that it is far beyond you and me, but fortunately he is not malicious to you, otherwise, he can make your mind damaged by the trick just now. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said: "It is true. Although Yue Mingsong is not reliable, he has never harmed me. On the contrary, he has helped me many times ... The senior waited a moment, and I immediately projected into the world of Da Yan again This time I first opened the door to people and gods, after the body returned to the world of Da Yan, and then I settled with Yue Mingsong. "

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan's mind sank once again into the seal of the leader. The power of the mind crossed countless spaces and descended on the world of Da Yan.

Returning to the world of Da Yan again, Ning Xiaochuan's projection returned to the King City of Jiange in one step.

Looking down at Jiange King City below, the scene just now appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Only at this moment, when he glanced at the King City of Jiange, Ning Xiaochuan's face suddenly turned away, because at this moment he could never find the trace of Yue Mingsong.

This guy escaped! And I don't know where I fled.

After Ning Xiaochuan glanced around silently, he landed directly in the King's Court.

"There was a demon killer in Yanyan Continent. Contact General Ziyan of the Crimson Empire immediately and ask him to lead someone to hang and kill these demon."

"The Moya continent has now been cleaned up, but the human races have been moved to it, and this matter has been arranged by the Yulan Empire."


Ning Xiaochuan stood behind Lao Hou, glanced at a document that Lao Hou was working on at the moment.

Even when he was a Jiange Hou, Lao Hou Ye didn't seem to be so busy.

Ning Xiaochuan was not in a hurry. He waited until the old man had processed all the documents in front of him, before he showed his figure.

Laohouye was squinting his eyes, even as a sub-god, but he kept getting so busy that he still felt a little tired.

However, after feeling the abnormality in front of him, his expression changed greatly, his figure flickered, and he immediately left the original position.

"Who? How dare you break into the King's Palace."

A thunderous rage erupted from Lao Houye's mouth.

But immediately, Laohou's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief, he said, "Ogawa, are you back?"

"Yes, grandpa." Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile.

Grandpa Hou glanced up and down at Ning Xiaochuan, and seemed unable to believe that what appeared to him at the moment was his grandson.

At the same time, the entire Jiange Palace has become a mess.

"That was the voice of the old prince just now, and the Jiange Guards came with me immediately." A big man with a beard and a beard, screamed angrily, and led a group of strong men who had been repaired to at least the supreme power. Around the King's Palace.

However, Tang Shuyao and Ning Xiner, who were fighting in the backyard of the King's Palace, suddenly changed their looks and disappeared after hearing the angry voice of the old man.

"Haha, grandpa, there seems to be some trouble. You calm down the crowd before you say it." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head helplessly in the main hall of the Jiange Palace.

At this moment he had felt the anomaly of the outside world. Just now Lao Hou's anger was drinking, but it was meant to call for help, so it naturally spread far away. At this moment, because of the roar of Lao Hou, more than half of the sword court city began. Riot.

"Okay, you're waiting for me to come back here." Grandpa Hou nodded and turned and walked out.

Ning Xiaochuan watched the old prince leave, and then turned and walked towards Ning Xin'er and Tang Shuyao, two women who had been side by side.

Reunited decades later, they may only be aware of them.

By the time Lord Lao returned, Ning Xin'er and Tang Shuyao had already rubbed their tears and lay in Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

"Grandpa, at this moment Senior Zijin's predecessor is ready to open the gate of man and **** on the other side of the Shenhe civilization. To fully open the gate of man and god, we still need to give us a response from Zijin's seniors. Wait a moment, After I reopen the door of man and god, I will meet you again. "

After soothing Ning Xin'er and Tang Shuyao in her arms, Ning Xiaochuan flew up to the sky above the King's Court.

With one hand, at least ten million miles away from the Mangguyuan, which is far enough away from the King's City of Jiange, there are at least hundreds of sleeping supreme dead bodies. At this moment, as if reborn, they stood up shaking and flew toward the King's Mansion. .

In addition to Mangguyuan, similar things happened in other continents of the Dayan World.

Extreme corpse changes, such shocking news, of course, can not conceal the true power of the world today.

A lord appeared from the strongman who survived the previous battle of the gods, and then followed these corpses and came to the King City of Sword Pavilion.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was sitting cross-legged in the air, his body seemed to be completely made of light, full of light. Those ordinary people in the King's Court saw this scene, and long ago they knelt to the ground with excitement and shouted the gods.

The strong men who came from all around, although not as uncomfortable as these ordinary people, they also looked ashamed, and did not know what happened.

With the endless corpses appearing, they gathered above the King's City. At this moment, the surrounding King's City was like a despair.

That's right, it's desperate. The death gas released from these Supreme Corpses is just enough to turn a continent into a dead land.

But at this moment, all of this dead energy was suppressed by Ning Xiaochuan and controlled to a certain extent.

After gathering more than 10,000 Supreme Corpses, Ning Xiaochuan slowly got up, bent down in front of them, and gave a deep gift.

"Predecessors, today I Ning Xiaochuan re-opened the door to people and gods, in order to separate the world of Da Yan from the former puppets, and not to be reduced to food for the cultivation of the Shenhe civilization. Now I am disturbed and forgive you. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked respectfully at the corpses, and it was shocking that the corpses seemed to be alive, and instead kneeled down at Ning Xiaochuan.

Although they were supreme when they were alive, Ning Xiaochuan was the leader of the Da Yan world at the moment, and the leader of the leader.

The power of the Seal of Leader radiates enough to surrender all the ordinary beings in these great worlds.

The supreme body of the 10,000 supreme knelt was kneeling around Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, but his grateful expression appeared on his face.

This situation indicates that the trace of spiritual imprint remaining on these supreme corpses has all agreed with the leader Ning Xiaochuan.

"Thank you all seniors." Ning Xiaochuan sighed, but his expression immediately calmed.

Looking up, Ning Xiaochuan stepped into these supreme corpses.

With the endless vitality emanating from these corpses, a portal began to appear slowly in front of Ning Xiaochuan.


As the portal gradually took shape, the supreme corpse of Ning Xiaochuan was now shattered, turned into dust, and merged into the portal.

As more and more Supreme corpses shattered, the portal in front of Ning Xiaochuan became more and more stable.

Ning Xin'er and others stood in Jiange King City and looked at the scene in shock.

At the moment over the King Pavilion King City, there are dozens of tall, majestic, seemingly a huge portal to the gates of heaven and earth, standing high above the clouds.

Through the door of this portal, you can even vaguely see the unpredictable universe starry sky.

Ning Xiaochuan looked up at the gate, his face gradually showing joy.

At the beginning, the Heavenly Demon Emperor opened the gates of humans and gods, but only casually linked the space of Dayan World to all parts of the Shenhe civilization. Therefore, the gates of eight gods of gods were successively opened.

But now Ning Xiaochuan is different. With the existence of the seal of the leader, Ning Xiaochuan easily fixed the gate of the man and the **** on the magic circle controlled by the Lord Zijin.

In the air of the distant Shenhewen star, Ning Xiaochuan, standing in this hall, opened his eyes slowly.

"Senior, the door of man and **** has been completely opened, and we can return to the world of Da Yan."

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