Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 122: Eve of the war

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Today ’s battle is over, and the last battle of school is left, that is, the decisive battle between Ning Xiaochuan and the famous sheep.

Time, tomorrow.

That night, all the warriors became relaxed. Someone also opened a gambling market. How many tricks can Ning Xiaochuan pick up tomorrow?

Many people think that a famous sheep can kill Ning Xiaochuan with one sword, and many warriors have bet heavily on this market.

Of course, there are also some martial arts soldiers in order to fight for high odds.

The more tricks you pick, the bigger the odds!

The biggest odds are that Ning Xiaochuan defeated the famous sheep. The odds are up to "one hundred and eighty." But no one has pressed this bet, because that is tantamount to throwing money away.

A beautiful woman walked into the chaotic stone house and came to the bet stone table, holding a cloth bag in her hand, making a rattling noise inside.


She threw the bag on the stone table and said, "I want to bet too!"

All the warriors stared at her, and were immediately attracted by her looks and figure, and her eyes were astonished, as if the soul had come out.

God! How could there be such a beautiful thing in the world?

This woman is really beautiful, suffocating, her eyebrows are like willow leaves, her eyes are like pearls, her nose is like jade, her skin is white as snow, her **** are extra full, her waist is very slender.

Although she is only fifteen or six years old, she is seductive and charming with a mature woman, and she is just a demon!

Although many martial artists were fascinated by her at the scene, as if the flames were burning in the womb, no one dared to disrespect her, because many people recognized her.

She is the top ten girl of the year, Xie Mengyao!

Xie Mengyao's eyes were soft and charming, her jade fingers were gently placed on her lips, staring at the odds on the stone table, and she said softly, "Some big brothers, why are there no draws?"

Her voice was so sweet, the bones of the soldiers who were present were numb!

A warrior stared at her obsessively and swallowed spit hard, saying, "Ning Xiaochuan and the famous sheep are too far apart. If the two of them draw a tie, Ning Xiaochuan wins. Xie girl, you are Who are you holding? "

Xie Mengyao poured seven pieces of green gold from the cloth bag and rolled it down on the stone table. "I win Ning Xiaochuan."

Seven pieces of green gold, each of which has a weight of twelve, exudes a brilliance of cyan, and all the martial arts present were impressed.

"Girl Xie, you bet all your belongings on Ning Xiaochuan, and you are not afraid of losing your money? You should know that if you do n’t have money to open your way in Dixu, I am afraid that many people will be bullied. Hey!" The Mole warrior laughed.

Xie Mengyao showed a fragile look that was startled, and said, "Really? What can I do? But I'm already locked and I can't regret it."

The warrior with a large mole on the corner of his mouth saw Xie Mengyao's delicate appearance and immediately took a bath. The fire burned, gasping in his mouth, fingers reaching for Xie Mengyao's jade hand, and Yingying smiled, "It doesn't matter, my brother will take care of you ... Ah!"

The warrior with a large mole on the corner of his mouth had not touched the corner of Xie Mengyao ’s clothes, and his palm was chopped off. The position of his wrist rushed out of a blood column, and his mouth made a scream like a pig. Covering his wrist, the pain rolled on the ground.

"Good brother, because you want to take care of me, it's not enough!" Xie Mengyao put away the **** sword, a charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and walked out of the stone house, leaving only the shocked eyes of those martial artists in the stone house.

Every warrior felt scared. Fortunately, he did not go to provoke the demon girl, otherwise it was himself who was unlucky just now!

Xie Mengyao stepped out of the stone house, one side of his temperament, frosty, with a strong cold in his eyes, came to the other stone house, carrying his hands, and said, "The Lord of the City ordered you to conquer Princess Lan Fei and become the pony of Princess Lan Fei However, today Princess Lan Fei has put a word to marry Ning Xiaochuan. It seems that you have lost a city in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan. "

In the stone house.

The famous sheep, sitting on the stone table, the black epee hovered in front of him.

The sword exuded black brilliance, almost fused with his body.

His body was carrying a sword-like spirit, and his body was more like a sword than a black epee. He did not open his eyes and said lightly, "It doesn't matter. As long as Ning Xiaochuan is killed tomorrow, Princess Lan Fei will sooner or later be my people."

"Then I hope you don't let the city owner down." Xie Mengyao's body turned into a cloud of black mist, like a cloud of ink spreading in the water and disappearing into the cold night!


An oasis a hundred miles away from Camp No. 9.

This oasis is full of poplar trees.

Yu Qianqian stood under a poplar tree covered with red leaves, with a beautiful figure and black hair like silk, just like a peerless woman walking out of the painting.


The yellow sand in front of her wriggled, forming a huge vortex, as if an unknown creature was spinning under the yellow sand.

In the whirlpool, a person whose body was wrapped in mysterious air rose up, wearing black clothes, with some illusory body. He knelt in front of Yu Qianqian, and said hoarsely, "Seeing His Royal Highness."

Yu Qianqian took out a jade card and sandwiched it between two fingers. The jade card was cast with the four characters "Big Jinpeng King"!

After seeing this token, the one who was wrapped in mystery was more respectful to Yu Qianqian!

Yu Qianqian said: "From today on, all the people in the Dajinpeng Palace in Emperor's Market are under my control. You're called Yuqinghe, right? Tell me, how many people are there in Dajinpeng Palace in the Imperial Market?"

The man knelt on the ground on one knee, with a mysterious mist flowing on his body, and said, "There are thirty-two freshmen in the first session, eleven students in the second session, three students in the third session, five students and teachers. One person. These are the most direct strength of our Da Jinpeng Palace, and there are many people who are attached to Da Jinpeng Palace. The number is even more, but the loyalty is difficult to say, so many secrets will not be known to them. His Royal Highness has orders issued, and naturally someone will pass the order down one by one, and they only need to execute it. "

Yu Qianqian nodded and said, "How many masters can you send now?"

"A maximum of five second-time students can be dispatched, but they are not directly members of Da Jinpeng Palace. They are too secretive for them to do."

Yu Qianqian is the jewel of King Da Jinpeng. Entering the emperor's market in person will surely bring extremely important tasks.

If it is a very important task, it is naturally impossible for outsiders to do it.

Yu Qianqian said, "Transfer them to the head of the famous sheep. I don't want the famous sheep to see the sun rise tomorrow."

The man kneeling on the ground said: "This is the meaning of the Lord?"

"Don't ask too much of this, the more you know, the less useful it will be to you." Yu Qianxi said coldly.

"Subordinates understand."

The person kneeling on the ground sank into the yellow sand and soon disappeared without a trace.

On the poplar book, red leaves fall.

Yu Qianqian reached out a hand, caught one of the leaves, and stared into the distance, "I hope tonight is the death of the famous sheep! Ogawa, I can only help you so much."

She originally wanted to order the removal of Princess Lan Fei together, but in the end she still restrained her emotions and killed a famous sheep, which would have caused a sensation in the emperor's market and would be thoroughly investigated by the Emperor Tiandi Academy.

If Princess Lan Fei is killed again, the sensation will be even greater. The power cultivated by Da Jinpeng Palace in the Emperor's Ruins will be uprooted, which will also be a heavy blow to Da Jinpeng Palace.

Even if she is the daughter of King Da Jinpeng, she will be severely punished.

Yu Qianqian returned from the night, her body was full of sand, and she quietly sneaked back to the stone house where she lived. After pushing the door of the stone house open, she saw Ning Xiaochuan sitting inside and startled her slightly.

With a wooden sign in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan picked up the wick, so that the light in the stone house became brighter and said, "Hi Royal Highness, where have you been so late?"

Yu Qianqian's expression quickly recovered to nature, and slowly walked over, saying: "A man broke into the county master's room late at night, you are not afraid that the county master interrupted your legs and throw you out to feed the dog?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "First of all, I can only be considered a boy now, not a man. Secondly, it is definitely not easy for His Highness to interrupt my leg. Third, I want to be in the emperor's market. Finding a dog is not easy. "

When Yu Qianqian saw Ning Xiaochuan's serious look, she wanted to laugh and said, "You came to me so late, did you want to come to me to borrow sword gall to deal with famous sheep?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently and said, "Although the famous sheep ’s cultivation is very high, it is not easy for him to kill me. I came here to discuss with the Highness of the County Lord about refining the heart and refining medicine. For some questions, His Royal Highness has also cultivated my heart for ten years and should be able to help me answer many questions. "

"It's going to be a decisive battle tomorrow. Do you still have the mood to study the cultivation of your heart?" Yu Qianqian had a feeling that the emperor was not in a hurry and the **** was anxious. Others were sad for him, but he didn't care.

How could there be such a person in the world?

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "I haven't said that it is not easy for famous sheep to kill me. Of course, there is no pressure in my heart, that is a falsehood. I came to the Highness of the County to discuss heart-refining medicine. The thing is to alleviate the pressure in my heart. Only by meeting the decisive battle with our usual heart can we exert our strongest power. "

Yu Qianqian admired Ning Xiaochuan's self-confidence most, so she sat opposite Ning Xiaochuan and started talking about the issue of nourishing the heart and refining the medicine, from the source of the nourishing heart, to the possibility of "rising back to life", and then to the corpse slave Difference from people, etc.

It wasn't until the first sunray on the horizon that Ning Xiaochuan walked out of Yu Qianqian's stone house, and her heart became calmer.

With the current mentality, it is enough to deal with today's decisive battle.

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