Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 123: Means of the Psychologist

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The sun rises to the east, and the sun shines on the Madara desert, making the yellow sand emit a golden light.

All the trainees have gathered outside the military field, waiting for today's decisive battle. Whoever wins can become the leader of this year, and has the qualification to enter the Tiangong for seven days.

This is a highly anticipated battle and is expected by countless people.

The emperor of the Tiandi Academy and the figures of the vice-principal level also arrived early, and the students of the second session also stood outside the martial arts court, waiting for the arrival of the two protagonists today.

"Li Yan, or let Ning Xiaochuan admit defeat. After all, it is not easy for you to have a talent in the Third Military Academy. It is a pity to be killed by a famous sheep." Jingang Wuyuan said.

Li Yan is the nickname of the vice president of the third division Wuyuan, and only those who are also the vice president's level dare to call him that.

The vice-president of the Third Military Academy said: "Ning Xiaochuan has a strong character. If he is greedy for life and fears death, he will naturally give up. If he is not afraid of famous sheep, then even if I go to persuade him, he will definitely fight. Geniuses have their own pride. "

The deputy director of the Third Division Wuyuan is actually very sorry. After all, Ning Xiaochuan is indeed a rare talent with great potential. It would be a pity to die today under the sword of a famous sheep.

"You say, can Ning Xiaochuan stop a famous sheep?"

"How terrible the sword is of the famous sheep. When the sword is shot, there is no liveliness. Ning Xiaochuan's fate today is actually long doomed."

Immediately outside the battlefield, he agitated, "Here, come, here comes the famous sheep!"

The famous sheep, carrying a black sword and wearing a spotless cloth shirt, slowly walked into the battlefield, stood straight on the yellow sand, and then remained motionless.

Yu Qianqian stared at the famous sheep, and the five fingers in her sleeves were tight. Since the famous sheep came to Wuchang on time, the assassination of last night obviously failed, and the five second students could not kill him. How strong is his cultivation?

Ning Xiaochuan also planned to walk towards the Wuchang, but Yu Qianqian took his hand tightly and shook her head at him.

The five second students were not famous sheep's opponents. Ning Xiaochuan went to fight with the famous sheep. She was just trying to die. She felt very scared and feared that Ning Xiaochuan would die under the famous sheep's sword.

"It's okay!" Ning Xiaochuan's face showed a smile and said lightly, then he resolutely entered the Wuchang and stood opposite the famous sheep.


Outside the battlefield, there was a tumult again.

Only when you really stand opposite the famous sheep can you feel how powerful the sword is on him, as if you have completely covered the entire martial arts field. He is like a mountain, an unshakable mountain.

The famous sheep opened his eyes slowly, his eyes were sharp like swords, and he said, "I thought you would give in."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Even if I admit defeat, you will definitely kill me, right?"

"Yes!" Said the famous sheep.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I did not confess defeat, to your surprise?"

"It was also expected." Ming Yang said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "How many levels of certainty can you kill me?"

"Ten floors."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Then you know how many levels of certainty I can kill you?"

The famous sheep ’s eyelids were raised slightly. I did not expect Ning Xiaochuan to ask this question, took a deep breath, and said, “I do n’t know.”

"I also have ten levels of certainty." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The famous sheep never smiled. At this moment, the corners of their mouths were slightly raised, and the epee on their backs was lifted and held in their hands. "Since you are so conceited, I will let you do three things."

"Why let?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The famous sheep said: "Because once I have a sword, you will die."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Do you really want to let?"

"This is sympathy for you, let you three tricks, let you release the last glory of life, I hope you will not let me down." Mingyang is also very confident, let alone Ning Xiaochuan three tricks, even if Ning Xiaochuan Three hundred strokes, Ning Xiaochuan's final result is still dead.

It would be a waste of time just to make three hundred moves.

Famous sheep hate people who waste time.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Thank you then."

"You're welcome!" Ming Yang said.


A bell rang and the decisive battle began.

Everyone knows that the famous sheep wants Ning Xiaochuan to make three moves, and they all expect what kind of magical power Ning Xiaochuan will use to defeat defeat.

There was one more projectile between Ning Xiaochuan's fingers. He wrapped the projectile with lightning and projected it at the famous sheep!

Lightning is intertwined on the projectile. If it strikes a person, it will definitely break the person's bones.


The famous sheep just stood still, the sword qi emitted by the body automatically shattered that projectile into powder.

The famous sheep said: "You have wasted a trick."

"is it?"

Ning Xiaochuan's body was wrapped in lightning, fast like a light, and a palm blasted over the famous sheep's chest.

In the sheep's pupils, Ning Xiaochuan's palm print was getting bigger and bigger, but he just shook his head gently, and he could avoid such attacks at will.

But when he was going to move one step, he felt that the speed of martial arts in his body was running slow like a snail!


Ning Xiaochuan bombarded the famous sheep's chest with a single palm, tossing the famous sheep's body up and flying, and the ribs on the chest made a broken sound.

The famous sheep's body has not yet fallen to the ground. Ning Xiaochuan kicked it again, kicked on the face of the famous sheep, printed a blood-red shoe mark, and kicked the famous sheep's body to fly again.

The famous sheep's heart felt angry and wanted to kill Ning Xiaochuan with a sword, but the martial arts spirit in his body was like standing water and was not affected by him at all.


Ning Xiaochuan kicked on the back of the famous sheep again and shattered his spine. Ning Xiaochuan stepped on the famous sheep and fell to the ground.

A mysterious sword condensed in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, with a killing in his eyes, and a sword stabbed at the head of a famous sheep to completely remove the enemy.

"you dare!"

A violent wind swept over and took Ning Xiaochuan out to Zhenfei.

The vice-president of the Vajrayana Academy stood in the strong wind and lifted the famous sheep from the ground. He saw a **** shoe mark on the famous sheep's face, three ribs on his chest were broken, and the spine on his back was broken. .

The vice-president of the Vajrayana Academy stared at Ning Xiaochuan fiercely: "What have you done to him? Why are the martial arts in his body silent?"

Ning Xiaochuan said calmly: "This is a battle between students. I hope the Lord of the Vice-President will not intervene."

Just now Ning Xiaochuan almost killed the famous sheep and eliminated the aftermath, but did not expect to kill a vice-president halfway.

King Kong Wu Yuan said: "What the **** did you do to him? How could Xiu Xiu be defeated by you?"

Those martial arts outside the martial arts have been stunned, one by one as if petrochemical, this scene is too dramatic.

The famous sheep was actually beaten by Ning Xiaochuan, and became seriously injured and dying. If it was not for the master of the Vajrayana Institute, the famous sheep would have died in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

The famous sheep is so vulnerable?

Jin Quexi and Yue Mingsong, the second class of students, also looked at each other and couldn't understand all of this.

Everyone thought that the famous sheep could kill Ning Xiaochuan with one sword, and the ending now is beyond everyone's expectations.

Although the pressure emanating from the vice president of the King Kong Martial Art Institute was very strong, Ning Xiaochuan still changed his face and said, "I'm a mind trainer. I naturally use the method of mind trainer. The famous sheep absorbed it. The medicinal gas that sleeps for thousands of years will silence the martial arts mystery for an hour. "

The projectile that Ning Xiaochuan hit out just now is not a hidden weapon, but a sleepy Dan for 1,000 years.

In order to save Murong Wushuang's grandfather, Ning Xiaochuan quenched a total of three millennium Shimiandan, one of which was taken by Murong Wushuang's grandfather. Ning Xiaochuan had two left. One of them was just used on the famous sheep.

Everyone suddenly realized that they finally understood the reason why the famous sheep would be defeated by Ning Xiaochuan.

King Kong Wuyuan's vice-principal was furious and said, "This is the way to the left, and you dare to use the emperor's palace to compete. I want to sue the owner and expel you from school."

Ning Xiaochuan said calmly: "Alchemy is part of the strength of the mind-raiser. Famous sheep can practice swords and use swords to kill me. I am alchemy, why can't I use Dan to kill him?"

Ning Xiaochuan was calm, but some people were not calm.

"Who? Who the **** said that the practice of raising the heart and refining medicine is the other way?" The vice president of the Third Division Wuyuan was very upset at the moment. On the verge of anger, he stared coldly at the vice president of the Vajrayogini. , Yan said: "Yan Benjue, you said that the cultivator is the left-hander? Are you sure? Are you **** sure?"

The vice-principal of the Vajrayana Academy immediately regretted that he had said something wrong.

The status of a mind-raiser is, however, a distinguished contestant. Without a mind-raiser, martial arts cannot be as prosperous as it is now. If this word really comes out, he will not just be resisted by all the mind trainers in the world, it will probably cause death.

Yan Benjue's face was a little embarrassed, and he quickly said: "I didn't say that the cultivator was the left-hand side, I mean ... this is a freshman contest of the Emperor's Palace. Using this despicable means to win is really a disgrace to the Emperor's Palace. Style of study. The martial arts pursues the ultimate strength, not these side steps ... these tricks. "

Da Le, the vice president of the Third Military Academy, said, "Then you say that it is a mean means to cultivate alchemists to cultivate alchemy? The existence of a mind-giving master is a stigma to the emperor's school?"

All the mind trainers present, including those of the mind trainers, became filled with indignation.

One of the mind-raising teachers said: "I will announce the words of the Lord Yan Master. Our mind-raising masters will not come out and be ashamed. The three major mind-raising halls will be closed as soon as possible."

"Our heart-care master staying in the emperor's market will ruin the atmosphere of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. Forget it, we're all in control. I'll tell Fuyao's heart-care master so that his old man can also leave. Lest they be bombed away by the Lord Yan. "

In addition, the vice presidents of the two major martial arts colleges are also afraid of the trouble. If the matter really spreads to Fuyao's mind-raising master, then I am afraid that this matter will not stop.

Fu Yao Dao Xin Yang Shi is one of the few Dao Yang Xin masters in the Yulan Empire. He was invited by the master of Xuegong to invite him to sit in the emperor's market.

But Fu Yao Da Yang Xin Yang is famous for his strange temper. If he is told about this, he will definitely fall into trouble with the entire Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

The vice president of Wuxing Wuyuan and the vice president of Tianxiang Wuyuan both came out to appease.

The vice-principal of the Third Division Wuyuan shook his throat and said, "We are mind-keepers! Do we have to go against your pure martial arts? Can we not use our own signboards to trump? Is it that we are inherently vulnerable? ? Are we really the other way?

"No! We are also very powerful, and we also have our own means. Others can practice the sword to the extreme, and we can also practice the Dan to the extreme. With the extreme to the Dan, defeat the sword to the extreme. I think Ning Xiaochuan Winning the beauty, playing the style of our three divisions martial arts school, and playing the characteristics of our mind trainers! "

The other two vice-presidents quickly went to appease and felt that the vice-president of the Third Division Wuyuan was deliberately fanning the flames. This is for fear that the world will not be chaotic!

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