Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1222: Make the continent

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Ning Xiaochuan stood in the air, glanced around, all the fragmentary continents of the entire Dayan world, now all slowly moved.

Such a scene shocked Yu Ningsheng.

You must know that the dozens of continents in the Dayan World are each extremely huge. Even her, it is simple to destroy such a continent, but it is impossible to move the continent.

However, in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, these continents seem to be like toys in his hands, constantly moving, like a boat in the sea, driven by Ning Xiaochuan together.

What's even more amazing is that most people living on these continents at this moment are ignorant of this and don't feel the movement of the continent at all.

Only a peerless strongman like Laohouye can feel the movement of the mainland under his feet.

Ning Xiaochuan looked dignified, standing in the air, glancing across the continents.

Once he was going to cross such a continent, he almost risked a lifetime of death, but at this moment, the dangerous places in these continents were nothing to him.

With the Seal of Leadership, he already has absolute control over Dayan World.

The first thing to come to the foot of Ning Xiaochuan was a fragmented continent. Ning Xiaochuan grabbed a few volleys and immediately melted all the broken traces, refining the land into a continent.

Then, the whole continent, with its tumultuous leaps, suppressed the blood-colored camel submerged in the sea water.

With this blood-colored camel at the core, the continents around it constantly appear, come together, and then form a larger continent.

After dozens of continents came together, the entire Da Yan world no longer had these scattered continents, but only one whole largest continent remained.

This continent was formed by the dozens of continents before the Dayan World. It is extremely large and located at the core of the Dayan World.

After refining all the continents into one, Ning Xiaochuan felt the seal of the leader in his body suddenly shake, and there seemed to be something strange in it.

Feeling this anomaly, Ning Xiaochuan smiled slightly.

"My guess is true. The continents of the Dayan World were too scattered. It was difficult to communicate between one continent and another. Now all the continents are linked together to form a whole. The development of the world. "

With a murmur in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan looked down at the huge continent below.

Today, the continent under his feet is indeed large enough, but it is still not enough to satisfy Ning Xiaochuan.

The rise of a world civilization depends on all aspects of resources, order, civilization, etc. It is certainly not enough to rely on vast land alone.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a while, then suddenly landed on the continent below.

When he came to the place where the original Mangguyuan was, Ning Xiaochuan reached out and grabbed a hole in the space. Through this hole, Ning Xiaochuan's figure appeared again at the King's Palace.

The palm of the hand was in a void, and in front of Ning Xiaochuan, a brilliant array formed.

This is a teleportation circle, as long as you pass through the circle, you can directly communicate between Jiange Wangfu and Mangguyuan.

After arranging such a formation, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flashed again. In other places on this continent, various transmission formations began to be continuously arranged.

With these teleportation formations, it will be much simpler for people on this continent to go from one place to another in the future.

Although the most perfect transmission method in Ning Xiaochuan's mind should be like the Kingdom of Truth, as long as there is a divine coin, it can be transmitted anywhere.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's ability at the moment can only arrange such a simple teleportation array.

Yu Ningsheng had already seen Ning Xiaochuan's plan at this moment, and she was surprised when she landed on the mainland and began to arrange teleportation arrays like Ning Xiaochuan. Now that she is the next god, she is very powerful, and it is easy to build some teleportation formations.

With the help of Yu Ningsheng, Ning Xiaochuan's efficiency was suddenly much higher.

After nearly two days in a row, Ning Xiaochuan finally flew back into the air with satisfaction.

At this moment, the continent under his feet is densely packed like numerous pearls inlaid on the continent. With these teleforms, if people on the continent want to communicate with each other, it will be much simpler.

The more advanced civilizations, the more convenient it is to communicate with each other, so that the whole world will be united into one, and not internally consumed by each other.

This can also be regarded as Ning Xiaochuan's insights after traveling through several worlds in recent decades.

Now Ning Xiaochuan has refined the continent of Dayan World into one, and then created so many teleportation matrices in order to prevent Dayan World from dividing into countless parts in the future, fighting with each other, and consuming each other.

Back in the air, Ning Xiaochuan once again took out a corpse of a god.

The corpses of these gods were collected by him before. They originally wanted to use them to cultivate the cultivator, but at this moment, these corpses have other uses.

The corpses were thrown out at will, and a drop of blood from God immediately flowed out of the corpses.

The blood of these gods is like amber, like crystal stones, hanging in the air, exuding a strong fragrance.

The blood of these sub-gods was lost, and the bodies of those sub-gods were suddenly taken away. The body shook and the flesh disappeared, leaving only a skeleton with gold and iron.

Ning Xiaochuan rushed out the blood of these gods and plunged into the clouds under his feet.

Suddenly, the whole continent began to be covered with clouds, and it was pouring down with heavy rain. These heavy rains contained the essence of the blood of the sub-God, and landed on the ground, immediately making the entire continent vibrant.

Whether it's a monster, a plant, or a human monk, as long as it is rained, you immediately feel that your body has been strengthened.

Even some monks who have already reached the breakthrough point, are caught in the rain at the moment, and they have broken through the current puppet.

This kind of rain has been gradually decreasing for several days.

Ning Xiaochuan kept staring at the continent under his feet, and looked closely, sighing when the rain became smaller.

Before in the Shenhe civilization, he did not take these secondary **** corpses seriously, so he wasted a lot of resources. If there are more secondary **** corpses in his hands at this moment, it can completely make the rain more. Heaven, makes the vitality of the Dayan world stronger.

The people of the Dayan World are inherently weak and can only become strong through cultivation. But if they were bathed in the blood of these diluted sub-gods when they were born, their physiques will naturally become stronger. Such a succession will be passed on from generation to generation. Is as powerful as those higher races.

However, such a transformation will take a long time. Ning Xiaochuan is now using the blood of the sub-god to forcibly improve the physique of the Dayan world, but it is only accelerating this process.

After the rain had completely stopped, Ning Xiaochuan took the golden skeletons around him, fell from the air, and landed at the King's Court.

Originally, the King Pavilion King City was only located in the homeland of the Yulan Empire, but at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan intentionally settled the King Pavilion King City in the core of this new continent, and the teleportation circle leading to the mainland was also the largest number of King Pavilion King City.

With this arrangement of Ning Xiaochuan, no matter how much the Dayan world develops in the future, the King Palace will become the real core of the Dayan world, just like an imperial city.

Now that it has been decided to make the King's City of Kings the imperial city of the entire Dayan World, Ning Xiaochuan is of course very dissatisfied with the King's City of Kings in front of it.

The current King's Court city can only be regarded as an ordinary city. Because the construction time is too hasty, the Jiange King City at this moment is not even as good as the former Yulan Empire King City.

Ning Xiaochuan returned to Jiange King City, and again took out the bodies of three lower gods.

The bodies of the three lower gods, the bodies of Tu Wan and others who were killed by Ning Xiaochuan, were all collected by Ning Xiaochuan.

Gathering the bodies of the three lower gods together with the bones of the previous gods, Ning Xiaochuan waved a flame and began to burn the bodies.

Under the burning of the flames controlled by Ning Xiaochuan, these corpses like Jintie actually exuded a drop of Jincancan's liquid.

Whenever a drop of liquid appeared, Ning Xiaochuan waved it away.

Every drop of this liquid is a treasure and must not be wasted.

At this moment, many of the masters in the King's City have appeared beside Ning Xiaochuan, watching Ning Xiaochuan use the real corpse refining medicine, one by one shocked and stunned.

Fortunately, they have already seen Ning Xiaochuan's great efforts at this moment, so they have not been scared to death directly.

These corpses were continuously calcined, and more and more golden liquid appeared, and these corpses, at the moment, continued to shrink, and eventually disappeared.

He waved his hand to put away the flame in front of him, and Ning Xiaochuan flew up to the sky above the King's Court and beat out the golden liquid collected earlier.

These golden liquids dripped into the land around the King's City, and immediately made these land become the color of Jin Chancan, and the color of Jin Chancan continued to spread around.

In a blink of an eye, the entire Jiange King City has become a golden city, and all the land and buildings have become golden yellow.

"What exactly is this?"

A monk who was in the real world watched these changes in a stunned state, suddenly looked, grabbed a hand next to him, and grabbed a handful of golden dirt into his hands, but what he did not expect It was just such a mass of golden yellow mud that actually knocked him down to the ground, almost crushing him to death.

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