Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1223: transaction

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Although he fell to the ground, this monk who lived in real life was full of surprise.

Because he already felt that the golden yellow soil he grasped in his hands contained strong vitality. If it was refined into elixir, it would be no worse than ordinary elixir.

This kind of soil is no longer ordinary soil, but real spiritual soil.

Even if it is impossible to refine these soils, the benefits that can be obtained by living on them are absolutely huge.

The gold dirt in this real monk's hand was now flowing away from his palm like flowing water, reintegrated into the ground, and returned to the pit previously caught by this real monk.

With such restoration characteristics, even if the King of Kings is completely destroyed, it will be restored automatically.

The real monk looked so happy that he looked up at Ning Xiaochuan in the sky, his face full of worship.

Yu Ningsheng has been silently following Ning Xiaochuan. She has seen Ning Xiaochuan's intention to reorganize the world, so if she can do it, she will help Ning Xiaochuan silently.

But at this moment, she was frightened by Ning Xiaochuan's generous handwriting. She even used the corpse of God to directly turn the King of the King's Court into a city of gold. I am afraid that even ordinary gods cannot do this.

Condensing the continent, creating teleportation arrays for the rest of the continent, and then turning the King of the King's Court into a truly immortal city, Ning Xiaochuan stopped moving.

"Let's go, let's go back to the King's City of Jiange before we talk." He waved at Yu Ningsheng, and Ning Xiaochuan returned to the King's Mansion with Yu Ningsheng.

In the King's Palace at this moment, Lao Houye and others have been waiting here for a long time.

Even the cold winter rain that just woke up was standing in Jiange's palace at this moment, looking at Ning Xiaochuan calmly.

Everything Ning Xiaochuan did just now was shocking to Lao Houye and others, but to Sui Hanyu, it was nothing at all.

In her opinion, what Ning Xiaochuan is doing today is just like a child playing house.

Her requirement for Ning Xiaochuan is that in the future Ning Xiaochuan will be able to sacrifice the entire Dayan World into a true sacred place, and then take the Dayan World out of time and space and become a Kingdom of Truth.

However, Sui Hanyu also knows that Ning Xiaochuan can do all these things at this moment, which is already quite rare, so at this moment, she looks at Ning Xiaochuan with a look of approval, although she is calm.

"Ogawa." Seeing Ning Xiaochuan appear, Lao Houye and others immediately greeted him.

However, before they came to Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked up at the sky overhead.

At this moment above his head, in the huge gate of human and god, there was a clear voice of the Emperor Zijin.

"Ogawa, come back quickly. Someone wants to destroy the gate of man and god."

Hearing this voice, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly got up and rushed into the air.

"Grandpa, wait here for a while, wait for me to solve everything over there, and then come back." Without much time to say, Ning Xiaochuan's figure rushed into the gate of human and **** again.

After Ning Xiaochuan's figure entered the gate of human and god, a huge turtle emerged from the sea in the deep ocean of Dayan World. The probe glanced around once before annoyed: "Ning Xiaochuan is too frustrating. I have to change places to live here. "

Xiao Jinshen poked his head from the turtle's back, and curiously said, "Grandpa, Ning Xiaochuan must be back just now. Let's go find him. I've grown up and can marry him."

"No, how could it be so cheap to get this kid." The old turtle sighed severely, and then couldn't help whispering in secret: "I took my granddaughter to a place where no one could find it, see Who can take her away. "

With a murmur, the old tortoise figure penetrated into a gap in the space and disappeared into the world of Dayan.

At the other end of the gate of man and god, in the huge palace with the gate of man and god, Zijin emperor lingered in purple, and was facing two lower gods.

Outside this palace, there are densely packed figures at the moment. Most of these figures are sub-gods, all standing coldly in the starry sky, glancing at the huge palace in front of them.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the gate of humans and gods, glanced around, and looked relieved.

Although the emperor Zijin looks embarrassed at this moment, there is no danger.

The two gods who confronted the Lord Zijin faced the scene where Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the gate of man and god, and his face was shocked: "You walked out of the gate of man and god, aren't you all from the world? Indigenous? "

"Who are you?" Ning Xiaochuan didn't answer each other's inquiry, but frowned.

The two lower gods glanced at each other and said, "We are the elders of Yuanguang Holy Land, and the entire star field nearby is the site of our Yuanguang Holy Land, including the gate of man and **** here. I want to pass through man and **** When the gate reaches the world of Da Yan, it is necessary to pay us certain resources before we can pass. You kill the guardians of the Yuanguang Holy Land and open the gates of people and gods. Now we are here to slay you. "

"Crusading?" Ning Xiaochuan and the Emperor Zijin stood together and confronted the two lower gods in front of them.

When they came here, they already knew that the gate of man and **** was controlled by a small gate nearby, so they didn't even feel surprised when they heard the words of the two lower gods.

"Ogawa, I have communicated with them just now and found that they don't really value the gate of man and god. We will negotiate with the other party to see if we can pay a certain price and control the gate of man and god. Change the rights. If there is really no way, then do something with the other party. "The voice of the Emperor Zijin suddenly came at this moment.

"Well, ask the seniors to talk to them first." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and preached.

Although the other party is only a small gate in the Shenhe civilization, you can see from the pen shot by the other party that even if it is a small gate, this Yuanguang Holy Land is much more powerful than the Dayan world.

Therefore, it is of course best not to fight against each other, otherwise, if the gate of the gods and gods is destroyed now, it will be more difficult if you want to open it again.

"Hey, are you a native of the world? Answer me quickly." One of the two lower gods in front of him, said impatiently on his face.

"Of course not." Emperor Zijin denied it immediately.

Jokingly, the actions of Tu Wan and others have already made Zijin the emperor know what impact it would have if the news of him as a living creature in the Da Yan world leaked out.

So at this moment, if he admits that he is from the world of Da Yan, I am afraid that he will be immediately attacked by the other party, and there is no possibility of negotiation.

"No, then how did you reopen the gates of the gods and gods in the World of Da Yan?" The two lower gods stared at the Lord Zijin with a doubt.

Zijin emperor said: "This is our little secret, two people. Now that we are killing the caretaker disciples, it is indeed our fault, but we are willing to make compensation, and we deliberately negotiate with the returnee to see Can you trade us the doorway of this **** and man? "

At this moment, the Emperor Zijin looked proudly, with a full-bodied look. Those who didn't know his details were afraid that he would be mistaken for the gods of the big ones.

Looking at the appearance of the Emperor Zijin, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help sighing. The Emperor Zijin was indeed a peerless powerhouse born against the sky, and his mind was strong enough and his mind was strong enough.

The two lower gods were really confused by the tone of the Emperor Zijin, and frowned, "What kind of person is your Lord? Are they disciples from the Palace of Flowers, honestly telling you that you want to trade the gate of this **** to you?" It ’s not impossible, but let ’s take a look at what prices you can afford. ”

"This is simple." Ning Xiaochuan stepped out and waved a handful of elixir.

These elixir were all exchanged out by God coins in the Kingdom of Truth. Now he still has a total of 180,000 God coins. If necessary, he can enter the Kingdom of Truth again and exchange elixir.

So at this moment, he took almost all the treasures from him in one breath.

These elixir are produced by the Kingdom of Truth. They are definitely treasures in the Shenhe civilization. So the two lower gods saw and suddenly said: "Okay, these elixir are really precious. With these elixir, we go back There may also be an explanation. The gate of this man and God will be assigned to you. "

Having said that, the two lower gods grabbed the elixir in front of Ning Xiaochuan and immediately exited the hall.

Together with those sub-gods outside the main hall, a group of masters of the Yuanguang Holy Land quickly took a break in the boat and left.

In the hall of the gate of man and god, the look of Emperor Zijin was still dignified, and he looked back at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Xiaochuan, what they promised seemed a little too simple. I think this seems strange."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be weird, but it must be weird. Just now the two of them found that they didn't hope to win us at all, so they promised our deal on the pretext. I can guarantee that now they leave. Just go back and rescue the soldiers. When more powerful men in this Yuanguang Holy Land come here, they won't be kind to us. "

Such an answer made Zijin's brows frown suddenly: "Since you have seen this, why should you give those elixir to them?"

"They want to delay time, and we can also take this opportunity to delay time. It ’s up to you, the predecessor, to guard the gates of humans and gods. Before these guys come back, I will try my best to improve our strength. They will become their dead. "Ning Xiaochuan grinned.

The Emperor Zijin nodded and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, who was full of confidence, and all the worries in his heart were immediately put down.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in this hall, his figure suddenly disappeared suddenly again.

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