Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1224: Strongest war

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At this moment, the world of Da Yan can be described as internal and external problems.

Internal worries are the gods of **** in the world of Da Yan, such as the devil and others. Although they are sealed in hell, they will sooner or later be a scourge.

Ning Xiaochuan condensed the continent of Dayan World into one body. He was already ready to immediately solve the problem of the gods of **** in Dayan World, but now he has encountered the matter of the Yuanguang Holy Land, so he can't stand immediately.

This holy place of Yuanguang is the external trouble of Dayan World at this moment.

Internal and external problems, though serious, are the first test that Ning Xiaochuan faced after becoming the world leader of Dayan.

The gods in **** have been suppressed for so many years, and they have already weakened. The Yuanguang Holy Land is a small gate in the examination civilization.

If Ning Xiaochuan couldn't even pass this test, he would not be qualified to become a world leader.

Kingdom of Truth.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure appeared in the Tianjiao Palace.

After spending five hundred **** coins, Ning Xiaochuan returned here again. If you want to improve your strength as soon as possible, returning to the Kingdom of Truth is definitely the best choice.

Because in terms of resources, there is absolutely no place that can be compared with the kingdom of truth. Before Ning Xiaochuan searched a total of 180,000 **** coins from Ye Chaofan and others, he could completely exchange a large number of resources in the Kingdom of Truth.

With these resources, both Ning Xiaochuan himself and the entire Dayan world will be greatly improved.

This 180 thousand gods coin is the confidence of Ning Xiaochuan against Yuanguang Holy Land. And if it doesn't work, Ning Xiaochuan can also pull Ye Chaofan and others down to help guard the gates of people and gods.

As soon as he returned to the Kingdom of Truth, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt a little weird. At the moment, Tianjiao Palace was empty, and there was no figure at all.

Flying out of Tianjiao Palace, outside of Tianjiao Palace, Ning Xiaochuan also did not feel the breath of any one person. This strange situation made Ning Xiaochuan even more curious.

"Ye Chaofan, speed over to see me." Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the power of the Seven Magic Gods and began to contact the slaves of the gods.

After a few breaths, a figure rushed over from the side of Tianjiao Palace.

This figure is not Ye Chaofan. It is just one of the young people of the Kingdom of Truth that was controlled by Ning Xiaochuan's mind. Ning Xiaochuan used the power of the Seven Magic Gods just now.

But for Ning Xiaochuan, being able to reach people now is enough.

"Master." Rushing to the side of Ning Xiaochuan, the young man immediately and respectfully secretly spoke with Ning Xiaochuan.

This is the Kingdom of Truth at this moment, and he does not dare to show respect for Ning Xiaochuan, otherwise, it is too easy to reveal flaws.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and asked, "What happened to the Kingdom of Truth? Why can't anyone see it?"

"They all went to the Yuanxu universe. It is said that the rebels have occupied the Yuanxu universe, so the masters of the Kingdom of Truth have all rushed to the Yuanxu universe and fought with those rebels, even the members of the Tianjiao Palace. In the past, the actual combat experience went. If I were to return from a mission at this moment, I am afraid the owner would not be able to contact me. "This young man respectfully respected.

"Yuanxu Universe? Truth and Heaven are actually at war with those rebels?" Ning Xiaochuan was surprised.

Generally, only one eight-level civilization can be born in a universe, but the Kingdom of Truth is a nine-level civilization, and its strength is far superior to the average eight-level civilization.

If the Kingdom of Truth is to deal with the Shenhe civilization, I am afraid that it can easily destroy the Shenhe civilization.

But this moment is different. At this moment, the so-called Yuanxu universe has been occupied by those rebels, and the strength of those rebels is definitely not weaker than the kingdom of truth.

The battle between these two forces is definitely the strongest war between heaven and earth.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind made a slight calculation, and then he became excited.

He originally planned to exchange resources here, and immediately left here, but now, Ning Xiaochuan wants to go to the so-called Yuanxu universe to see what the highest level of war in the world looks like.

If the world is to rise, it will inevitably conflict with other civilizations in the future.

So Ning Xiaochuan wanted to see what the war between these higher civilizations looked like. It would not be like the confrontation between lower civilizations. It would depend on the army and the sword in their hands.

"Anytime there is an empty temple, I can come back at any time, and I do n’t have to worry about things that are too late to fight against the Yuanguang Holy Land." Ning Xiaochuan silently calculated a moment in his heart. After he felt completely OK with his trip, he looked up at the slave in front of him. Road: "Very well, you speed to complete your task, I will go to the Yuanxu universe with you."

As a slave of Ning Xiaochuan's mind, this young man did not dare to resist Ning Xiaochuan. After completing the task of sending letters at the moment, he and Ning Xiaochuan immediately passed through the Temple of Time and Space to the Yuanxu universe.


One heaven and earth is one world, and one universe is also one world, but the difference between the two worlds is definitely the difference between heaven and earth.

The universe where the Shenhe civilization is located can be called the Shenhe universe.

The Yuanxu Universe is a small universe that exists on the same level as the Shenhe Universe. Such a universe contains countless planets and lives, and the area is so large that it is almost unimaginable.

But in appearance, a universe is almost the same shape as an egg.

The entire world is formed by the dense clusters of such countless egg-like universes. In each of these universes, almost one or more eight civilizations are born.

However, there is always only one Kingdom of Truth in the Nine-Level Civilization, because the Kingdom of Truth has long been out of these egg-like universes and has become a pole that exists in a place that no one can find.

When Ning Xiaochuan and the slaves of the Mind were teleported to the Yuanxu universe, the place where they appeared was already directly inside the Yuanxu universe.

In a vibrant universe, there should be a planet of life everywhere, and naturally, you can feel that kind of vitality.

But at this moment, the Yuanxu universe is already a mess. Almost all the planets and small worlds are fragmented. Looking at it, the entire universe has begun to fall into a dead silence. There is no darkness everywhere.

This miserable situation made Ning Xiaochuan wonder whether he had come to the wrong place.

"Master, this is originally a sacred place in the Yuanxu universe. Among them are many masters, but after being attacked by the masters of my kingdom of truth, it has become what it is now." The slave of the gods stretched his fingers in front of a void.

"What? Will it be completely destroyed by a war?" Ning Xiaochuan was a little shocked.

At this moment, the space in front of him was a huge space that was countless times larger than the world of Dayan. Such a huge space, if there is a life planet, can definitely develop a civilization of more than seven grades, but now, everything has disappeared.

"We continue to go elsewhere." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, Shen said.

Everything in front of him has made him feel a little heavy.

This war is basically a divisional war within the Kingdom of Truth. The Yuanxu universe was only spread and became what it is today.

If the Da Yan world is affected by the confrontation between these powerful civilizations, it will be almost a matter of utter destruction.

If you don't want to be destroyed, you can only become stronger.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan began to look forward to the rapid growth of the world.

The following time, Ning Xiaochuan and the slaves of the mind used the power of the Temple of Time and Space to swim around the Yuanxu universe.

Ning Xiaochuan is fully aware of the advanced nature of higher civilization. As a member of the Kingdom of Truth, they can be transmitted to every part of the universe at will if they want.

They usually need to pay God coins to transmit them, but at this moment, the Kingdom of Truth is fighting against foreign enemies, so at this moment they do not need God coins at all, and they can freely transmit freely throughout the Yuanxu universe.

Those in the Yuanxu Universe, who want to rush from one place to another, can only ride a broken boat and slowly rush.

In addition, because of the existence of artifact civilization, most of the masters of the Kingdom of Truth can communicate with each other. As long as one person is in danger, they can immediately contact the reinforcements and use the power of the Temple of Time and Space to help them.

In this case, if there is a battle in a place, the masters of the Kingdom of Truth will be able to reinforce the past immediately, but when the masters of the Yuanxu universe arrive, the battle will be over.

By relying only on such advanced means, the Kingdom of Truth requires only a small number of people, for fear that it will be able to destroy a universe.

Ning Xiaochuan and the slaves of the mind did not shoot, but were constantly walking, looking at the battle between the masters of the Kingdom of Truth and the masters in the Yuanxu universe at this moment.

But after only a moment of observation, Ning Xiaochuan was a little disappointed.

This is not a one-level war at all. Jiupin civilization is much stronger than Bapin civilization. Almost all aspects are enough to crush the Yuanxu universe.

Compared with the power of the Yuanxu universe and the Kingdom of Truth, it is like a contrast between an ordinary mortal and a deity. Even if this mortal did his best, he would not hurt the **** at all.

And this time, the Kingdom of Truth seems to have prepared to completely destroy the Yuanxu universe, and almost everything Ning Xiaochuan walked through was destroyed. The creatures that originally lived in the Yuanxu universe are dead at this moment. All the resources in the Yuanxu universe were taken away by the people of the Kingdom of Truth.

Even the corpses of the masters in the Yuanxu universe were mostly taken away by the Kingdom of Truth and refined into various elixir and puppets.

Now Ning Xiaochuan can understand why there are so many inexhaustible resources in Truth Heaven. With the power of Truth Heaven, if you want resources, just find a universe to plunder, and you can get enough resources.

Weak meat and strong food, there is nothing wrong with this.

"Everyone gathers at the ninth coordinate point of the Yuanxu universe. Those who haven't arrived after more than three breaths will be punished." Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan and the slave of the mind received a voice at the same time.

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