Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1227: Be my apprentice

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This shadow has no substance at all, it is simply a shadow, so the people who control the warship of truth did not care about this shadow at all.

But at this moment, Hei Ying's hands gripped the two Star Warships. His hands were powerful and the battleship of truth was extremely powerful. At this moment, a clicking noise was made, and cracks appeared between the hands of Hei Ying.


Just supporting for a moment, the two warships of truth were crushed by this shadow.

Countless figures fell out of the battleship of truth, and before they fled, the starry beast in the distance opened their mouths and immediately swallowed them all into their stomachs.

"How is that possible? The teleportation effect of the Temple of Time and Space has failed." Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan stayed in a battleship, and their expressions changed greatly at this moment.

Just now they have tried to use the teleportation power of the Temple of Truth to leave here, but nothing happened.

It is also because the ability of the Temple of Time and Space is invalid, so all the personnel in the warship will be swallowed up by the starry monsters. Otherwise, they will be able to teleport and leave the moment the starry monsters devour them.

"Master, the rebels have the two Supreme Artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth in their hands. Now they are probably the power of the artifacts they are using to fight us." Ye Chaofan looked pale.

Being reminded by Ye Chaofan, Ning Xiaochuan only remembered the materials that he had seen at first.

The Six Supreme Artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth, order and life have now been taken away by the rebels.

The constant resurrection of those star beasts just now is probably the artifact life is at work. At this moment, the ability of the Temple of Time and Space is invalidated here, and most of it is the ability of the Supreme Artifact Order.

Ning Xiaochuan was worried and turned to look outside.

At that moment, after the two huge warships had been crushed by the huge black shadow, they immediately pinched towards the other warships of truth.

Ning Xiaochuan has seen that this shadow is definitely a peerless power among the rebels.

Millions of sub-gods and sub-gods unite, relying on the power of the battleship of truth, to be able to fight against these starry beasts, but still unable to fight against a peerless powerhouse.

Even in this level of war, it is these peerless powerhouses who decide the final victory.

This time he came to Yuanxu to watch the universe, but Ning Xiaochuan had a lot of insights.

The huge black shadow, one after the other, crushed ten of the heavenly battleships of the Kingdom of Truth to a full six.

Then, the palm of this shadow caught the ship where Ning Xiaochuan was.

"Ye Chaofan, we immediately abandoned the warship." With almost no hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan flew out of this truth warship.

The Warship of Truth is now their last protection. Without the Warship of Truth, not to mention the powerful shadow, even the starry beasts are enough to kill them.

So no one but Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan could leave so decisively.

Just as Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan rushed out of the battleship of truth, a voice sounded in their ears.

"Well, there are such decisive little ones among the young people in the kingdom of truth. I thought that the younger generation of the kingdom of truth has been abolished."

With this voice, a black figure suddenly appeared beside them.

This black shadow was like a black mist, which appeared directly in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

The figure of Ning Xiaochuan stopped abruptly, staring alertly at the dark shadow in front of him.

Although the black shadow in front of him seemed to have no power, Ning Xiaochuan had already seen that this black shadow was simply the clone of the peerless powerhouse who crushed the warship of truth around them at this moment.

An avatar of such a powerful man, with Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan's abilities, could not be the opponent of the other.

"Master, his energy index actually exceeds one thousand, we are not his opponents." Ye Chaofan eagerly spoke to Ning Xiaochuan.

"I know, adapt to the situation and see what he is going to do first." Ning Xiaochuan immediately responded to Ye Chaofan.

If this dark shadow wants to kill them, they can kill both of them in one move, but the other side has no opponents. Such a situation naturally makes Ning Xiaochuan somewhat suspicious.

This dark shadow glanced up and down on Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan, and the black mouth cracked a little, and it seemed to laugh: "It's interesting, I thought two of the younger generations of the Kingdom of Truth would be too great. Person, but who knows that this is what I think too much, little guy, you are brave enough to dare to enslave even the people of the Kingdom of Truth. "

The words of the shadow make Ning Xiaochuan's face suddenly change.

The things he was worried about have finally happened now. The power of his seven-knowing gods is impossible to hide in front of these peerless powerhouses.

Fortunately, at this moment, the people who see through Ye Chaofan are the rebels, not the masters of the kingdom of truth.

Staring at the shadow in front of her, Ning Xiaochuan grinned suddenly: "What about those who enslave the Kingdom of Truth, you can't let them be insulted, let alone, aren't seniors now fighting against the Kingdom of Truth?"

"Haha, it's interesting. Your kid is smart, slippery, and decisive. He really has the style of Lao Tzu." Heiying stared at Ning Xiaochuan and laughed.

Looking at the dark shadow in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan was gradually relieved.

The other party is too powerful at this moment. If the other party can't help but speak directly, then he will have no choice but to die.

Heiying glanced at Ning Xiaochuan for a few moments before he grinned: "Little fellow, with your talent, continue to be buried in the Truth Heaven Congress, go with me, and be my apprentice in the future, we masters and apprentices The two joined forces to transcend this kingdom of truth. "

"Senior wants me to be your apprentice!"

Ning Xiaochuan's expression of tears and laughter appeared on his face. He didn't expect that the other party would make such a request at this time.

After a moment of groaning, Ning Xiaochuan continued: "Before that, can I ask the senior alone?"

Heiying said indifferently, "Ask? Who?"

"Feng Zhujun?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at Heiying Road.

"Feng Zhujun! You even know this guy, but this guy is a pervert. After you follow me, try not to mess with him." Hei Ying stared at Ning Xiaochuan curiously.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the World Extermination Sword and stared at the shadow in front of him. "It seems that Feng Zhujun is indeed with his predecessor. In that case, there is only one battle between us."

Heiying was a little surprised: "Why is this? Didn't you and I just say it well? Is it because of Feng Zhujun?"

"Yes." Ning Xiaochuan nodded his head, and it seemed to appear again that the main **** of Lei Guang was melting.

Ning Xiaochuan will never forget everything that was in Jiuyou Land.

Ning Xiaochuan received the ball of souls condensed from the gods of the nine quiet places, which is equivalent to carrying their hope of revenge, so it is certainly impossible to trust these rebels at this moment to become the companion of Fengzhujun.

Hundreds of thousands of people's grievances left Ning Xiaochuan without even a trace of reconciliation.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan's solemn appearance, Hei Ying seemed to be more surprised: "No, Feng Zhujun's guy rarely shot. How could he have a grudge with a little guy like you? Tell me about you in the end Any grudges, maybe I can help you resolve them. "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't say anything, just slowly raised the extermination sword in his hand. The same was true of Ye Chaofan, who was standing behind him. He looked out and took out an artifact.

Although he knew he was not the opponent of the man in front of him, at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan could only fight to death.

"It's nothing, I'm too lazy to ask you more, but you dare to wield a sword at me, so it's less and less rare for such a boney guy, I will first capture you back, and then slowly You communicate. "Hei Ying waved his hand, and the black palm grabbed Ning Xiaochuan.

Ye Chaofan's figure jumped out from behind, holding a dagger artifact in his hand, assassinated to the other side.

As a mind slave of Ning Xiaochuan, he would die in front of Ning Xiaochuan even if he died.

"For the sake of being a slave of my apprentice, today I forgive you." The black shadow snorted coldly, and ran a finger on Ye Chaofan, spitting the blood out of Ye Chaofan. Fly into the distance.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the void, but in his hand there appeared the Tian Suan He who had been blackmailed from Ye Chaofan before, and put it on himself. Ning Xiao Chuan suddenly felt that his strength had increased several times.

"Heavenly, sir, you even have this thing, but it's useless, go with me obediently." Hei Ying waited slowly for Ning Xiaochuan to put the heavens on him, and then faced Ning A finger deep in Ogawa.

His shape was originally composed of a black mist. At this moment, the finger was directly lengthened, like a rope, bound towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was too late to respond, and was surrounded by these black fog ropes.

The dense black fog ropes almost formed a black cocoon around Ning Xiaochuan.

"Okay, obediently follow me." Hei Ying smiled, stretched out his hand and grabbed the black cocoon, leaving Ning Xiaochuan with the cocoon inside.

But at this moment, a squeak sounded, and the black cocoon even showed a sword tip, and then the sword swept the black cocoon, tearing a large hole in the black cocoon.

"This is ... spiritual power." Heiying was shocked at this moment, looking back at Ning Xiaochuan, but his expression seemed to be a little crazy.

"Haha, little guy, I just thought you and I were in a bad mood, so I wanted to accept you as an apprentice. I didn't expect your talent to be even worse than I thought. No matter what, today ’s heaven is down. I will also take you away and make you my apprentice. "

Laughing excitedly, Hei Ying's palm was grabbed again towards Ning Xiaochuan.

But this time he did not catch Ning Xiaochuan himself, but the annihilation magic sword in Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

"Take away the artifact in your hand, and then grab you." Heiying murmured in his heart, and the black palm grabbed the sword of extinction directly.

Before he tried to grab the extermination sword, Heiying's mouth made a scream.

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