Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1228: game

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With the screaming scream of the shadow, the body that made up the shadow disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the void, and looked at everything in front of him a little bit.

Just now, he didn't even cast the beast of law. The black shadow in front of him seemed to just hold the sword of extinction, and even suffered backwash.

"Yes, it's back-bite, is it the spiritual thoughts of the previous generations of the debuffs that are contained in the sword of extinction that back-swallowed this shadow." Ning Xiaochuan immediately made a judgment in his mind.

Thinking of this, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly smiled on his face.

He never doubted the power of the World Extinction in his mind, but he did not expect that, just a spiritual idea contained in the World Extermination Sword, he would repel the mighty existence of the warship of truth that was at hand.

That's right!

Just to fight back, Ning Xiaochuan's opponent would die so easily.

"I'll take this opportunity to leave quickly and talk about it again." Ning Xiaochuan's figure flashed, and then disappeared here.

However, just after a moment in the void, the space around Ning Xiaochuan was frozen again.

The previous black shadow popped up again next to Ning Xiaochuan, cursing again and again: "Fuck, little guy, the sword in your hand turned out to be the sword of extinction. If I didn't feel it myself, I wouldn't be able to tell the bottom of the sword. But now the sword of extinction is in your hands, are you the descendant of this generation? No wonder your talent will be so good. If it is the descendant of extinction, everything will make sense. "

Seeing Heiying didn't seem to be angry because of the incident just now, and Ning Xiaochuan stopped and said, "Yes, my predecessor was right. I am indeed the fourth generation of annihilating the world."

The gap between him and this shadow is too big, there is no hope of running away, so at this moment, only in the name of the demise of the world, and the shadow in front of him is in vain.

At this moment, Heiying had a strange look at Ning Xiaochuan. After sighing a few times, he immediately cursed loudly: "I heard that the preachers of the World of Disappearance started from the third generation, and each time they selected the predecessors, two people were selected, and The battle, the winner is considered the true preacher of the world. The extinction of your world is not pure at all. It should be the loser of this generation of predecessor's competition .... Even the talent of the loser who competes for the predecessor of the world is so. Perverted, why can't I find a suitable apprentice. "

Ning Xiaochuan's face looked a little weird, looking at the dark, downright look in front of him.

This shadow is obviously a peerless power, but his temperamental character seems a bit childish, I really do not know how to cultivate his character to this state.

However, staring at this dark shadow for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly looked out and said, "Senior, if you really want to find qualified disciples, I can introduce one to you."

"You introduce me to one?" Heiying looked up at Ning Xiaochuan, and said helplessly: "If you introduce yourself, you can forget it. The perverts of the destruction of the world, Lao Tzu can't afford to rob them, and they just robbed their apprentices. dead."

"Is the name of the World Extinction so powerful? Even this peerless powerhouse is so jealous." Ning Xiaochuan murmured in surprise, then shook his head, "Of course the person I want to introduce will not be me , But a friend of mine, I see that the predecessors' ability in time and space is amazing and has reached the point of controlling time and space. My friend, not only has a chaotic heart, but also has a talent in time and space. Almost imaginary. "

"It's just a chaotic heart. I don't look down on it. It depends on her talent. It's better than no one. You tell me about this person and I'll see it when I have time." Hei Ying Some are so boring, obviously they did not take Ning Xiaochuan's mind to heart.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about this either, nodded, and Ning Xiaochuan told the shadow of Xue Lingxu's position at the moment.

With Xue Lingxu's talent, if he encounters this shadow, he will definitely become a shadow apprentice. With this method of black shadow, Xue Lingxu followed him, and he would surely increase his strength.

"Well, you're still talking about a woman. Yes, she has a very good talent and is qualified to be my heir. Haha, little guy, you are a good person for me to recommend. When I solve the matter here, go immediately Take her over. "As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's words fell, the black shadow on the other side laughed.

Such a scene really shocked Ning Xiaochuan.

You know, this is the Yuanxu universe, but Xueling Xu is a part of the Shenhe civilization. Ning Xiaochuan just said the location of Xue Lingxu, and the black shadow immediately sensed everything of Xue Lingxu. This This capability is simply abnormal.

However, this shadow does not even care about the Kingdom of Truth, and it is not unusual to have such a powerful means.

Heiying laughed a few times before looking at Ning Xiaochuan again: "Little guys, those guys in the Kingdom of Truth, do you know that you are the heir to the world?"

"What do seniors mean?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

He felt that the dark shadow asked himself this, and it seemed a bit ill-intentioned.

Heiying doesn't care about Ning Xiaochuan's answer at all, but laughs himself: "The idiots should not know that the preachers of the World of Destruction are right next to them. Otherwise, why would they let you come here as cannon fodder ... The arrogance of stupid people, it is normal to not take the demise of the world down. "

Constantly glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, at this moment Black Shadow seemed to be figuring out what little abacus.

After a short while, Hei Ying continued: "Little guy, how about a game?"

"Game?" Ning Xiaochuan muttered.

He instinctively felt that the shadow was calculating himself, but he couldn't guess what the shadow was thinking at the moment.

"The game is, I'll send you to the kid's father who you enslaved just now and see how this one of the eight kings of the kingdom of truth will react."

Hei Ying smiled proudly, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that the time and space around him had changed, and the whole person appeared in a completely strange starry sky.

At this moment in the starry sky, countless people seem to be covered with light, holding huge lightsabers in their hands, wearing armor made of light, and constantly fighting against each other in front of them like ghosts.

Regardless of these light men or those ghost-like powerhouses, their strengths can be called against the sky, and their every move will almost cause the space to collapse.

The Yuanxu Universe's stable and abnormal space is like a thin piece of paper in front of them. Their figures are walking among these space fragments, and they don't take the space cracks everywhere.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, and all the figures he could see almost gave him a stronger feeling than the Lord God of Light, who was in Jiuyou Land.

This is a group of master-level masters at war.

Ning Xiaochuan was startled, and suddenly he felt a little bit nervous.

This is the most fierce battlefield in the Yuanxu Universe. Such a battle, even if it is Yu *, can crush him.


Ning Xiaochuan just appeared here, and Ye Chaofan's figure appeared next to him.

Obviously, Ye Chaofan was also thrown here by the shadow.

At the moment Ye Chaofan appeared, in the cracks in space and time around him, several figures wearing light armor were suddenly drilled. These figures were so powerful that after glancing at Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan, one of them flashed out immediately. , Waving Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan in their hands and left the battlefield.

When Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan were taken away, the black shadow appeared before, staring at Ning Xiaochuan who was far away and laughed.

"I hope that these idiots don't take action on this boy. The women in the world of destruction are not ordinary guards. If they are to cause them to attack, the Kingdom of Truth should be a lively event, boy, I created it for you The opportunity to meet with the predecessor of Shishido, and you will have to thank me for meeting again in the future. "

Hehe laughed a few times before the shadow disappeared again.

Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan were caught in the hands of the suspected god-level strongman, without even a trace of resistance, they directly traversed countless spaces and finally entered a battleship composed entirely of light.

In this ray of warship, a middle-aged man with a beard and a rough look, stood coldly on the battleship, glancing at the starry sky in the distance, as if he was in war.

The Lord God-level strong figure flashed and appeared next to this bearded man.

"General, I found the little prince Ye Chaofan and another kid on the battlefield. They seem to be in a strange state now. How to deal with them, please show them."

The bearded man looked back at Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan, and Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that everything on his body seemed to be seen through.

And this beard was even more shocked at the moment: "What is the origin of this boy? He dared to enslave the little prince. If King Yun Yun knew this, the universe in which this boy is located will be completely destroyed. Give them both to I, I am going to see Lord Mu Yun, who will sentence him personally. "

The bearded man waved the palm of his hand, and the power of a law poured out, turning Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan into finger-sized villains, then grasping the two, and jumped out of the warship in front of them.

The surrounding space and time began to change, and when everything stabilized, Ning Xiaochuan had been taken back to the Kingdom of Truth.

"This is terrible."

Being caught in his hands, Ning Xiaochuan's face was ugly, but in his mind he was thinking quickly how to solve his current predicament.

He never expected that the shadow would send him directly to the masters of the Kingdom of Truth. In this way, his slavery of Ye Chaofan would be almost 100% leaked.

If this matter is leaked, Ning Xiaochuan's next end can be imagined.

"The dark shadow sent me to the master of the Kingdom of Truth, obviously I wanted to use my identity as a preacher of the World of Destruction to make a ghost. If there is no way, I can only use the idea of ​​that shadow to confess that I am the World of Destruction. He passed on his identity. "Ning Xiaochuan kept thinking in his mind, and finally gritted his teeth.

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