Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1229: Meet King Mu Yun

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Compared with the true highest level of the Kingdom of Truth, Ning Xiaochuan has no hole cards to deter each other, except for the identity of the annihilator.

And that shadow is obviously trying to use Ning Xiaochuan's identity to disturb the kingdom of truth.

These Ning Xiaochuan are all transparent, but at this moment, they can only go step by step according to the design of the other party.

"I hope that the king of Yun Yun, like this shadow, will jealous of his identity as the preacher of the world, and will not kill himself, so that the situation will not fall into the calculation of that shadow."

While muttering in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, the bearded man had taken Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan into a supreme hall suspended above the kingdom of truth.

The hall is of a grand scale, suspended in the air, and constantly glowing, it seems like a paradise on earth.

In other places of the Kingdom of Truth, there are similarly seven other halls.

Every subject of the Kingdom of Truth knows that in these halls are the eight kings who now control the entire Kingdom of Truth. After the reign of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Truth and the retreat of the Queen, all the things of the Kingdom of Truth have been taken over.

At this moment the bearded man entered the hall, which is the hall where King Mu Yun among the eight kings is located.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the Kingdom of Truth twice, but never left the area where the Tianjiao Palace is located, so at this moment, he is still very curious about the Kingdom of Truth, and constantly glances around.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was still calm at this moment, the man with a beard was quite surprised, but at the same time, it was a pity.

Such genius figures will have infinite achievements in the future, but now they are destined to die in the hands of Lord Mu Yun.

"Master, this is my father's residence. If our father finds out about it, my father will definitely send out the fury of thunder." Being held in his hands, Ye Chaofan's face began to worry about Ning Xiaochuan.

At this time, Ye Chaofan was still thinking about Ning Xiaochuan wholeheartedly.

The bearded man seemed to hear Ye Chaofan's voice, looked at Ye Chaofan strangely, and then stepped into the hall in front of him.

In this hall, which is the pinnacle of the earth, there are countless beautiful maids, dressed in veil, and shuttle through the hall.

These maids are light in body and soft in body, and each of them is stunning. Even the presence of a beard man, even after glancing at these maids, they suddenly felt dry and immediately lowered their heads.

"The King of Yun Yun will enjoy it very much." Although Ning Xiaochuan was caught in his hands, he could see everything around him and looked at the maids in the hall, Ning Xiaochuan said secretly.

If it is not clear that this is the Kingdom of Truth at this moment, I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan will still think that he has come to the residence of that prince and noble.

Because in the Da Yan world, only those princes and aristocrats who are extravagant and extravagant don't care much about cultivation, so they are so particular about pomp and enjoy everything.

Seeing the bearded man coming in, two light-weight maids came over and smiled and said, "Master Yangqian, aren't you going out to battle, why do you have time to come to Muyun Palace?"

Although with the strength of the Bearded Man, the two women in front of him can be crushed by blowing his breath, but in the face of these two women, the Bearded Man still converges madly and cautiously: "Please inform Master Mu Yun, I have Seek things. "

"Okay, I know, but Lord Mu Yun is not free at this moment, you have to wait a little." The two beautiful maids laughed and turned away.

Bearded men can only stay where they are and start waiting.

"Oh, this is the high-level of the Kingdom of Truth?" Ning Xiaochuan was almost widened by the thunder in front of the scene.

The Kingdom of Truth is the highest civilization between heaven and earth. Even ordinary citizens can use the Supreme Artifact Civilization to communicate with each other at any time, which is extremely convenient.

However, at this moment, the beard man begged to see King Mu Yun, but he still had to report.

What's more fascinating is that this beard is outside the existence of a master who can command countless master-level gods, but even here he has to whisper, like a servant.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that the Muyun King's hall in front of him did not seem to be in the Kingdom of Truth, but was in the lowest level of civilization.

Seeing a look of surprise on Ning Xiaochuan's face, Ye Chaofan said, "Master, my father prefers to pay attention to pomp, so he deliberately sought out those court etiquette officials from lower civilizations, and specified the rules of Muyun Palace. I came to see my father, and I must obey this rule. "

Ning Xiaochuan was a little speechless: "Find the rules of court etiquette officials from lower civilizations, your father will not have a problem with his head."

"How could it be? My father is the most intelligent person in the world, otherwise how could he be one of the eight kings of the kingdom of truth." Ye Chaofan argued: "But the master should know that the kingdom of truth is already the highest civilization in the world. , And my father is one of the eight kings of the kingdom of truth, both in status and cultivation have reached the limit. In this case, it is right to enjoy it. Although the kingdom of truth has evolved to the top in all aspects, but If it is enjoyment, of course, no one can compare with the nobles of low-level civilization, which is why my father has obtained those rules of etiquette officials from the low-level civilization to design the Muyun King Hall. "

Glancing around the magnificent palace, Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "I now know why the rebels appeared in the Truth Heaven Congress."

If all the high-levels of the Kingdom of Truth are so extravagant and corrupt, it would not be a surprise to see the rebels in the Kingdom of Truth appear.

The main hall of King Muyun in front of him showed Ning Xiaochuan the other side of the kingdom of truth.

When a civilization develops to the extreme, it will even develop in a reversing direction. This situation makes Ning Xiaochuan feel a little strange.

The bearded man Yang Qian glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and Ye Chaofan, with a look of helplessness. Naturally, he also knows the dilemma encountered by the Kingdom of Truth today, but what is the truth, the class of the Kingdom of Truth today is clear, and all those who do not obey management will end up miserable.

Although Yang Qian's strength was strong, he did not have the possibility to fight against the whole truth heaven.

After waiting for a long time, from the depths of the hall in front of me, finally came out a figure slowly.

This figure is a majestic middle-aged man. At this moment he is like an emperor, wearing a gorgeous robe, surrounded by a group of delicate maids, and slowly walking out of the hall.

After glancing at Jiang Qian, who had been waiting for a long time, the middle-aged man walked to the huge throne deep in the hall and sat down.

Yang Qian, who knows the nature of Mu Yun and Wang Bing, hurried forward at the moment and said, "Master Mu Yun!"

Looking at Yang Qian who was standing in front of himself, a smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face. "Well, Yang Qian, don't be rude. What is important for you to come back from the Yuanxu universe at this time?" Matter? If you leave the battlefield for no reason, you will be punished. "

"I know this, Master Mu Yun, please see." Yang Qian nodded and waved his hands to bring Ye Chaofan and Ning Xiaochuan to his eyes.

King Mu Yun glanced over Ye Chaofan and Ning Xiaochuan, and his expression changed immediately. A cold chill escaped in the hall. Even the maids around King Wu Yun could not help but stay away from the wood slightly Yun Wang a few steps.

The icy look of King Yun Yun fell on Ye Chaofan and said coldly, "Son, come here."

Ye Chaofan's face hesitated and turned to look at Ning Xiaochuan. Without Ning Xiaochuan's permission, at this moment he did not dare to take the initiative.

This situation suddenly made the middle-aged man furious and suddenly stood up.

"Courageous enough to dare to enslave my son."


With the anger of King Mu Yun, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the surrounding hall disappeared instantly, and Ning Xiaochuan himself seemed to be a page of flat boats in the surging ocean, struggling in the waves.

"The King of Yun Yun has such a terrible power." Ning Xiaochuan was surprised in his heart, but he did not hesitate to take out the World Extermination Sword, and placed the World Extermination Sword in front of himself, blocking the stormy waves in front of him.

All that Ning Xiaochuan encountered at this moment was just a storm caused by the outburst of mental strength under the anger of King Mu Yun.

These mental storms lasted for a while before they completely disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan, who was hit by the storm of King Mu Yun's heart, was sweating on his forehead, his body was shaking, and he almost fell.

"Well, this kid is just a sub-god, and he was able to stay awake under the shock of King Mu Yun's heart." Yang Qian, looking at Ning Xiaochuan, looked surprised again.

In the main hall of King Mu Yun, the beautiful maids looked at the King Mu Yun in fright, one by one, for fear that King Mu Yun would transfer their anger to them.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing in the center of the hall, looked up at the King Yun Yun in front of him, and his expression of fear was also revealed.

This Mu Yun King is really too strong, as Ye Chaofan said just now, the strength of Mu Yun King has indeed reached the highest level.

Ye Chaofan had already been pulled down by Wang Yun of Qiang at this moment. Wang Yun's hand was put on Ye Chaofan's head, as if he was feeling the slave's mark that Ning Xiaochuan planted in Ye Chaofan.

The power of the Seven Tricks is different from ordinary slave marks. Once planted, it can almost never be cracked.

However, the strength of Mu Yunwang in front of him was obviously beyond imagination. After only a moment of effort, Ning Xiaochuan felt that he had lost control of Ye Chaofan.

Ye Chaofan had some bewildered eyes. At this moment, he was awake instantly and looked up at his father. Ye Chaofan froze for a moment, then even if he thought of everything before him, he turned back suddenly and looked at Ning Xiaochuan fiercely.

Ye Chaochao, the little prince who was once immortal, is back again at the moment.

"Father, I want him to die." Ye Chaofan's roaring voice echoed in the main hall of King Mu Yun.

King Mu Yun stared coldly at Ning Xiaochuan and nodded: "Relax, you dare to enslave our Ye family, there is only a dead end."

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