Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1231: a thousand years

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King Mu Yun didn't say anything, but Ye Chaofan on the side was already impatient: "General Yang Qian, you are too timid. With the strength of our Kingdom of Truth, why should we fear a small way of extinction."

"And I heard that the ancestor of the annihilation is a woman, and the second-generation annihilator of the annihilation of the world is closely related to the Emperor of the Truth. I think the Emperor of the Truth left the ancestral teachings only for his own selfish desire."

Seeing Ye Chaofan discussing the Emperor of the Truth so casually, Yang Gan was dissatisfied: "The little prince said cautiously that the Emperor of Truth is our ancestor and cannot be presumptuous."

Ye Chaofan poked his lips and seemed to be disdainful, but did not continue to say anything.

Yang Qian then turned to face the King of Yun Yun: "My lord, this is indeed a bit weird. At the beginning, the little prince and the descendants of the World Disappeared were a little strange, so I suggest that the ancestor should check the truth of the matter first, and then Make a decision. "

"No need, Yang Gan, I think you are not even as good as my son now." King Mu Yun groaned for a moment before he began to speak.

Glancing at Ning Xiaochuan coldly, the corner of King Mu Yun sneered a bit: "Now we are the protagonists of this era, such as the Emperor of Truth and the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, all have become history and have long disappeared. So do n’t worry at all. What's more, a new generation is better than an old one. How powerful is the kingdom of truth under the control of our eight kings. If at this moment we can attract the predecessors of the extinction, I would like to see them. What the **** is there. "

Yang Qian shook his head helplessly.

King Yun's words had let him know that it would be useless to say anything. Instead, he might anger the King Yun and punish himself.

"But this incident involves the legendary way of extinction. Even if I was struggling to be punished by King Mu Yun, I had to immediately notify the other kings." Yang Qian looked nervous, but has secretly started communicating with the other seven kings of the Kingdom of Truth .

The other seven kings are not as poignant as the king of Yun Yun. Just a moment later, the other seven suspended halls of the Kingdom of Truth skyrocketed seven figures.

Feeling the abnormality of other halls, King Mu Yun looked at Yang Gan with annoyance suddenly: "Yang Gan, you are bold, but dare to interfere in the affairs of your king."


Annoyed immediately, layers of halo emerged from King Mu Yun's body, bombarding Yang Qian.

Yang Qian's expression changed drastically, and he tried his best to resist, but he was still swept away by these auras, his breath weakened a lot.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the hall, staring at everything in front of him.

At the moment when the king of Yun Yun started, he immediately felt that whether it was King Yun or Yang Qian, it seemed that the figure jumped to another time and space, so the two master-level masters would be so dull.

But in this dullness, there are infinite killings.

Under the anger of the king, Mu Yun didn't even care about Yang Qian as the leader of the Kingdom of Truth, and he was also a god-level powerful man. Those circles surrounded Yang Qian, and he wanted to kill Yang Qian directly.

"King Yun, your mercy."

A dull voice sounded in the hall. At the same time, Yang Qian was suddenly surrounded by a burly man wearing a battle armor.

The burly man's fingers lightly bounced on the rings made by King Mu Yun, and the other hand immediately pulled Yang Qian out of the rings.

Then the rings disappeared and the hall calmed down again.

"King Buddha, I just gave him a little punishment. Since you spoke, I will spare him this time." King Mu Yun glanced at the burly man in front of him, and snorted coldly.

The burly man smiled slightly, but just reached out and patted Yang Gan, saying nothing.

After the burly man appeared, six other figures appeared in the Muyun Palace.

"Is this the eight kings who now control the Kingdom of Truth?" Ning Xiaochuan looked curiously at the people in front of him.

These eight people are definitely the most powerful people in the world today. Ning Xiaochuan never expected that he would deal with such a powerful character so soon.

The moment the eight kings appeared, they had begun to scan Ning Xiaochuan constantly.

From Yang Qian's voice, they already knew the identity of Ning Xiaochuan, and they were obviously very curious about the identity of Ning Xiaochuan's descendant.


After the other seven kings appeared, King Mu Yun waved his arm and immediately blocked Ning Xiaochuan, Ye Chaofan, and others, apparently not wanting to let others know the dialogue between the eight kings.

Ye Chaofan and others looked at the eight kings in dismay, and couldn't guess what the final discussion of the eight kings would be.

Because they knew in their hearts that the eight kings were not an iron plate. If the king of Yun Yun must kill Ning Xiaochuan, there would be other people blocking it.

Compared with Ye Chaofan and others, Ning Xiaochuan calmed down at the moment.

In the face of the highest levels of these kingdoms of truth, Ning Xiaochuan knew in his heart that even if he was in a panic, it would not help him. It was better to take this opportunity to imagine how to leave here next.

He came out this time to collect resources and strengthen the world's strength, so as to deal with the next attack of Yuanguang Holy Land.

If something happens to him here at the moment, it's not just him who is unlucky, but the entire Da Yan world.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xiaochuan simply sat down cross-legged, put his hands on the sword of extinction, and carefully began to understand the path of extinction.

I don't know how long it has passed before Ning Xiaochuan heard a sudden noise.

"Your boy's mentality is good enough. At this time, he can still practice with peace of mind."

Opening his eyes, Ning Xiaochuan saw that the eight kings of the Kingdom of Truth were all staring at themselves at this moment. The person speaking at this moment was the burly man King Jin Buddha who rescued Yang Gan just now.

"No way, my strength is so different from yours, it is impossible to escape, so now there is nothing else to do except cultivation." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

"This is true." King Jin Buddha nodded, and continued: "Originally, King Mu Yun had determined to kill you. In the face of several of us, King Mu Yun changed his mind. Your little life will be left for you for now, but death will save you from living crimes. Later we will put you in the cage of the kingdom of truth and hold you for ten thousand years as punishment. "

"What, ten thousand years?" Almost everyone else in the hall was stunned.

Although Xiuwei has reached the sub-god realm, his life is almost infinite, but in fact, even the main **** has a limited life.

Only for most people, the life span of 10,000 years is already long enough, so a life span of more than 10,000 years is called an infinite life span.

In the kind of environment in the cage, once you enter it, you will be afraid that it will be difficult to get in.

Yin Ningchuan's realm at this moment, if he had been locked up for 10,000 years, would be afraid that he would not be far from death when he came out.

Such punishment is crueler than direct killing.

"The King of Golden Buddha and others don't seem to want to save people at all, but they want the face of King Wu Yun. Otherwise, how could this sage of the world pass this punishment?" Yang Gan sighed in his heart.

He was almost killed by King Mu Yun just now, but now he dare not speak again.

Hearing that Ning Xiaochuan could not die, Ye Chaofan was already gloomy, but after hearing the punishment of 10,000 years of life in a prison cage, his mouth suddenly smiled again.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the eight kings in silence, and finally shook his head: "Sorry, I won't accept your punishment."

"Your name is Ning Xiaochuan, this is the most tolerant punishment for you. If you are not for the sake of being a preacher of the world, you will not have a chance to survive today." King Buddha said indifferently .

"But this punishment is no different from direct death. In that case, I might as well fight it." Ning Xiaochuan stood up from the ground holding the sword of extinction, and his face was a little calm. Smile.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan wielded the sword of extinction in his hand, and all the rules of extinction that he had learned were shot out.

The law beast!

A roaring giant emerged out of thin air, biting towards the eight kings ahead.

"He dared to shoot at the Eight Kings." Yang Qian was stunned by Ning Xiaochuan's actions at this moment, but in his heart, he also faintly admired Ning Xiaochuan.

There are not many people in this world who dare to attack the eight kings of the Kingdom of Truth.

"Haha, Ning Xiaochuan, you are looking for death." Ye Chaofan grinned, and then eagerly shouted, "Father, you must not completely destroy him, you must leave his body and destroy the world. Study it out. "

The Eight Kings looked unchanged, but frowned slightly, watching Ning Xiaochuan rushing towards them.

In their eyes, Ning Xiaochuan was almost like a cricket ant, but this cricket dared to swing a sword at them, which made them somewhat uncomfortable.

Especially the best-looking King Mu Yun, at this moment glanced back at the burly man King of Golden Buddha: "King Buddha, this is not that I don't give you face, you also saw that this person is relying on his own identity He was so arrogant that he didn't even look at our eight kings. Even if I killed him today, he would kill himself. "

"Also, kill and kill, it ’s just a little guy. But your son is right. Do n’t go too far when killing him, leave the body, we can let the Shennong in the Yangxin Temple revive him and study him The Secret of the World Extinction on His Body. "King Golden Buddha shook his head indifferently.

Mu Yun Wang snorted and waved, a light spot ejected from his finger, and shot toward Ning Xiaochuan.

It was just a small spot of light, but Ning Xiaochuan felt as if a world was coming towards him.

Before the light spot rushed to Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan's rule beast immediately broke down. However, at the same time, a familiar feeling appeared on Ning Xiaochuan.

In the sword of annihilation, a figure of cricket slowly came out.

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