Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1232: Patriarch

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Ning Xiaochuan did not hesitate to take any action against the Eight Kings of the Kingdom of Truth at this moment, but he was just betting on it.

He certainly knew that with his strength at the moment, there would be no chance of winning against these peerless powerhouses, so at this moment he can only gamble everything in his capacity as the preacher of the world.

Although this kind of bet is a bit empty, but Ning Xiaochuan can't help but, as he said, if he is really locked up for 10,000 years, he would rather die directly.

However, the change of the extinct magic sword now lets Ning Xiaochuan know that he made the right bet this time.

The figure of the puppet came out of the sword of extinction. At first, it was the size of a finger. Then it changed step by step, and finally became a peerless beauty.


This peerless beauty has a beautiful face, but she has a strong metamorphosis, her figure flickers, a pair of slightly cold palms hold Ning Xiaochuan's wrist, and then she pulls Ning Xiaochuan out of the attack of King Yun.

"It turned out to be a living person, not a ghost." Feeling the temperature from the slightly cold little hand holding himself, Ning Xiaochuan was a little dumbfounded.

He also thought that the moment when he stepped out of the World Extermination Sword, it would be the same as last time, but a spiritual idea of ​​the ancestors of World Extinction.

But the palm that holds him now tells him clearly that the stunning beauty who appears in front of himself at this moment is not a ghost or alive, but a living person.

A woman coming out of the sword of destruction.

How many generations are she to succeed? Wouldn't it be the master of the master?

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the other side, but quickly calculated in his mind.

"you are?"

The eight kings of the kingdom of truth, at this moment, looked serious, staring at the woman beside Ning Xiaochuan.

From the scrolls handed down before the Kingdom of Truth, they have identified the identity of the woman in front of them, but they are somewhat unbelievable, because this woman, like the Emperor of Truth, has long been a legend, and it is impossible to appear now. it's here.

But in the end, the name of King Mu Yun who shot before was still a name: "the ancestor of extinction."

Ning Xiaochuan's body shook, and an incredible look appeared on his face. He never expected that what appeared at this moment would be the first-generation ancestor of the world.

King Buddha and others, all at this moment with a look of fear, but under this look of fear, they also faintly excited.

After becoming the eight kings of the Kingdom of Truth, they have stood at the pinnacle of the whole world, and they are almost invincible.

Even those rebels pose little threat to them, because they have control over the whole kingdom of truth.

But now, the ancestral ancestors who appeared here have brought them a very dangerous feeling.

This feeling made them feel a little excited, and even gave birth to their minds. If the other party is destroyed, it is not the right idea to prove their strength.

We must know that the ancestor of the annihilation of the world is the same as the emperor of the truth. If they can kill the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, it means that they have the power to surpass the emperor of the truth.

The position of the Emperor of Truth in the Kingdom of Truth transcends everything, even if it has disappeared for countless years, even the descendants of the Emperor of Truth no longer control the Kingdom of Truth, but the name of the Emperor of Truth is still deeply imprinted in every truth In the hearts of the subjects of the kingdom of heaven, they are regarded as supreme beings, worshipping worship.

And if they can prove that they and others have the power to surpass the Emperor of Truth, then the eight kings will completely replace everything of the emperor of truth and completely change the kingdom of truth into the kingdom of eight kings.

Staring at the stunning woman, the burly King of the Golden Buddha said: "Who are you? How dare you intervene in the matter of my kingdom of truth."

Although the identity of the woman in front of her was guessed, King Buddha and others deliberately pretended to be ignorant in order to weaken the influence of the ancestor of the world in the kingdom of truth.

However, the woman who was suspected of being the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, did not even look at the eight kings around her, but glanced around indifferently before finally looking at Ning Xiaochuan, her voice was cold: "Who is your master? ? "

"Old cold rain." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, truthfully.

There are only a few people in the world, and such news does not need to be concealed at all, nor can it be concealed.

"That's right." The ancestor of Shishi Dao nodded his head, and his fingers lightly stroked in front of him, and he opened a gap: "This is not where you should come, you go, wait for Shishishi Come and see me again when all the Qiandao practices have been successful. "

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the rift in front of him. The rift made by the ancestor of the annihilation of the world was like a space passage that directly connected to the Shenhe universe.

In front of this rift, Ning Xiaochuan said, "Master, what do they do?"

At the moment, Ning Xiaochuan was talking about the Eight Kingdoms of the Kingdom of Truth. Now these eight kings are standing side by side, apparently with no intention. In this case, Ning Xiaochuan could not leave in peace.

"They?" The ancestor of Shishi Dao looked back at Bawang and others, calmly, "It's just ants, it's not worth paying attention to."

Called by the ancestors of the annihilated Dao, the look of King Mu Yun and others suddenly became angry.

As the eight kings of the kingdom of truth, they have not been so despised for a long time.

"It is ridiculous that Lao Tzu has for the first time heard of someone calling Lao Tzu an ant, the ancestor of the annihilation of the world. This King is the King of Time and Space in the Kingdom of Truth. Since the ancestor came to save this kid, he would not have to leave and offend him. The kingdom of truth, no one can escape punishment. "

The King of Time and Space is not tall and thin, but his voice is extremely sharp.

After a sneer, the space-time king's eyes suddenly shot out two rays of light.

"Time and space freeze."

The sharp voice was emitted from the King of Time and Space, and was shot by the light in the King of Time and Space. Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that everything around him seemed to be frozen. At this moment, he felt as if he had fallen into a deep As in the bottom of the quagmire, all his movements were locked, making it difficult to blink his eyelids.

"The ancestor of the annihilation of the world, this is not the time you are rampant. In this age, everything is under our control. Since even you have appeared, then you leave it."

There was a sneer in the mouth of the King of Time and Space, and the thin figure suddenly became hazy. He seemed to have disappeared in place and jumped into the real river of time and space. He swayed the figure and walked towards the ancestor of the world and Ning Xiaochuan.

King Buddha and others, at this moment watched the King of Space and Time move, and only slightly distanced.

The time and space king's strength is against the sky, and he also controls the space and time in the Supreme Artifact of the Kingdom of Truth. In terms of time and space control, almost no one is the opponent of the time and space king.

At this moment, they also want to use the King of Time and Space to see what the legendary ancestral master of the world is doing.

"The ancestor of the annihilation of the world, for the sake of your friendship with Emperor Truth, I will lock you in 100,000 in time and space ..."


Before the King of Time and Space had finished speaking, the ancestor of the annihilation of the world suddenly shot, and the white palms penetrated into the space and time of the King of Time and Space, slap him out.

"Impossible." With a slap-printed King of Space and Time on his face, he was staring at the ancestor of Desolation.

The icy look of the ancestor of the annihilation of the world did not change at all, but he just grabbed a hand at the King of Time and Space, and from the King of Time and Space, he caught a group of light clusters rotating like countless star dust.

This light group is the supreme artifact spacetime of the Kingdom of Truth. Even the supreme artifacts in the body were caught. The king of spacetime paralyzed on the ground like a discouraged ball.

He didn't think of how the ancestor of the annihilation of the world would be so powerful that even the supreme artifacts on him could be taken away at will.

"In the face of Emperor Truth, I will leave you a life, but I don't like people who are so embarrassed, and if you dare to say more nonsense, I will kill you." Say something.

The other seven kings next to me were now completely dumbfounded.

Their strength is almost the same as that of King of Time and Space. Now the ancestor of the World Extinction uses only one slap to deal with the King of Time and Space. To deal with them, they only need one slap.

How could she be so strong?

Looking at the ancestral ancestor of the cold world in front of them, their heads suddenly cleared up.

Invincible for a long time, coupled with the supreme position has confuse their hearts, but now, the slap of the ancestor of the annihilation of the world woke them up.

It's like a frog staying in a well. At this moment, it suddenly jumped out of the wellhead. Apart from being curious about the outside world, it was more frightening.

One by one looked at the ancestor of the Shishi Dao in horror. The look of King Mu Yun and others had been completely dull, and I didn't know what to do next.

"It's too strong." Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, admiring the ancestor of the demise of the world.

To the Ning Xiaochuan, the Eight Kingdoms of Truth Kingdom is already a peerless powerhouse. Just before the ancestor of the annihilation of the world, the eight kings are just like a little child with no chickens.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you leave first, I will use the sword of extinction for the time being." A slap of shock stunned the Eight Kingdoms of Truth, and the ancestor of Nie Xiaodao casually confronted Ning Xiaochuan.

"The ancestor knew my name." Ning Xiaochuan muttered secretly in his heart.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan had been completely at ease, naturally he would not hesitate any more, nodded and stepped into the cracks in time and space in front of him.

The moment Ning Xiaochuan stepped into the cracks in the space, Ning Xiaochuan heard the frightening sound of Hachio and others from his ears.

"Master of the World, what are you doing?"

"She is going to destroy our kingdom of truth."

"Even if she is strong, she is just one person. We fight with her."


Among these messy sounds, the cold voice of the ancestor of the annihilation of the world came out at the same time.

"You thought it was worthy of me to come out with a bunch of **** like yours. I came here this time just to destroy the kingdom of truth."

Destroy the kingdom of truth!

Ning Xiaochuan's expression changed suddenly, and he looked back at the place where the kingdom of truth was.

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