Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1233: Extinction

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In the space passage, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that he was swept by a strong storm.

Involuntarily wandering in these storms of time and space, Ning Xiaochuan seemed to appear something like a light spot.

This light spot seems infinitely small, smaller than anything, but it is glorious, and more beautiful than any treasure Ning Xiaochuan has seen. It oppressed all the time and space around it, and even Changhe could not reach this light spot. Ning Xiaochuan stared at this light spot in front of him, but felt a palpitation.

This feeling made Ning Xiaochuan feel like an ant, but the spot of light in front of him was an overbearing ancient monster.

"Is this light spot the essence of the kingdom of truth?"

Staring at the light spot ahead, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly returned to his senses.

The Kingdom of Truth has long since become a pole, and it has jumped out of time and space, and this light spot in front of it seems to fit this statement.

"Little guy, how? I'm right, let's have fun with this game."

Just as Ning Xiaochuan stared at the light spot in front, he suddenly heard a voice again.


When he heard this voice, Ning Xiaochuan uttered a curse almost immediately.

The sound that appeared in his ear at this moment was the sound of the dark shadow that he wanted to take him as an apprentice.

Hearing the shadow of the black shadow, Ning Xiaochuan only found that there were several shadows lurking and lurking around the light spot where the Kingdom of Truth was located.

These shadows are hazy, and it is impossible to see their true appearance at all, but one of them is almost exactly the same as the black shadow that Ning Xiaochuan saw before.

"Haha, the little guy is angry, but it ’s no use to be angry. My purpose has been achieved. With your identity as a preacher of the World Extinction, it really brought the abnormal group of World Extermination to the world. It can be seen that the eight idiots in Truth Heaven dared to turn their faces to the true ancestors of the annihilation of the world. After Truth Heaven's internal chaos, we were able to take advantage of the truth and take complete control of the Kingdom of Truth. "Heiying laughed unconsciously Up.

Ning Xiaochuan now understands why these people lurk around the kingdom of truth.

These rebels can jump into the long river of time and space and approach the Kingdom of Truth, and they should all be peerless.

If there is a great mess in the Kingdom of Truth, and they come in while they are false, I am afraid that the Kingdom of Truth will really be in their hands in the future.

But the premise is that the kingdom of truth can still exist from now on.

Ning Xiaochuan no longer cares about the dark shadow in front of him, but stares at the light spot in the distance. Before he heard it clearly, the ancestor of the annihilation of the Taoism came to destroy the kingdom of truth.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is curious how the ancestor of the annihilation of the world will destroy the kingdom of truth.

Under Ning Xiaochuan's gaze, the spot in front of it suddenly swelled violently.

This dazzling light spot is so small that it is smaller than anything. At this moment, it has expanded innumerable times. The sudden expansion of the light spot has caused the surrounding space and time to begin to be disordered.

And in the center of this huge light spot, a clearly visible crack appeared.

It was as if the boiled egg was chopped into two halves at once, which represented this light spot of the kingdom of truth, and it burst into a halt from the middle.

"Shit, little guy, do you want to be so ruthless in this group of perverts, that they have blasted the Kingdom of Truth, grass! Grass! This time, it ’s a big game."

The dark and angry voice of the black shadow came before. Obviously, even he did not expect that the ancestor of the annihilation of the world would be so great that even the kingdom of truth would be cut in half directly.


After the Kingdom of Truth was split into two halves, the space-time storm around him became more and more violent, and Ning Xiaochuan's figure was blown away by this space-time storm, and flew away in the distance. At the moment when Ning Xiaochuan's figure was out of control, the extinct sword appeared like lightning, protecting Ning Xiaochuan's whole body.

The impact of the kingdom of truth's explosion has begun to manifest at this moment.

At the center of the cosmos, which is squeezed together like countless eggs, a violent amount of violence burst out at this moment. This force swept through the cosmos, blasted all the walls of the universe, and these original small universes disappeared at this moment. Blend into one, and the civilizations, planets, and souls in the universe are all blown by this storm of time and space, and roll out frantically around.

The entire world is like a pool, and the planets and creatures in the universe are floating leaves in the pool. At this moment, the center of the pool suddenly falls into a large rock. The water in the pool is rolling wildly around, and it also drives With these leaves began to roll.

This scene is completely like the end of the world.

The few small universes that are very close to the explosion site of the Kingdom of Truth have all been destroyed and disappeared at this moment.

There are also only a few gods against the sky who escaped from this great destruction.

Looking at the small worlds that have been in a mess and still turning in the storm of time and space, they are dumbfounded and completely dumbfounded.

"The ancestor is not destroying the Kingdom of Truth. This is really annihilating the world. I do n’t know how many souls can survive in this heaven and earth." The body flipped in a storm of time and space. Ning Ogawa can only marvel at this moment.

It was amazing enough that the old master of the master almost destroyed the Shenhe civilization. But who thought that the ancestor of the annihilation of the world was 10,000 times more exaggerated than her, and once he appeared, he almost achieved the annihilation of the world.

Fortunately, this kind of space-time storm is not very destructive to those individual small worlds. Otherwise, just the space-time storm that sweeps around can clean up all the beings in the world.

"The world of Da Yan is far away from the place where the Kingdom of Truth explodes, and it should not be affected much." With the seal of the leader on his body, Ning Xiaochuan felt the situation of Da Yan at all times.

This storm swept through everything, and naturally, the world of Da Yan could not escape this calamity. However, this space-time storm just blew the world from its original position and did not have any impact on the inside of the world.

"Well, is that?"

After wandering in this turbulent space and time for two days, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly lighted up, and his heart screamed.

Not far away from him at this moment, there was a huge battleship of truth, tumbling towards the distance.

This kind of truth warship is definitely an invincible weapon in a large-scale war. At this moment, when I saw such a warship in front of myself, Ning Xiaochuan's heart suddenly became fiery, and he tried his best to start approaching this warship. Get the battleship in your hand.

Fortunately, this time he flew out in the same direction as the warship flew out, so after spending a full day again, Ning Xiaochuan slowly approached the truth warship.

The warship in front of him and the warship that Ning Xiaochuan entered before belonged to a class, and they were all just the weakest of all warships of truth.

But warships of this quality are just right for Ning Xiaochuan at the moment.

Although those high-quality warships can contend with the main god, Ning Xiaochuan cannot urge it at all. Like a warship of this quality now, if Ning Xiaochuan spends some price, he can use some of his abilities.


Reaching out to grab the battleship of truth, Ning Xiaochuan's mental power invaded the interior of the battleship.

At this moment, the warship was already an ownerless thing. Ning Xiaochuan's heart invaded it, and it took only a momentary effort to refine it.

With the thought of Ning Xiaochuan, there were at least dozens of miles of warships. At this moment, they began to shrink rapidly, and finally became ordinary warships only a few meters in size.

Ning Xiaochuan flashed into the battleship.

Such a warship of truth is simply an upgraded version of the broken boat. Ning Xiaochuan entered it, but he could use his ability to hurry, but to exert its full combat power, that is not what Ning Xiaochuan can do.

With the help of the battleship of truth, Ning Xiaochuan could barely move short distances in these turbulent currents.

Not long after getting the battleship of truth, Ning Xiaochuan discovered again that there were at least dozens of fist-sized sculptures in the void in the distance, rushing from a distance.

"Oh my god, lie down, all these things have appeared, still so much, I must stop them."

Ning Xiaochuan, who stayed in the battleship of truth, saw these sculptures for a brief moment, and immediately got excited.

These days are the most powerful Warframes produced by the Kingdom of Truth. If Ning Xiaochuan had them in his hands, the strength of the Dayan World would increase greatly.

The warship that controlled the truth began to grow larger, and one side of the warship quickly began to approach the past towards those days.

Bang bang ...

Dozens of sounds crashed into the battleship of truth these days.

Ning Xiaochuan took control of the battleship of truth and opened a mouth. These dozens of days counted, and they tumbled into the battleship of truth.

After a few breaths, Ning Xiaochuan was held in his hands these days.

Looking down at these astronomical scribbles depicting numbers, Ning Xiaochuan's face looked a little stunned.

Now he finally determined that the Kingdom of Truth would be completely finished. Otherwise, these heavens and the Battleship of Truth would not be thrown out at will as they are now.

As the only nine-level civilization, the Kingdom of Truth has many resources in it. Now that the Kingdom of Truth is destroyed, all these resources naturally ran out.

However, the vast majority of ordinary resources should all be destroyed in this frantic storm of time and space. What can be preserved is only the fine works like the battleship of truth and heaven.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't get these things at ordinary times, but at this moment, with the help of this great disaster of the Kingdom of Truth, Ning Xiaochuan got these things.

With the power of the kingdom of truth, Ning Xiaochuan felt quite sighed at the moment, even if it was destroyed.

But after a few sighs, he adjusted immediately.

"Grass, what do you want to do so much at this time, now in the chaos of time and space, there may be no baby, take advantage of this opportunity to get more benefits first."

Controlling the battleship of truth, Ning Xiaochuan began to shuttle in the nearby space-time storm.

It's like controlling a small boat to walk in a turbulent river. Ning Xiaochuan controlled the battleship of truth arduously, and constantly walked. He found the treasure and stopped him. After a few days, he really had a large body Heap baby.

After lasting almost one month, the space-time storms that swept the surrounding area finally began to weaken.

All those who survived this storm know that when the storm passes, a new pattern will begin between heaven and earth.

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