Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1234: New Era

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I am afraid that no one could have imagined that the Truth Heaven Congress suddenly collapsed, and the impact of the collapse of Truth Heaven Kingdom, the only nine-level civilization in heaven and earth, was the chaos in the world, and almost all the universe collapsed.

The structure that made up this world was originally a small universe, but now these universes collapse, and the rest is just endless chaos and countless worlds.

The kingdom of truth explodes in the center of the world, and all the small worlds are squeezed to the edge of the world.

This situation is as if the numerous leaves floating in the pond are pushed by the pool water and piled up on the shore.

A leaf is a small world. Today, so many small worlds come together, and even many small worlds are linked to each other.

Previously, because the universe and the universe were so far apart, there was almost no intersection between the two universes, and only those god-level powers could break through the wall of the universe and enter other universes.

But now, the wall of the universe disappears, all the small worlds pile up together, and the layers of space obstacles in the starry sky are all broken by the explosion of the kingdom of truth. In this way, the distance between one small world and another small world is simply Become very close, almost adjacent.

This is the new pattern between heaven and earth, representing the birth of new rules.

Two powerful forces, originally because of their long distances, may have a very small possibility of war. But now, the two may have come together. As a result, a brutal war will inevitably occur between the two to determine the true king.

However, at this moment, because the surrounding space-time storm still has not stopped, this large-scale melee has not started.

Ning Xiaochuan piloted the battleship of truth, shuttled through the space storm, and intercepted various treasures.

This situation of world destruction, for Ning Xiaochuan, turned into a huge encounter.

Of course, it is not just Ning Xiaochuan who has such an encounter. When he shuttles in the storm of time and space, he has encountered many masters who are just as excited as him and intercept treasures in the storm of time and space.

Once, Ning Xiaochuan even saw that a temple shattered from the Kingdom of Truth was taken away by a man in red.

Such an opportunity is indeed called against the sky.

We must know that if it is not just for the collapse of the Kingdom of Truth, it is absolutely impossible for the things in the Kingdom of Truth to flow out, and even less likely to be obtained.

In the past, the masters of Bapin civilization could hardly surpass the masters of the kingdom of truth no matter how they cultivated. This was determined by the level of civilization. But now, those who have acquired the treasures of the kingdom of truth may be able to become the masters of the kingdom of truth.

More than a month later, the space-time storm around Ning Xiaochuan gradually subsided.

The storm weakened, and the number of times Ning Xiaochuan encountered the baby began to decrease.

At this time, Ning Xiaochuan stopped searching in the storm of time and space. Now that he continues to stay here, he has lost some money, so he might as well rush back to Da Yan World earlier and prepare to face the next chaos.

The kingdom of truth exploded, and all the small worlds were squeezed together. Sooner or later, wars will occur between these worlds, and the world of Da Yan will never escape.

Compared with the threat of the former Yuanguang Holy Land, the crisis in Dayan World is now greater.

In the past, the location of the world of Da Yan was too remote, almost at the extreme edge of the Shenhe universe. Even if the master of the civilization of Shen He went to the Da Yan world, it would cost a lot of money to pass through the gate of man and god, so there is no need to worry about being stared on.

But now it's different. Now the small universes of other universes are all blown to the world by this storm of time and space. Once an ambitious hegemony stares at the world, the world will surely be conquered.

If Dayan World wants to remain independent in this kind of chaos and not be conquered by others, then it is necessary for Ning Xiaochuan, a leader, to sit in Dayan World.

"The seal of the leader." Sitting in the battleship of truth, Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand and took out the seal of the leader.

At this moment, the starry sky around him is a mess. The previous starry sky map is now completely useless. If you want to return to the world of Da Yan, you can only rely on the seal of the leader to sense the position of Da Yan.


Just for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes and drove the battleship of truth in one direction.

The direction he left this time was in the direction of the storm of time and space, so at this moment, the battleship of truth is like a small boat floating in a rapid river, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan saved a lot of energy, but it took him almost two months to finally return to the world of Da Yan.

It only took me two months to get back. This Ning Xiaochuan himself did not expect.

Hurrying up in the starry sky is originally a time-consuming thing, because the space in the starry sky is different from ordinary space, but it is countless compressed spaces, layered like layers of maze. But this time along the way, Ning Xiaochuan found that the layered space that originally existed in the starry sky has now disappeared.

Without these labyrinth-like barriers to space, it would be much easier to get from one place to another.

However, this change does not make Ning Xiaochuan happy, because such a change means that if other people want to go to the world of Da Yan, it is also convenient and simple.

Back outside the wall of Dayan World, Ning Xiaochuan didn't enter immediately, but looked around.

At this moment around the world of Da Yan, it is clear that many large and small worlds can be seen. These big and small worlds are like spheres floating around the world of Da Yan. At any time, a group of powerful people may burst out and enter the world of Da Yan .

"Generally speaking, the larger this small world is, the more likely it is to have a strong one. It now seems that among the small worlds around the Dayan world, I need special attention, that is, two or three small worlds." Ning Ogawa stared at these small worlds and carefully calculated.

The small world also has big and small, like the big Yan world, can only be regarded as ordinary. The Mogao Mountain that Ning Xiaochuan had visited at first was actually a small world, but this small world was much larger than the Dayan world.

The larger the size of such a small world, the greater the probability that a strong person will be born in it. Therefore, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan is paying special attention to all these small worlds that are larger than the Dayan world.

Fortunately, at this moment in such a small world, there are only two or three of them next to Da Yan World.

After carefully observing the situation around Dayan World, Ning Xiaochuan turned and entered the Dayan World.

With the protection of the wall membrane, there is not much change inside the Da Yan world at this moment. The whole Da Yan world is still developing in an orderly way.

Ordinary people in the world of Da Yan, don't know what happened to the outside world, and only strong men, such as Lao Hou Ye, can feel the turbulent flow of time and space and the change of the position of Da Yan.

"Now the world is full of time and space, and there are many dangers. What happened has actually made the outside world like this."

Palace of the Kings.

Laohouye and Ning Xin'er gathered together, frowning, discussing the changes outside.

But they have not experienced the truth of the kingdom of truth, and naturally they will not know the truth of things.

Ning Xiaochuan returned to the King's Palace and did not go directly to the old Houye and others, but first appeared in a quiet backyard in the King's Palace.

At this moment in the backyard, a person wearing a light blue dress, slightly applying pink daisies, a cold rain like everyone's ladylike look, sat calmly on the stone bench in the small courtyard.

At this moment the breath on her body was still very weak, which made her face slightly pale, looking like a chronically ill person.

In fact, in the recent period of time, all people in the King's Palace only regarded Sui Hanyu as a young lady suffering from a serious illness.


Ning Xiaochuan appeared in front of Sui Hanyu, said hello to her, then walked to her and sat down.

"The master's condition seems to be much better." Ning Xiaochuan smiled after glancing up and down at Sui Hanyu once again.

The cold winter rain looked calm and shook his head: "I just barely saved my life. Now I'm not as good as ordinary people. I want to recover completely, but I am afraid it will take a long time."

"This is simple. The master recovers too slowly, just because there is not enough elixir. This time I was outside but I learned a lot. There is a lot of elixir to honor the master."

Ning Xiaochuan waved out at least dozens of white jade-like porcelain bottles and put them on the stone table in front of Sui Hanyu.

Some of these elixir were intercepted by him in the chaos of time and space this time, and some were accumulated by him long ago. No matter which bottle is an absolute fine product, it has great benefits for nourishing qi and condensing spirit, which is just right for the moment. Years of cold rain.

The cold and rainy year-old was also polite, and the white and tender palms slowly swept across the table, and all these porcelain bottles were put away.

Although the repair was not restored, it was easy for the cold winter rain to put away these things.

Putting away the jade bottle, Sui Hanyu said, "What the **** is going on outside now? Recently, I have felt that the sky is turning. It seems that the entire world of Dayan is at a whirlwind center, and it is constantly turning."

"It's worthy of being a master. Xiuwei can still feel this when he's gone." Ning Xiaochuan looked at Sui Hanyu with a little surprise, and nodded silently before continuing: "The master is right, now it's really completely chaotic outside. Now, I ’m afraid the situation is even more confusing than you think. I ’m here to see the master now, but I have some questions in my mind to ask the teacher. ”

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan recounted his experience in detail.

Sui Hanyu had always been calm, but after hearing the ancestor of the world disappearing in the Kingdom of Truth, her look suddenly changed, and the whole person suddenly got out of control.

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