Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1235: Origin plunder

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Sui Hanyu's expression changed dramatically, and she suddenly stood up, but she forgot that at this moment she was weak, not even ordinary people. Suddenly making such an action, Sui Hanyu immediately felt a cold in her body, and her head was dizzy. People will fall.

Ning Xiaochuan hurriedly reached out to embrace the old cold rain in her arms, carefully holding her and sitting down again.

At the moment, Sui Hanyu was just in a hurry, which caused the blood vessels to tremble. After Ning Xiaochuan helped her slightly adjust the blood in her body, she slowly woke up.

After seeing Sui Hanyu waking up, Ning Xiaochuan smiled bitterly: "Master, in your current state, it is best to keep your mind calm in the future, otherwise, your situation will become more and more serious."

"I know this."

Sui Hanyu nodded, noting that she was surrounded by Ning Xiaochuan's hands, and when she was almost lying on Ning Xiaochuan's legs, her look became weird, and she earned from Ning Xiaochuan's arms. Stand firm again.

It seems to be to resolve the previous embarrassment. Sui Hanyu just stood still and eagerly asked: "Are you sure you really met our ancestor of the world?" You describe me as the ancestor.

Ning Xiaochuan recalled the appearance of the ancestor of the annihilation of the world before, and then rubbed his palm gently in the air, and the figure of a shy woman immediately appeared in front of the two.

Looking at the figure, Su Hanyu's face showed a little disbelief, and then he said, "The ancestor! It is indeed the ancestor! But this is simply impossible, how could the ancestor reappear here."

Staring at the cold winter rain, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Master, you haven't said that before. Like the Emperor of the Truth, both the master and the emperor have been practiced as Tongxuan. What is strange about the heavens of truth. "

"You don't understand, even if you cultivate to the level of the ancestor and the Emperor of Truth, you are bound by the rules, and you can't just come back casually." Sui Hanyu waved his hands, obviously not wanting to be more on this issue Do entanglement, so immediately continue to ask: "Next, what happened after the ancestor appeared?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and continued: "Next, the patriarchs taught the truth heavenly kingdom, and in the end they directly destroyed the truth heavenly kingdom. Now the turmoil in the outside world is due to the impact of the truth heavenly kingdom."

"What? The Kingdom of Truth was wiped out by the ancestor." Sui Hanyu seemed to hear an impossible event, and the whole person was suddenly stagnation.

Slightly unable to sit down again, with his arms on the stone table aside, Sui Hanyu shook his head and said, "The truth heaven is the work of the Emperor of Truth. The relationship between the second generation of patriarchs and the Emperor of Truth is even closer. "

With an unbelievable look on his face for a moment, Sui Hanyu suddenly looked up, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Ning Xiaochuan, constantly glanced.

When watching Ning Xiaochuan himself was a little uncomfortable, Sui Hanyu asked, "When the ancestor saw you, didn't he say anything else?"

"The ancestor just said that when I have completed all the three thousand roads of extinction, I will be able to see her. The others didn't say much." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Although the ancestor of the annihilated world is cold, Ning Xiaochuan can feel the other person's concern for himself.

"The ancestor would say this?" Sui Hanyu looked increasingly surprised and said: "Although you are practicing the World Extinction, even if I can see at a glance that your World Extinction is no longer pure, in the eyes of the ancestor, how is it possible? You wo n’t see it. With the temper of the ancestor, someone like you who cultivated the World Extinction Road to a fork in the road, she wo n’t even admit that you are the preacher of the World Extinction Road. It's not that simple. "

"Master means that there is another purpose for this ancestor to appear? It is impossible for this ancestor to appear this time to destroy the kingdom of truth." Ning Xiaochuan said silently.

Sui Hanyu nodded his head and said, "It's possible that the Kingdom of Truth is now ruled by the Eight Kings, and even the descendants of the Emperor of the Truth have been left aside by them. In this case, if they really upset the ancestor If that ancestor wants to destroy them, there will be no hesitation at all. Do n’t forget, we are practicing the way of annihilation. As the ancestor of annihilation, the world destroyed by the ancestor at that time is countless. Without the existence of the Emperor of Truth, even the Kingdom of Truth would be destroyed by the Patriarch. "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, not knowing what to say. Although he cultivates the way of destroying the world, he has absolutely no mood to destroy other worlds at will.

Sui Hanyu frowned for a moment, and finally rubbed his forehead with a headache: "Forget it, we don't have to guess the ancestor's thoughts anymore. You just said that because of the destruction of the Kingdom of Truth, there was a great mess in the outside world. , All the small worlds are piled together, and this situation is very beneficial to you. "

"Beneficial to me?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at Sui Hanyu curiously. In recent days, he has been suffering from security issues in the world. He has never heard anyone say that the situation is in his favor.

"Of course it is good for you." Sui Hanyu nodded and continued: "You are now the leader of the Da Yan World. As a leader, your responsibility is to bring the Da Yan World into strength. A world needs to become stronger. Things, including land, resources, population, and so on, are now everything. As long as you are strong enough, you can **** these things from other small worlds, and even the world origins of other small worlds can be plundered and strengthen the world. The origin of this, of course, is of course in your best interest. "

The words of cold winter rain made Ning Xiaochuan shake his head again.

In fact, he knew for a long time that today's world pattern has become such a pattern where countless small worlds are piled up together, and soon the big fish eat the small fish. The big world swallows the small world and then changes Stronger, and finally formed a huge new world in this film.

This can also be regarded as self-adjustment after the destruction of the world.

But with the current strength of Dayan World, it is hard to rise to the top of this thousands of worlds.

"But it is difficult to return, but it is not that I have no chance." Ning Xiaochuan thought secretly for a moment before looking at Sui Hanyu again: "Master, I am here to see you this time, except to tell you what happened to the ancestor In addition, I also want to ask the master, what is the state of cultivation of the ancestor? "

Staring at the cold winter rain, Ning Xiaochuan looked dignified.

He was really curious about the practice of the ancestor of the annihilation of the world.

Ning Xiaochuan has also seen many master gods, but the strength of those **** gods is afraid that even the eight kings of the kingdom of truth are inferior.

This makes Ning Xiaochuan can't help wondering if he is above the supreme lord god, and there are other Xeons.

"The ancestor's practice should be beyond the existence of the Lord God. As for the specific realm of the ancestor, you can explore it yourself later, and when your strength is enhanced to that step, you will naturally know the existence of that realm." Han Yu nodded his head.

With such an almost useless answer, Ning Xiaochuan grinned and stood up.

"Master, take a good rest. I'm going to do something else. When I've been busy, I'll see you again."

The figure flashed, and Ning Xiaochuan came to Lao Houye and others.

In order to avoid Laohou Ye and other Ning Xiaochuan, he did not tell Lao Hou and others about the cause of the chaos in the outside world. Instead, he used an excuse to cover up the past.

After just meeting Lao Hou Ye and others, Ning Xiaochuan left Jiange Palace again and flew over Jiange City.

This time the Kingdom of Truth was destroyed, the storm of time and space swept through everything, but it completely disrupted Ning Xiaochuan's previous plans.

He had previously gone to the Kingdom of Truth in order to deal with the threat of Yuanguang Holy Land. But now this Yuanguang Holy Land does not know where it has been blown, but new threats have appeared around the Dayan World.

Now that the outer space-time storm has not subsided, Ning Xiaochuan does not have to worry about the masters of other worlds attacking Dayan World for the time being.

But he was worried about the situation of Yu Qian Qian and Emperor Zijin who had stayed in the Shenhe civilization before. With the location of the Shenhe universe, they were hit by the storm of time and space, and they would definitely not die on the spot. It's not good enough. If it is swept into a dangerous place by the storm of time and space, the situation will be bad.

Looking up at the huge gate of human and **** above his head, this gate of human and **** is well protected and still very stable, but at this moment Ning Xiaochuan is not sure at all. On the other side of the gate of human and god, the Lord of Purple Gold Is not here.

Staring at the door of this man and **** for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan stepped into it.

The gate of man and **** was originally just a passage of space, but at this moment the storm of outer space and time swept through everything, even the time and space in the gate of man and **** seemed to be distorted.

For example, the original gate of man and **** was a tube that directly connected the two ends of the tube, but now, the tube is distorted and looks broken in many places.

However, with the strength of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, he could barely move forward in the gate of this god.

After traveling through countless twisted spaces, Ning Xiaochuan's front finally appeared the exit of the gate of man and god.

The nervous look of Ning Xiaochuan, after walking out of the gate of this man and god, immediately changed his look extremely iron.

As he had guessed, on this side of the gate of man and god, the hall that kept the passage of the gate of man and **** has completely disappeared. At the moment Ning Xiaochuan walked out, there was a law formation standing alone.

The Zijin Emperor, who was guarding here before, has disappeared at this moment.

"Well, is this here?"

As soon as he walked out of the light array, Ning Xiaochuan Tieqing's face immediately showed a look of amazement.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's surroundings were dark, and there was no light at all, just like the **** of the Da Yan World, but it was different from hell, because the aura here was so rich that it was almost condensed.

In addition, there seem to be countless broken rules here. If the gods who are comprehending the rules come here and see these broken rules, there will be an instant realization and breakthrough of the realm.

"Is this ..." In the dark, Ning Xiaochuan took two steps forward, suddenly widening his eyes.

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