Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1238: Condensed body

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Dayan World.

Ning Xiaochuan took the old prince Ye Ning Xin'er and others and stopped at the entrance to Guixu.

Lao Houye and others looked at Ning Xiaochuan with anxiety, because now Ning Xiaochuan decided to go to **** alone.

Regarding hell, Lao Hou and others didn't know much about it. They only knew that there were many evil people and even evil spirits.

Those evil people are not so worried about them, but they worry that the evil spirits will be bad for Ning Xiaochuan.

Looking back at Lao Hou and others, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and smiled, "Grandpa, although you can rest assured, I have already entered Hell once before, so I know the situation in Hell very well, and he is indeed a seal. Many gods are not fake, but those gods are only inferior gods, and they are still weak inferior gods. Originally, they were not strong. After being sealed for so many years, they are even weaker. With my strength at the moment, they can definitely clean them up. More than enough. "

The old man knew that he couldn't stop Ning Xiaochuan, but he sighed and said, "Anyway, you are careful in the hell."

Yu Ningsheng stared at Ning Xiaochuan and suddenly said, "Xiaochuan, otherwise I'll go with you. I'm still a lower **** now, and I won't drag you down."

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan is only nine times inferior to God now. Compared with the realm, he is no better than Yu Ningsheng, but Lao Houye and other people have all seen Ning Xiaochuan's ability, so he is not regarded as an ordinary second god. .

"No, although the time and space storm outside has not stopped yet, maybe there will be strong people crossing these time and space storms to attack the world of Da Yan. Now the world of Da Yan is the strongest of you, so when I am away, you must Sitting in Dayan World. If there is any change in Dayan World, you must notify me immediately. "Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

After a pause, Ning Xiaochuan turned to look at Lao Hou, and said, "Grandpa, this time I went to Hell, in fact, to open the passage to Hell. As long as I can enter Hell at will, I can use the Da Yan World to refine the godhead. Ability, in the world of Da Yan, mass production of sub-gods and sub-gods, so during my time in hell, grandpa, you better call a group of loyal guards, ready in advance, once I return, I can promote them immediately When it comes to the sub-god realm, when the number of sub-gods increases, the battleship of truth in my hands can be driven, and our world is considered to have a real hole card. "

The old man nodded and said, "I will arrange this in advance."

"Well, after I enter the return market, you will return to the King Court of King Pavilion and wait for my news." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, glanced at the crowd again, and immediately entered the return market.

However, just as he was about to leave, he paused and turned to look at Ning Xin'er and said, "Xin'er, is the map of returning to you now?"

"Is Qingji on me? Brother, are you going to take Qingji to hell?" Ning Xin'er took out a picture and stared down at the picture, but she showed a reluctant look on her face.

This picture is the returning picture that Ning Xiaochuan had deceived at first. Of course, Ning Xin'er was not concerned about the returning picture, but the instrumental young lady who returned to the returning picture.

At first, Ning Xiaochuan left Dayan World and directly gave all the treasures to the old man, among them the map of returning to the market.

Ning Xin'er later brought this returning picture to her own hands, and she accompanied the returning picture day and night. She had long been a good friend with the instrumental Ling Qingji of returning picture.

"Rest assured, I will take her to **** this time, but if she is willing, I will still bring her back." Ning Xiaochuan comforted Ning Xin'er with a pampering expression, and then returned to the market. In his own hands.

As the figure flashed, Ning Xiaochuan disappeared at the entrance to Guixu.

Lao Hou Ye and others stared at the entrance to Guihui for a long time before turning around and leaving.

Deep into the market.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure stopped at the place where he originally entered Hell.

Looking down at the cracked ground below, Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, and waved to get the map of Guihui from Ning Xiner's hands.


The Guihui map was opened by Ning Xiaochuan, and the blue-eyed girl in a blue shirt emerged from the Guihui map.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan, Qingji's pretty face showed a stunned look, and then shouted: "How are you? Sister Xiner?"

"It seems that you get along well with my sister." Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile, then looked dignifiedly: "I want you to come back from my sister, I want to say sorry to you, I promised After you become a god, sacrificing the entire return to help you become a god, but now I want to tell you that I'm afraid I can't honor it. "

Returning to the market is the link between Hell and Dayan World. Not to mention that Ning Xiaochuan has no strength to sacrifice it. Even if he has this strength, Ning Xiaochuan will never destroy it at this moment.

Qingji stared at Ning Xiaochuan for a moment, and then she lost her mind a bit: "Forget it, in the face of Xiner's sister, you lied to me, I will not care about you, anyway, recently, I am happier than I was in Hell. "

Although generous in her mouth, the loss of Qing Ji's face was obvious.

After all, as long as it evolved into an artifact, she was able to condense her body and become a life with flesh and blood like Ning Xiner, not at this moment, although the relationship between the two is better, but she is only an instrumental spirit, and even meets with Ning Xiner every day Opportunities are limited.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Qingji apologetically, "Qingji, although I can't make the Guihui map evolve into an artifact, but if you want to condense the flesh and blood, I can help you achieve it."

"What? You help me condense the flesh and blood!" Qing Ji looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a look of surprise, and after pouting, she pouted: "You brag, anyway, you don't believe what you say now."

At first, Qing Ji was deceived by Ning Xiaochuan, so he was refined by Ning Xiaochuan. Now of course he refuses to trust Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't mind it either, but shot abruptly, pinching the Guixu map itself and directly crushing the Guixu map.

Qing Ji's figure floated aside, and now she was pale and frightened by Ning Xiaochuan's actions.

The returning map is her body. Now that Ning Xiaochuan destroys the returning map, it is equivalent to destroying her body. As an instrumental spirit, after losing the body, as soon as she works, she will disappear spiritually. Does not exist in this world.

Ning Xiaochuan smashed the map of Gui Hui and drew a drop of blood from the map.

This drop of blood was the drop of blood that he had dropped into the returning map in order to refine the returning map.

Taking this drop of blood into his hand, Ning Xiaochuan flicked his finger and immediately bounced this drop of blood on the side of Qing Ji.

Qing Ji was unreal at this moment, and seemed to disappear immediately.

But with the emergence of this drop of blood, she saw countless dense blood vessels like silk threads on her almost transparent body. As these blood vessels gradually solidified, a living Qingji actually appeared in Ning Xiaochuan. before.

Qing Ji's face was still pale at this moment, but she also began to feel something wrong, so she slowly opened her eyes.

"Well, what's wrong with me?" Qingji, still trembling, looked pathetic, could not help but look down at her body at this moment.

At this moment she felt something was wrong. When she was an instrumental spirit, she didn't feel hot or cold at all. But now, a kind of cold feeling has been clear from her body.

After a while, she suddenly realized something.

"The flesh, I really condensed the flesh." Qing Ji screamed in her mouth, she did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan could really help her condense the flesh.

After cheering, Qing Ji jumped to Ning Xiaochuan happily, hugged Ning Xiaochuan's neck and kissed Ning Xiaochuan's face.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you really are a good person. It seems that I misunderstood you before." Qing Ji said with arms around Ning Xiaochuan's neck.

Ning Xiaochuan had a strange look at this moment. After glancing at Qingji, his face was even more strange.

After waiting a little for a while, after Qing Ji's excited look receded, Ning Xiaochuan said, "Qing Ji, the difference between human and instrumental spirit is very big. For example, as a person, especially a beautiful woman, You must wear your clothes. "

Qing Ji's face suddenly turned red like a red apple. She let Ning Xiaochuan loose her arms and drilled behind Ning Xiaochuan. "I don't need you to teach me. I know it myself, just now the girl is too happy, so I didn't Pay attention to this. "

By the time Qingji turned from Ning Xiaochuan, she had already recovered a cyan dress, and the whole person looked like a flower and bones with buds to be put, very pure.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Qingji curiously said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you are the second god, how can you have the ability to help me condense my body? Such a thing can't be done by a real god."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "God can't do it, but it doesn't mean that I can't do it, because my accomplishments in spiritual training have been infinitely close to Shennong, and you have a separate spirituality. I just created one for you The body is much simpler than the resurrection of the dead. And more importantly, my blood has been fused with your body, so it can be used to condense your physical body, otherwise, even Shennong cannot help you escape from the market. Figure. "

After groaning for a while, Ning Xiaochuan continued: "Qing Ji, in fact, you should also feel that the physical body based on my blood is not suitable for you. The physical body that really suits you should be your mother's. The blood is the source, the physical body created, and this time I'm going to hell, so you can go with me. "

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