Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1239: Return to hell

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"You're going to hell?" Qing Ji looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a little surprise, then changed her look, eagerly: "Do you want to destroy the evil people in hell? Ning Xiaochuan, in fact, there are many of them Good guys, it's not necessary to die. "

Qing Ji herself came out of hell, so naturally she has a little affection for the evil people in hell.

Ning Xiaochuan watched Qing Ji arguing about the evil men, and then he said, "Rest assured, I'm not going to kill them all this time, but I want to surrender them. If they are willing to walk out of hell, If you develop the world with me, then I may not necessarily kill them. "

Qingji heard the illness in Ning Xiaochuan's words and hesitated, "What about those who refuse to listen to you?"

"Kill without amnesty," Ning Xiaochuan said indifferently.

Now that the world may soon face foreign enemies, he doesn't want another riot in the world at a critical moment. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan has to find a way to clean up all the unstable factors in the world.

"Well, I'll go with you. Maybe I can persuade my mother and help you persuade the evil people of all clans." Qing Ji sighed.

Ning Xiaochuan grinned and said, "Actually, I brought you here for this purpose."

Qingji gave Ning Xiaochuan a glance, and then looked at the Guixu under her foot, "Now the entrances to Hell and Guixu are sealed. How do you get inside?"

"You get out of the way first."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't answer Qing Ji, but let her stay away from here.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan's chest vaguely appeared in the shadow of the leader's mark, and a beam of light shot out from this shadow, like a huge sharp blade cutting the earth. The ground below was unexpectedly The light beam directly cut out a square block.

"Get me up."

Ning Xiaochuan emptied his hands, and the huge square ground beneath it suddenly suspended slowly, and a huge bottomless pothole was exposed on the ground of Guihui.

Deep in the pothole, the wall membrane of **** is already faintly visible.

Unlike the Hell Wall film, which had cracks everywhere at the time, the Hell Wall film at this moment has already been repaired intact, and no flaws can be seen.

Ning Xiaochuan waved out the World Extermination Sword, the figure landed in this pit, stood on the wall film of Hell, and then slowly inserted the World Extermination Sword into the wall of Hell.

Now this **** wall film was repaired by Ning Xiaochuan using the original energy of his body. Although the repair was complete, some weak points remained.

The place where Ning Xiaochuan stabbed at the moment the sword of extinction was a weak spot in hell.

Just as an ordinary person would insert an iron sword into the hard ground, Ning Xiaochuan was holding the sword of extinction, and it was very difficult to force the sword into an inch.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, Ning Xiaochuan's whole body's strength was used on the sword of extinction.

Two inches, three inches ...

In the end, the entire World Extermination Sword was inserted into the wall of Hell, until it became stale.

"Qing Ji, come here, we can enter hell." At this time, Ning Xiaochuan waved to call Qing Ji to his side.

Pulling her hands together, protecting Qingji around her, Ning Xiaochuan and Qingji's figures immediately looked like a green smoke, digging through the gap cut by the sword of extinction on the wall of hell.

In the extremely dark hell, the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Qing Ji appeared in the sky.

Back in Hell, Qing Ji first showed a surprise look, and then she was a little suspicious: "Why didn't you take down your artifact sword?"

Ning Xiaochuan's extinction sword that he used to open the **** channel just now can still be inserted into the wall of hell, and was not brought by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If my long sword is taken away, the world of Hell and Dayan will be truly connected, and anyone can go back and forth between the two worlds at will, so I will leave the magic sword and suppress it. This channel, only if I recover all the evil people in hell, will I take away the magic sword and open the channel. "

Qing Ji heard the words suddenly more surprised: "But you want to conquer people, do not you want to work with those gods in hell, without the help of artifacts, you will never think you are a sub-god, can destroy people holding artifacts The true deity of God. "

"You're right. I think so. I think my fists are enough to beat down hell." Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

The surprise on Qing Ji's face turned into a stun, and finally she pursed her lips and murmured, "Pride, wait until you have suffered a big loss, and regret it will be late."

Ning Xiaochuan dragged Qing Ji with his hand, and the figure swept over Hell.

With his current strength, it didn't take long to travel through the whole hell. What he was looking for now was the old ancestor Yan Quan who had instructed him to enter the vortex of hell.

Although Yan Quan's ancestor didn't necessarily see it for the sake of Ning Xiaochuan at first, but among the evil gods in **** that Ning Xiaochuan had seen, this ancestor Yan Quan didn't look so evil.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan decided to first see the old ancestor of Yan Quan after he came to Hell. If he could convince the old ancestor of Yan Quan to lead Yan Quan to surrender himself, it would be the best.

The figure swept over hell, and the appearance of Ning Xiaochuan has actually attracted the attention of many evil masters.

But Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about it at all. After searching several evil tribes in succession, Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength suddenly felt the familiar atmosphere he was looking for.

In the city of Yanquan, composed of countless huge bones, Yan Wushuang, the high priest of Yanquan, sat on the piles of bones in the center of the city, glancing at the people of the Yanquan tribe under his feet, but sighed.

"Since the ancestors awakened once before, they have fallen asleep again. Is it because the channel connecting Hell and the world of Da Yan has been closed?"

Last time, a new channel appeared between Hell and Dayan World. Countless evil people flooded into Dayan World. It was very likely that these evil tribe would leave Hell and return to Dayan World to thrive.

But in the end, their dreams were cut off by Ning Xiaochuan, and everyone was driven back to hell.

At the thought of this, Yan Wushuang felt convulsions in his heart.

He lived countless years, but that time was the best chance for Yan Quanbu to leave Hell, and Yan Wushuang was not even sure if he could encounter such an opportunity in his lifetime.

After all, a sub-god like him who lives in **** has a much shorter life span than an ordinary sub-god.

Just as Yan Wushuang sighed, a cold voice suddenly passed into his ears.

"Yan Quan's ancestor, can you see me in Xiaoning, Xiaochuan?"

Standing above the Yan Quan Department, Ning Xiaochuan's voice had spread throughout the Yan Quan Department.

Most of the evil men in Yan Quan's Ministry looked up in horror and looked at Ning Xiaochuan. For this guy who dared to call the ancestors of Yan Quan's ancestors, in addition to the shock they felt, they were more angry.

Therefore, after distinguishing that Ning Xiaochuan was only a sub-god, at least a dozen times the figure of the **** rushed out of Yan Quan's ministry, killing Ning Xiaochuan aggressively.

"Damn, where did this kid come from and dare to call his ancestors so taboo?"

A group of sub-gods each took out their bone weapons and killed Ning Xiaochuan from all sides.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't even move, let these secondary gods kill himself.

When Qing Ji's scared eyes were closed, the sub-gods who killed Ning Xiaochuan's side seemed to have fallen into the air like moths by the lights.

Such a scene made the remaining gods stunned one by one and did not dare to continue their operations.

They couldn't tell what Ning Xiaochuan was using at the moment, and thought that Ning Xiaochuan was using some kind of secret technique.

This is how spiritual power attacks the enemy. People who are not aware of the existence of spiritual power can easily win.

Ning Xiaochuan did not continue to hunt down these sub-gods of Yan Quanbei, but stood in the air and looked down at the huge bone mountain at his feet.

In the middle of this bone mountain, the mouth of the crystal coffin suddenly moved, and then, the body of Yan Quan's ancestor slowly sat up from the coffin.

Although across the bone mountain above his head, when Yan Quan's ancestor woke up, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze seemed to be fixed with him.

"Ning Xiaochuan." Yan Quan's ancestor's eyes appeared a little confused, and then the figure suddenly disappeared into the crystal coffin.

These **** evil gods, they usually rely on various mysteries and sleep for many years to be able to save this life. Otherwise, the power of their bodies would have been exhausted and refined into the **** beads in the **** tower.

They want to wake up from their deep sleep, in addition to methods like Yan Wushuang and others, to provide him with enough energy. Another way is to make them feel deadly, so they will wake up automatically.

Now Yan Quan's ancestors felt the threat brought by Ning Xiaochuan, so he would wake up on his own initiative.

Over Yan Quancheng, the figure of Yan Quan's ancestor suddenly appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Old ancestor!"

Seeing the ancestors of Yan Quan, the high priest Yan Wushuang and others all showed a frenetic expression on their faces.

The ancestor of Yan Quan glanced at the people below, and then looked at Ning Xiaochuan, with a complex look: "Ning Xiaochuan, did not expect that you did not go to the Shenhe civilization in the end? Is it even you who is the preacher of the World Destruction? Will you be afraid of the power of Shenhe civilization? "

"The power of the Shenhe civilization is strong!" Ning Xiaochuan shook his head somewhat silently.

Now he is no longer the soil bun that did not leave the world of Da Yan. With his vision at this moment, the eight-pin civilization and the Shenhe civilization are nothing at all. The one that really made him feel powerful is the nine-pin civilization that has exploded. Kingdom of Truth.

Just exploding, it almost wiped out everything in the world. With this ability alone, I am afraid no one would dare to say that the Kingdom of Heaven is not strong.

"Yan Quan ancestor, in fact, I have returned from the Shenhe civilization. The Shenhe civilization you want to take revenge on, I think it has completely collapsed now, and no longer exists." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

"Shenhe civilization is over?" Yan Quan's ancestor looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a stunned look, and then looked surprised: "What happened?"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't hesitate. After simply talking about the outside world, he stared at the old ancestor of Yan Quan: "You should guess my coming this time, how do you choose now?"

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