Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1241: Evil God Gather

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Dark hell, silence is the eternal theme.

But recently, the silence in **** has been broken. Because almost all the **** tribes, in recent days, have been troubled by an arrogant guy, and then hesitated and left.

Those gods, who were in deep sleep, woke up one after another this time. With their anger, they took the masters in their respective clans and began to rush to Yan Quan.

The reason to go to the Yanquan Department is because the place left by that arrogant guy is the Yanquan Department.

In just two days, Yan Quanbei seemed to have become the core of hell.

As the core of the storm, there has been almost no change. The ordinary people of the Yan Quan tribe do not know what has changed in the outside world.

Inside Yanquan City, Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Quan's ancestors stood together.

Looking at the dark hell, the ancestor of Yan Quan sighed: "Ning Xiaochuan, you can give me a terrible pit this time. Now all the gods in **** think that I am with you, so even you There is no way to surrender them, I have to stand by your side. "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and smiled, "This is not better, lest you and I grind your tongue. In fact, the last time I came to see you, you had already been tempted and wanted to leave Hell with me, but you were too cautious. Many, now I will help you clear all these scruples, and you should thank me for that. "

"Your mouth is too powerful, I can't say you." Yan Quan ancestor shook his head helplessly.

Ning Xiaochuan also smiled on his face.

In fact, Yan Quan's ancestors were more helpless than Ning Xiaochuan. What helped him most was that as a god, he was not the only opponent of Ning Xiaochuan in the sub-god realm.

When Ning Xiaochuan returned to the Yan Quan Department, Yan Quan's ancestors had already found a place and had a battle with Ning Xiaochuan.

The final result was that Ning Xiaochuan ’s rule monster almost killed Yan Quan ’s ancestors, that is, from the moment on, Yan Quan ’s ancestors were completely satisfied with Ning Xiaochuan. Tossing around in hell.

Standing inside Yan Quancheng, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly lighted up. He had seen a figure in the distance rushing towards Yan Quancheng.

"Haha, ancestor, someone is coming. I'll get ready first, so I won't stay with you here." Ning Xiaochuan laughed and turned to leave.

The ancestor of Yan Quan looked up into the distance, wanting to see that the unlucky egg was first pitted by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan left from his ancestor Yan Quan and entered another skeleton building in Yan Quan.

At the moment, Qing Ji and her mother were sitting inside the building.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan coming in, Qing Ji suddenly exclaimed: "Ning Xiaochuan, when will you let my mother go? Although she has condensed her flesh and blood, if she stays away from the body for a long time, her breath will still weaken."

"Qing Ji, stop begging him. He won't let us go. He also wants to use us to bring the Qing Emperor to us." The woman in the palace dress showed a slight disdain and said: "But he did It's just a waste of effort. How could the young emperor be deceived by such a trick? "

"Are you sure Qingdi will not come?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at Qingji with a smile on his face.

The woman in the palace costume was somewhat annoyed and said, "Of course, I am only an artifact in the hands of the Emperor Qingdi. For an instrument, how can the Qingdi personally get involved in danger?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "But I saw with my own eyes that when the Qing Emperor woke up, the first name in his mouth was the name Xiaoqing. If I guessed right, my wife's name should be in blue. . "

"I was called Xiaoqing by the Qingdi, but the Qingdi shouted not my name." The woman in the palace dress sneered: "Xiaoqing was the name of the Qingdi's companion, but Later, she died in danger, so the young emperor sacrificed me and took me with me. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "So it ’s no wonder that the Qing Emperor will have feelings for your instrumental spirit. Although it is a real person, but it has been a long time, it is estimated that even the Qing Emperor did not know that he was the Xiao Qing Feelings, or feelings for you alive. "

Qingji listened for a long time, and finally couldn't help but say, "Ning Xiaochuan, although my mother and Qingdi have been together for a long time, why can you say that my mother and Qingdi will definitely ... ... "

After all, Qing Ji is still a young girl's mentality, so when it comes to the back, she can't say anything.

"Because I'm a man like Qing Emperor." Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the woman in a palace dress. "The lady has a good figure and a long face. It is not unusual for a man to have such a relationship with a woman all year round."

"Big satyr, you think it's all like you, Lord Qingdi may be very infatuated." Qingji was dissatisfied.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head indifferently, letting go a step further: "If you want to leave, you can leave at any time, and I will not stop you."

"You really want to let us go." Qing Ji looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a little disbelief, and then looked at the woman in the palace dress: "Mother, let's go."

The woman in the palace costume was a little stunned by Ning Xiaochuan's words. At this moment, she stood up and reacted. She gave Ning Xiaochuan a glance, and she and Qingji were about to leave together.

"If I were you, I wouldn't leave at this time." Ning Xiaochuan didn't stop the woman in the palace dress, but said something lightly in her mouth.

The woman in the palace costume didn't speak, but Qing Ji couldn't help but said, "Ning Xiaochuan, what do you mean, do you have to regret it again and refuse to let us go."

"Of course not, but I suddenly remembered a word." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Qingji curiously asked, "What is it?"

"Men chase women next to the mountain, women chase men from the veil." Ning Xiaochuan grinned.

Ning Xiaochuan said simply, Qing Ji and the woman in the palace costume immediately understood the meaning of her sentence.

Qingji hasn't responded yet, but can't help but mutter a few shameless Ning Xiaochuan, this kind of words can be said casually. The woman in the palace dress, however, twisted her face. She actually wanted to know what kind of mentality the Qing Emperor had treated her.

Looking at the look of the woman in the palace at the moment, Ning Xiaochuan laughed.

"It is estimated that the Qing Emperor is about to arrive. If you want to determine what the Qing Emperor thinks, you better stay here." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and turned to walk outside.

Qing Ji and the woman in the palace costume stood in place and hesitated for a moment, but the woman in the palace costume walked back slowly.

"Did my mother and the Qing Emperor ..." Qing Ji murmured in her heart as she looked at the woman in the palace costume.

After Ning Xiaochuan came out from here, she was relieved to see that the woman in the palace costume did not follow up.

In fact, if Qingji really had to leave, Ning Xiaochuan would never let them go.

Now they are a very important part of Ning Xiaochuan's plan.

Now it's good that Qingji and the two have taken the initiative to stay, but this alone still can't satisfy him.

So Ning Xiaochuan walked around the building very simply, and laid a layer of isolation around the building, and then left with satisfaction.

Now Qing Ji's strength is not enough, and the woman in the palace dress is blocked. With this formation, even if Qing Ji wants to leave, it is impossible.

Although it is said that now the woman in the palace costume has willingly stayed here, but if she changes her mind, then Ning Xiaochuan's plan will be destroyed, so Ning Xiaochuan will add another layer of formation to prevent Wan One.

At this moment, Yan Quan was in the sky, wearing a Tsing Yi, holding a picture of the Qing Emperor, standing in the air, glancing down.

He had already felt the breath of a woman in a palace dress, so the dignified look on his face only slightly improved.

After a cold glance at Yan Quancheng below for a long time, the Qing Emperor turned and left. He knew very well that not only Ning Xiaochuan, but also Yan Quan's ancestor, was the master of the gods in the city of Yan Quan below at the moment, so he was not at all sure to rescue the woman in the palace costume.

Now if he wants to save people, he can only join other **** evil gods.

Fortunately, most of the other evil gods in **** have been tossed out by Ning Xiaochuan. Otherwise, the Qing emperor would not be easy to find a helper.

A day later, on a hill only dozens of miles away from the Yanquan Department, figures glided across from a distance and landed here.

The weakest of these figures is also the sub-god, and the leader among them is the same god.

"Donghuang, I didn't expect even you to come out."

"Ma'am, who was so tossed by that boy, who can still sleep with peace of mind, wait for us to kill the boy named Ning Xiaochuan, and then go back to sleep."

"Sleeping fart, Lao Tzu's Demon Flame City was smashed by that kid. Even if the kid is killed, our Demon Fire Department will be badly damaged this time."


Most of these evil gods in **** knew each other, and at this moment they gathered together, and it was simply resentment.

The source of this resentment was Ning Xiaochuan, who had a big fight in **** before.

"Don't stop talking nonsense, let's discuss as soon as possible how to deal with that kid. Now he is guarded by Yan Quan, and it is not easy to kill him." The Qing Emperor in Tsing Yi added calmly.

The Qing Emperor seemed quite prestigious among these evil gods in hell. At this moment, when he spoke, the other evil gods immediately calmed down and began to discuss ways to deal with Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Quan ancestors.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Quan's ancestors stood on the huge bone mountain of Yan Quancheng, looking at the distance.

Although they could not see the appearance of those evil gods in the distance, they could feel the breath of these evil gods.

"Ning Xiaochuan, if you can surrender these guys, it will depend on you later." Feeling the familiar atmosphere in the distance, the ancestor of Yan Quan sighed.

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