Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1242: Submit to the Emperor

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The Buddha's heart was beating fiercely, all around Yan Quancheng shrouded such a strange rhythm. With this rhythm, countless figures slowly appeared in the darkness around Yan Quancheng.

Secondary god! God!

Walking on the ground is the sub-god, sitting on the huge throne, and flying in the sky is the god.

At least twenty deities and hundreds of sub-gods completely surrounded Yan Quancheng.

"Ning Xiaochuan, get out of Lao Tzu."

After these sub-gods and gods appeared, they flew on the throne in the air, and immediately a **** shouted angrily.

This evil **** is tall and has a red skin. He has twelve black wings behind him. This evil **** is exactly the twelve-wing Donghuang evil **** that Ning Xiaochuan had seen.

The evil spirit of the Donghuang evil **** was so hot that he just came here at this moment and immediately growled at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Donghuang, his temper is still so hot." Yan Quan's ancestor standing beside Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and turned to Ning Xiaochuan. "Ning Xiaochuan, what do you do next?"

"Of course I talked to them in the past. If they could let them take the initiative, it would be the best." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, calmly.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flew up and flew directly to the evil gods around him.

"I want these guys to surrender, which is a dream." Yan Quan ancestor murmured, and flew out with Ning Xiaochuan.

Now everyone has taken Yan Quan's ancestors as Ning Xiaochuan's group, so Yan Quan's ancestors can only follow Ning Xiaochuan's way to the black.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Quan's ancestors appeared together, Donghuang evil **** stood up suddenly, a strong divine power exuded in the tall body, and swept towards Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Quan's ancestors.

"Yan Quan, you are really filthy with this boy. Don't you know that this boy is not a member of many tribes in our hell, but a member of the Da Yan world."

The rumbling sounds came from the mouth of Donghuang evil god.

"Donghuang, what I want to do, you seem to be out of control." Yan Quan's ancestor glanced at Donghuang's evil god, calmly.

The Donghuang evil **** was so angry that when he stepped out of the throne, he had to take a shot against his ancestor Yan Quan.

Ning Xiaochuan took a step forward at this moment, blocking himself between the two, and then opened his eyes after glancing at these evil gods: "Since you already know my details, I will not talk nonsense and tell you directly. I'm here to prepare to take you all out of hell. "

"What? Can we leave Hell?" The evil gods around him, including the Donghuang evil god, suddenly changed one by one.

They have been tortured by the environment of **** for so many years, even dreaming of leaving Hell every day.

A green emperor in a green robe supported her hand on the throne at the moment, and said indifferently, "Ning Xiaochuan, take us out of the conditions of hell, you can say it directly."

The Qing Emperor opened his mouth, and all the other evil gods suddenly looked at Ning Xiaochuan.

Of course, they also know that there is no free lunch in the world, so although they are excited at the moment, they still control their emotions and wait for Ning Xiaochuan to make a deal.

"Haha, everyone is really smart. This time I'm calling you all here at once, just to save trouble, otherwise, I'm afraid I have to have one tribe after another to negotiate with you." Ning Xiaochuan laughed, Continued: "My conditions are simple. After you leave Hell, you have to drive me a hundred years. If you still do n’t want to be part of the Da Yan World, then you must leave the Da Yan World and find another place. reproduce."

Ning Xiaochuan's condition said that all of a sudden he fell into silence.

Except for Yan Quan's ancestors, other evil gods never thought that Ning Xiaochuan would propose such a condition.

After a moment of silence, a sneer suddenly appeared from among the evil gods.

"For you to drive for a hundred years! I'm not mistaken. You, a sub-God, want to make us gods be slaves, beware that your appetite is too big to be killed."

Ning Xiaochuan ignored the sneerous evil god, and instead set his eyes on the emperor.

The Qing Emperor sat on the throne made of bones, with a slight sadness on his face, and Ning Xiaochuan collided with his eyes when he looked at him.

There was a slight arc in the corner of his mouth, and Ning Xiaochuan grinned and said, "The Lord is the emperor. Now the mother and daughter of Qingji are in my hands. If you want to save someone, promise me the conditions I just gave. Time to make a decision. "

It takes only three breaths to make a judgement.

Qingdi's face was a little hesitant, but in the end, before the end of the three breaths, he slowly stood up from the throne and stared at Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, you are indeed a genius, but Just relying on this and trying to surrender me is not enough. Unless you are more capable than me, today we can only fight for your life. "

The words of the Qing Emperor let the evil gods around him smile one by one, waiting to see the Qing Emperor and Ning Xiaochuan take action.

They also want to take the opportunity to judge how Ning Xiaochuan's strength is.

Yan Quan's ancestor, who stood on the side of Ning Xiaochuan, was already snickering.

The strength of the Qing Emperor was indeed very powerful. The ancestor Yan Quan knew that, but after being locked in **** for so many years, the strength of the Qing Emperor was long gone, but Ning Xiaochuan was like a Japanese-born student. Yan Quan's ancestors still feel that they have a lot of fear, so now Yan Quan's ancestors have determined that it is not difficult for Ning Xiaochuan to win the emperor.

As long as he surrendered the Qing Emperor, he would have a powerful helper on his side.

Under the gaze of the evil gods around him, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly grinned and laughed for a moment before he calmed down and looked at the Qing Emperor: "Are you a fool, do I have a hostage in my hand, why? Fight with you, you die, I live, if I really want to fight with you, then I will also take hostages to fart. Now I only give you two options. One is to surrender me, I will give you back. The second is to compare with me Fight, mother and daughter Qingji, do n’t think of seeing you again. "

Very direct and domineering response.

The evil gods all around looked at Ning Xiaochuan with their eyes widened, and it seemed that Ning Xiaochuan was not fit for them, even more domineering than them.

Looking at the hesitant Qing Emperor, Ning Xiaochuan said with a disdain: "Qing Emperor, Qing Ji's mother misses you so much, even if it falls in my hands, he will not betray you in the slightest. For such a long time, it was obvious that she was unwilling to even pay for her at all. It seems that sometimes it is really impossible to get paid unilaterally. When I tell this to Qingji about this, it may be regarded as letting them die. "

"I've lost Xiaoqing once, can I lose another one now!" Qingdi's face turned pale, and she even said to herself.

After only hesitating for a moment, the emperor's look suddenly returned to cold, and nodded to Ning Xiaochuan: "I promised your conditions, starting today, I will drive you, but how the people in the emperor's department choose, I will not Interfered. "

Leaving the throne under his feet, the emperor stepped towards Ning Xiaochuan step by step.

"Old man, where do you go, of course we will go with you." The sub-gods of the Qingdi Ministry almost rushed out without any hesitation.

Was the Qing Emperor Ministry so easily surrendered?

Yan Quan's ancestor looked at the crowds of the Qing Emperor who came over, but he couldn't help crying and laughing. He relied on a woman to surrender the Qing Emperor.

Watching the Qing Emperor come to his side, Ning Xiaochuan grinned and said, "Qing Emperor, you have definitely made the most sensible choice this time. Mother and daughter Qing Ji are below, so you can meet them yourself."

The Qing Emperor had already sensed the position of Qingji's mother and daughter at this moment, glanced in that direction, and frowned, "Ning Xiaochuan, you should be so relieved that I would go to see Qingji's mother and daughter. If I took them directly, , And then if you break your promise, you will get the bamboo basket empty. "

Ning Xiaochuan rubbed his head with a headache and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, if that kind of thing happens, I don't care, anyway, I do so much, only for Qing Ji, who makes Qing Ji and my sister so close Well, now that I have done so much, even if it is against the Qing Dynasty in the future, there is no reason for Qingji to blame me. "

Qingdi frowned, and he had judged from Ning Xiaochuan's words that Ning Xiaochuan didn't seem to take his Qing Emperor seriously.

It doesn't feel too good to be despised in this way. After taking a few steps towards Yan Quancheng, the Qing emperor couldn't help again and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, if I really did, as I said earlier, I would take the mother and daughter of Qingji. Go, then come back and you continue to do it right, what would you do. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced back at the Qing Emperor and said, "Kill without amnesty, I will wipe out the entire Qing Emperor Department, leaving no one alive."

Even as a god, the Qing emperor could not help but tremble when he heard Ning Xiaochuan's aggressive words.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan for a moment, the Qing Emperor turned and entered Yan Quancheng.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan surrendered the Qing Emperor's Ministry in such a way, all the evil gods around him had been extremely annoyed, and his eyes turned to Ning Xiaochuan with anger.

The fierce-tempered Donghuang evil devil snarled at Ning Xiaochuan at this moment: "Dirty boy, that threatens the emperor in such a way, I have nothing to threaten you in Donghuang. Today I will tear you to pieces. "

"There is nothing to threaten? Do you really think so?" Ning Xiaochuan grinned, stared at the evil **** of Donghuang, and then looked cold and cold, glanced slowly at the evil gods around him: "I was just right now with Qing The people in the Imperial Ministry are a bit of friendship, so the means of surrendering them is so soft. I have no friendship with you, so now I only give you two choices. The first is to surrender me, and I will take you away. The second is not to surrender. All of you will die. "

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