Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1243: Crazy means

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Bold! Arrogant!

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's voice fell, a roaring sound immediately sounded around him.

Those **** evil gods were almost mad by Ning Xiaochuan ’s Zhang madness, one by one standing up angrily, staring coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, if they did n’t want to get a way out of **** from Ning Xiaochuan, I am afraid they have directly Take a shot and tear Ning Xiaochuan into pieces.

Even the ancestor Yan Quan, looking at Ning Xiaochuan with a look of astonishment at this moment, did not understand why Ning Xiaochuan would directly anger these **** evil gods at this moment.

You know, this is a group of gods. If they join forces, even Ning Xiaochuan will not be pleased.

"Ning Xiaochuan, this evil **** likes human flesh the most. You have surrendered me now, aren't you afraid that I will eat up all the people of your world." A sneer sounded from these evil gods.

The evil **** who spoke at this moment was a weird evil god.

He is obviously not a human race, and some sort of demon race is a god, so he likes to eat human flesh.

"Then you have to change this habit, and you are not allowed to eat human flesh in the future." Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the evil **** and said indifferently.

The evil **** stared at Ning Xiaochuan, grinning and grinning: "Haha, have you heard that, we have not yet surrendered him, he began to order me, my habit of eating human flesh has continued for so many years, changed to It can't be changed, and I have no plans to change it. "

"If you can't change it, then die." Ning Xiaochuan said calmly.

This evil **** shrugged his lips and was about to continue to ridicule Ning Xiaochuan, but did not want to just open his mouth, and a figure appeared in front of him.

This is the figure of Ning Xiaochuan. For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan even appeared in front of this evil god.

The law beast!

In the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, a living beast appeared suddenly, from the size of a fist, to quickly become large, and finally became a real beast, engulfing this evil god.

"Ah! Ning Xiaochuan, so you want to kill me, it's ..."

Trapped in the monster of law, this evil **** roared loudly and was not ready to give in.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about this at all. When he flipped his palms, several small sculptures appeared in his hands. These sculptures are the heavenly calculations that Ning Xiaochuan got before.

Ning Xiaochuan threw these sculptures away, and several dark-colored metal figures suddenly appeared.


The metal man turned into a man of heaven, and he fisted up at the evil god.

These days, when there is no one to control, although the action is a bit stiff, but his punches, but it is absolutely intolerant to underestimate.

This evil **** had been bombarded by Ning Xiaochuan's rule of law monster. It was extremely miserable at the moment. Facing the bombardment of these several heavenly magistrates at the moment, he had no strength to fight back.

A flash of Ning Xiaochuan's figure took the **** of this evil **** into his hands.

Two auras shot in the eyes, splitting on this godhead with a click, and the mind that this evil **** had deposited on the godhead immediately disappeared.

A demon **** was quickly killed by Ning Xiaochuan's use of thunder, and even the mind in the godhead was completely destroyed.

Such a scene made all the evil gods around him horrified.

By the time those evil gods reacted around, Ning Xiaochuan had brought a celestial fortune-teller and stood by his ancestor Yan Quan again.

"I repeat, surrender, or die." Ning Xiaochuan glanced coldly at these evil gods.

Around Yan Quan's ministry, there was silence at the moment.

Even those evil gods are being calmed down by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

The evil **** that was just killed by Ning Xiaochuan just now is quite powerful. Such an evil **** was actually killed by Ning Xiaochuan's chopping of vegetables and vegetables. Of course, the remaining evil gods would feel shocked in his heart.

Yan Quan's ancestor looked at Ning Xiaochuan in amazement at this moment, his gaze glanced more at those people who were near Ning Xiaochuan.

When he played with Ning Xiaochuan before, Ning Xiaochuan never showed the existence of these days.

"Ning Xiaochuan, we acknowledge that you are really good and qualified to stand with us to negotiate, but it is absolutely impossible for us to yield to you. We can discuss it separately, maybe we can discuss the best of both worlds. . "

After being silent for a long time, one of these evil gods came out again.

The evil **** who came out at this moment, looks elegant, looks like a Confucian student among the human race. Such a person, like the former Qing Emperor, is not a kind of reckless husband, but a **** full of wisdom.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the evil Shinto in front of him: "The strategy for the two things? What do you want for the two things?"

Confucian sub-Shinto: "It's very simple, we can't surrender to you, but we want to leave Hell. You want to surrender us, obviously you want us to be your servants and help you. In this case, we can end Become an ally and help each other. In this way, you can take us out of hell, and we can justly help you. "

The ancestor Yan Quan next to Ning Xiaochuan also said at the moment: "Ning Xiaochuan, these people have obviously been calmed down by you, so they will come up with such conditions. The conditions they now propose, and what you ask for The difference is not that big, it just sounds good. This should definitely be the biggest concession of these gods. I suggest you agree to their request. "

"Impossible." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head resolutely, looking at the opposite Confucian sub-Shinto: "I say again, surrender, or die, you only have these two options, there is no third option."

A bit of annoyance appeared on the face of Confucius. "Ning Xiaochuan, don't bully people too much. We have made the biggest concessions, even if you are good, but do you really think you can deal with so many of us at the same time? . "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Yeah, I really think so. If you kill them all at once, no one in **** seems to be able to continue to resist me."

This guy is a lunatic.

The Confucian sub-god looked at the other sub-gods around him, and all of them looked a little angry.

Ning Xiaochuan's Zhang Kuang annoyed them too.

"Since this boy is so uninteresting, let's kill him, then search the soul and find a way to get out of hell."

"Well, this boy is so annoying to Lao Tzu that I was going to give him a face, and to trouble him after leaving Hell. Now it seems that I can only do it now."

"The puppets around this kid seem a little weird. Be careful when you start."


After more than 20 deities communicated with each other slightly, a strong sense of warfare and murderous spirit emerged at the same time.

Even the sub-gods around him are now scared by the murderous stimulus radiating from these evil gods.


The fierce-tempered Donghuang evil **** roared and killed directly at Ning Xiaochuan.

kill! kill! kill!

The evil gods around him flashed at the same time, like a meteor, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

With such a momentum, Yan Quan's ancestor was pale and frightened.

Although he is also a god, he will not be so arrogant that he has confidence to fight with so many gods.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you're playing big this time. If we can't solve the immediate crisis, we'll be dead." Anxiously, Yan Quan's ancestor roared a little out of character.

"Don't worry, don't resist, I let Tian Suanyu protect you." Ning Xiaochuan grinned indifferently, waved his hand and let a Tian Suansu beside him fly to Yan Quan's ancestor, and directly integrated into Yan Quan's ancestor. Protected the ancestor of Yan Quan.

And Ning Xiaochuan himself was simply, sitting down cross-legged directly, the several heavens around him were encircled, forming a circle, surrounding Ning Xiaochuan.


Donghuang evil **** held a fork artifact in his hand at the moment, piercing Ning Xiaochuan fiercely.

His fork stabbed a celestial abacus, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Good defense." Donghuang evil **** flashed in front of his eyes and snorted coldly in his mouth: "You can't **** it from me. After I break through these maggots, I want one of them."

"Kill this guy first, and then talk." The stepped-down speeding car was filled with books under the foot of the Confucian Demon God, and large golden characters were ejected from these books. Ping-pong slammed the sky around Ning Xiaochuan. Body.

In addition, more than twenty other evil gods in the surrounding area also used various means to attack, and various attacks almost drowned Ning Xiaochuan.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's strength was overbearing, but was attacked by so many gods, he did not even have the power to fight back.

Yan Quan's ancestors were not the targets of these gods, so he hid aside. He looked anxiously and kept his eyes on Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was facing so many evil gods from all around, and even his face didn't change much, so he sat calmly among the heavenly gods, and even occasionally looked up and grinned at those evil gods around him, seemingly Laughing at them as vulnerable.

"Crazy! It's crazy. Does this kid have a problem with his head?"

In the city of Yanquan, Qingdi and Qingji mother and daughter stood together and looked up at the battles over their heads. Qingji's mother couldn't help but say.

The Qing Emperor looked dignified and slowly shook his head: "If Ning Xiaochuan has enough strength, of course, he can surrender all of them at once by force, but now it seems that his strength is not enough to surrender all at once. These gods originally thought that Ning Xiaochuan would make peace with these evil gods, but now I ca n’t see what he wants to do. He wants to surrender so many evil gods, and he should use his methods to deal with me, to divide apart, and It shouldn't be as offensive as it is now. "

Qing Ji glanced at Qing Emperor and her mother, and looked up at Ning Xiaochuan's gaze also began to feel a little worried.

At the moment, Ning Xiaochuan was still surrounded by more than 20 evil gods and was constantly under siege.

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