Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1247: Refining and receiving **** tower

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After staring at the stone monster in front of her eyes, Ning Xiaochuan looked strange at the moment.

Because he felt that the murderous spirit of Shi Ji Yao at the moment, he even quickly retreated.

With a little thought, Ning Xiaochuan guessed Shi Ji's thoughts at the moment and shook his head and sighed: "Kill and kill, anyway, I'm sorry for you all these years anyway, but unfortunately, our child has not had a father before he was born.

Ning Xiaochuan's words instantly made Shi Ji's face pale and her body shivered.

Indeed, she thought about this problem just now, so she hesitated.

Taking back the palm of the hand, Shi Ji Yao's face was cold, and she suddenly slammed Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, there is no resentment between us, you go, I will never see you again."

The extinct monument on Ning Xiaochuan's head slowly disappeared at this moment.

Freedom was restored, and Ning Xiaochuan waved out a panacea, crushed it, and patted his chest. The blood hole in his chest caught by Shi Ji immediately flew into flesh and blood, and recovered.

"No, even if I have to leave, I will take you and our children back. This is my responsibility." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

Shi Ji demon sneered coldly: "I don't need you to take responsibility, the child is mine, it's just me."

After the figure flashed, Shi Ji Yao left directly.

However, just after taking a few steps, the monster Shi Ji suddenly changed her face, groaned in her mouth, and squatted down, covering her belly.

Her tire was pneumatic.

"This boy is so bad that he even knows to cooperate with his father." Ning Xiaochuan was weird at this moment, and rushed to the side of the monster Shi Ji, regardless of her objection, and hugged her.

Waving his hand to re-condensate a stone bed, Ning Xiaochuan placed Shi Ji on it, then gently lifted off the clothes on the back of Shi Ji demon, and began to check the condition of the fetus in her belly.

With the palms stuck to the back of Shi Ji demon, while feeling the delicate skin, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt the feeling of being connected with his flesh in the back of Shi Ji demon.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan was a little worried just now. The fetus in Shi Ji's belly was a bit weird, even the monument to the extinction could be coagulated.

Such a fetus is actually a child of his own.

But at this moment, the worry in Ning Xiaochuan's mind had completely dissipated. This feeling of flesh and blood is definitely not wrong.

"This is my child." Ning Xiaochuan's heart suddenly burst into an unprecedented pride.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan was a little lost, Shi Ji's cold voice suddenly came to his ears: "Have you touched enough?"

Ning Xiaochuan stood up a little awkwardly and stepped back.

He did have some suspicions just now.

Shi Ji demon stood up again, staring at Ning Xiaochuan with a complex look for a moment, then turned and walked away.

"When the child is born, if he wants to see you, I will take him to see you once."

In the dark, the voice of Shi Ji's demon passed on.

Watching the back of Shi Ji demon disappear, Ning Xiaochuan's face slowly smiled.

At this moment, the mentality of Shi Ji Yao has changed. Ning Xiaochuan will have a lot of time to completely change her in the future.

After waiting for the Stone Ji Demon to leave, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly waved his hand, grabbed in the void around him, and captured the air behind the Stone Ji Demon.

With this group of breath, even if the stone monster can hide her whereabouts, Ning Xiaochuan can find her.

After absorbing this mass into his body, Ning Xiaochuan turned and left the place.

Compared with the unhappy mood that came in here, Ning Xiaochuan is now full of energy and fighting spirit.

Becoming a father, this feeling made Ning Xiaochuan's blood boil.

Back to the vicinity of the blood-colored camel, at this moment, Yu Ningsheng had almost summoned the receiving pagoda, and a light door slowly appeared near the blood-colored camel.

This light gate is the entrance to the tower.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's reappearance, Yu Ningsheng said, "Oh, Xiaochuan, the entrance to the pagoda appears, but I can't control the pagoda at all. If I want to take out the false gods contained in it, I'm afraid we have to enter the pagoda. Look inside. "

"No, the world inside the pagoda has its own layers of space, even if we enter it, it is difficult to find a false godhead." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, pondered for a moment, and waved: "I try first Try to use the seal of the leader to refine the tower. If you can refine the tower, it would be much simpler to remove the false godhead. "

Parting out a part of the mind, Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness intruded into the receiving tower in front of him.

The receiving tower itself is also an artifact, which was refined into the world of Da Yan. If Ning Xiaochuan did not have the seal of the leader of the Da Yan world, then he would not even have the thought of refining and receiving the pagoda at all.

However, at this moment, he who has mastered the seal of the leader can fully use the world power of Da Yan World to refine the tower.

A steady stream of mental power invaded the tower and immediately gave Chong the original seal inside the tower.

It seems that he felt that he was about to be refined, and the God of Pagoda actually resisted at this moment.


A thunderous voice sounded, and a huge force appeared, directly driving Yu Ningsheng back dozens of steps.

In Yu Ningsheng's shocked eyes, Ning Xiaochuan, who was refining and receiving the pagoda, was enveloped by an imaginary little tower and suppressed in it.

This is the avatar of the magical tower. I want to completely shut Ning Xiaochuan into the tower to prevent Ning Xiaochuan from refining the tower.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced up and glanced at the shadow of the tower next to him, snorted coldly, and didn't care about it.

As long as he thoroughly refines and connects the pagoda, the pagoda can no longer turn into waves, and this little means at present is not a threat to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Look at how I can refine you." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hands, a strange look of runes suddenly appeared, began to hit the side of the tower next to the virtual shadow hit the past.

However, the power of this ghost tower seems to be stronger than Ning Xiaochuan imagined. After these runes were pasted on it, the tower swayed and immediately shattered the runes.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan's actions seemed to anger the Linking God Tower. The imaginary linking God Tower around him suddenly began to shrink, from a few tens of feet in size to a constant reduction, squeezing Ning Xiaochuan into it.

The figure of Ning Xiaochuan was constantly distorted in the false image of the receiving tower. The limbs, head, and all were pulled long, almost no human shape.

"Xiaochuan." Yu Ningsheng exclaimed with a worried look.

At the same time, in the darkness in the distance, the shadow of the disappeared Shi Ji demon slowly emerged.

At this moment she was holding a rolling stone bead in her hand. It was to find this stone bead that she would return and return, and saw Ning Xiaochuan's plight at the moment.

With a cold snoring in his mouth, the monster Shi Ji originally did not want to bother Ning Xiaochuan at all, and wanted to turn around and leave directly.

But just after turning around, she felt the fetus in her abdomen beating slightly.

With this beating, a small inscription suddenly appeared in the distance above the virtual shadow of the pagoda, and then smashed into the virtual shadow of the pagoda.

Even Ning Xiaochuan couldn't break this imaginary pagoda.

But at this moment, it was fragmented directly by this inscription.

After the stone monster demon turned back and glanced at Ning Xiaochuan who was out of sleep, his face was a little distressed, and he glanced down at his abdomen, and then left directly.

However, after Ning Xiaochuan was out of trouble at this moment, he was afraid to be distracted at all, and immediately controlled the power of the mind, and invaded the receiving tower in one fell swoop.


The space around it seemed to be shaking at this moment. The scarlet camel, which was sealed by Ning Xiaochuan, suddenly opened his eyes and ran to Ning Xiaochuan.

On the back of this camel, a small pagoda, slowly emerged.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped on the back of the scarlet camel, reached out and carried the little tower into his own hands.

Seeing this scene, Yu Ningsheng was surprised and said, "Xiaochuan, did you succeed?"

"Almost, but this connection to the pagoda is too special to completely refine." Shaking his head, Ning Xiaochuan responded to Yu Ningsheng, while scanning the surroundings, trying to find out the figure behind the monster Shi Ji.

Just now, he clearly felt that at the most crucial moment when he received the pagoda in his refining, the monument to extinction appeared and helped himself.

However, at this moment, the Queen of Ji Ji has already left, so no matter how Ning Xiaochuan looks for her, she cannot find any trace of her.

Yu Ningsheng noticed the strangeness of Ning Xiaochuan and wondered: "What are you looking for? By the way, what exactly is the stone monument that just appeared suddenly? You can even smash the tower tower."

"I'll talk about this later, wait for me to thoroughly refine the receiving tower." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand and put the receiving tower in his hand back on the back of the scarlet camel.

For the time being, he doesn't want to tell Yu Ningsheng and others what happened after Shi Ji's demon.

Jumping off the back of the scarlet camel, Ning Xiaochuan stretched out his hands and rubbed his hands against the scarlet camel. The scarlet camel, including the tower on his back, was rubbed directly into blood by Ning Xiaochuan. Red sphere.

With a wave of his hand, he held the blood-red ball in his hand. As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's arm shook, the beads were like a bean, falling from the blood-red ball.

In a blink of an eye, there were at least hundreds of sacred beads around Ning Xiaochuan.

These blue transparent beads, like stars, are suspended around Ning Xiaochuan.

"A lot of **** beads." Yu Ningsheng was shocked by the scene in front of her.

Although she was a messenger of the gods, she couldn't detect the situation inside the tower.

"This is nothing at all. In the future, we will still condense more receiving **** beads. It is best to build a sub-god army." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and waved all the receiving **** beads around.

"Let's go, let's go back and let people refine these sacred beads." Reaching for Yu Ningsheng, Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng quickly left the depths of the ground.

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