Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1248: First battle

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In the chaotic space and time, countless small worlds pile up together.


Suddenly, a crack cracked in one of the small worlds. A huge chariot was pulled by a beast like a dragon and rushed out of the small world.

On this chariot, at least dozens of masters stood up, glancing at the small world around them, and it looked quite a bit of the world.

"Your Majesty, we leave the small world for the first time and we should choose that small world as our target."

From these masters, a majestic man came out, and others saluted the majestic man.

The majestic man glanced around, and then pointed at a small world and said, "Let's start with this small world. As long as we swallow all the small worlds around, our Huayun small world can sooner or later dominate the world, than all the previous ones. Bapin civilization is even stronger. "

Hearing the command of the august man, the huge chariot immediately turned around and rushed in the direction of the august man.

At this moment, the direction they rushed over was truly the place where the world of Da Yan was located.

Without the cascading barriers of space, the chariot rushed out of the wall membrane of Da Yan World almost instantly, then tore the wall membrane and entered the inside of Da Yan World.

Suddenly seeing the situation inside the world of Da Yan, the majestic man immediately stood up excitedly.

"Good little world, this little world has been transformed, and it contains some very strange things, even I can't see through it, but it doesn't matter, when we conquer this small world, everything here is our . "

Conquering the small world is mainly about plundering resources. In the end, even the power of the world's origins will be plundered.

At this moment, the majestic man waved his hands, and those masters under his command immediately dispatched to plunder resources all over the world.

However, before the actions of his masters, a majestic hole suddenly appeared in front of the majestic man. This hole was like a human mouth. One by one, the majestic man and others were swallowed in. .

These masters who came to conquer the world of Da Yan did not make any effort, and the whole army was destroyed.

After swallowing up these masters of the other world, Ning Xiaochuan's figure appeared here.

He gently waved his hand, and the chariot that the majestic man and others were riding in appeared in the air again. This chariot was also regarded as a treasure for hunting. Ning Xiaochuan waved it away, and then disappeared here, and returned to the King City of Sword Pavilion.

Laohouye and others were waiting in the King's Palace for a long time now. When they saw Ning Xiaochuan coming back, they all swarmed in the past and asked eagerly, "Oh, how are the masters of the other world?

"A group of weak chickens came, and they have all been suppressed by me." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head. He also did not expect that he had just come back from the underground refinery to receive the **** tower, and encountered the invasion of masters from another world.

Although the masters of the other worlds just now are mostly masters of the sub-god realm, they obviously have not left the small world and their vision is too narrow. They want to rely on such sub-gods to conquer other small worlds.

Laohou Ye nodded and said, "Sometimes, masters from other worlds started to appear so soon. With the first time, I believe that the second and third time will come soon. Ogawa, we may not be safe in the future."

Ning Xiaochuan said, "This is coming sooner or later. No one can stop it. Grandpa, I asked you to summon people. Have you summoned them? If the candidates are all right, I will create a sub-god today. The army, let them guard the Dayan world. "

"I've been prepared for a long time, and I'll let them come over to see you right away." Grandpa Hou's eyes lighted up before he turned and began to pass orders.

After a moment, hundreds of stern masters walked into the King's Palace.

These masters are all cultivated by Laohouye in the past few decades. They are loyal to the King's Palace and are definitely the most secret army of the King's Palace.

Now that Ning Xiaochuan wants to build a sub-God army, they are certainly the most suitable.

Standing in the sword court royal palace performance martial arts field, these masters immediately stood still, showing no signs of a strong military accomplishment.

After two full steps, Ning Xiaochuan and Lao Houye came to Yanwu Stadium.

In fact, they came here just now, but Ning Xiaochuan did not appear in a hurry, but constantly looked at these people.

In the future, this group of people will become the backbone of the world, so Ning Xiaochuan must be careful.

Walking to the center of Yanwu Stadium, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze glanced at the cold and grim masters around him.

"Wang Wu, Zhou Longbing, Zhang Yi ... you all rank."

Looking around, Ning Xiaochuankou suddenly called the names of a dozen people. Just now Lao Hou has told him the list of these people, so Ning Xiaochuan was able to call out everyone's name.

More than a dozen cool-looking masters stepped out of the queue together.

Looking at these dozen people, Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "You can go back first!"

"What?" The old grandpa standing behind Ning Xiaochuan's face suddenly changed and couldn't help whispering: "Ogawa, Wang Wu, their talent is the best of these people, how did you choose them . "

Ning Xiaochuan said with a smile: "It is because their talents are so good that they cannot be wasted. Let them refine the false gods and waste their talents too much. Then I will continue to test them. As long as they pass the test, I will Sent to a holy place for spiritual practice, with their talents, I believe they will soon be able to promote the sub-god in their own strength. "

"That's it." Lord Hou was relieved.

The dozens of masters selected by Ning Xiaochuan still had a cold face, and their expressions did not change in the face of Ning Xiaochuan's orders. Instead, they turned around and walked out of the King's Palace.

"Grandpa's ability to train troops really is not built. If such a group of warriors are all peerless, their fighting power will be doubled immediately." Looking at the terrible execution of these warriors, Ning Xiaochuan nodded secretly.

Such a group of soldiers is indeed what he needs right now.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's plan, if you want to train the strong, you have to divide it into two steps. The first step is to use the receiving tower to continuously refine the false gods, and then cultivate a true sub-god army.

If there is enough energy in the future, Ning Xiaochuan can even try to use the tower to refine the true godhead and build a true army of gods.

And the second step is to rely on the depth of the black hole where the emperor Zijin and others are at the moment to cultivate those pride who truly have anti-talent talents. If these pride grow up, it is the real hole card of the Da Yan world.

At this moment, all these talented masters were removed, and Ning Xiaochuan's eyes began to glance at the remaining masters.

After glancing at the crowd for a while, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly ripped open the space above his head and said, "You all come with me."

A group of experts followed Ning Xiaochuan and entered a different space.

Even Wu Zun can easily tear the space into the different space. With Ning Xiaochuan's strength at the moment, it is certainly easy to enter the different space.

These alien spaces are like bubbles, very unstable. With the strong breath of Ning Xiaochuan, entering such an alien space can easily break this alien space.

Once the alien space is broken, Ning Xiaochuan and others will all fall back to Dayan World again.

But this time, after entering a different space, Ning Xiaochuan immediately waved his hands, using his own rules to strengthen the space, stabilize the form, and expand the surrounding different space, gradually becoming a prototype of a small world.

Many alien worlds are actually created by some peerless powerhouses, but in such a small world, it takes a long time to wait for it to grow and grow and give birth to life. Few people can afford it.

Ning Xiaochuan stabilized the space at this moment. Of course, he didn't want to create a fragile small world, but he wanted to create an existence similar to that of the emperor's market.

The space was stabilized, and the seal of the leader appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, and the seal of the leader was shaking, and a rolling mountain range immediately appeared in this space. The mountains of the mountains were bare, without life, and extremely desolate.

However, there is no way. With Ning Xiaochuan's strength at this moment, the creation of the earth mountain range is already the limit, and it is impossible to create life.

After doing all this, Ning Xiaochuan rolled his palms, and a figure sitting cross-legged appeared in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

If you look closely, you can see clearly that this figure sitting cross-legged is just a human skin. There is a clear gap in the posterior of this human skin. It seems that the person in the human skin is from it Drilled out in general.

This human skin is the **** shell that the emperor of Zijin evolved into a **** and degenerated.

Now Ning Xiaochuan will refine this **** shell here to create a new heavenly palace.

The **** shell flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's hands, landed on a hill, and then turned into a palace, firmly rooted on this hill.

Like the Tiangong Palace at the beginning, today's palace is a year of cultivation.

After doing all this, Ning Xiaochuan looked back at the warriors behind him. These warriors watched Ning Xiaochuan create a small world, and each one looked at Ning Xiaochuan with his eyes bright.

Ning Xiaochuan's name is already a legend in Dayan World. Now they are even more sincere and convinced to Ning Xiaochuan, completely convinced by Ning Xiaochuan's methods.

Ning Xiaochuan took out a total of thirty pseudo-gods. "Here are thirty pseudo-gods. I need thirty of you to refine these pseudo-gods. But who you are to refine, you need to choose your own."

Once you refine the false godhead, you can immediately become a sub-god. Such a temptation is hard to resist.

Looking at the pseudo-god in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, even these cold-looking warriors showed a strange look on their faces.

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