Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1249: Voice of Destruction

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There were dozens of warriors behind Ning Xiaochuan, but Ning Xiaochuan had only thirty fake gods.

Who will refine the false godhead?

The dozens of warriors looked at each other, but hesitated together.

This is an opportunity to step up to the sky, and no one wants to miss it.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the warriors and did not speak, but waited for their own decision.

This can be regarded as an assessment of them.

After hesitating enough tea, only one of these warriors came out of humanity: "My son, my talent is not as good as that of the big brother Wen, let them practise the false godhead."

Having said that, the warrior's look returned to normal, turned around and walked aside, and even looked at those false gods no longer.

With the first person as an example, the remaining warriors stepped out one by one and gave up the opportunity to refine the false godhead.

Of the dozens, thirty were quickly selected.

From beginning to end, Ning Xiaochuan did not interfere with them, but waited for them to choose their own candidates, and then threw the thirty fake godheads directly to them with a wave of their palms.

"You can go in and refine the pseudo-god, and don't carry the rest. At the latest ten days, I will send you the new pseudo-god. You will also refine the pseudo-go as soon as possible. "Ning Xiaochuan said coldly after separating the remaining pseudogods.

Immediately upon hearing this, new pseudo-gods appeared. At the same time, these warriors looked shocked, but their cheeks were inconceivable. "Thank you son."

"Well, the palace in front of you is for you, and one day of cultivation in it is equal to one year of the outside world. Go in quickly."

Ning Xiaochuan waved his arm, and the group of warriors flew away towards the palace palace in front.

"Mo Yang, stay for a while." Ning Xiaochuan called out the first warrior who had just given up his false godhead.

"Yes, Master." The warrior looked cold, nodded and stood beside Ning Xiaochuan.

Leaving the warrior named Mo Yang, Ning Xiaochuan said nothing more, but stood in the distance, watching the warriors in front of him enter the palace.

The scene in front of me reminded Ning Xiaochuan of his first experience in the emperor's market.

The past is like smoke, but in a blink of an eye, Ning Xiaochuan himself can create new Tiangong and Emperor's Market at will. But unfortunately, so far Ning Xiaochuan has not found the whereabouts of Xue Lingxu and others.

Fortunately, Xue Lingxu said that 10% * was taken away by the master among the rebels, and the future is unlimited.

But the rest of the people, such as Nie Lanxin and others, passed the previous Great Kingdom of Truth, and Ning Xiaochuan completely lost their news.

However, Ning Xiaochuan is not too worried about them. For example, Nie Lanxin and others are all peerless Tianjiao. They have strong luck and will never die because of the previous confusion. On the contrary, they must be the same as Ning Xiaochuan. Instead, they will use this confusion to rise against the sky and become stronger and stronger.

The next time Ning Xiaochuan meets them, maybe they have become a hegemon.

Shaking his head, Ning Xiaochuan took Mo Yang, tore the space, and walked out of this space.

When returning to Dayan World again, the place where Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Yang appeared was not the sky above the King's Court, but was located above a vast ocean.

This should be a very remote place in the world of Da Yan. At this moment, the two of Ning Xiaochuan couldn't even see the shadow of the land.

Standing above the ocean, Ning Xiaochuan faced with confusion, turned back and began to look up and down Mo Yang in front of his eyes.

And this Mo Yang's mentality seems to be very good. Ning Xiaochuan glanced at it so much, but he still looked the same, as always cold.

After glancing at Moyang for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "His daring is really big, and he has sneaked into the world of Da Yan for so long without talking, but he still managed to get mixed up with me, and if not, I ca n’t find your trace."

Mo Yang's expression remained unchanged and he shook his head, "What is the son saying? I don't understand."

"You don't need to listen if you don't understand, I'll talk to you when I take it down." Ning Xiaochuan grunted coldly, one hand grabbed at Mo Yang suddenly.

However, what Ning Xiaochuan caught was a cold body.

At this moment, Mo Yang was icy, and he had died for many days in the morning, but he was only refined, so he did not reveal his body.

Ning Xiaochuan's face became even more ugly, clutching Mo Yang's body.

As the leader of Dayan World, it is reasonable to say that everything in Dayan World should be controlled by him, but the person in front of him is completely out of control of Ning Xiaochuan.

If this person was too arrogant, even posing as Mo Yang, playing tricks under Ning Xiaochuan's eyelids, I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan could not know his existence so far.

With a wave of space, a handsome man suddenly appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

This man didn't seem to take Ning Xiaochuan's eyes at all, but he showed such a generous expression.

After the handsome man appeared, he grinned immediately: "Haha, I sneaked into the world of Da Yan for so many days. I wanted to get in touch with the son and have a close relationship. I did not expect that the ability of the son was beyond my imagination. Got me. "

After blinking at Ning Xiaochuan, the handsome man added: "Yes, I forgot to introduce, I'm Ning Zilong, the subordinate of Beichuan Little World Destiny, Master Fei. I was originally sent by Master Fei to find Dayan World did not expect such a change in the outside world. I believe Master Fei should soon come to Dayan World in person. "

"Beichuan Small World! Son of Destiny!" Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, and as soon as the figure flashed, he immediately killed the man in front of him again.

What Beichuan small world, what destiny's son, Ning Xiaochuan does not care about it now.

Anyway, as long as he can win the opponent, relying on the power of Ning Xiaochuan's seven tricks, the secrets in the opponent's mind must be dug up by Ning Xiaochuan.

This guy, who claims to be Ning Feilong, saw Ning Xiaochuan's hands on him, and he looked slightly dignified. While backing away quickly, he laughed and said, "Ning Gongzi, I have observed you for many days. You are indeed a generation. The talent is outstanding, but compared to my family Master Fei, it is heaven and earth, but Master Fei's favorite is to call young Junjie like you beside you and love him as long as you are willing to come with me to see Master Fei, I believe Master Fei will not treat you badly. "

"It's disgusting. Master Fei in this guy's mouth still has a hobby in that area." Ning Xiaochuan was a little nauseated.


A rule Ning Xiaochuan hit out was easily blocked by Ning Zilong.

Although this Ning Zilong looks like a pervert, he is extremely powerful. And more importantly, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan and he only found out that this guy turned out to be a god, but just didn't know what method was used to hide his cultivation completely.

"This guy's hiding method is too strong. If he can't be killed with a single blow and let him slip away, it will be much more difficult to find him." Ning Xiaochuan looked dignified, but did not show the strongest killing trick at all.

Faced with this guy in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan knew that he might only have one chance to kill the other.

So at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan not only did not play the law beast, he did not even use his spiritual power, but just played various rules at hand, entangled with Ning Zilong in front of him.

Ning Zilong said easily, but in fact, he was also assessing Ning Xiaochuan's strength and wanted to completely capture Ning Xiaochuan.

"My son, your fist is really too soft. It is very comfortable to hit others. I will let you punch a few more."

The figure shuttled between the rules played by Ning Xiaochuan, but Ning Zilong's mouth kept making jokes.

As if for the nausea of ​​Ning Xiaochuan, what Ning Zilongkou said was getting more and more unbearable.


Ning Xiaochuan appeared in the hands of the World Extermination Sword.

The law beast!

A roaring giant appeared out of thin air on the extinct sword, and then bombarded Ning Zilong in front of him.

Ning Zilong's face changed, and the frivolous expression just disappeared. A disc-shaped shield appeared between his hands, blocking himself, and then he relaxed a little. "Ninggongzi, I investigated you For so many days, I know a little bit about your bottom line, and it will certainly not be destroyed by tricks like yours. "

The other party even knew the law beast.

Ning Xiaochuan's look remained unchanged, and he still bombarded the rule monster to Ning Zilong.

Knowing tricks is nothing, but being able to block them is really powerful.

Although Ning Zilong said relaxedly, he still underestimated Ning Xiaochuan's strength.

The roaring beast bombarded Ning Zilong and immediately made him fly like a stone. The whole person crashed into the ocean below, setting off a huge wave in the ocean.

Among these huge waves, Ning Zilong's hair was scattered, the figure was embarrassed, and constantly shuttled.

"Spiritual power, Ning Xiaochuan, you have even mastered the spiritual power. After Master Fei came here, he would definitely love you very much."

As Ning Zilong escaped, a sharp voice came.

From the monster of Ning Xiaochuan's move just now, Ning Zilong even felt the existence of Ning Xiaochuan's spiritual power. How powerful the spiritual power is, Ning Zilong is obviously very clear, so at this moment will never dare to fight with Ning Xiaochuan, but directly escape.

Not everyone knows that there is another kind of power in the world called spiritual power. The Ning Zilong knows this right now. Obviously, he is of extraordinary origin. He has seen the power of spiritual power long ago.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart became even more frightened by this Ning Zilong. With a flash of his figure, he flickered to the top of Ning Zilong's head, to suppress Ning Zilong completely.

But at this moment, Ning Zilong's figure disappeared.

His weird and insidious means of concealment are now showing again.

With the seal of the leader, Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, but could not find the slightest breath of Ning Zilong.

Such a scene made Ning Xiaochuan's face pale.

But then, he suddenly took a sharp breath, and the whole upper body seemed to swell.


A mouth, a law of riots, ejected from Ning Xiaochuankou, these laws are like bullets, shooting down the surrounding space.

This is Ning Xiaochuan's new trick, the voice of annihilation.

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