Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1250: Sublime

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Ning Xiaochuan's current revision includes three parts.

One is the law of annihilation that he understands, and the other is the spiritual power that he realizes. The third is the power of the leaders' feedback to Ning Xiaochuan's world.

Together, these three forces give Ning Xiaochuan the sub-god the power to destroy the true deities. However, the power of the world carried by the Seal of Leadership can only be regarded as an external force. If Ning Xiaochuan leaves the Dayan World, the power of this world will rapidly weaken or even disappear.

This is why many leaders refuse to leave their small world at all.

Ning Xiaochuan has been busy rectifying the Dayan world recently and can't tell his mind to practice quietly, so he hasn't made much progress in the world of destruction. But Ning Xiaochuan's spiritual power and the power of the world of the Seal of Leadership are constantly improving.

Stronger spiritual power means that Ning Xiaochuan's power to control the law will be further strengthened.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan was able to make use of these rules of the world to develop the voice of the world.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan didn't fully understand it. It was still an immature one, but in this case, Ning Xiaochuan had to reveal it in advance.

The voice of annihilation is not sound but law.

Ning Xiaochuan's comprehension of the law of extinction is as if it were a sound, sweeping all around, sweeping everything.

"It's impossible. My figure can overlap with the space, even Master Fei can't find me." In the fragmented space, the voice of Ning Zilong fleeing suddenly.


Ning Xiaochuan held the World Extermination Sword, and almost did not hesitate to immediately hit the beast of law in this fragmented space.

Roaring beasts ran back and forth here, shattering the piece of space that was trampled on, and the figure of Ning Zi's dragon and wolf was trampled out like this.

Immediately after Ning Zilong appeared, he begged for forgiveness: "Forgiveness, I ..."

Without saying a word, Ning Xiaolong's head had been cut off by Ning Xiaochuan.

This Ning Zilong's method was too weird, so Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to take the slightest care and cut off his head. With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's palm, Ning Xiaochuan's deity was caught in his hands.

The power of the mind invaded the godhead, and Ning Zilong's begging voice and all Ning Zilong's memories were all pumped out by Ning Xiaochuan.

In front of Ning Xiaochuan, an ugly boy suddenly appeared, with a group of masters in red clothes, standing in the starry sky, destroying the appearance of one small world after another.

Is this the destiny son Master Fei?

Ning Xiaochuan's expression gradually slumped.

The Ning Zilong in front of him is just an inconspicuous little role of Master Fei, but he is already so difficult. How terrible that Master Fei is, Ning Xiaochuan cannot estimate at this moment.

But one thing is for sure, with the current situation in the world, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop the offensive of this young master.

Ning Zilong's consciousness gradually weakened, and when his consciousness was completely destroyed, a godly consciousness suddenly came out of Ning Xiaochuan's godhead.

"Bold, dare to kill my servant of the Son of Destiny, I will crush you down."

So arrogant guy!

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, like the master in front of him, the guy who hangs the words of the Son of Destiny in his mouth, except for the true peerless majesty, it is estimated that he will not live long.

However, Ning Xiaochuan can feel that this master Fei should not be a short-lived person, but a character of that kind.

Now he offended such a character for no reason, although he felt a little depressed, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't care.

Now that all the small worlds are piled up together, it's almost a matter of time before the young master flies over.

Figure flashed, Ning Xiaochuan disappeared here.

When Ning Xiaochuan killed and killed Ning Zilong, among the countless small worlds far away from the Da Yan world, the figure of the ugly boy Master Fei suddenly stopped, frowning and looking in the direction of the Da Yan world.

After glanced into the distance for a moment, the ugly boy chuckled coldly: "Thirteen, Ning Zilong is dead. You go and look at the situation. This is where he died."

With a wave of his hand, a streamer appeared in the hand of the ugly boy.

From the dilapidated small world, a red figure suddenly rushed out. This handsome young man in red, named Thirteen, took over this streamer and rushed towards the world of Da Yan.

The ugly boy looked calm again, looked back at those small worlds around him, his eyes flashed with excitement again.

At this moment, the small world near him was about to be wiped out by him. Of the densely packed small world, only the small world controlled by the ugly boy was left at this moment.

And this small world is huge today, almost more than the small world next to it. In such a small world, even its wall membrane seems to be constantly solidifying, changing, and evolving towards the level of the small universe.

"I did not expect to absorb enough of the power of the original, the small world would evolve into the universe. If it continues to absorb, then my small world would not be able to replace the original world. By that time, I am the master of the world No one dares to resist me, even if the main gods are **** in my hands. "In the mouth of the ugly boy, there was a loud laugh.


Dayan World.

In the following few days, Ning Xiaochuan's busyness a few days ago finally gained something.

Inside the return market, dense crowds of **** evil spirits rushed out, but different from the original, they are now obeyed by the emperor Qing and Yan Quan's ancestors. After rushing out of the return market one by one, although excited, they did not. The riots, instead of obeying the rules of the King's Court, settled in a place in Dayan World.

Ning Xiaochuan also made a special trip to take away all the evil spirits from these **** evildoers. In this way, these evildoers are no longer evildoers, but normal human races that are no different from the Dayan world.

After suppressing the evil gods of **** and the masters of the other world who came to conquer Dayan World one after another into the hell, more than one hundred false gods have condensed in the tower of the gods in Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

With these pseudo-gods, the world ’s first sub-god army can finally take shape.

After doing all this, Ning Xiaochuan took Ning Xin'er and others to fly into the air, ready to enter the gate of man and god.

"Grandpa, Ning Sheng, as soon as a foreign enemy invades the Dayan World, you immediately notify me, and I will rush back immediately. In addition, you should hold these treasures first and use them in case of danger."

He handed the heavenly magistrate and the battleship of truth to Lao Houye and Yu Ningsheng, telling them to do something, and Ning Xiaochuan stepped into the gate of man and **** with confidence.

One day, the warrior and the battleship of truth were at hand. Even if the master flying attacked, Yu Ningsheng and others were enough to protect themselves.

Stepping into the gate of man and god, Ning Xiaochuan found that after self-repair during this time, the channel inside the gate of man and **** has been almost stable.

As long as the gate of people and gods is completely stabilized, then Ning Xin'er and others do not need to be led by Ning Xiaochuan and can enter and exit the gate of people and gods by themselves.

As soon as she entered the deep black hole, Ning Xin'er exclaimed: "Brother, there are so many broken rules in this place. If I practice here, I am confident that I will be able to improve my strength to Nine Gods within one year."

"It's good to have confidence, but after you practice, you can only be promoted up to the Nine Gods of the Nine Gods. Do not try to condense the godhead. Otherwise, it will be a self-destructive future, and I can't even help you in the future." Exhorted.

Ning Xin'er achieved the sub-god by refining the pseudo-god, and the strength was the weakest among the sub-gods. If she condenses her godhead in this way, her future strength will also become the weakest being among the gods.

"I see." Ning Xin'er nodded, and walked into the darkness around with the others, and began to find a place to cultivate.

Before they came here, they heard Ning Xiaochuan describe everything here, so they wouldn't panic.

When Ning Xin'er and others left, Ning Xiaochuan directly chose a direction and walked towards the place where the former Emperor Zijin and others were.

Soon, the Tianjiao of those gods' palaces appeared again in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Compared with the last time Ning Xiaochuan came here, their position in the black hole has been greatly advanced, which shows that their strength has improved a lot recently.

Moving forward, the figures of Nie Lanzhi and Yu Qianqian appeared, and compared with those of the God Chugong Tianjiao, their progress was even greater, and they could almost condense the virtual godhead.

Ning Xiaochuan stayed, gathered for a while with the two women, and then moved on. He went deep into the black hole this time, not only to send Ning Xin'er and others over, he also had to practice here for a while.

The appearance of Master Fei made Ning Xiaochuan feel great pressure.

Although Ning Xiaochuan still has a big killer like the Warship of Truth in his hands, the young master Fei claims to be the son of destiny.

Ning Xiaochuan has the sky calculator and the battleship of truth, but maybe there will be some treasures in the other hand.

Such a master, if even the warship of truth cannot bombard him, he will bring endless disaster to the world of Da Yan.

Therefore, only when Ning Xiaochuan's own strength has risen to a level where he can fight against the Master Fei, Dayan World is truly safe and sound.

Walking in the dark, Ning Xiaochuan quickly passed the position where the monk Tangan and the emperor Zijin were located. At this moment, the tearing strength around him was extremely powerful, and his footsteps slowed down as a result.

Taking a few more steps, Ning Xiaochuan's legs began to tremble.

Finally, his legs softened and he sat down completely, and could no longer move.

"This is my limit. Unless I step back, I can't move forward in the slightest." Ning Xiaochuan sighed in his heart, and then sat in the darkness in disregard of the image and began to contemplate.

Around Ning Xiaochuan, the broken rules appeared from time to time, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't even look at these broken rules, but closed his eyes, and began to feel the changes in his body.

The deity in Ning Xiaochuan's body is now continuously absorbing the power of the five elements and the laws of the soul ball.

After such a long period of time, Ning Xiaochuan finally began to try to let the spirit in his body evolve again.

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