Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1251: messenger

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The last evolution of the ten thousand gods was when Ning Xiaochuan was in the kingdom of truth.

Later Ning Xiaochuan realized the existence of spiritual power, so he didn't pay much attention to the fighting power provided by the evolution of the gameplay godhead.

However, if Ning Xiaochuan wants to condense the strongest godhead, then before becoming a god, he must let the Wanfa godhead evolve to the highest level.

According to the cultivation experience inherited from the Kingdom of Truth, the higher the combat power of the sub-god realm, the more powerful it becomes after becoming a god.

Although Ning Xiaochuan is quite powerful now, even many lower gods are not his opponents, but he is far from reaching the true peak.

Now letting the ten thousand gods evolve is just the first step for him to improve himself.

Next, he also needs to use the tearing power of the black hole to enhance his physical strength.

Only when all aspects reach the limit will Ning Xiaochuan try to condense the godhead and achieve the strongest subordinate god.

Once he became a god, Ning Xiaochuan was confident to suppress it even if the master Fei was even more powerful.

Sitting in the dark, Ning Xiaochuan went through his cultivation step by step.

After absorbing the power and rules of the five elements, the Wanfa Godhead finally began to continuously change its aspects.

One thousand slices ... one thousand two hundred ... one thousand five hundred ... two thousand slices.

The Wanfa Godhead evolved to 2,000 aspects, reaching the level of the King of Godhead, and finally trembled, stopping the evolution.

At this time, even if Ning Xiaochuan infused the power and rules of the Five Elements into the Wanfa Godhead, the Wanfa Godhead would spit it out, and refused to continue to absorb these things, of course, he would not continue to evolve.


Ning Xiaochuan frowned, knowing that he was hitting a bottleneck. However, the power of his mind is always focused on the tenfold deities, and he carefully feels the changes of the tenfold deities.

At the time in the Yuanxu universe, Ning Xiaochuan had witnessed the scene where the battleship of truth bombarded his opponent.

At that time, countless laws came together to form something like chaos.

Today, Ning Xiaochuan's body has a horrible amount of laws, and with so many rules gathered in the gods, what kind of changes will happen, Ning Xiaochuan is also curious.

In the black hole, even time seems to be swallowed up.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know how long it had elapsed, it was just the inside of the ten thousand gods in his body. At this moment, countless rules were entangled together, and even a little bit of integration, in the end all these rules disappeared.

Within the empty shell-like ten thousand gods, starry spots began to appear at this moment.

These spots are dark, like a mass of dark matter, but not dark matter.

"Chaotic matter? Is it true that something similar to chaos will be born in my godhead." Ning Xiaochuan was a little shocked.

At this moment, the chaos power is indeed constantly being born inside the ten thousand gods. These chaotic forces are filled inside the ten thousand gods, and all the rules inside the ten thousand gods are swallowed up.

What is chaos?

Chaos represents the origin of a world.

It is said that everything in the world was born out of chaos. There is chaos first, and then there is heaven. With chaos, everything in the world comes.

Although at the moment Ning Xiaochuan's godhead only appeared a little chaotic matter as large as millet grains, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were already widened.

Chaos Matter!

How could this be really chaotic matter?

After being shocked, Ning Xiaochuan was almost incoherent with some excitement.

Nothing is more precious than chaotic matter between heaven and earth. Because chaotic matter can create everything, even artifacts, geniuses, treasures, special lives ... no matter what, as long as there is enough chaotic matter, it can condense.

If Ning Xiaochuan has enough chaotic matter, he can easily create something as powerful as the heavens and the battleship of truth.

But the premise of all this is that Ning Xiaochuan can control these chaotic substances.

The excited Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to try to control those chaotic substances.

But unfortunately, as soon as his mental power entered the virtual godhead, he was immediately devoured by those chaotic substances.

The attraction of this chaotic force to foreign objects seems to be stronger than the black hole's engulfing power to the outside world.

Several methods have been tried one after another, but Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength may not even be close to these chaotic substances, let alone control them.

Although poured with cold water, Ning Xiaochuan did not lose anything.

If these chaotic matter were so simple to be controlled by him, the chaotic matter would probably not be as magical as the legend. Anyway, these chaotic substances are now born in his godhead. Sooner or later, Ning Xiaochuan will think of a way to control them.

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes.


Forced on his feet, Ning Xiaochuan stood up.

Now that his godhead has evolved to the level of the king of godheads, his strength is much stronger than before, so he has barely been able to resist the tearing forces around him.

Standing in the dark, Ning Xiaochuan did not continue to move forward, but stood in place and carefully realized.

The appearance of chaotic matter in the godhead is definitely a big surprise for Ning Xiaochuan.

With this big surprise, Ning Xiaochuan's planned cultivation steps will also be disrupted at this moment.

Originally he was going to use the tearing power in the black hole to strengthen himself, but now he doesn't have to work so hard.

Although the chaotic material Ning Xiaochuan in the virtual godhead cannot be used, Ning Xiaochuan can still attract the trace of chaos in it.

These chaos breaths were directly used by Ning Xiaochuan to temper his own body.

Using the breath of chaos to temper the flesh is 100 times better than tempering the flesh with the tearing force of a black hole.

After standing up, Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to try to use the chaos breath to temper the flesh.

But just after a trace of chaos was drawn from the godhead, Ning Xiaochuan screamed immediately.

Chaotic matter is the most fundamental substance, and the breath contained above is also overwhelming. It is born with the ability to restore everything.

This chaotic atmosphere drawn by Ning Xiaochuan appeared like a poisonous snake in Ning Xiaochuan's body, and immediately raged everywhere. Ning Xiaochuan's bones and flesh, when he encountered this breath, was immediately melted.

This breath of chaos is tantamount to digging a blood hole in Ning Xiaochuan's body.

This pain, even Ning Xiaochuan, was unbearable.

Fortunately, this chaos breath is separated from the chaotic material body, and gradually weakens, and it can be slowly refined by Ning Xiaochuan to strengthen the body.

After finally refining this chaotic atmosphere, Ning Xiaochuan was already sweating and fell to the ground.

After a big breath, Ning Xiaochuan waved out a few blood-red pills and swallowed them.

With these Qixuelingdan supplements himself, the wounds of Ning Xiaochuan's body that were torn by chaos gradually began to heal.

"It's too painful, and tempering the body like this is masochistic." When he recovered, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help laughing.

But immediately, an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

"Just a breath of chaos has increased my physical strength by at least 20% ... It's worth it, isn't it just a little bit of pain, Lao Tzu is out."

Jumping straight up, Ning Xiaochuan immediately started to mobilize a new atmosphere of chaos and infused himself.

Deep in the black hole, Ning Xiaochuan's screams kept appearing.

However, the tearing power here can even swallow the sound, so Ning Xiaochuan's voice disappeared almost immediately when it appeared, and it could not reach far away.

While Ning Xiaochuan was trying hard to practice, Da Yan World, inside the King's Palace, was having a banquet at the moment.

It has been a long time since the Jiange Palace became the core of Dayan World.

The reason is simple, because there is no one worthy of the solemn banquet of the King's Palace.

However, today, the banquet was not only unusually grand, but even Lao Houye and others personally came forward to entertain each other.

In the hall of the Palace of the King's Palace, Grandpa Houhou held a wine glass in his hands and glanced at the people in the hall. Yan World, we will never take the initiative to attack you. "

At the moment, there were 36 people sitting in the hall.

These thirty-six people were all sub-cultivators, with pride in their eyes, but at this moment they had to bow their heads to the old prince.

Because at the side of Lao Hou, the Qing Emperor and Yan Quan ancestors who looked indifferently ate dishes casually. With such two gods sitting in the town, they dare not take any notice at all.

The thirty-six ranking gods who can make the old prince so solemn and entertaining are naturally not simple. These sub-gods are actually not the creatures of the Da Yan world, but from other small worlds.

They now come to the world of Da Yan, as a messenger, make a good relationship with the Da Yan world, lest the Da Yan world take the initiative to attack them.

During the period when Ning Xiaochuan entered the practice of the deep black hole, the old man Hou has already tried to make contact with the small world around Dayan World according to the plan he ordered.

The Da Yan World, which has several gods sitting in it, is still quite powerful among the small worlds around it, so this time the Da Yan World will appear so many messengers of the small world.

These small worlds are all afraid of Da Yan World attacking them, so they will actively send people to come and peace with Da Yan World. In this regard, the old man is naturally a visitor, and all of them are properly arranged.

You should know that these small worlds are adjacent to the Dayan world and have a good relationship with them. Once the Dayan world encounters a strong enemy, they will first become a shield against the danger for the Dayan world.

"The prince is indeed wise, but I want to go further in the small world of Baolian, and form an alliance with the prince, and the lord is the king." One of the 36 gods stood up.

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