Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1253: Corrupt Artifact

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Nie Shisan is also a subordinate god, but his fighting strength is stronger than Yu Ningsheng's several people together. Even if Ning Xiaochuan faces him, he is under great pressure.

The law beast!

A roaring sound appeared, and Ning Xiaochuan cut his own skill with a sword.

However, just after the law beast appeared, Ning Xiaochuan appeared countless gold threads in front of him, like the same net bag, surrounded the law beast.

This is the first time Ning Xiaochuan has encountered this situation.

The law beast is Ning Xiaochuan's most violent attack method at present, but in the hands of Nie Shisan, there is no strength to fight back.

Even the Law Behemoth is useless, as a large-scale attack method like the Voice of the World Extinction is estimated to be even less useful.

Ning Xiaochuan held the World Extermination Sword in his hand, and the figure flew back towards him in a flash.

"Grandpa, prepare for the battleship."

At this time, Da Yan World's hole cards must also be used.

Upon hearing Ning Xiaochuan's command, the old Houye waved his arm, and a crack was opened in the space next to him.

"Slaying God Army."

With a cold drink from the old grandpa, the dense figure rushed out of the crack.

There are hundreds of figures, all of them are sub-gods.

Immediately after the appearance of these figures, they stood firm and clearly, and the breath on their bodies seemed to condense into one. They are the Nin Xiaochuan's recently trained sub-division army, whose name is Tushen Army.

Nie Shisan glanced at this sub-God army and shook his head dismissively: "Garbage is just a group of rubbish."

He is already a sub-god, and all the sub-gods appearing at the moment are all refined sub-gods to achieve the existence of sub-gods, which is the weakest existence among sub-gods. Let alone a hundred people. Even tens of thousands of people are not his opponents.

Therefore, glancing at these secondary gods, Nie Shisan's attention immediately shifted to Ning Xiaochuan.

Now only Ning Xiaochuan is interested in him.

After the old master called this army of the sub-gods out, he immediately took out the war ship of truth, which had been given to him by Ning Xiaochuan.

Just throwing it away, this warship, which is only the size of a slap, has grown a bit bigger and I don't know how many times.

"Go in." The old Houye waved his arms, including the gods such as Yu Ningsheng and Qingdi, all into the battleship of truth.

The battleship of truth, which is tens of feet in size, has gradually changed, moving towards the place where Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Shisan fought.

Nie Shisan glanced at the warship of truth behind him. Although he felt a great threat, he still killed Ning Xiaochuan in the past.

Because at this moment, he and Ning Xiaochuan were almost face to face.

"Give me to die." Nie Shisan's palm, gold light flickered, and directly shot Ning Xiaochuan's chest.


As if a planet exploded, the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Shisan were suddenly separated by this violent impact.

Nie Shisan made this move, and of course he wouldn't care. He flew into the air and laughed.

There was something in his mind that time, even if he was a god-level strongman, when he was photographed by his body, his body would immediately break apart. So at this moment, he immediately tossed Ning Xiaochuan aside, ready to turn back against the warship.


Inside the battleship of truth, Lao Hou and others watched Ning Xiaochuan being beaten and flew out, and his expression changed suddenly.

"Finished, this Nie Shisan move just now is definitely the most violent one of all the rules. Even if we are hit, we must be seriously injured immediately. Ning Xiaochuan is hit. I am afraid that my body will soon collapse."

Qing Emperor and Yan Quan ancestors shook their heads with somber faces.

They were all ancestors in hell. It was difficult for them to come out of **** this time. Before they could show their might, they met Nie Shisan, an opponent who suppressed them to death. .

At this moment I saw Ning Xiaochuan defeated, and the two were even more bleak. They felt that they were out of the times. At that time, they were good at one side, but now, they are even worse than weak chickens.

However, in their sad look, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly appeared again from a distance.

"It's impossible," Ning Xiaochuan, who was looking at him in peace, was not only Qingdi and others, but even Nie Shisan's mouth exclaimed.

Of course, the exclamation of Qingdi and others was a surprise. Nie Shisan's exclaim was completely unbelievable.

Ning Xiaochuan held the World Extermination Sword in his hand, and flew back from a distance, and his face was full of joy.

"Grass, it's worth it, don't bother me like **** on earth every day these days." Ning Xiaochuan's heart screamed proudly at the moment.

He is in the depths of the black hole these days, but he has been using the chaos of the **** to quench himself. At the beginning, his physical body touched the chaos of the air, as if snow and ice encountered the scorching sun and immediately melted, let Ning Xiaochuan painfully.

But later, these chaos air finally began to merge into Ning Xiaochuan's body, making Ning Xiaochuan's flesh and bones stronger.

However, how physically his own body has become stronger, Ning Xiaochuan himself is not sure.

Today, this move of Nie Shisan is a thorough test of the results of his physical training these days.

Today, Ning Xiaochuan's body can only be described in one word, that is, "tough".

Tough enough to hardly break, such a body, even a god, is difficult to possess. It would be impossible for Ning Xiaochuan to train such a mighty body if the chaotic matter had not been born this time.

Faced with a look of astonishment Nie Shisan, Ning Xiaochuan still learned his tone and said with a big grin, "Come, I'll let you ten rounds."

Nie Shisan's head was angry, and he gave a cold hum, a finger sticking out, and the golden light on his finger flickered. At this moment, his finger seemed to become a sharp needle point.

call out!

Jin Guang flashed, and Nie Shisan's fingers stabbed Ning Xiaochuan's chest fiercely.


A crisp voice appeared. After Nie Shisan's fingers stabbed Ning Xiaochuan's chest, he even clicked, and his fingers broke and became distorted.

The result was as if a steel needle had penetrated the stone.

"Impossible." Nie Shisan couldn't accept such a result, and roared loudly. He even took out a dagger artifact and stabbed at Ning Xiaochuan fiercely.

When Ning Xiaochuan looked, he wanted to avoid it, but in the end he didn't move, and let the dagger stab him.

He also wanted to see if his physical body could resist the assassination of the artifact dagger.

Artifact is already the pinnacle of all magic weapons in the world. Although the dagger artifact in Nie Shisan's hand is not the extremely powerful artifact, it is also a real artifact dagger.

The artifact dagger stabbed into Ning Xiaochuan's chest, and the lunch box stopped.

Nie Shisan did his best to make this artifact dagger go forward, pierce Ning Xiaochuan's clothes, and then pierce Ning Xiaochuan's skin. At this point, the artifact dagger can no longer be moved in the slightest.

A drop of blood flowed out of Ning Xiaochuan's punctured wound, and dripped on this artifact dagger.


With just a drop of blood, all the essence in the artifact dagger was swallowed up. This artifact dagger changed from a **** level to a mortal thing, and then clicked and shattered into a pile of slag.

Nie Shisan's eyes were straight.

A person's physical metamorphosis can be accepted. But the blood in the body is also abnormal, and a drop of blood can destroy an artifact.

The blood of the sub-god is already a great supplement. For monks below the sub-god, it is simply the strongest panacea.

But at this moment, the blood in Ning Xiaochuan's body was simply the most poisonous thing in the world. If that monk dared to use his blood to supplement, it would be a dead end.

"Pervert, this pervert, is the person Master Fei has been looking for, it is him." Nie Shisan was shocked, his face showing a horrified look.

As one of the most trusted people around Master Fei, Nie Shisan knows many secrets of Master Fei.

For example, when Master Fei was born, he was called the secret of the Son of Destiny. And today, with the chaos and Master Fei taking the opportunity to rise, everything shows that the original prophecy was indeed true, and Master Fei was indeed a ruthless destiny.

But in this prophecy, it ’s not just the Destiny's Son of Destiny. It ’s like a sharp sword. It has to be tried and tested before it can become a sharp sword. The son, to reach the peak, also needs to be tempered.

In addition to the changes in the heavens and the earth, the more important thing is that another son of destiny will be born. Two sons of destiny will compete with each other and fight each other. In the end, the winner is worthy of destiny Son of this title.

This news was originally a big secret. Only Master Fei knew it and would not disclose it to others.

But Nie Shisan happened to know this, and he also knew that Master Ning Zilong and others were dispatched early by Master Fei, wandering in the universe, looking for another son of destiny.

At this moment, after feeling the abnormal condition of Ning Xiaochuan, Nie Shisan's heart tremor immediately appeared in his heart that Ning Xiaochuan was another destiny's son.

Therefore, in panic, Nie Shisan even forgot that he was far stronger than Ning Xiaochuan. When the figure flashed, he would rush out of the world and escape.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression changed greatly at this moment, and he did not expect that this Nie Shisan obviously had the upper hand, and he would frighten away and flee directly.

With a wave of his arm, Ning Xiaochuan controlled the world power of Dayan World and tried to oppress Nie Shisan. Then he yelled, "Grandpa, the cannon of truth, give me a bomb."

The Warship of Truth, long aside, was shining at this moment.

Immediately, a bright beam of light went towards Nie Shisan.

The most powerful ability of the warship of truth is to gather the power of all people together. In the Yuanxu universe, hundreds of thousands of gods and the next **** gathered in a battleship of truth, and the bombardment sent by them destroyed the world.

Although there were not many people gathered in this ship of truth at this moment, there were only one hundred gods and three gods such as Yu Ningsheng, but Nie Shisan, who was the object of bombing, was far from the starry sky that the ship of truth had faced The beast is so powerful.


The bombardment of the battleship of truth swept Nie XIII.

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