Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1254: One gun ??? death

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Including Ning Xiaochuan, everyone in Dayan World looked up.

The bombardment from the battleship of truth swept through Nie Shisan, broke through the wall of Dayan World, and then blasted into another unlucky little world. A splendid firework burst out in the middle of that small universe.

But at this moment nobody cares about the small world affected, but stares at the top of his head intently, waiting to see the result.


The figure of Nie Shisan suddenly appeared again, and then continued to escape towards the top of his head.

"Failed." Seeing this scene, Lao Houye and others suddenly sank in their hearts.

The battleship of truth is their strongest means at present. Even the battleship of truth cannot destroy Nie Shisan, then they have no other means.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was physically powerful at this moment, the attacking method was very ordinary. If he killed Nie Shisan, it could only be the end of no one.

Unless Ning Xiaochuan killed Nie Shisan with his blood, it is definitely not difficult for Ning Xiaochuan to show the power that Ning Xiaochuan just showed. The problem is, Nie Shisan will not stupidly swallow Ning Xiaochuan's blood.

"Grandpa, keep banging for me." Ning Xiaochuan screamed again at this moment.

Laohouye and others standing in the battleship of truth, without any hesitation, immediately followed Ning Xiaochuan's order to reassemble the law and bombarded Nie Shisan.

This time, they could see clearly. In the face of the bombardment of the battleship of truth, Nie Shisan's body shone with gold, and part of his body was divided. The attack of the battleship of truth was locked by the target himself. Nie Shisan divided this body. The body immediately broke away from the lock of the battleship of truth, so it was able to escape from birth.

It turned out that the last time he escaped the bombardment of the battleship of truth.

Lao Hou Ye and others looked dull, thinking that Nie Shisan would escape again this time.

At this moment, Nie Shisan has fled to the wall of Dayan World. If this bombardment fails, Nie Shisan will surely escape.

When Nie Shisan comes back next time, I am afraid that the flying master directly killed him.

Now Dayan World is so struggling to deal with one Nie Shisan, to deal with the master Fei, I am afraid there may not even be a trace of it.

Thinking of such consequences, Laohouye and others even began to feel a bit desperate.

However, in their stunned eyes, the bombardment of the warship of truth unexpectedly distorted a direction and shrouded Nie Shisan who escaped the bombardment.

Such a change, even Nie Shishi stayed, and was directly shrouded in the bombardment of the battleship of truth. The whole person was drowned in the pillar of truth of the battleship of truth.


Lao Hou Ye and others stared blankly at the top of their heads. Some couldn't believe that Nie Shisan died like this.

"Ning Xiaochuan, this boy will surprise us every time." Yan Quan's ancestor smiled.

Lao Hou Ye and others moved their faces and smiled on their faces. They all thought that Ning Xiaochuan had used a certain method just now, so Nie thirteen died.

Nie Shisan died, and the crisis of the Dayan World finally passed. In the deserted King's Palace, stood in the backyard of the King's Palace, looked up at the cold rain in the sky, slowly turned around, and returned to the gazebo in the small courtyard. And then picked up a book on the stone table.

Nie Shisan killed everyone in the King's Palace, but he didn't even find the trace of the cold winter rain.

Over the King Pavilion.

Nie Shisan was bombed to death, and the old Houye and others flew out of the battleship of truth and landed one after another. Only Ning Xiaochuan remained at the end, and several avatars were separated from his body, where he collected his broken memories where Nie Shisan died.

Back at the King's Palace, the happiness on the faces of the old Houye and other people disappeared. At this moment, there are still corpses in this palace. Many of these bodies have lived in the King's Palace for many years, but now But all died here.

Fortunately, Ning Xin'er and others have been brought to the other side of the gate of human and **** in advance by Ning Xiaochuan, otherwise, I'm afraid they will not escape this time.

When Laohouye and others were sadly hurt by these corpses, Ning Xiaochuan walked in from outside the palace, staring at the pile of corpses in front of him and groaning for a moment before he stepped forward and raised one of them. Dead body.

This corpse is the body of a female Wu Zun, with a slender figure and a small face, which is considered a pleasant person. When Ning Xiaochuan first returned, she even served as Ning Xiaochuan's maid and served Ning Xiaochuan, but she is now dead. it's here.

Ning Xiaochuan lifted her up, rubbed her palm on her face for a moment, then suddenly got up, and put her finger on her forehead and brows.

Wu Zun, who had become a corpse, suddenly opened her eyes at this moment. She looked at Ning Xiaochuan with confusion in her eyes, wondering, "My son, why am I here?"

Come back to life!

Laohouye looked at this scene, his face suddenly surprised and said: "Xiaochuan, have your psychologists reached the level of Shennong?"

"Not yet." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and was very dissatisfied. "Lack of memory and strong corpse, but she can no longer be regarded as dead. Now she can only be regarded as a corpse slave, not a complete resurrection."

Now the female Wu Zun is in the same state as Princess Lan Fei, who was resurrected by the ugly mother-in-law, and can only be regarded as a corpse slave.

However, the female Wu Zun is now resurrected. As long as the level of Ning Xiaochuan's mind trainer can improve again in the future, she can completely remove the corpse gas in her body and let her truly come back to life.

At present, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation of the mind teacher has approached Shennong infinitely.

Next, Ning Xiaochuan resurrected all the others in the hall. Soon after these people died, it was easy for Ning Xiaochuan to resurrect them. If the time interval is too long, Ning Xiaochuan's ability at this moment, it may not be so simple to revive them all.

Suddenly resurrecting so many people, Ning Xiaochuan was also a bit tired, and waved: "Well, you all go down, the corpses in your body, I will find a way to help you expel."

This group of martial arts soldiers, still in the state of half-dead slaves, went on suspiciously, their memory was partially missing, and they couldn't remember what had been killed before.

After all the subordinates retreated, Yan Quan's ancestor shook his head and said, "Xiaochuan, even if you resurrect them all now, it will not be of much use. This Nie Shisan is just a small cricket, and the big man behind him has not appeared. It would be hard to resist if the Master Fei came here in person. "

"Yeah." Grandpa Hou nodded and said, "This Nie XIII is too powerful. If the Master Fei is more powerful than him, it will be difficult to deal with."

"Grandpa, you don't need to worry about Master Fei them, I will deal with him personally, but everything in the world will be left to you." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand and turned and walked out of this palace.

Staring at the back of Ning Xiaochuan, the old Houye's expression gradually relaxed.

Although the master Fei brought him great pressure, the old master believed in Ning Xiaochuan, knowing that since Ning Xiaochuan said such a thing, he would definitely not let him down.

"Xiaochuan, what are you going to do?" Yu Ningsheng's voice sounded behind Ning Xiaochuan. She was still a little worried about Ning Xiaochuan, so she followed her all the way.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped and waited for Yu Ningsheng to come and gently held her little hand: "Don't ask anything first, go with me and talk to someone."

Yu Ningsheng nodded and silently followed Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng appeared in the small courtyard where Sui Hanyu lived.

"Master." Ning Xiaochuan opened the far door and saw the old cold rain sitting in the small courtyard.

At this moment, the old cold rain looked calm, holding a book in his hand, and seemed to be sinking into the world of the book.

Looking away from the book in his hand, Sui Hanyu said to Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng: "Sit first and then talk."

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng both sat down in front of Sui Hanyu.

Yu Ningsheng looked curiously at Sui Hanyu at this moment. Although she had known that Sui Hanyu was the master of Ning Xiaochuan, she also knew that Sui Hanyu had lost all her skills at this moment and is now just an ordinary person. So she couldn't guess at this moment. Ning Xiaochuan came to Sui Hanyu this time to do anything.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Sui Hanyu with a sudden smile on his face, "Master, how much strength have you recovered?"

Has her strength recovered?

Yu Ningsheng looked at the cold Sui Yu oppositely in shock, and she also knew that Sui Hanyu was a peerless power in the world at its peak.

If the strength of Sui Hanyu is restored, then the flying master should be nothing at all.

Thinking about this, the remaining worries in Yu Ningsheng's heart suddenly dissipated most of them, and even looking at Sui Hanyu's eyes became a little softer.

In fact, before that, Yu Ningsheng was always hostile to Sui Hanyu. The source of hostility is simple. Although Sui Hanyu is the master of Ning Xiaochuan, she looks too young and a bit too beautiful. For such a young and beautiful woman who has a close relationship with Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Ning Sheng certainly did not feel good.

Sui Hanyu put down the book in his hand, and slowly shook his head, "No recovery at all, you should be able to see this."

Ning Xiaochuan said suddenly: "How did the master kill Nie Shisan before."

Before Nie Shisan used a secret method to make a mistake and died in the end, everyone thought that Ning Xiaochuan shot secretly, but only Ning Xiaochuan knew that it wasn't him who shot secretly, but the cold rain that hid in the King's Court.

It is precisely because of this, that Ning Xiaochuan had previously asked Sui Hanyu how much strength he had recovered.

"The one who killed Nie XIII was the battleship of the Kingdom of Truth, not me. I just stopped him from performing his secret technique. To do this, he does not necessarily need to restore his strength." Sui Hanyu shook Shook his head.

Looking at Sui Hanyu's soft face, Ning Xiaochuan smiled with disappointment: "I originally thought that the master's strength was restored. I wanted to ask the master to deal with the master Fei, but now it seems that I can only do it myself. Now. "

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