Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1255: Take the initiative

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Aiming at the Master Fei, Ning Xiaochuan did think of two solutions just now.

The first is the simplest, and that is to ask Sui Hanyu to shoot and directly destroy the other party. If the strength of Sui Hanyu is restored, even if the master Fei is against the sky, he will not escape.

But now, this approach has not worked.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan was only able to choose the second method, that is, he would come forward in person and fight hard with the flying master.

"Ogawa, you have to face the Master Fei by yourself." Yu Ningsheng worried.

Now that the Master Fei has become a big rock in the hearts of everyone in Dayan World, Yu Ningsheng was just worried that Ning Xiaochuan would deal with the Master Fei alone, so he would follow up and see what happened.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Yes, if a strong man of that level allows the other party to enter the Da Yan world, even if we can eventually destroy him, I am afraid that the Da Yan world will destroy most of it, so we must deal with him. Only to deal with him outside the world of Da Yan. "

"But ..." Yu Ningsheng shook his head and didn't finish his words, but the meaning was obvious, because he was afraid that Ning Xiaochuan was not the opponent of the other party.

Sui Hanyu stared at Ning Xiaochuan, curiously, "Your physical body seems a little weird, but if you want to rely on such a physical body to fight against others, it is still a dead end, a hard stone, broken It ???s difficult, but you do n???t need much effort to pick it up. You should understand this. ???

"I know." Ning Xiaochuan said with a smile on his face. "But I didn't say that I would go against them this time. To deal with one person, there are many ways to do it. It is not necessary to have a direct conflict. I realized a very unique ability, and I asked the master for advice. "

Standing up from the stone bench, Ning Xiaochuan turned and walked two steps towards the open space behind him.

After these two steps came down, Ning Xiaochuan's appearance changed greatly, and it changed exactly like the previous Nie Shisan.

Yu Ningsheng and Sui Hanyu looked unchanged, watching Ning Xiaochuan shake his head.

Because at this moment Ning Xiaochuan's appearance has changed, but his breath has not changed. Anyone who is familiar with him can tell his true identity at a glance.

But the next moment, both of them were shocked.

Because at this moment it became Ning Xiaochuan of Nie Shisan. After grinning, his breath turned out to be exactly the same as the dead Nie Shisan. No matter how you look at Yu Ningsheng and Sui Hanyu, you can't see the slightest flaw.

If it weren't for the changes in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, I'm afraid that both Yu Ningsheng would doubt that Ning Xiaochuan, who was just dead, was standing in front of them.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered, and his breath began to change.

Nie Shisan, Laohouye, Qingdi, Yanquan ancestors, and even Yu Ningsheng and Sui Hanyu.

In the end, Ning Xiaochuan returned to the original state and sat down in front of Sui Hanyu again: "How is the master feel? I pretend to be Nie Shisan, and temporarily approach the master Fei, and detect his details. There should be no problem. . "

Yu Ningsheng stared at Ning Xiaochuan, gradually silent.

Ning Xiaochuan's ability at this moment has exceeded her imagination, so she does not know how to persuade Ning Xiaochuan.

Sui Hanyu looked at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "It is indeed a good idea. Even if one is strong, there are flaws in his body. It is much easier to kill him if he finds this flaw. Ning Xiaochuan, if you want to leave Da Yan World To find the Master Master, take me with me, and I will go with you.

"The master is going with me." Ning Xiaochuan jumped up in shock, almost shaking his head immediately: "No, this time I can only go alone, and no one will take it."

Just kidding, this time Ning Xiaochuan was tantamount to taking a risk. If you brought someone else, it would be like sending them to a tiger's lair.

And according to Ning Xiaochuan's current knowledge, the master Fei seems to be a pervert in himself. Regardless of men and women, he is unwilling to come. If the cold rain falls into his hands, Ning Xiaochuan will not be able to save people for the time being.

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree, I will pass by myself after you leave." Sui Hanyu shook his head and looked firm.

Looking at the appearance of Sui Hanyu, Ning Xiaochuan said helplessly: "Master, why do you have to go with me, the danger of my going out, you should be clear."

"I must go out with you for two reasons." Sui Hanyu nodded and continued: "First, I want to go out and see what the outside world looks like after the ancestor split the kingdom of truth. Second I vaguely felt that this time I shot with you, it was a great opportunity for me. As long as I seize this opportunity, my strength should be able to recover a part, but if I have been here, the strength I want to recover may be almost Is zero. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Sui Hanyu, but only saw Sui Hanyu's determination.

After thinking about it for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan said, "If the master has to pass with me, it is not impossible, but as long as he leaves the world of Da Yan, he must listen to me to arrange everything. This is OK."

"Yes." Sui Hanyu agreed very simply.

Yu Ningsheng, who was silent all the time, couldn't help but said at the moment: "Xiaochuan, I want to go with you too."

Ning Xiaochuan looked back at Yu Ningsheng with a big head and said, "What happened to you?"

Yu Ningsheng pouted, "Nothing, just don't worry about you going alone."

"Ning Sheng, don't make a fool of yourself, now Da Yan World still wants you to sit in town. In addition, the news of our departure, it is best not to tell grandpa them, lest they worry about ... well, we will start immediately, time is running out It's too long, I am afraid that Master Fei will feel the death of Nie Shisan. "

Ning Xiaochuan told Yu Ningsheng a few words, she couldn't tolerate it at all, and then rushed into the sky with the cold rain.

Sui Hanyu was fragile at this moment, almost the whole person was stuck on Ning Xiaochuan's chest, and Ning Xiaochuan was completely protected in her arms.

Lying quietly in the arms of Ning Xiaochuan, Sui Hanyu calmly said, "Ning Xiaochuan, don't you see that, your little lover is afraid that our lonely man and widow will go out together and something else will happen."

Ning Xiaochuan's figure was stunned and almost fell from the air.

He didn't expect that the old cold rain, which had always been mature and steady, would also say this at the moment.

Reluctantly shook his head, Ning Xiaochuan said: "Master, don't make a joke, we are about to leave the world of Da Yan, you are ready."


Ning Xiaochuan hugged the old cold rain and rushed out of the wall film of Dayan World.

Seeing the dense small world outside, Su Hanyu's attention was attracted, and he could no longer talk to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan identified the direction slightly, and then rushed in one direction.

At this moment, the space between these small worlds does not have any spatial obstacles, so Ning Xiaochuan shuttles through it, and the speed is fast.

Just after a short flight, Sui Hanyu in her arms suddenly said, "Stop first, change direction, and go to that location."

Ning Xiaochuan stopped and rushed in the direction indicated by Sui Hanyu.

Subsequently, Sui Hanyu successively instructed Ning Xiaochuan to score dozens of coordinate points, let Ning Xiaochuan rush through, but just staying here for a moment, Sui Hanyu immediately changed Ning Xiaochuan's position again.

If it wasn't for the temperament of this beautiful lady master, I'm afraid Ning Xiaochuan would doubt at this moment whether she was torturing herself on purpose.

Most of the time was wasted searching for these coordinate points. In the end, Ning Xiaochuan was a little impatient: "Master, we can't continue to waste time. Maybe now the master flying has come to the world of Da Yan, no matter Whatever, I can't let him get closer to the world of Da Yan now. "

"Just right away, you get to that position over there." Sui Hanyu seemed to be completely unaware, still indicating a coordinate point to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan flashed back helplessly, just standing at this coordinate point, the whole person immediately stopped.

What appeared to him at the moment was beyond the layers of the small world. There was even a faint staircase. This staircase started with these small worlds stacked up and spread to the distance. Where did you go from here?

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head unbelievably. When he looked again, there was no step at all, only endless silence.

The ancestor of the annihilation of the world splits the heaven of truth, and the power of the kingdom of truth explodes, destroying almost all the universe, leaving all the core areas of this heaven and earth to become barren. Only the edge of the world can survive like Da Yan Many small worlds like the world.

The current world structure is dominated by this densely packed small world.

And like the eight civilizations before, almost all disappeared.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan stared at the desolate space in front of his eyes, but suddenly a confusion appeared in his mind.

Even small worlds such as the Great Yan World can resist the storm of time and space caused by the bursting of the Kingdom of Truth. How could the mighty Bapin civilization universe be unstoppable.

Is there any secret in it?

Ning Xiaochuan looked down at Sui Hanyu.

Now that he understands, Sui Hanyu toss so much, obviously he can see the hidden secrets.

"Master, what do you see?" Ning Xiaochuan curiously looked down at Sui Hanyu, looking down.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Sui Hanyu's mouth, "Extermination of the world is salvation, and even the ancestors who were obsessed with their own deeds are indeed not comparable to our younger generations. OK, let's continue on our way."

"Uh." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head a little bit, and didn't understand what Sui Hanyu was sighing at this moment.

However, at this moment Sui Hanyu obviously had no meaning to continue to say anything, Ning Xiaochuan didn't ask much, hugged Sui Hanyu tightly in his arms, and then shuttled towards the distant space.

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