Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1257: brain

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"What? Master Fei is not in Beichuan Small World."

Ning Xiaochuan was taken aback, and subconsciously thought that Master Fei had left for the world of Da Yan.

But Li Xianghun's words made him feel relieved immediately.

Li Xianghun said: "Isn't Master Nie recently away from Master Fei. Master Fei recently found a world relic with numerous opportunities. So Master Fei rushed into this world relic and probed it."

Ning Xiaochuan said with a big grin: "World ruins, this is a bit interesting. Recently, I was sent by Master Fei to look for the waste of Ning Zilong. I didn't have time to enter the ruins with Master Fei. Now I will rush over to see the situation."

Li Xianghun glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, and finally stopped at Sui Hanyu.

His face was calm and his face was gorgeous, but there was a tired, icy rain that looked like a plum blossom in the snow. It was quiet and refined. The temperament alone made Li Xiang, who had always been confident. The soul immediately became convinced.

But immediately, she developed a strong feeling of jealousy in her heart. The reason why a woman is jealous of another woman is usually very simple, except that the other party is better than oneself.

But now Sui Hanyu makes Li Xianghunjue inferior to each other everywhere, and it is the kind of gap that can never catch up, which is enough to make Li Xianghun jealous of Suihanyu.

With a reluctant smile, Li Xianghun said, "Nie Ye, who is this sister? Is that the beauty you captured for Master Fei?"

Ning Xiaochuan grinned: "Less nonsense, she will live on the woman's hill in the future, you take her up."

"Nie Ye, you can rest assured, I will take good care of this sister." Li Xianghun smiled, but his eyes were a little cold.

Looking at Li Xianghun's jealousy at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly had a headache.

Originally according to his plan, there was absolutely no problem hiding in the mountain of Han Yuyu, but he ignored it. There are a lot of women living on the mountain of women. These women usually do not even have the freedom to go out, except for a few dedicated training. Apart from the characters, almost all the rest are fighting with each other, just like the real emperor's harem, and the struggle is particularly fierce.

Can you adapt to this kind of place with the character of Han Hanyu?

Slightly groaning, Ning Xiaochuan changed his mind and felt that Sui Hanyu would not be allowed to enter such a place anyway, otherwise, if something happened, he would not even regret it.

However, before Ning Xiaochuan had spoken, Sui Hanyu stepped out of Ning Xiaochuan and said calmly, "Thank my sister then."

"Sister ... You're welcome." Li Xianghun gritted his teeth.

She called Sister Han Yu, originally intended to ridicule that Shou Hanyu was older than her, but now she was so annoyed that she really became a sister, but she was a little annoyed.

Ning Xiaochuan watched Sui Hanyu and Li Xianghun confront each other, and his heart became increasingly helpless.

Women's hearts are under the sea, just for one name, two women can fight like this, and Ning Xiaochuan feels that she really can't understand these women's thoughts.

Sui Hanyu and Li Xianghun said a few words coldly, then turned back to Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Nie Ye, this sister is with me, you don't have to worry about anything, you can go and do yourself."

"Okay ..." Ning Xiaochuan hesitated slightly, nodded, and flew away.

The group of Sui Hanyu and Li Xianghun turned around at the moment and entered the woman's mountain.

A seal is placed on the Mountain of Women, and the internal conditions cannot be seen at all by sight. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan would not know the condition of Sui Hanyu if he did not enter the interior of the Mountain of Women.

"With the experience of the master, there should be no problem with this group of women in Yamauchi." Looking back at the woman, Ning Xiaochuan comforted himself before turning and flying away.

Leaving Women's Hill, Ning Xiaochuan turned and walked up to Men's Hill.

Compared to Mount Woman, these men on Mount Man, in addition to satisfying the special hobby of Master Fei, must also serve as the army under Master Fei and fight for him.

Nie Shisan is one of the best.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the top of Nie Shisan and walked around Men's Mountain, and then he became more and more aware of the world ruins in Li Xianghun's mouth.

This so-called world ruins just appeared near the Beichuan Small World recently. After exploring it personally, Master Fei immediately discovered the magic of this world ruin, so he led people into the world ruins. Occupy this world ruin completely.

"What the **** is this world ruin? Master Fei would rather give up and continue to develop the small world of Beichuan, but also take people to **** this world ruin."

Standing on the man's hill, Ning Xiaochuan's look was dignified.

After a moment of groaning, his figure suddenly disappeared and rushed out of the small world of Beichuan.

This master Fei valued this world heritage so much, Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to see what this so-called world heritage is.

Rushing out of the Beichuan Small World, Ning Xiaochuan turned his direction and rushed towards the coordinates of the World Heritage that he had previously obtained.

After rushing for two days in the void, Ning Xiaochuan had already moved away from the overlapping area of ​​the small world where Dayan World and Beichuan Small World were located, and entered an almost completely dark space.

After the Kingdom of Truth exploded, almost all the stars in the starry sky disappeared, and the rest of the cosmic starry sky was like a dark environment like the one before us.

If a general sub-god enters such an environment, it is estimated that he will soon lose his way, lost in such a dark environment.

But Ning Xiaochuan, as the leader of Dayan World, can always feel the direction of Dayan World, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

Ning Xiaochuan continued in this darkness.

Suddenly, he paused, his face shocked.

Because at this moment in front of him, a bright light appeared, in the middle of this bright light, Ning Xiaochuan can be seen faintly, which hides something like a human brain.

The surface of this brain is full of folds. These folds are like living things, and they are still constantly moving.

If this thing is not too large in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan would even wonder if this thing in front of him is a brain just pulled out of someone else's head.

Ning Xiaochuan stared in shock at the brain in front of him, suddenly a look, a fist-sized ball appeared in his hand.

This ball was split from the middle, as if there was a separate eyeball in the middle. This ball was exactly the clone of the supreme artifact civilization that Ning Xiaochuan had obtained from the kingdom of truth.

At this moment holding the Supreme Artifact clone, Ning Xiaochuan once again looked up at the huge brain in front of him, his face gradually sluggish.

"Fuck! No!"

After a long time, Ning Xiaochuankou with an incredible expression spit out a word.

Now he has been vaguely guessing what this huge brain is. The human brain represents a person's wisdom, and higher intelligence is equivalent to higher civilization ... So Ning Xiaochuan guessed that the brain in front of him There * is the civilization among the six supreme artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth.

Of course, the main reason why Ning Xiaochuan made such a guess is that the artifact clone on his body even resonated with this brain.

This is the first time such a thing has happened since Ning Xiaochuan got this artifact clone.

"If this thing is really the Supreme Artifact of the Kingdom of Truth, then everything is not unusual. No wonder the Master Flying will rush out and rush here to **** this Chigo Artifact."

Ning Xiaochuan mouth suddenly trembled.

Now that Master Fei's strength is scary enough. If he were to get this supreme artifact again, he would be even more powerful, and no one could stop him.

"No, in any case, this Supreme Artifact cannot fall into his hands."

Ning Xiaochuan looked firm, waved his hand to put away the artifact, and then rushed towards the brain in front of him.

Standing in the distance, Ning Xiaochuan has discovered that this brain is very large, but at this moment, when he approaches the past, he finds that the brain is larger than he thought.

The huge brain, each of which folds, seems to be a huge canyon.

Ning Xiaochuan flew out of this brain and was about to get into one of the folds, but suddenly a human cry sounded in his ear.

"Nie Shisan, how come you are back?"

With this surprised voice, a handsome young man in a red suit and a tall figure flew over from the side.

Ning Xiaochuan looked back at the person and said in his mouth, "Hua Tianjin."

No matter in the memory of Ning Zilong or the broken memory of Nie Shisan, the identity of this person is in front of him.

Hua Tianjin, also an important figure under Master Fei, is about the same as Nie Shisan, so he and Nie Shisan have some friendship.

Flying to Ning Xiaochuan, Hua Tianjin laughed and said, "I heard that the young master arranged you to find the waste of Ning Zilong. What happened?"

"Ning Zilong's waste is dead, but Lao Tzu completely wiped out the small world he died. It was considered revenge for him." Ning Xiaochuan responded casually, and then said: "I heard here A world relic appeared, and the young master has brought people into it, so he followed immediately. Why are you here if you are not near the young master? "

Hua Tianjin was distressed: "Don't mention that in this ruin, although there are no powerful opponents, there are countless traps in the organization. As soon as we entered, we were scattered. Now I have received the order of the young master, let us They all come together in one place, and since you are here too, then go with me. "

"Okay, let's go together." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to see what kind of character that Master Fei was.

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