Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1258: blood

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Rushing into the folds of this brain in front of me, Ning Xiaochuan felt as if he had entered a deep grand canyon.

On both sides of the Grand Canyon, there are pink flesh-like walls. Ning Xiaochuan presses on it. It feels like it is pressed on real flesh. It is full of elasticity and temperature.

Hua Tianjin said in the back: "Nie thirteen, don't underestimate this thing. The walls look soft, but they can't be torn at all. Even if we do our best, we can't break these walls. It ’s a disaster. Only when Master Fei makes his best effort can he tear a little bit on his head. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and asked: "What is magic here, that Master Fei gave up attacking the outside world and turned to explore here."

Hua Tianjin has always been with Master Fei, so Ning Xiaochuan also wants to explore the tone from his mouth.

When referring to the brain under his feet, Hua Tianjin was excited and said: "The magic here is impossible for me to explain to you for a while. You will realize it when you meet."

During the talk, the two figures have rushed to the depths of the canyon. In this area, the blood-like walls around them have highlighted the vein-like lines.

There is a sound of liquid flowing in these lines, as if there is really blood in it.

"Haha, Nie XIII, our chance has arrived. Didn't you just ask me what is magic here, then you stand aside and watch, I will let you see the magic here."

Hua Tianjin laughed loudly, rushed into these lines, reached out and groped.

Ning Xiaochuan looked surprised and stood aside, watching Hua Tianjin's every move.

Hua Tianjin kept groping on this pattern. After a long time, a machete suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he severely cut past these patterns.

Hua Tianjin is also a god-level master, and his strength is almost the same as Nie XIII, but at this moment he is shooting with all his strength, but he barely cuts a small crack in these lines.

This crack seemed to cut open the blood vessels in the wall, and with the sound of booming, in the general veins of these blood vessels, a torrent rushed out.

Looking at this torrent, Ning Xiaochuan was stunned.

Normal blood vessels rupture, and blood will be sprayed out.

But at the moment, these vascular lines were sprayed out of a part of the martial arts. In addition to the martial arts, countless esoteric fonts were sprayed out. It seems that these things flow throughout the vascular lines.

Hua Tianjin dismissed these martial arts at all, and with his current practice, he was able to create martial arts at will.

But Hua Tianjin still carefully looked at these things ejected from the veins of the blood vessels, as if searching for something.

Seeing this, Ning Xiaochuan immediately focused his attention on these martial arts.


From the crack made by Hua Tianjin, a Jincancan font suddenly shot. This font is very special. Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help what it was, but from this font, Ning Xiaochuan felt a profound Incomparable feeling.

When the figure flashed, Ning Xiaochuan would hold it in his hands.

But at this moment, Hua Tianjin also came towards this font.


At the moment, Hua Tianjin's body suddenly burst into flames of a flame-like law, making noisy sounds and burning towards Ning Xiaochuan.

In order to **** this golden font, Hua Tianjin has to say nothing, so he has to do it directly.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and stared at Hua Tianjin: "Hua Tianjin, do you dare to shoot at Lao Tzu?"

"What about you, Nie Shisan, although we are all under Master Fei's hands, but how are they related to each other, and you don't know, now the opportunity is in front of me, do you want me to be kind to you?"

With a sneer in his mouth, Hua Tianjin broke into Ning Xiaochuan, grabbed the golden font, and held it in his hand.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and stepped back a bit to avoid Hua Tianjin.

Not because he didn't want to **** the golden typeface, but because he and Nie Shisan practiced completely different rules. If he shot at Hua Tianjin at this moment, his disguise would be broken immediately.

The reason Ning Xiaochuan was able to camouflage the breath of others is entirely because his * has been tempered by the chaos gas at this moment. Chaos matter is the most fundamental substance in the world. The breath carried on it is naturally the most essential breath in the world.

These original breaths are like a blank piece of paper, and you can draw anything on it.

Ning Xiaochuan's physical body is tempered by these breaths, and of course, like these chaotic breaths, it can be changed into the breath of others at will.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan can only change the breath of the people he has contacted.

Now Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Shisan have the same appearance and the same breath, but the essence is different. This is the biggest flaw of Ning Xiaochuan.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan letting himself the golden font in front of him, Hua Tianjin's face was a little surprised, and he laughed and said, "Haha, Nie Shisan, count on your interest and didn't **** this opportunity with me, but I do I can tell you what this golden font is. This thing is the source of a law. After I absorb it, I can rely on this source to understand the full source of the law. By that time, I can practice Become the Lord God. "

Holding the golden font in his hand, Hua Tianjin sucked the font into his nostril as soon as he sucked his nose, and a look of enjoyment appeared on his face, as if he were tasting the most delicious food in the world.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned at Hua Tianjin, but suddenly looked at the crack in the vein.

At this moment, the fissure had begun to shrink slowly, as if the blood vessel was healing itself, but just as the fissure reduced to the point where it was about to disappear, a golden light leaked out of it.


Ning Xiaochuan's figure rushed to the rift, and his palm reached directly into the middle of the blood vessel, grabbing a large golden character hidden in it.

At the same time, the rift disappeared completely, and Ning Xiaochuan's eyes returned to the original state again.

Hua Tianjin looked at Ning Xiaochuan and shouted, "Well, Nie XIII, you dared to put your arms in here. This time you are lucky enough, nothing happens. If your hands come back slowly At one point, you are going to be part of this wall. "

Ning Xiaochuan tilted his head and said with a big grin: "Lao Tzu's affairs need you to control. I just stole the opportunity of Lao Tzu. I can't let Lao Tzu seize a chance by himself."

After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan learned the appearance of Hua Tianjin, and inhaled the large gold characters in his hand directly into the nostrils.

This big-character Jin Chancan was big enough for a fist, but was sucked by Ning Xiaochuan's nostrils, but it seemed like a golden current, and drilled into Ning Xiaochuan's nostrils.

Almost instantly, Ning Xiaochuan's body trembled, and the whole person seemed to jump out of the world right now.

Space, time, cause and effect, world, material, reality, illusion ...

Countless words about the origin came up in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and these words, which were originally illusory, seemed to be transformed into entities at this moment, and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Space is big and small when it is small, like a particle when it is small, but infinite when it is large.

Time, the supreme rule of all the laws, between one year, the red pink skull.


If Ning Xiaochuan is expected to be in this environment, Ning Xiaochuan is confident to understand the strongest rule between heaven and earth.

But unfortunately, these things are like a flash in the pan, appearing in front of Ning Xiaochuan, and disappearing.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan escaped from this mysterious feeling and returned to reality.

Hua Tianjin stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a look of jealousy: "Nie Shisan, what you just caught should be the source of all the laws. I have explored such things here for so many days. I stumbled upon it once and only came in for the first time, and you were able to catch such a thing, and you were lucky enough. "

Ning Xiaochuan woke up from the shock and glanced at Hua Tianjin: "This is the opportunity of Lao Tzu. If you are jealous, we can walk separately."

Hua Tianjin sneered: "Nie Shisan, this time is not a time for anger. Master Fei is calling us. If we are late, the consequences will be serious."

After speaking, Hua Tianjin rushed straight ahead.

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment, thought about it with Nie Shisan's thinking, and then rushed forward.

However, behind Hua Tianjin, Ning Xiaochuan was already figuring out how to surrender Hua Tianjin.

As long as he surrendered to Hua Tianjin and he cooperated with him, his camouflage was not leaking.

It's just a pity that this Hua Tianjin itself has high strength and is too alert, so he will not give Ning Xiaochuan a chance to approach him.

Several times in a row, Ning Xiaochuan pretended to approach him unintentionally, but he deliberately avoided it.

Later, Hua Tianjin looked a little bad at Ning Xiaochuan, and seemed to have doubts about Ning Xiaochuan. At this time, Ning Xiaochuan had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​surrendering Hua Tianjin.

It's not easy to shuttle through the folds of this brain.

These folds seem to be changing every moment. On several occasions, Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin have been circling in a fold, and it is impossible to get out of this fold.

In the end, the fold disappeared and changed into other forms, and Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin came out.

"It's terrible. What the **** is this thing? Before I followed Master Fei, I collected a lot of eight treasures of civilization, and I have never seen such a terrible thing."

Hua Tianjin has been frightened by this brain, and even rushed to wince.

Of course you haven't seen this thing, but this is the highest artifact in the heaven and earth, the only nine-pin civilization truth heaven. It is strange if it is not scary.

Ning Xiaochuan murmured secretly, but did not tell Hua Tianjin these conjectures at all.

He is now carefully exploring the mystery of this supreme artifact.

Two more days passed, and before the eyes of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Tianjin, a burst of lights suddenly appeared.

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