Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1276: Yin and yang

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Able to point Li Xianghun and others to further their practice, and even to teach them the matrix method just now, which can let them join forces to defeat the people after the dream, Ning Xiaochuan thinks about it, the whole woman is on the mountain It seems that only one person can do this.

Cold winter rain!

Ning Xiaochuan conjectured that the masters in the mouths of these women must be their own masters.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan made such a request.

"You want to see our master." Li Xianghun said with a vigilant look on his face: "This is impossible, the master is so gracious to us, so we absolutely cannot reveal the identity of the master or let you see Master's. "

The other women all around showed the same expressions on their faces, apparently they respected the master behind them.

Glanced at Li Xianghun and others, Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's okay not to meet, but please inform me, and say Ning Xiaochuan is asking for a meeting."

Li Xianghun's look eased a little and said: "This is fine, you wait."

After speaking, Li Xianghun turned and walked out of the hall.

After the woman's mountain yin thrived, after Li Xianghun went out, the other women immediately gathered around and surrounded Ning Xiaochuan.

Feeling a pair of soft or cold, or greasy little hands on his body, Ning Xiaochuan is absolutely happy and painful at this moment.

Women on the mountain are all beautiful women, surrounded by such a group of women, Ning Xiaochuan can not tell what it is like.

Fortunately, after Li Xianghun left for a moment, he turned back and walked in front of Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Master, please come over."

Hearing that the master wanted to invite Ning Xiaochuan to meet, those women around Ning Xiaochuan reluctantly left Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan, relieved, followed Li Xianghun and walked towards another part of Nushan.

Li Xianghun has been curious about Ning Xiaochuan. At this moment, he can't help but ask: "Ninggong, do you know the master of her old man, otherwise, how can the master hear your name and ask you to pass without saying a word?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded with a smile: "Of course, if I guess correctly, the master in your mouth is actually my master."

"What? You are the apprentice of the master?" Li Xianghun's expression changed greatly. After staring at Ning Xiaochuan for a long time, his eyes became envious. "In fact, the master did not accept us as apprentices at all, but only pointed us out It ’s just a question. We just call the master out of respect because of respect. If you are a true disciple of the master, then we will see you later and call you a master. ”


This is a good title.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and shook his head.

He didn't expect that Sui Hanyu spent so much time on the woman's mountain, and even took away the hearts of this group of beauties on the woman's mountain, leaving himself with such a group of charming young girls.

Fortunately, these women are not considered to be the official disciples of Sui Hanyu now, otherwise, they would be extremely overwhelming, and among all the preachers of the World Extinction, he would be a man until now.

Bypassing more than half of the Women's Mountain, a small humble yard appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

The courtyard is quiet, but it is in line with Sui Hanyu's temperament, and the specifications are similar to the courtyard where Sui Hanyu lived in Dayan World.

Entering the courtyard, Li Xianghun retreated, Ning Xiaochuan moved on, and immediately saw the old cold rain sitting in the middle of the courtyard.

Sui Hanyu is still the light and faint look, holding a book in his hand, burning an incense burner in front of him, and smoldering smoke in the incense burner, exuding a quiet fragrance.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the distance and stared at Sui Hanyu for a moment, then suddenly walked to Sui Hanyu, reached out and held her wrist, pulled her down to her arms, and took her away from here.

Sui Hanyu seemed slightly shocked by Ning Xiaochuan's actions, but immediately she guessed what Ning Xiaochuan thought: "Do you want to take me back to the world of Da Yan?"

"Yes." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, looking determined.

In fact, he had long regretted it, and shouldn't have brought the old cold rain over.

This time the woman's mountain changed, and Sui Hanyu almost fell into it. It also made Ning Xiaochuan firmly believe that in any case, he must return Sui Hanyu to a safe place first.

"I know you are doing this for my safety, but even if you send me back to Dayan World, I may not be absolutely safe." Sui Hanyu's voice was dull and his eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

After looking at Sui Hanyu for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan succumbed.

No matter whether it is experience or other things, Ning Xiaochuan is far worse than Sui Hanyu. When he looked at Sui Hanyu, Ning Xiaochuan knew that with tough means, it was impossible for him to yield to this beautiful master, even if She had no strength at all at the moment.

Loosing Sui Hanyu's wrist, Ning Xiaochuan still insisted: "No matter what you say, I won't let you stay in the small world of Beichuan."

Sui Hanyu put down the book in her hand and said indifferently, "Xiaochuan, you seem to care too much about me. No wonder your little lover will worry that you are alone with me."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect Sui Hanyu to say such words at this moment, and then he suddenly shook his head and said, "You are my master. I naturally care about your situation."

There was a smile on the corner of Sui Hanyu's mouth, but he didn't do much entanglement on this topic at all, but asked in addition: "Xiaochuan, you should have seen that Master Fei, what happened?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded: "He is now trapped in a dangerous place, I'm afraid he won't be able to come out for a long time, so I don't have to worry about him for the time being."

Sui Hanyu blinked and said, "It seems that you are already confident in dealing with him. Let me guess, after you probably want to go back to Dayan World, immediately try to condense the godhead and formally become a god. The young master is now only the next **** to cultivate. With your talent, if you become a god, you are afraid that your strength will not be much weaker than him, and you can indeed compete with him at that time. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Hanyu Yu and said nothing.

Sui Hanyu guessed very well, and Ning Xiaochuan actually planned this way.

This time Ning Xiaochuan entered the brain-shaped supreme artifact civilization and collected a total of 100,000 indelible salaries. With these indelible salaries, Ning Xiaochuan's spiritual strength has grown to the limit.

The three powers of the monk, physical power, spiritual power, and law power, now almost all reach the limit.

In this case, if he drags on again, he just wastes time.

And once Ning Xiaochuan becomes a god, his strength will definitely have a world-wide change. At that time, even if Master Fei reappears, Ning Xiaochuan will not take it seriously.

What's more, these young men in red under Master Fei have now been plundered by him. To deal with a bare pole Master Fei, even if Ning Xiaochuan is not a god, he has a lot of control.

Sui Hanyu stared at Ning Xiaochuan and continued: "It seems that I guessed right, you did plan that way, but now I want to tell you that your plan was originally fine, but now there is a little flaw, if you don't consider it With this omission, even if you send me back to Dayan World, it wo n’t help, because even then Dayan World will be destroyed. "

Ning Xiaochuan's expression changed: "What's wrong?"

Although Sui Hanyu lost her strength, her vision is still there, and she will definitely not open her mouth, so Ning Xiaochuan was suddenly nervous.

The fingers of the year-old cold and rain-like stalks bounced a few times in the air: "The piece of world ruins you went out to explore this time should be one of the six highest artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth. This highest artifact is you. The biggest flaw in the plan, regardless of whether you and Master Fei, as long as you have this supreme artifact, you can immediately destroy each other. "

"Master originally said this." Ning Xiaochuan looked relaxed a little: "This is indeed a problem, but it is definitely not easy to refine this supreme artifact, so there is nothing to worry about for the time being."

Shaking his head, Ning Xiaochuan was curious: "Master, how did you know that the Supreme Artifact exists?"

Sui Hanyu said: "I have all seen the six Supreme Artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth, so when I heard the news that Xiang Soul was discussing the world ruins, I knew that the so-called World Relics were simply the Supreme Artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth. So far. "

"It turned out that I didn't expect the master to have seen all the Supreme Artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth." Ning Xiaochuan was surprised.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that there was a relationship between the World Extinction and the Kingdom of Truth, but he did not expect that the relationship between the two would be so close.

As a preacher of the World Extinction, Sui Hanyu was able to see the true content of the Supreme Artifact of the Kingdom of Truth. This alone can show that in the past, there must have been a very close relationship between the World Extinction and the Kingdom of Truth. .

As for why the relationship between the two later broke down, the eight kings of the Kingdom of Truth did not respect these issues at all in the face of the ancestors of the annihilation of the world, and Ning Xiaochuan was a little puzzled.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan did not worry about the Supreme Artifact at all, Sui Hanyu looked dignified and said: "Ogawa, you must not underestimate these Supreme Artifacts. In order to forge the Six Supreme Artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth, the Emperor of Truth intercepted the world. The source, collected the world's resources, and finally refined such six supreme artifacts. "

"Originally, the Emperor of Truth wanted to use these six Supreme Artifacts to create an era of absolute perfection, but later, even the Emperor of Truth did not expect that these Supreme Artifacts caused another problem to be born."

"The other artifacts are just fine, but the supreme artifact civilization living here is a little different. In this supreme artifact, there is an eternal immortal existence. If this state has reached the eternal immortal state If the strong man engages in ghosts in secret, the problem is probably much worse. "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't take it seriously, but when he heard Sui Hanyu say this, he was suddenly surprised: "The master said Lie Xuanyang?"

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