Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1277: The only choice

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There is too much news leaked from Sui Hanyu this time.

Even Ning Xiaochuan did not expect that Sui Hanyu not only knew the existence of six artifacts, but even Lie Xuanyang knew it.

"Have you met him?" Sui Hanyu said in shock.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and told Sui Hanyu what happened inside the Supreme Artifact, especially the confrontation between him and Lie Xuanyang.

After listening to the old cold rain quietly, he finally shook his head and said, "Things are much more serious than I thought. With this senior Xie Yangyang's secret trouble, I am afraid that this supreme artifact will immediately fall into the hands of Master Fei The question I mentioned just now will become a reality. "

Ning Xiaochuan Hu doubted: "It's not so serious. The fierce Xuanyang is trapped in the river of civilization. It is difficult to even come out. How can it affect the entire Supreme Artifact."

Sui Hanyu said: "Ogawa, do you know that when this predecessor Lie Xuanyang was suppressed by the Emperor of Truth into the Supreme Artifact, the spirit was broken and the whole person was on the verge of destruction. The Emperor of Truth suppressed it. Among them, he just wants to use the energy in his body to provide a source of strength for the supreme artifact. "

"Now he has not only recovered his consciousness, but even his strength seems to have recovered a little. In this case, although he has not been able to completely disengage from the Supreme Artifact, he must have begun to lay out many secret hands. I am sure that there is Lie Xuanyang secretly disrupting The possibility that the Supreme Artifact will be refined by Master Fei has reached at least 80%, and things will probably happen in the recent period. "

"If that's the case, it would be much worse." Ning Xiaochuan looked dignified.

Each of the six Supreme Artifacts of the Kingdom of Truth is extremely powerful.

If "Civilization" is really obtained by Master Fei, then it is even more powerful. The help of a supreme artifact to Master Fei is even more terrifying than the red youths together.

By that time, the situation will be like Sui Hanyu said, Master Fei returned strongly, and it is irresistible. Even Da Yan World will be destroyed by Master Fei, even if Ning Xiaochuan becomes a god, it will not be blocked. Master Fei, who possesses the supreme artifact.

Once this happens, even if Ning Xiaochuan becomes a god, it is impossible to save the situation.

"The Emperor of Truth seems to exist in the same realm as the Patriarch of the World Extinction. They are the most powerful men in the world. The six Supreme Artifacts created by the Emperor of Truth are so powerful. No worse than the Supreme Artifact left by Emperor Truth? "

Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a while, but another question suddenly popped into his mind.

The World Extermination Sword is a sacred relic of the World Extinction. There is no reason that it is weaker than the Supreme Artifact of the Kingdom of Truth. If the World Extinction Sword can compete with the Highest Artifact, then Ning Xiaochuan need not worry at all now.

It is just that, for so long, Nie Xiaochuan fell into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan without experiencing too much power.

So Ning Xiaochuan looked up at Sui Hanyu at this moment, and wanted to ask if there were other secrets in the sword of extinction.

In the face of Ning Xiaochuan's inquiries, Sui Hanyu was helpless: "Ogawa, the World Extermination Sword is the holy thing of our World Extinction, but the World Extermination Sword is different from the Supreme Artifact of the Kingdom of Truth. The six Supreme Artifacts are It was created in order to suppress the luck, so each Supreme Artifact itself contains great power. "

"The annihilation sword is different. The annihilation sword is a sacred object that matches the annihilation path we cultivate. Only by cultivating the annihilation path strong enough, the annihilation sword will exert a stronger power. Therefore, if the sword of extinction is held in the hands of the ancestor, it can indeed be compared with those supreme artifacts. However, if the sword of extinction is held in our hands, the power it exerts is not as good as the highest artifact. Therefore, you want The idea of ​​fighting the Supreme Artifact with the help of the World Extermination Sword is impossible. "

The Supreme Artifact is tantamount to a peerless sword.

The World Extermination Sword is a rare ore. If this ore is held in the hands of a powerful refiner, that rare ore can become a peerless sword no less than the highest artifact.

But it is clear that Ning Xiaochuan has no ability to cast this rare ore into a peerless sword.

With that said, Ning Xiaochuan understood, and at the same time he was a little disappointed.

Without the means to fight against the supreme artifact, Ning Xiaochuan deliberately rushed to Beichuan Small World this time, and a series of actions against Master Fei were all invalid.

Even if Ning Xiaochuan occupied the entire Beichuan small world at this moment, even destroyed it, the influence on the young Master Fei was very weak, but it would make the other party more angry and revenge on Da Yan World.

Sui Hanyu stared at Ning Xiaochuan, but he didn't talk because she could see that Ning Xiaochuan was frowning at the moment and was thinking about the solution to the problem.

However, if the Supreme Artifact is really controlled by Master Fei, Ning Xiaochuan will face a dead end. How difficult it is to figure out a solution, so Ning Xiaochuan frowned and thought for a long time, there is still no way .

At this time, Sui Hanyu said, "Ogawa, if Master Fei really refines the Supreme Artifact, then there is only one way you can choose."

"What way?" Ning Xiaochuan looked up at Sui Hanyu.

Sui Hanyu continued: "Leave Dayan World and enter Xianqiao."

"In fact, when we just left Dayan World before, I already found out that the ancestor cut off the Kingdom of Truth, and it really has another purpose. The purpose is to reopen Xianqiao and open the passage between the world and the other side. Now Xianqiao has already Tong, the former masters of the human world, including the masters of the Kingdom of Truth and all Bapin civilizations, have probably entered Xianqiao. "

"It can be said that there are definitely the most masters in Xianqiao now. Even if Master Fei controls the Supreme Artifact, his cultivation and entry into Xianqiao can only be regarded as ordinary powerhouses. Only here Only then can you avoid Master Fei's pursuit. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned: "This is a way, but if I leave, will the Da Yan world be finished? Master Fei will certainly not hesitate to destroy the entire Da Yan world if he captures the Da Yan world."

Sui Hanyu shook the road: "No way, sometimes you have to give up something. Now it is time for you to make a decision. If you make a decision, it is best to prepare it immediately and then enter Xianqiao, otherwise time The delay is long, I am afraid that Master Fei will return to the high artifact. "

"let me think again."

Ning Xiaochuan stood upset, and flew out.

After talking with Sui Hanyu, Ning Xiaochuan was really worried at this moment. He took away the matter of Sui Hanyu and was no longer in a hurry.

After all, if Sui Hanyu's speculation comes true, it doesn't matter whether Ning Xiaochuan brought Sui Hanyu back to the world of Da Yan.

Is it really the only way to escape into Xianqiao?

The million artillery mountains shrouded in woman's mountain have disappeared at this moment. Ning Xiaochuan rushes out of woman's mountain with a look of contemplation.

He was a little hesitant now.

Regarding Xianqiao, Ning Xiaochuan has learned a lot from Lie Xuanyang's mouth.

This immortal bridge is the only way to connect the big bitter sea of ​​human world and the other side of immortal shore, just like the monk encounters thunder and robbery. This immortal bridge is actually the last test for the monk's eternal life.

Once in Xianqiao, you can never turn back, you can only keep going.

As long as Ning Xiaochuan chooses to enter Xianqiao, he will never have the opportunity to return to Dayan World, and Dayan World is destined to be destroyed by Master Fei.

Of course Ning Xiaochuan can bring some people in advance, such as Lao Houye and others to enter Xianqiao together, but he can definitely not take many people. Ninety-nine percent of the world's enlightened souls will eventually die.

When thinking of such an end, Ning Xiaochuan felt that he could never leave.

As a leader, you must bear the responsibility of the leader.

Yue Mingsong has been waiting outside the Women's Mountain. At this moment, when she saw Ning Xiaochuan coming out of the Women's Mountain, she immediately jumped over and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, but you brought a big green hat to Master Fei, how does it feel? Women on the mountain do Until Belle 3,000, your kid must be so refreshed this time. "

The other young men in red despised Yue Mingsong and then saluted Ning Xiaochuan: "Master."

"Well, don't bother me, just leave me alone." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hand absently, and then flew away alone.

He really needs to find a quiet place at this moment, and take care of his mind at this moment.

Watching Ning Xiaochuan's face gloomy and fly away, the young men in red spread out one by one.

Yue Mingsong nodded, and then muttered secretly: "What's the matter with this boy? Drilling a circle in the fat powder nest, instead of having a little bit of joy, but frowning, is there something wrong ..."

Suddenly, Yue Mingsongjue found the problem himself, so he laughed a few times and chased Ning Xiaochuan in the direction of leaving.

"Ning Xiaochuan, if you have a problem, you need to deal with it earlier. The longer the problem is, the more trouble you have. I still have a lot of medicine in my hand, which is guaranteed to be useful to you." Across the distance, Yue Mingsong directed Ning Xiaochuan. Shouted.

Where does this all go?

His thoughts were disturbed by Yue Mingsong, and Ning Xiaochuan wore a stomach fire, turning back to scold Yue Mingsong, but his mind suddenly flashed, staring at Yue Mingsong, "Yue Mingsong, I now have an extremely powerful artifact. Your refinery level, do you think it is possible to destroy this artifact? "

If the Supreme Artifact could be destroyed in advance, then it would be a hundred things.

Yue Mingsong's face showed a stunned look, and then he continued to wave his hand and said, "What? You want to destroy the artifact, don't think about it, I'm a refiner, the refiner is my business, and the destruction of me is me Not to do it, it is too bad for the reputation of the neighbor of my apprentice's apprentice. "

"Forget it, you know you don't have this ability." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

"Who said it?" Yue Mingsong was anxious at once, and his face proudly said: "I now have a high level of refining tools. The artifacts destroyed in my hands are not thousands or hundreds. What is the destruction of an artifact, I don't look at it at all. "

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