Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1296: Ning Xiaochuan's decision

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"Fei Yang, this kid has killed so many of us, so no matter what we do today, we will never let him go, so please forgive us for being rude."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the group of children of the fairy family behind him ran out immediately, besieging Ning Xiaochuan in the middle.

Zi Hanyan and other four looked dignified, took two steps back and surrounded Ning Xiaochuan.

Feng Feiyang looked at Ning Xiaochuan with an envious look, and seemed to be annoyed that he was surrounded by people like Zi Hanyan, but in the end he walked out and shook his head and said, "Hu Huan, I'm afraid you're not at all I ca n’t take this brother Ning. If you're killed, don't blame me for not acting for you. "

This middle-aged man is called Hu Lian. He heard Feng Feiyang say this, and his face became more gloomy. "Fei Yang is so worried. Even if we are all killed today, that is also to maintain the dignity of our great fairy families. No regrets, though. "

"Okay, now that you've said that, my Feng family won't get involved in this matter." Feng Feiyang clapped his hands, took a few steps back, and waited to see the lively look.

The cold man standing on the edge of Feng Feiyang suddenly said at the moment: "My yin and yang family will not get involved in this matter."

Expressing his attitude, the cold man also took a few steps back and stood beside Fengfeiyang.

Feng Feiyang was very proud to give the cold man a thumbs up, then he waved the arrow and also called back. The three stood together, staring at Hu Lian and others watching the fun.

No wind Feiyang intervened, the middle-aged man Hu Lian seemed to be quite strong, straightened his chest, and looked at Zi Hanyan again: "Now Feiyang is not ready to intervene in this matter, are you four Little girl, do you still want to stir it? "

The four daughters of Zi Hanyan did not speak, but just shook her head slowly, apparently no one was prepared to flinch.

Although they are women, they are strong-willed and stronger than most men, so how could they retreat because of Hu Huan in a word.

Not to mention, each of them has a special relationship with Ning Xiaochuan.

Seeing the determined look on the faces of Zi Hanyan's four women, Hu Lian's brows frowned.

Although Hu Lian didn't care too much about Zi Hanyan's cultivation of the four daughters, the identity of the four as disciples of the harem made him quite daunted.

The harem is the only female family in the three top fairy times, and the internal members are all women. In addition, the harem has always been famous for helping and neglecting relatives.

Glancing at the four daughters of Zi Hanyan, Hu Lian finally showed an impatient look on her face and said, "I've talked to you so many times. If you still don't know what to do, don't blame me for being polite and flying. The son testified for me, and I wouldn't be afraid even if it happened to the Harem in the future. "

I'm not afraid in the mouth, but in fact, Hu Lian stated that he wanted to give Zi Hanhan the four women's final pressure and still wanted to force them to leave.

After speaking, Hu Chain's eyes kept staring at the four Zihan Yan. After seeing that the looks of the four did not change at all, his face suddenly changed into a cold path: "Since then, everyone shot together, don't worry about anything, even if It is the conflict with the Harem in the future, and I will carry it over. "

Hearing Hu Lian's words, the family masters around Ning Xiaochuan were flickering one by one, and they seemed to be shooting together at once.

"And slow." Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stood out.

From the beginning, Ning Xiaochuan has not spoken. Many people around thought that Ning Xiaochuan was frightened by Hu Huan, and his liver and gallbladder were split, so he shrank behind several women.

Now when they see Ning Xiaochuan stand up, they are skeptical at the same time they despise.

Could it be said that this coward would dare to take the initiative at this time.

Feng Feiyang looked at the standing Ning Xiaochuan, slightly tilted his head, and said to the cold man next to him with an inaudible voice: "Oriental, I'm sure this Ning Xiaochuan is standing out now, he must carry it by himself It ’s just a pity that they would hug them, but in this case, although it highlights his manliness, it will make those beautiful teachers and sisters sad. "

The cold man glanced at the wind, and was too lazy to talk to him.

Hu Lian looked at Ning Xiaochuan as he walked out, a hint of coldness appeared on the corner of his mouth: "What? At this time, you want to ask for mercy, then I tell you, it's late, not only you, but even the women around you, all of them Suffer. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Hu Lian and didn't bother to care about him at all.

This Hu chain obviously still does not want to offend the harem, so at this moment, he will deliberately stimulate himself and want to separate himself from the four daughters of Zi Hanyan, but this method is too rough, let alone Ning Xiaochuan, even if it is other Everyone can see it.

But even without Hu's remarks at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was ready to let the four daughters of Zi Hanyan leave.

Although the four of them joined the Harem Harem, they also have a little foundation on the Xianqiao, but this foundation is too shallow to calm others.

So if they continue at this moment, I am afraid that Hu Lian will really stop worrying about their identity and go straight.

At this moment, Hu Chain brought in dozens of family masters, and Hu Chain himself seemed to be a strong man.

If it is one-on-one, maybe Ning Xiaochuan is not afraid of any of them, but there are too many people on the other side. If Ning Xiaochuan really fights with the four daughters of purple cold smoke and the other party at this moment, it must be him.

The four daughters of Zihan Yan naturally knew Ning Xiaochuan's intention to stand up at this moment, so the Zi Hanyan closest to Ning Xiaochuan immediately whispered: "Xiaochuan, this huddle is just a bluff. When we kill together, just leave here Back in the harem, they never want you again. "

Ning Xiaochuan whispered: "I'm not a disciple of your harem. You can take it home without permission, and you will definitely be punished."

Zi Hanyan's face hesitated and said: "It doesn't matter, the four of us are very popular with the palace master, so this little thing will definitely not be punished too severely."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Zi Hanyan, knowing that she was lying, but Ning Xiaochuan did not tear through her, but continued: "I will not go to the harem, I have other things, I will deal with this chain You leave here first, and I will go to your harem in the future to find your round. "

Bian Yueji bit her lip and whispered: "Ning Xiaochuan, you ca n’t kill yourself today. You do n’t underestimate these masters on Xianqiao, and the environment here is different from where we were originally. It would be difficult to escape ... "

After waiting for Yue Yueji to finish, Ning Xiaochuan interrupted her: "I know your heart, but I already have a plan, and there are more important things you need to help, I have a friend here, wait for you Help him out ... "

Ning Xiaochuan's voice was getting lower and lower, but the expressions of Zi Hanyan's four women were gradually intensified.

After a moment, the four women stared at Ning Xiaochuan and gave a deep glance, but the figure jumped up and left Ning Xiaochuan directly.

"Well, how easily did he persuade these pretty little sisters and sisters." Feng Feiyang saw the four daughters of Zi Hanyan willingly to leave Ning Xiaochuan, suddenly suspicious.

Although Hu Lian was also suspicious at the moment and did not know what happened, but when the four daughters of Zi Hanyan left, he immediately rejoiced and waved his arm and said: "Take down this kid, regardless of life or death."

The masters of the fairy family all around came to Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan pulled Hua Qinglian hand in hand, protected Hua Qinglian behind him, and then smashed into a master of the fairy family who rushed forward with a punch.

Sudden contact, these masters of the fairy family were smashed by Ning Xiaochuan with three fists and two feet.

"This kid's strength is very strong, but the other aspects are very general. Don't try to hit him hard." Hu Lian snorted coldly and shot directly.

Watching Ning Xiaochuan and these masters of the fairy family formally started to confront each other, the four of Zihanyan looked worried for a moment, then the orb of the four turned directly and flew towards the wind.

"Feiyang, I heard that you have also studied the Dharma very much. I don't know if the little girl can ask for advice." Baozhu Jizo stood calmly before Feng Feiyang.

At this moment, although the orb has already grown a green silk, it can no longer see the beauty of the beautiful girl. However, her expression was sacred and holy, and she was full of respect at first glance.

As soon as Feng Feiyang's eyes were blank, she was overjoyed: "My sisters are at will, no matter if I study the Dharma or anything else, I will accompany you."

"Dharma pays attention to peace of mind. This place is too noisy. Let's change places." Baozhu Jizo nodded, and immediately turned around and left.

"Don't you wait and see the results?"

Feng Feiyang glanced in amazement at Ning Xiaochuan, who had been struggling, shook his head, immediately got up, and followed Baozhu Jizo.

Seeing the treasure bead pulling away the wind, the three women on Zi Hanyan's face suddenly showed a relaxed look, and left immediately.

Jian Xu and the cold man, about the two of them, didn't make much sense, so hesitated for a moment and chased together in the direction of the wind flying away.

Watching Zi Hanyan and others all departed, Ning Xiaochuan, who had been forced to retreat continuously, his eyes suddenly became a bit cold.

"Yue Mingsong, throw out all the inventory in your hand."

Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered towards the place where Yue Mingsong was hiding.

Who is this kid calling?

Hu Lian's face behind Ning Xiaochuan was surprised, but at this moment he didn't think much about it, and immediately pursued Ning Xiaochuan.

His figure leaped in the air, drawing an arc, and radiographing the back of Ning Xiaochuan.

It is still possible to make such actions in Xianqiao, and it can be seen that the strength of this chain is indeed very powerful.

However, before he rushed to Ning Xiaochuan, a dark round thing suddenly rushed at him.

What the hell?

Hu Lian snorted coldly, patted his hands, and immediately patted the hidden weapon.


The whole recklessness was shaken.

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