Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1297: leave a message

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The earth began to tremble, and the roaring explosions continued.

The orb Jizo, who had traveled far away, stopped abruptly and looked back at where the sound came from.

In the depths of this mangyuan, blossoming black clouds rose up, forming vaguely the shape of mushrooms.

"This is where we left."

Feng Feiyang looked at the black clouds in the shape of mushrooms, and thoughtfully glanced at a few people hiding in the orb, and then the figure flickered and ran back and forth towards the road.

Orb Jizo and others rushed back naturally.

They originally wanted to draw the wind away and let Ning Xiaochuan carry out his plan. Now that the plan is successful, of course, they don't have to pretend anything.

Several people quickly shuttled back to the place where they were just a moment ago, and they immediately took a breath and took the air.

It was originally a reckless field, surrounded by dense giant trees, and there was only a little open space in the middle of the giant trees.

But at this moment, these giant trees were all tilted to the ground, broken into two pieces, and the trunk was dark. The original flat ground, at this moment, also appeared deep pits, and a stream of residual smoke was still emerging from these pits.

In addition, around these pits, the bodies of Hu Lian and others were lying crookedly.

Dozens of masters of the fairy family all fell here at this moment.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Feng Feiyang smiled bitterly on his face: "This is really a big deal, and this Ning Xiaochuan is too cruel, even they have killed Hu Chain."

Counting the children of the fairy family that Ning Xiaochuan had killed before, there are now more than a hundred children of the fairy family that died in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

And these more than a hundred people are the original lineages of the major fairy families, not the disciples who have recently joined the major fairy families.

In this case, the news that Ning Xiaochuan killed so many children of the fairy family will definitely cause a big earthquake between the major fairy families.

It has been a long time since the major fairy families have seen such serious casualties.

The four of Zihan Yan ignored these at this moment and walked a few steps towards him. Ji Hanxing suddenly shot and grabbed at a giant tree next to him.


Before touching the giant tree, Ji Hanxing's hand seemed to be blocked by something.


Ji Hanxing grasped hard in his hand, and immediately caught a cloak in his hand. After the cloak, Yue Mingsong, who was crying, crouched on the ground.

Looking up at the crowd, Yue Mingsong coughed dryly: "Actually, I watched it lively. What happened here has nothing to do with me."

Hell without any relationship at all.

Feng Feiyang stared at Yue Mingsong, and he was about to take down Yue Mingsong and talk about it.

Now Ning Xiaochuan has disappeared, and just happened to count Yue Mingsong.

However, without waiting for the wind to fly, Yue Yueji suddenly stood up and said, "Yue Mingsong, why are you here?"

Yue Mingsong stared at Yue Yueji, as if she saw a savior, "It turned out to be the elder sister, which scared me."

As if he was really over-stunned, Yue Mingsong patted his chest before continuing: "The reason why I will be here is tears when talking about it. I came here with Ning Xiaochuan. I didn't expect to see a beauty just now. He got excited and wanted to kill me and kill his mouth. It was so difficult for me to escape from his sword, but the luck of these brothers around was not very good. All of them were hit by Ning Xiaochuan's poisonous hands. It was just too spicy. Those who want to rescue these brothers just hate me for not being strong enough, so they are powerless. "

Yue Mingsong, with a sad face, seemed to be really distressed.

Even Feng Feiyang's eyes changed to Yue Mingsong's, his heart couldn't help being suspicious. Is the man in front of him really being persecuted to this extent by Ning Xiaochuan.

But Yueyueji didn't care about Yue Mingsong's words at all. She knew Yue Mingsong and naturally knew Yue Mingsong's nature, so she just shook her head at the moment and said in her mouth, "If you say so, you are the friend Ning Xiaochuan said just now."

"No, I am as deep as the sea with Ning Xiaochuan. Why are you friends? You must have all misunderstood them." Yue Mingsong waved decisively.

Ning Xiaochuan killed so many masters of the fairy family, and these fairy families are already inextricably linked, so Yue Mingsong clearly played at this moment is to clarify the relationship with Ning Xiaochuan verbally, and then, as for the specific relationship between the two, then Only Yue Mingsong knew it.

At this moment, Zi Hanyan could not help but rushed directly to Yue Mingsong, and lowered his voice, "Ogawa told us before, let you tell us a word, what exactly is this word? You say it quickly."

"Actually, I didn't want to help the evil thief Ning Xiaochuan, but I was forced by him to do so."

Yue Mingsong still looked sad and angry, first made a relationship with Ning Xiaochuan, and then lowered his voice: "Now there are outsiders present, you really want to listen to it, or do I pass it on to you privately."

That being said!

Purple cold smoke face frosty.

The outsiders in Yue Mingsong's mouth are obviously the three who are flying.

What if he said it quietly just now, but just now he lowered his voice, although it seemed to be sneaky, but the voice was clearly heard by everyone around him.

Now Feng Feiyang's faces were already showing a very curious look, apparently wondering what Ning Xiaochuan had left.

Feng Feiyang was really curious at this moment, but looking at the embarrassed purple cold smoke, he still patted his chest generously: "Sisters and sisters, if it is inconvenient, we can leave first."

Yue Mingsong immediately said: "This son really has the grace, in fact, you can leave for a while, and then come back later."

When we leave, it's time for you to slip away.

Feng Feiyang stared at Yue Mingsong and glanced at him. Although he saw Yue Mingsong's thoughts, he didn't break the point, but turned around and left.

Although they were curious about the words left by Ning Xiaochuan, they were not too concerned. After all, this incident did not affect their fairy family.

When the three winds flew away a little, Zi Hanyan immediately asked intently, "What did Xiaochuan leave behind? Is it so important?"

The four of them left Ning Xiaochuan just now, but it was Ning Xiaochuan who left them with an excuse such as important reminders.

So at this moment, the four are very curious about what Ning Xiaochuan left behind.

Yue Mingsong coughed, cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Ning Xiaochuan asked me to tell you that he will go to the harem in three months to find you. Please do n’t leave the harem in three months. In addition, he also I want to apologize to you on his behalf, he just lied to you just now. "

The three who had just walked not far from the wind flew all three. At this moment, all the figures stopped and turned slowly, all of them were crying and laughing.

They really didn't want to overhear Yue Mingsong's speech, but Yue Mingsong said this too loudly, even if they didn't want to listen.

The four of Zihan Yan have been holding together at this moment.

After a moment, Baozhu Jizo's face appeared with a bitter smile: "It seems my guess is correct, he really wants to turn us away."

"Now that this is useless, why not think about what to do in three months?" Ji Hanxing said coldly.

Zi Hanyan groaned for a moment and hesitated, "Ogawa, after three months, he won't really go to the harem. If the news is known to those fairy families, I am afraid they will go to the harem after three months. Trouble with Ogawa. "

Wu Yueji glanced at the three people who were still standing not far away and shook her head: "Not if, but the news will surely be known to those fairy families. Yue Mingsong just said so loudly that she was afraid of others listening. Less than what he said. "

That being said, the other women only realized that Yue Mingsong had definitely said so loudly just now, and the three of them were heard by Feng Feiyang.

Therefore, several girls glared at Yue Mingsong together.

Yue Mingsong said innocently: "Do n’t stare at me. I am strictly following the arrangements of Ning Xiaochuan. I will not leak his news. After you four go back to the harem, you must be punished. Now the immortals The family knows the whereabouts of Ning Xiaochuan. At least in these three months, I won't care too much about you. Hey, Ning Xiaochuan is really an infatuation seed, and he is still thinking about you at this time. "

The four members of Yueyue Ji knew that Yue Mingsong was indeed telling the truth, and his face darkened.

In the distance, Feng Feiyang stared at the four of Yue Yueji, watching the four women's wounded look. Feng Feiyang's face suddenly showed a coveted expression: "That Ning Xiaochuan is also very fateful, why didn't I know these beautiful sisters in advance If I appear first, these beautiful girls will definitely look at me first. "

The cold man beside Feng Feiyang shook his head and said, "Since you are so coveted about their beauty, do you want to help them conceal the news of Ning Xiaochuan this time."

"Of course not." Feng Feiyang shook his head and said, "This Ning Xiaochuan is indeed a man. At this time, he still doesn't forget his pity and fragrant jade. I ca n’t compare with him because of this. But since he is willing to keep his whereabouts It was leaked to protect the four sisters. Of course, we ca n’t spoil his good deeds. When we go back, we ’ll continue as usual. If anyone asks, let them know the news. If no one asks, we do n’t have to publicize it. what."

Looking back at the four moon stars Ji Yueji once again, Feng Feiyang nostalgicly said: "Let's go, I'm afraid I won't be willing to leave later."

Feng Feiyang left the three, and Yue Yueji stayed here for a moment, and then left with Yue Mingsong.

After the shadows disappeared, only a few dozen feet away, Ning Xiaochuan jumped out of a pit on the ground.

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