Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1298: Fairy Power

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Ning Xiaochuan tore off a cloak from his body and then crawled out of the pit on the ground.

This cloak is exactly the same as Yue Mingsong's previous cloak.

"This cloak is not only able to shield the spiritual senses of the gods, but it can also resist the aftermath of the invincible divine ball explosion. It is really a good thing. It seems that Yue Mingsong still has a lot of private goods in his hands." Ning Xiaochuan muttered in his heart , Put away this cloak directly.

Then Ning Xiaochuan turned and pulled Hua Qinglian out of the big pit behind him.

Jian Xu's arrow was really powerful. She shot Hua Qinglian, which made Hua Qinglian unable to recover. Even now, she is still weak and has difficulty standing.

Ning Xiaochuan checked Hua Qinglian again, but still couldn't check it out.

This situation made Ning Xiaochuan feel astonished.

You know, at this moment, he is infinitely close to the realm of Shennong, and there are few injuries in the world that he cannot treat.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's confused look, Hua Qinglian shook her head and said, "Ninggongzi, you don't have to worry about my injury. This is the strength of the fairy spirit that is too weak and suppresses the power of the fairy in my body ... By the way, it seems that you should find a place to integrate the power of the fairy spirit, otherwise, your breath will always be rejected by the fairy bridge, and even the action will be much more difficult than others. "

Fairy Power.

Ning Xiaochuan's expression moved and he noticed the key part of Hua Qinglian's words.

But this time is obviously not the time to say more about this, nodded, Ning Xiaochuan said: "So many people have died here, I am afraid that someone will come over soon, I will take you away before I say."

Hua Qinglian looked a little bit shy, and seemed to be hesitant to leave with Ning Xiaochuan.

But Ning Xiaochuan had already carried him directly on his shoulders and strode away in the distance.

Hua Qinglian had already offended those fairy families for Ning Xiaochuan's early life, and the fairy family he joined did not have a strong background like the harem of Zi Hanyan's four daughters, so if Ning Xiaochuan left him , Youyou * He will also be the object of crusade by those fairy families.

This is also the main reason why Ning Xiaochuan chose to take Hua Qinglian away.

Carrying Hua Qinglian on his back at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that a fragrance came from behind, making people feel very comfortable. What makes Ning Xiaochuan even more speechless is that at this moment he clearly felt that Hua Qinglian's chest seemed to be pressed on his back in two places.

This feeling made Ning Xiaochuan thoroughly certain that Hua Qinglian did have some changes in his body. At this moment, he seems to be starting to change towards women.

I just don't know if this change is completely incomplete. If there are any sequelae, the situation will be weird.

He muttered a few words in his heart, and Ning Xiaochuan's attention immediately focused on the fairy power that Hua Qinglian said just now.

Ning Xiaochuan said as he hurried on the road, "Brother Hua, can you tell us about the power of this fairy?"

Hua Qinglian moved slightly and seemed to nod his head, saying, "The power of the fairy is a unique substance flowing from the other side. This substance contaminates the power of the fairy, so it is called the power of the fairy. . "

"In the past when the Fairy Bridge was unblocked, the power of the immortal diffused, and it immediately entered the universe of the Nether, absorbed by the monks in each universe, and practiced by it. At that time, the essence of the cultivation of the monks was this fairy power. It is not a godhead. "

"Later, the fairy bridge was blocked, and the universe in the lower world no longer had the power of fairy spirits. Therefore, the method of spiritual practice appeared. I recently heard that our condensed gods are actually simulated fairy powers, and the gods have evolved to the limit. The godhead with 3,600 facets in the legend is an immortal power, so the godhead we cultivate is also called the power of a pseudo-immortal. "

The godhead is actually the power of a false fairy.

Hearing here, Ning Xiaochuan's look suddenly changed.

Godhead is the root of monks, but on this fairy bridge, people don't seem to value Godhead so much.

Hua Qinglian continued: "Ninggongzi, what I said was only occasionally heard by me, believable or unbelievable, don't worry too much, because the creatures on the Fairy Bridge at this moment also need to condense the godhead, and It is not the practice of using the power of the fairy from the beginning. "

"Why is this?" Ning Xiaochuan was surprised.

According to Hua Qinglian, from the beginning, she practiced with the power of the immortal, which was obviously higher than the practice of condensing the gods. The universe in the Nether did n’t have the power of the immortals, so she condensed the gods to practice. It ’s a little strange that they still use the same cultivation method as the Nether.

But just as soon as he was surprised, Ning Xiaochuan immediately responded: "I see. This is because it is too difficult to practice using the power of the fairy directly. Few people can do this."

"Ninggongzi said it well." Hua Qinglian nodded and said, "Although the practice of condensing the gods is much inferior to the practice of directly using the power of immortals, the newcomers who have just begun to practice are clearly more condensed than the gods The power of the spirit is much simpler, so from this point of view, the practice of condensing the gods is actually a more mature practice. "

"So now, even the people on the fairy bridge have condensed the gods. But they are different from us. They do not care too much about the aspects of the gods, because after condensing the gods, they will use the gods to motivate the gods. The power of the spirit is incorporated into the body, and the power of the fairy is enhanced to improve one's ability. Therefore, if you want to survive on the fairy bridge, you must integrate the power of the fairy. No one can be exceptional. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "So, Brother Hua also incorporates the power of the fairy?"

Hua Qinglian said: "When we joined the fairy family, the first thing to do was to integrate the power of the fairy. On the fairy bridge, how much of the power of the fairy was merged was actually a means of dividing strength and being able to merge. The more the power of the fairy, the stronger the strength. Especially this time the first fusion of the power of the fairy is more important. If the number of the power of the first fusion of the first time is more, it means that his potential is stronger, like It was me. When I first merged the powers of the immortals, I merged the powers of the three immortals in one breath. Therefore, I was valued by the masters of the Nalan family and absorbed into the Nalan family. Presumably for the first time to incorporate the power of the fairy, we will certainly be able to incorporate more power of the fairy. "

Ning Xiaochuan carefully took what Hua Qinglian said in his heart, and then asked, "Where is the power of the fairy?"

Hua Qinglian described the power of the fairy so mysteriously. What Ning Xiaochuan was most worried about was that the power of the fairy had been monopolized by the fairy family on the fairy bridge.

Now he and these fairy families have been in an endless situation. If the power of the fairy is monopolized by the other party, then Ning Xiaochuan will not be able to get the chance to merge the power of the fairy.

Hua Qinglian was about to speak, but Ning Xiaochuan suddenly eagerly said, "Don't talk."


Ning Xiaochuan took out the cloak and put it on himself, covering him and Hua Qinglian.

Immediately, the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian merged into the surrounding environment and completely disappeared.

At this time, a thin figure flew across the sky, flying in the air.

A thin rainbow crossed in the air, and this thin figure landed beside Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian.

This is a man in his forties or forties, thin and thin, like a bamboo pole, but tall and straight, without any sign of bending over.

Glancing around, his face looked confused.

"It's clear that the breath of the two sinister species is here. How could it disappear? Was it rescued by the Supreme Man?"

He glanced suspiciously a few times around, and this bamboo-like strong man flew up again and flew away.

It took another half a day for the world to pass. The place where Ning Xiaochuan hid before moved slightly, and then Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian appeared again.

so close!

Ning Xiaochuan was surprised.

The bamboo pole man who appeared before was an absolute master of the fairy family. He was the first time that Ning Xiaochuan could see a master who could directly fly into a place like Xianqiao.

Even if the wind was flying and the arrows were empty before, they could not fly off the ground.

However, when Hu Lian and others were killed, Ning Xiaochuan had already anticipated this moment, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and put away his cloak, Ning Xiaochuan said: "Well, Brother Hua can now say."

Hua Qinglian's beautiful face was a little surprised, and it seemed that Ning Xiaochuan would not be so calm. Even in the face of hunting and killing by the masters of the fairy family, she could not change her face.

A little bit of a strange look was revealed, and Hua Qinglian continued: "Ninggongzi should worry about the source of the power of the fairy spirit. This Ninggongzi need not worry. There is a lot of fairy power on the fairy bridge, almost at all times There is the power of the fairy flowing down from the other bank, so as long as it is a creature on the fairy bridge, sooner or later, you can get the power of the fairy, but ... "

After glancing at Ning Xiaochuan, Hua Qinglian whispered softly: "But in the current situation of Ning Gongzi, the faster the fusion of the power of the fairy, the better, the fusion of the power of the fairy, the suppression of the fairy bridge will not look like It ’s so strong now that even when Ning Gongzi hurries on the road, the speed will be much faster. So I suggest that Ning Gongzi is best to find a force to join them immediately. This is definitely the fastest way to obtain the power of the fairy. "

"Joining a force, this is not impossible, but I just came to Xianqiao and I am not familiar with everything on Xianqiao, so these brothers have to give a lot of pointers." Ning Xiaochuan smiled bitterly and re- Carry Hua Qinglian on his back and walk towards the front.

"Ninggongzi is polite and can do something for you. Qinglian feels very happy." Hua Qinglian's long eyelashes flickered slightly, and her soft face showed a bit of contemplation.

A moment later, Hua Qinglian suddenly said, "Ninggongzi, the forces on Xianqiao are intricate now. If I want to join one of them, I can give my son some suggestions."

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