Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1299: Three forces

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"The strongest forces on the Fairy Bridge are undoubtedly those fairy families, especially the three top fairy families. They have deep heritage and many masters, which are not comparable to ordinary people."

"In addition to these fairy families, the most powerful force remaining is to count the Kingdom of Truth. The Kingdom of Truth was once the only nine-pin civilization between heaven and earth and was powerful. Although the loss was huge because of the previous extinction, it was not ordinary. The forces can be compared. Now on Xianqiao, it is second only to the existence of the fairy family. "

"Then there is the Universe Alliance. This alliance was formed by the countless masters of the original eight-pin civilization. There are also many masters, second only to the fairy family and the kingdom of truth on the fairy bridge. There are many other forces on the bridge, but if Ning Gongzi chooses to join one of the forces, I suggest you better choose one of these three forces to join. "

Hua Qinglian quietly said her suggestion, and then stopped talking and let Ning Xiaochuan decide for herself.

Ning Xiaochuan also knew that choosing to join a party at this moment was indeed the wisest choice.

And Hua Qinglian's suggestion really makes sense.

Regardless of whether it is the Kingdom of Truth or the Universe, I am afraid that it is an antithesis to the fairy family, so Ning Xiaochuan can join in without any worries.

However, other forces, large and small, are not so secure. If Ning Xiaochuan joins other forces, they will be designated to sell Ning Xiaochuan because they cannot bear the pressure of the fairy family.

"Three forces, if I have to choose to add one, then I can only choose ..." Ning Xiaochuan made a decision immediately after groaning slightly.

"Brother Hua, where is this universe alliance?"

Hua Qinglian nodded and said, "It seems that Ning Gongzi has decided to join the Universe. The position of the Universe is in our northwest direction, and at the moment Ning Gongzi's speed, it takes about four months to reach the universe. The alliance is here. "

"In four months, it's nothing ... bad." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, but his face changed immediately.

He waved his cloak out, and the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian were hidden again.

At the same time, the thinning old man who had appeared before swept over the heads of Ning Xiaochuan.

Hunting all the way.

It's endless.

In the next few days, Ning Xiaochuan has passed by the skinny old man several times.

If Ning Xiaochuan was strong and Yue Mingsong gave him the cloak that was really good, I'm afraid Ning Xiaochuan would have been discovered by the old man at this moment.

Rao is so. Ning Xiaochuan's speed with Hua Qinglian also greatly reduced.

After three months.

Looking up at the thin figure flickering back and forth across the sky, Ning Xiaochuan stood on the ground expressionlessly, wearing the cloak on his body, looking up at the distance.

When the thin figure disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan waved and folded his cloak, and sat on the ground, Hua Qinglian: "Brother Hua, how are you recovering?"

"Almost has been restored. The power of the fairy spirit itself has no attack power. The arrowhead apparently has some unique secret method, so it can use the power of the fairy spirit to suppress me. I only need to expel the arrowhead to stay with me. The breath on my body can be completely restored. "Hua Qinglian nodded and stood up from the ground.

After recovering a few percent of his strength, Hua Qinglian's appearance has become more and more beautiful. Even his chest, Ning Xiaochuan now faintly saw a little bulge, and this bulge seems to be getting bigger every day.

Apart from being curious about this discovery, Ning Xiaochuan was only shocked.

Fortunately, this discovery diverted Ning Xiaochuan's attention. Otherwise, with the beauty of Hua Qinglian, he and Ning Xiaochuan lived together so much that I might have caused Ning Xiaochuan to sink into it.

Staring at Hua Qinglian for a few moments, Ning Xiaochuan looked away and apologized: "Brother Hua, this time I'm dragging you down, otherwise, you don't have to run away like me. But I I still recommend Brother Hua not to join the Universe Alliance with me. This universe alliance looks like a scene, but it is definitely not a peaceful place where all forces are combined. If Brother Hua arrives at such a place, I'm afraid ... not to be safe. "

Ning Xiaochuan originally wanted to say that Hua Qinglian's arrival in such a place would definitely cause many men to covet.

However, it was really inappropriate to say this, so in the end it was stopped, and it became the word unsafe.

Hua Qinglian shook her head and said, "Ning Gongzi probably misunderstood. In fact, I was already prepared to leave the fairy family and join the Universe. This time is just an opportunity."

"Well, let's join the space alliance together." Ning Xiaochuan sighed helplessly.

What Hua Qinglian said was obviously insincere.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not want to think more about the significance of Hua Qinglian's doing so.

The two kept on their way.

In the following time, the number of times the thin old man appeared even fewer and fewer.

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian have greatly facilitated their journey.


The place where the Universe is located is a desolate desert.

With the harsh environment on the Xianqiao, the wind is like a knife, the rain is like an arrow, and most monks are going to die in the event of a strong wind or rain. In the harsher environment of the desert, it is more difficult to survive.

Since choosing the resident to this place now, a lot of masters inside the Universe have died because of the harsh environment.

However, no one thought about relocating the Universe Alliance.

The reason is very simple. Although the internal space of Xianqiao is not small, it is definitely not too large. It is not as good as the original eight-pin civilization.

Now that there are so many masters in the Xianqiao suddenly, the internal space is naturally narrower.

In such a small space, more than two hundred fairy families occupy the best locations. The Kingdom of Truth occupies these places, and it is only such awful places left to the Universe.

However, although this desert environment is hostile, but stationed here, it has also greatly strengthened the strength of the members of the Universe Alliance. The waves and sands have been washed out, and a large number of disciples with great strength have been eliminated.

The wind roared. In this fierce wind, several young disciples of the Universe were braving the wind and running through the desert.

"Sister, we have to stay in the desert for seven days this time. If we do n’t stay enough, we will only be punished when we go back."

"I know. It's only been seven days, and my teeth are gone."

"We can't compare with sister, sister is the biological daughter of Lord Demon God. She has an extraordinary status and has the shelter of Lord Demon God. I am afraid that even if the trial fails, there will be nothing."


These young men, a total of three men and two women, the three men are very ordinary, the two women with a veil on their faces in order to prevent wind and sand, but people can not see clearly.

But at the moment three of the three men and two women are satirizing one of them.

This woman, tall and tall, should be a beauty, but at the moment being ridiculed, she just hurriedly lowered her head and said nothing.

Under such circumstances, naturally, the other three men and one woman have become unscrupulous, and have changed from secret irony to explicit insult.

"Sister, last time I saw that Brother Song liked you very much. Why don't you marry Brother Song. Although Brother Song already has a wife, but even with Brother Song's talents, even if she is his sister-in-law, he will definitely not Losing. "

"That's a good thing. In my case, I would also like to marry Brother Song to be a sister-in-law. This sister has a good vision, waiting for her Prince Charming to appear."

"Fuck Prince Baima, now we all come to ghost places like Xianqiao. All the past scenery has disappeared. What else can we talk about? Let's live first."


The taunted woman, with a trembling body, seemed to be unable to endure the taunts of others, her feet suddenly accelerated, rushed forward, and entered the rolling yellow sand.

Then the three men and one woman laughed a few words: "Be careful, sister, you run too far. If something goes wrong, we may not find sister."


The words of these three men and a woman just fell, and a phantom appeared suddenly in the yellow sand in front of them.

This phantom is a man with erect forehead, wearing a silver robe and gold armor, standing tall and straight, the whole person is bright and cheerful, holding a trident halberd in his hand, dancing halberd in the sand.

The halberd's tricks were subtle, even the yellow sand around him seemed to be motivated.

But this figure with British spirit seemed a bit vague and unreal.

"No, isn't it ..." The three men and one woman, eyes widened at the same time.

A happy look appeared on their faces, and they ran forward together.

"Come on, Sister Tianmeng is at the forefront. This thing must not let her succeed."

The figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian stood in the middle of the long yellow sand, looking at the heroic man waving a trident spear ahead.

After staring at it for a while, Ning Xiaochuan turned back and said, startled, "You say this is the power of the fairy?"

"There are ten *." Hua Qinglian nodded and continued: "I'm not too sure, but the power of the immortal that I integrated before is indeed true. The power of the immortal has stained the breath of the immortal, so It is called the power of the fairy. The group of fairy power that appears now is probably contaminated by such a magnificent fairy.

"Whether it's the power of the fairy or not, take it down first." Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and the figure jumped out.

Staring at the long yellow sand around him, Ning Xiaochuan's figure quickly rushed towards the ghostly man in front of him.


Before approaching this British man, a powerful momentum erupted directly from this British man.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! ..."

A violent killing intention drowned Ning Xiaochuan instantly.

At the same time, a petite figure in a veil also appeared beside Ning Xiaochuan.

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