Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 155: Divine Body Seventh

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Ning Xiaochuan hit a backhand lightning to form a lightning ball, which was split on the blood red warrior.


The blood warrior's body was full of currents, but soon these currents disappeared. The blood on his body became more vigorous and made a loud noise.

"This is the blood warrior of the blood world. It is an undead body. Its combat power is ten times that of the ghost knight. It is synonymous with death. If you encounter this kind of Yin Sha, it is almost ten deaths." Yue Mingsong was anxious full My head was sweating, and I felt closer and closer to death.

"It must be stained with filth, otherwise luck will not be like this!" Yue Mingsong grabbed the tail of the Tailing Beast and put his body directly on the **** of the Tailing Beast.


The cub of the Taisui animal brought Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong to the surface and returned to the ground.

The ground is also full of extremely strong Yin, not far away is the big river, the indigenous warriors standing on the edge of the three ancient bridges found both of them, and saw the robe of Tiandi Xuegong on them.

"Students of the Imperial Palace of Heaven!"

Four indigenous warriors, divided into four directions, killed two people towards Ning Xiaochuan.


The blood evil will rush out from the ground, with a strong blood evil spirit on his body, there is a blood mist around the body to cover the body, causing a huge blood wave vortex on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong turned and fled into the corpse hole on the mountain wall, disappearing in the dark and deep cave.

Those four indigenous warriors were the seventh-best cultivation of the **** body, but they were frightened, and for the first time they saw such terrible blood evil demons.

They want to escape too, but it's late!

Xue Shajiang's eyes emerged from the blood mist, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and issued a strong suction in his mouth, directly sucking the four indigenous warriors into his mouth.

"Let's do it!"

After a long while, Xue Shajiang spit out four skeletons of Bai Sensen, with a trace of fine blood on the skeleton.

The blood evil will also rush into the corpse hole, chasing after Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong.

In the distance, the indigenous warriors near the stone bridge saw this creepy scene.

A white-haired old man with an ebony stick in his hand stood on the stone bridge, staring grimly in the direction of the corpse hole, and said, "It's a blood warrior! Is there a blood circle under the tomb of the emperor?"

"Elder Wu, what is blood?" Asked an indigenous warrior wearing white bones.

Elder Wu pondered carefully, saying: "You don't need to worry about this. If there is a blood realm under the tomb of the emperor, then the Witch King and the big sacrifice in the tomb of the emperor will be extremely dangerous. You are watching outside, I Tell them the news of entering the corpse hole now. "

"The two students of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace must also die, and they must not be allowed to spread the news." The indigenous warrior said ruthlessly.

"The two little guys will give it to me!" Wu Chang aging into a ray of light, followed the surrounding ghost knight and the ghost soldiers, into the corpse cave.


Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong fled into the corpse cave, immediately downed a ghost knight, cut off the bones of his body, stringed them into bone clothing, and put them on his body to isolate the popularity in the body.

There are ghostly creatures all around, exuding an awful coldness, there are ghostly knights riding bone deer, ghostly soldiers with spears, and most of the corpses are rotting.

They are constantly moving towards the depths of the stone cave. I wonder what they are doing?

It doesn't really look like a place where living people should come, but rather a portal to hell.

"Behind these Yin soldiers, you should be able to find the Emperor's Tomb, but be careful, if they notice the popularity of us, then we are dead." Yue Mingsong had a skull on his head and a waist He wore a bone skirt and followed carefully behind a female corpse.

This female corpse is very young, with a full body, and most of her clothes are rotten, but her flesh is quite intact and her skin is not rotten. Especially her crispy. The half-chested appearance was quite seductive, letting Yue Mingsong follow her unwillingly, and drooling.


A cloud of blood caught up, condensed into a samurai wearing armor, and Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong were recognized at a glance!

The blood sacrifice's wisdom is higher than the corpse's corpse, even if you wear bone clothes, you can't fool it.

"Run away! The blood evil will catch up." Ning Xiaochuan yelled, started colorful movement, and fled quickly.

However, Yue Mingsong still followed the female corpse, staring at the position where the female corpse should not look, revealing obsessed eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan had to return, holding his neck and continuing to escape.

"Where else do you want to run?" A white-haired old man holding an ebony staff stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan, blocking their way, exuding a huge martial arts breath on his body.

This is an indigenous martial arts master, Elder Wu!

It's not a single scourge, there are indigenous masters in the front, and blood-shaking generals after the killing.

Even Ning Xiaochuan wondered if he got dirty and got rid of bad luck!


The blood evil will chase and kill, the battle sword in his hand is chopped down towards Ning Xiaochuan, with a sword Qi blood wave!

Ning Xiaochuan's brows condensed a dazzling light spot, like a small stove, emitting a dazzling light of God, "The burning sun burns the sky!"

"call out!"

A wave of fire swept out and bombarded the Blood Shaman.

The blood-shaking body withstood Ning Xiaochuan's blow stiffly, his body armor was burned out of a bowl-shaped hole, and a roar in his mouth turned into a wind, turning Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong both. Chongfei out.

Elder Wu was also very taboo about Xue Sha, and stepped away from it, watching Xue Sha going to town to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

The two students of the Heavenly Emperor Academy must die!

"To die, to die!"

Yue Mingsong watched Xue Sha approaching step by step, feeling that the blood in the body was boiling, and the heart seemed to be pulled out of the body by Xue Sha.

Just as Xuesha was about to devour the two of them, Ning Xiaochuan turned up suddenly and slammed into Xuesha's chest.

An exhausting force of sucking up from the Ning Xiaochuan's body, turned out to be swallowing blood!

The magic sword works!

The blood flow rate of Ning Xiaochuan's whole body increased hundreds of times, and he made a "wow-la-la" sound, as if the river was flowing.

The blood evil body was originally composed of blood, but the magic sword devoured blood.

Even if the blood evil will be more powerful, it can't defeat the magic sword.

Blood screamed a scream of sorrow in his mouth, which finally burst into a cloud of blood, poured into Ning Xiaochuan's body, and was absorbed by the magic sword.

Ning Xiaochuan became blood red all over his body, his skin was like a red piece of iron, his hair became red, and his body exuded a strong evil spirit.

"Suppress me!" Ning Xiaochuan gritted his teeth tightly, forcibly suppressing the huge blood and evil spirit in his body!

Aboriginal elders, Elder Wu has been shocked by the scene in front of him, what happened? Will the blood evil be swallowed up by a college of the Heavenly Emperor Academy?

"Beijing's magic! Damn! This magic is too terrible. It is definitely the world's first amazing skill. Even the blood will be swallowed up and give Uncle Ning!" Yue Mingsong was too excited to get up from the ground.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was suppressing the blood in his body, the elder Wu planned to take this opportunity to take Ning Xiaochuan's life.

But as soon as he shot, Ning Xiaochuan's body burst into a huge mysterious wave, forcing Elder Wu to retreat.

This mysterious wave erupting from Ning Xiaochuan's body turned into a mysterious balloon with a diameter of three meters, wrapping Ning Xiaochuan's body. Anyone close to Ning Xiaochuan will be shocked by the mysterious balloon.

The surface of that mysterious balloon formed a strange halo pattern, like the hot sun, and the dark clouds!

To be exact, it looks like the sunset!

That's right, the pattern and light on the surface of the mysterious balloon are like the setting sun when the setting sun goes down.

This is Ning Xiaochuan's seventh magical power-Yunxia returns to life!

Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation originally reached the sixth peak of the divine body. After absorbing the blood of the blood evil general just now, he broke through the final bottleneck and turned the seventh divine source into a seventh kind of supernatural power!

Yunxia returns to life!

Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts practice, reaching the seventh-best practice of the deity!

Ning Xiaochuan's blood was so scary and powerful that his strength was still rising rapidly. The martial arts erupted from the pores and filled the surrounding space.

"I don't believe that I can't break a layer of mysterious air barrier!" Elder Wu has the ninth major cultivation of the **** body, the martial arts mystery is extremely deep, and the ebony stick in his hand emits a circle of electric awns and pierces into the "Yunxia returning energy". To sag the sunset barrier.

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out a hand, grabbed the ebony stick, dragged fiercely!

Elder Wu's body leaned forward and the center of his foot was unbalanced!

Ning Xiaochuan's body ricocheted up, hitting Elder Wu's chest with a palm, and a flash of lightning burst into the palm of his hand!

"Uh, uh, uh!"

Ning Xiaochuan's palm was shaken nine times in a row, and nine palms were shot. Eventually, he broke the elder Wu Xuanzhang's body, beat him to vomit blood, his body burst out and hit the stone wall.

Elder Wu's body was almost inlaid into the stone wall, blood was spit in his mouth, and the flesh and blood on his chest were imitated. The bones in his body seemed to be broken, and the pain was cracking!


The elder Wu took a deep breath, mobilized the mysterious energy in the martial arts palace, suppressed the injury in the chest, his eyes became sharp and deterrent, the ebony stick in his hand hit the ground, and directly tore the ground open .

Ning Xiaochuan quickly retreated and landed next to Yue Mingsong.

"This old guy's body is too strong. You were attacked by nine palms, and you still have the power to fight back." Yue Mingsong said.

"He is the ninth master of the divine body. If I didn't take the shot unexpectedly, he might not hurt him!" Ning Xiaochuan's expression was serious.

"Two juniors, today the old man is going to frustrate you!"

Elder Wu came out of the stone wall, his face was gloomy, a huge mysterious gas burst out of his body, and turned into a mysterious cloud, suppressing Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong.

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