Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 156: Two hundred years ago

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Ning Xiaochuan propped up the "Yunxia returning vitality" and turned it into a layer of spherical barrier. The body emits a golden light. The form of the mysterious barrier is like the evening glow. Wait, the gorgeous cloud form.


Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow fired a golden awn, forming a pillar of light, breaking the elder cloud of Elder Wu.

Elder Wu's eyes were wide and his expression was stubborn. He lifted the ebony stick again and bombarded it with a single blow.

"Look at me as an Optimus Prime!" Yue Mingsong took out a long and thick stick, and swung it out, breaking the protective body Xuanzang on Elder Wu again.


The stick banged on the head of Elder Wu, hitting Elder Wu directly with blood, eyes glared at Yue Mingsong, and finally fainted unconsciously, his body fell back straight and lay on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan was a little surprised. He stared at the long and thick stick in Yue Mingsong's hands. This guy's cultivation didn't seem to be weak. One stick put down the ninth-level martial art master of the deity.

Yue Mingsong grinned, "Don't look at me, this is all the power of Optimus Prime. I added Geocentric Fire Spirit and Spirit Pattern to the stick. After forging, Optimus Prime ’s power has been greatly improved. . Now the power of one stick, the top five sticks, is enough to bring down the ninth-weight warrior of the **** body. "

"But Optimus Prime also has a drawback. It can only be used once a day, and it can only be stored after use to allow it to gather its strength."

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "How many pieces of mystery are they?"

"No grade, the grade forged by my Yue Mingsong has never been clear. As long as I use it, the low grade is also a good one." Yue Mingsong put away the long and thick stick. This stick has no effect and can only be used again after one day.

Ning Xiaochuan hit a flash of lightning at will and split it on Elder Wu's body, turning him into a scorched corpse!


The battle just now was fierce, and many ghost knights were brought in.

Riding on the bone-bone warhorse, they appeared in the dark, with a cold howling in their mouths, and the sword in their hands, constantly struck the warhorse under their seat, making a sound of metal and bone collision.

"Looking at the richness of the yin here, we can guess that at least ten ghost knights surrounded us." Yue Mingsong cursed the filth again, just killed the wolf den, and fell into the tiger's den.

Ning Xiaochuan behaved calmly, saying: "Before you let you escape, you had to follow that female corpse, but now you want to escape the birth day, it's almost impossible."

"Are there any? There is a female corpse? Even if it is, it is also a gorgeous corpse dedicated to hooking up the soul of a man. Otherwise, how could I be fooled by her with such a firm will?" Yue Mingsong looked very angry and felt that she The embodiment of justice is a saint who will not be fooled by women.

In the darkness, there were rustling footsteps.

One red. The bare-footed female corpse came out from among the ten ghost knights, wearing a ragged Luo shirt and crisp. Her chest is bare, her hair is like a waterfall, her skin is white, just like a young girl lost her way, she walks towards Ning Xiaochuan slowly.

"This female corpse is not easy to deal with at first sight!" Yue Mingsong stared at the female corpse's chest tightly, under his shirt, two **** of jade bowl-shaped meat were exposed, causing his eyes to fall out of his eyes. Already.

His expression was dignified, and he patted Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder, saying meaningfully: "Student, you are the first freshman, and the senior has a great responsibility to protect you. This kind of difficult bones is given to the senior. Ten ghost knights will leave it to you! "

Yue Mingsong's body had a pride of who he was, and flew towards the female corpse.

Ning Xiaochuan also found that the female body was not easy to mess with, and was trying to remind Yue Mingsong to be careful. Huh! Suddenly a dark shadow flew back, rolled down at the feet of Ning Xiaochuan, and kept coughing in his mouth, coughing with blood.

That black shadow was just Yue Mingsong who just rushed out.

He grasped Ning Xiaochuan's pants tightly, and slowly got up, and said, "School brother, I think you should deal with that female corpse! You are more handsome than my senior, I should be able to clean her up easily. Keke! "

Talking, he coughed two more blood in his mouth, and he was really hurt, and suffered a big loss in the female corpse's hand.

The body of that female corpse is really enchanting. If she is alive, she must be a beauty who upsides all sentient beings. Even if she dies and becomes a corpse now, the charm of her body is still not something ordinary people can resist.

She is different from other corpses. Her flesh and blood is not rotten, but her heart is pierced with a simple dagger.

This was her fatal injury, and sometimes blood was shed from the heart, staining her white skin with red, causing the rotting Luo shirt to invade into blood red.

If it wasn't for the signs of life on her body that had really disappeared, and there was corpse gas emanating from her body, I am afraid that many people thought she was still alive, but was seriously injured.

Ning Xiaochuan felt a huge threat, his eyes became more dignified, and the lightning in the palms of both hands gathered, saying: "The clothes on her body are not ordinary cloth clothes, and the silk has decayed, which means that she has been dead for at least two hundred years. The clothes are rotten, but the flesh is not rotten, which means that she must be very strong when she is alive. "

"It won't be a female Wu Zun!" Yue Mingsong added his lips, his eyes wandering around the female corpse's chest.

The robe on this female corpse has been rotten, but it can still be seen vaguely that it is a robe of the Imperial Palace of Heaven.

This shows that she used to be a student of the Emperor's Palace of Heaven. She broke into the Emperor's tomb, encountered a terrible enemy, was stabbed into the heart by the enemy, and died in the forest of the Emperor's Tomb.

The corpse's pupils are burning with evil light, and the breath on her body is becoming more and more tyrannical. Even the short knife that pierced her body is shaking, making a blade sound, as if to fly out of her body.

This short knife is not ordinary, it is a powerful mystery, exuding the bitter smell of ice and cold.

"Sister Xue, calm down! Two hundred years ago, you are still your own people!" Yue Mingsong was scared with cold sweat and kept the female body calm, but he was not calm at all.


The female corpse stretched out two long fingers, turned into a white light, and buckled towards Yue Mingsong's neck.

A corpse of gas erupted from the female corpse, forming a dark cloud, with a strong whistling sound, a flash of lightning burst out in the dark cloud.

Yue Mingsong was so frightened that his legs and stomach were soft, and he sat down on the ground with one butt.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the two-headed stone beast, Yue Mingsong on the back of the mentioned stone beast, and broke out in the other direction.

The female corpse chased behind her, her face pale, her heart dripping, and her lips sung a singular song.

A wave of light hit the air from your fingertips, bringing a chilling chill!

Yue Mingsong quickly wrapped the yin and yang maps on her body, and the light waves bombarded the maps, immediately causing a circle of ripples, and the yin and yang maps absorbed a lot of yin.

However, there was still some power. Through the yin and yang pictures, he bombarded Yue Mingsong's back, causing Yue Mingsong to spit out blood.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the head of the two-headed stone beast, his body was wrapped by lightning, and he held a mysterious sword in his hand, trying to break through, but was stopped by ten ghost knights.

The two-headed stone beast rushed into the air, spitting cold air in the left head, flames in the right head, and a roar in his mouth.

When a general mysterious animal falls into a corpse hole, it will surely be insulted into the body and lose its nature. However, the body of the two-headed stone beast is made of stones, so it can automatically isolate the yin and is not affected by half.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Ning Xiaochuan fought ten ghost knights with one person's strength. A war sword resisted ten war swords.

These ghost knights are undead. Even if Ning Xiaochuan's war sword pierced their bodies, they are still strong in combat, but they are even more angry to attack Ning Xiaochuan.

"Kill it out quickly, I can't carry it anymore." The yin and yang picture on Yue Mingsong's back has been blasted by the female corpse, and it will be broken at any time.

Yue Mingsong also spit a lot of blood in his mouth. His eyes were covered with bloodshot. He had reached the edge of collapse and still clenching his teeth.


The female corpse had chased over the two-headed stone beast, shattered the yin and yang picture on Yue Mingsong's back with a single blow, beat Yue Mingsong to spit out another blood, and then fainted with eyes and black.

The rotten robe on the female corpse shattered even more, revealing a large white skin, falling on the back of the two-headed stone beast, exuding light gray corpse, corroding human flesh, making the two-headed stone beast underneath. Get restless.

Ning Xiaochuan squatted on the right head of the double-headed stone beast, feeling the tremendous pressure from the female corpse, her whole bones seemed to be frozen, and the sword in her hand was unstable.

The female corpse's gaze was very evil, as if there were two groups of ghost fires beating inside, staring at the position of Ning Xiaochuan's heart, the wicked air on her body became more intense.

"What should I do now?" Ning Xiaochuan felt a huge crisis. This female corpse was almost as immovable as a mountain, and ten ghost knights around him had sealed their escape route.

The female corpse naturally did not give Ning Xiaochuan time to think, unfolding a pair of slender jade arms, five sharp nails growing from the fingertips, tearing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

"Magic sword!"

Ning Xiaochuan bit his teeth, his arms stretched out, and a stream of blood flowed out of his heart, condensing into a blood-red magic sword in the palm of his hand. There is a trace of extinction, wrapped around the sword's body.

This is the body of the magic sword!

A terrifying and magnificent breath emanated from the sword's body.


Ning Xiaochuan waved out a sword, chopped out the violent waves of the sword, left a bloodstain on the female corpse's brows, divided her body into two, and blood splashed out of the female corpse!

Ning Xiaochuan just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly found that something was wrong. There was a faint warmth in the chest, which was the change of the Xuanshoujian.

The blood of the female corpse accidentally dropped on the top of the mysterious book, and the blood was absorbed by the mysterious book!


It was originally intended to be updated at twelve in the morning, but fell asleep next to the computer, woke up and found that it was three o'clock! So continue to code immediately, and finally to four o'clock!

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