Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 185: White dragon city

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The two martial arts men in black are both extremely tall and belong to the top martial arts powerhouses.

Ning Xiaochuan played two moves with the bloated man in black, and he could feel that he was stronger than the famous sheep martial arts master.

The origin of these two people is definitely not easy!

Who are they?

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng chased out of the Guanyu Tower, chased all the way, chased out the inner city, outer city, chased the moat, and entered the chaotic side set.

"Da da!"

Two scaled red blood tigers rushed out of the river with tiger shouts in their mouths. They were five times larger than ordinary tigers, blood-red, and a thick iron chain was wrapped around their necks.

The two men in black jumped to the back of the red blood tiger at the same time, carrying iron chains in their palms, rushing out and rushing towards the south.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the Xuanshoujian and called out the two-headed stone beast.

Although the strength of the Tai Sui beast is strong, the speed on the ground is not as fast as that of the two-headed stone beast. Therefore, to chase the two black-robed people, you must rely on the two-headed stone beast.

"You go back first! The two people gave it to me." Ning Xiaochuan's toes slumped, and his body sat on the back of the two-headed stone beast and said to Yu Ningsheng.

Yu Ningsheng's delicate body, white clothes and white clothes, long hair is like bathed by goat's milk, dark and soft, standing under the two-headed stone beast, a pair of eyes as beautiful as stars, without a trace of flaws, said: "Both of them are martial artists. You are not necessarily their opponents. I'll go with you!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at her deeply, then stretched out a hand.

Yu Ningsheng arrived at the palm of Ning Xiaochuan's palm, and gently fell on the back of the two-headed stone beast, leaning slightly on Ning Xiaochuan's back.

Yu Ningsheng's hand is naturally the most beautiful hand in the world. The fingers are slender and long, and the skin is as white as jade, soft and boneless. The body is also the most tender and tender body in the world, perfect and flawless. There is also that face, even if wearing a veil to cover the thrilling fairy face, it is still difficult to stop the temperament that makes the man feel heartless.

Ning Xiaochuan withdrew his hand, and withdrew his mind, and immediately drove the two-headed stone beast to chase the two men in black.

After a night of pursuit, he was getting farther and farther away from the imperial city and entering the realm of "soul realm".

The territory of the Yulan Empire is vast and divided into sixty-three domains. Under the "domain", it is divided into "original", "fu", "state", "county", and "town". .

Soul Realm, the realm closest to the imperial city, ranks among the top 63 domains in terms of prosperity.

Because the Soul Realm is located in the hinterland of the Yulan Empire, it is rarely affected by the war. In the long run, many famous families were formed, and some of them could fight against the courts of some imperial courts in the Imperial City.

In the early morning of the next day, Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng had reached the Jianglin Mansion of the Soul Realm, three thousand miles away from the imperial city.

Ning Xiaochuan jumped down from the back of the two-headed stone beast, looked at the red blood tiger tiger's hoof print on the ground, and said, "They left in two ways, one along the river and river all the way south. The other one was towards Huaiyin Mountain. But these two roads will pass through the realm city of the soul domain 'White Dragon City'. I think they should meet there! "

Yu Ningsheng sat on the back of the two-headed stone beast, with a calm eyebrow and full of immortal temperament, saying, "You are the first time out of the Imperial City! How are you so familiar with the terrain of the soul realm?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I have the ability to never forget. I have read all the maps and texts of the Yulan Empire and kept them in my heart. As long as the records of the topography are not wrong, I will not be wrong."

The air in the mountains was fresh and the birds were fragrant, but Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng were silent again.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I had planned to go to the imperial city to investigate the public case of that year, so this time following them to leave the imperial city was considered a smooth road. But you are different from me, or ... you still go back first? "

"I don't want to go back." Yu Ningsheng spit it out gently.

Ning Xiaochuan froze slightly and wanted to say something.

She then said: "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to fight against the entire Guanyu Tower and the entire court with my own power. I mean, I was also a victim of the public case that year, and I can also check it and wait for it. For the truth, I still have to go back. "

She didn't want to stay in Guanyu Tower, she wanted to get out of the cage that looked like flowers.

However, Guanyu Tower has huge power, and Chaotang's power is so huge that no one can disobey. She can't escape at all, and she still has to go back eventually.

It's enough to be able to walk out!

Ning Xiaochuan understood the feelings in her heart and paused. "That way, let's go to Bailong City first!"

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at her. In the end, he did not ride the double-headed stone beast with her anymore, but summoned the cubs of the old beast and rode them on the road.


What happened last night caused an apparent uproar in the Imperial City!

"Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng eloped!"

"Ning Xiaochuan forcibly took Yu Ningsheng away. Someone saw that they had escaped from the imperial city last night!"

"Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng are desperate, and they will no longer be the little princes in Jiangehou House!"


Rumors of various versions circulated rapidly in the imperial city, spreading all over the streets and alleys, and became the topic of relish after everyone's meal this morning.

It would seem that such a thing would happen, but it seems to be reasonable.

Because the last time Ning Xiaochuan openly questioned the imperial power and wanted to forcibly redeem Yu Ningsheng, in the eyes of all the warriors in the imperial city, Ning Xiaochuan had been labeled as rebellious.

Many people are saying, "Ning Xiaochuan is doing this kind of thing, which is normal! However, he has enough seeds to be called the world's first love lover."

"I guess there will be this day, wait and see! There will be a great show!"

On that day, the gate of the imperial city was also quite uneventful. Almost every half hour, a large group of people passed by, rolled up a cloud of smoke, and then disappeared on the horizon.

The warrior guarding the gate was also full of dust, and sent away a team of men and horses. Looking at the smoke and sighing, he sighed, "This Ning Xiaochuan is too troublesome. This time, everyone's law has been activated, and he can definitely give him Catch it back. "


Ning Xiaochuan naturally did not know what happened in the imperial city, but he could guess a little bit, after all, he and Yu Ningsheng both left in a hurry, which will inevitably cause many people to make wild guesses.

Ning Xiaochuan was not afraid of being guessed, he was afraid of some people who should not come.

Bailong City is a realm city in the spirit realm. Although it is not as magnificent as the imperial city, it is still full of flowers and there are many warriors gathered. It is one of the largest cities in the Yulan Empire.

Entering the ancient city, white stone piled buildings can be seen everywhere, and the streets on the ground are paved with marble.

Ning Xiaochuan relied on the telepathy, and soon saw the red blood tiger that had been tracking, stopped under a wooden tall building, and the other end of the iron chain on his neck was tied to a trunk.

The man in the black robe riding a red blood tiger is gone!

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng walked into the gate of this high-rise building and immediately caught everyone's attention. Because their clothes are too gorgeous, and Yu Ningsheng's temperament is elegant, so beautiful, it is difficult to not notice.

"Guest, are you from the imperial city?" The shopkeeper narrowed his eyes and stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Hmm!" Ning Xiaochuan responded softly, glanced at all the people inside, but did not see the black robe man.

This is indeed a headache, after all, Ning Xiaochuan has not seen their faces. As long as they take off the black robes, it will be difficult to find them again.

The store's look dignified: "Recently, Bailong City is very uneven. At night, it is a group of magic dances. At night, the two objective people are better not to walk around casually, or to live in this store first?"

Ning Xiaochuan responded casually at first. Hearing here, his heart moved, and said, "Is Bailong City dangerous now?"

"That's not it. Recently, a lot of people from the magic gates gathered here. The owners of the state, government, and original magic gate sub-altars came to Bailong City. They often made the city full of storms and don't know what they were fighting for. Early in the morning, the streets were stained red with blood, and washing the streets with water all morning. "

This is a large and small inn, with a lot of people going from north to south every day, and the news is well informed.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's expression moved, the two men in black chose to set the place where they would reconcile in the White Dragon City. It surely wasn't just accidental. Is it also related to the recent chaos of the magic gate?

Will they be among the magic gates?

Ning Xiaochuan was going to the "Nine Dead Cliffs" in the magic altar of Momen. Since the people in the Momen gathered in Bailong City, it was definitely not a simple matter.

So Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng settled down temporarily in this inn.

"Both are from the Imperial City?"

A young man in his twenties walked to Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng's table, and sat down with no mercy, with a friendly smile on his face.

Ning Xiaochuan gave a vigilant look at the young man, then nodded.

The young man was quite handsome, with no white face, no black eyebrows, and laughed: "I used to stay in the Imperial City for a while, but that was only five years ago. I forgot to introduce myself, Ji Yifan . "

"Brother Ji, do you have any advice?" Ning Xiaochuan always felt that the man in front of him had some familiarity, similar to the figure of the black man chased last night.

However, the man's practice in front of him is very low, only the seventh-highest practice of Xuan Qi, which immediately puzzled Ning Xiaochuan.

Ji Yifan laughed: "If it's not important for Xiongtai, it's better not to stay in Bailong City. Recently, the people in the Momen have made a lot of noise in Bailong City. People who die every day can make a hill.

"Brother Ji, seems to know something inside?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ji Yifan whispered: "Have you heard of the Six Avenue Master of the Six Doors of the Magic Gate?"

When Ning Xiaochuan's mind moved, he naturally heard the prestige of the Sixth Avenue Master. Those were the six most senior and most powerful people under the Duanmuhan Emperor Duanmuhan.

Let the world's warriors smell the fear of the old demons!

"The Taoist Lord of the Six Doors of the Demon Gate, who broke through the army, died violently four days ago. This incident has caused a blast in the Demon Gate." Ji Yifan said with a calm look.


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