Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 186: The six magic gates

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The six magic gates: Blood Eater Road, Fox Immortal Road, Shura Road, Heavenly Destruction Road, Chaos Road, No Life Road.

The first of the six ways is naturally the prestigious "Blood Eater", and it is also the leading show of the magic gate today.

After Duanmuhan ascended the throne of the imperial emperor, he intentionally integrated the six magic gates and belonged to one family, so now the warriors of the Yulan Empire almost all refer to the six magic gates, collectively referred to as "blood demon gate".

The lord of Heavenly Destroyer, named Jun Pojun, is a top-level figure in the Demon Gate. He lived one hundred and fifty-three years old, and his rank in Demon Gate is higher than that of the Emperor Duanmuhan.

If he was still alive, as long as he stepped on the ground, he would tremble twice.

It was such a character, but suddenly died suddenly four days ago, making everyone unexpected. Naturally, it caused a huge sensation.

In order to compete for the position of the Lord of Destruction, all the masters of the Momen gathered in Bailong City, which made Bailong City into a **** storm. Even the army stationed in the court of Bailong City tabooed the Momen masters by three points, and they could only open one. Close one eye.

This is something Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect!

Ji Yifan is a very talkative person, stroking the emerald on his thumb gently and laughing: "The current White Dragon City is a mix of fish and dragons, and the ghosts and snakes are gathered. At least one of every ten people you see is in the magic gate. People. The power of the magic gate is so taboo for the court, but it cannot be destroyed. "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Isn't Brother Ji the one in the magic gate?"

Ji Yifan's face froze slightly, and then he laughed: "Brother Ning joked and laughed, because of my little cultivation, how dare you join the magic gate! The people in the magic gate are all fierce and evil."


Outside the door, a second red blood tiger flew over and stopped outside.

A swollen bald man jumped off the back of a red blood tiger, and his body was fat like a ball, almost crushing the slate on the ground.

He seemed to have travelled a long way, gasping in his mouth, and went directly into the inn, and saw Ji Yifan sitting next to the window, so he said angrily: "Ji Yifan, Ning Xiaochuan's second sister-in-law caught up. No?"

Because Ning Xiaochuan's body was leaning against the door, the bloated bald man only saw Ji Yifan, not Ning Xiaochuan, and didn't pay much attention to who was sitting opposite Ji Yifan?

Ji Yifan's face suddenly changed, and the smile on his face froze with a smile. I did not expect that the big man of the sea of ​​the sea would arrive sooner or later.

This time the identity is definitely exposed!

Shi Dahai also realized that something was wrong and quickly stopped.

Ji Yifan's response was extremely alert, crushing the wine glass in his hand and turning it into more than thirty pieces. Each piece was wrapped in mysterious air, sharper than the blade, and hit Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng at the same time.

"Come on!"

At the same time, Ji Yifan's body turned over, smashing the wall of the inn, and ran to the street by himself.

Ning Xiaochuan's palm punched a ripple, the air twisted, so that more than thirty pieces of ceramic pieces were fixed in the air, and then the ceramic pieces flew out at a faster speed.

Ji Yifan lifted an old Aoki car that had just come from the street, connected the green deer horse pulling the car, and smashed behind him.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The old Qingmu car was shattered by ceramic fragments and turned into a piece of wood chips. Fortunately, the woman in the car had fallen to the ground when it was thrown out, otherwise she must have been beaten into a meat sauce at the moment.

At this moment, the rich woman was still scared and frightened, and she dared not move in the corner of the street.

The big bald man "Stone Sea" immediately ran through the inn's wall and fled immediately.

Last night, he had already played against Ning Xiaochuan, knowing that he was not Ning Xiaochuan's opponent.


Ning Xiaochuan Xianyu Ningsheng chased after one step, directly transformed into a rainbow bridge, his body straddled dozens of feet away, and fell behind Shi Dahai and Ji Yifan.

The sound of breaking wind came from behind, and Shi Dahai and Ji Yifan's faces changed violently. They looked at each other, turned at the same time, and bombarded Ning Xiaochuan with one palm.

The shadow of a lion and a tiger emerged from their palm prints, which is their supernatural power, and at the same time proved that they are highly accomplished. Ordinary warriors can't condense supernatural power to this extent.


Ning Xiaochuan struck a lightning beast, gathered forty-eight lightning bolts, and condensed into a purple beast shadow.

Both Shi Dahai and Ji Yifan felt a huge force hitting their arms, and then passed on to the shoulders, chest, and spine. Their bodies were like being bombarded by a hammer, and they flew out at the same time, sliding for more than ten meters to stabilize. Live the body.

Their hearts were terrified, and they felt that Ning Xiaochuan was so terrible that they couldn't stop him from working together.

As soon as they stood firm, they immediately flew out again.

That blow just stopped Ning Xiaochuan's strength for a moment, but at this instant, Shi Dahai and Ji Yifan broke into an alley and disappeared.

Yu Ningsheng and Ning Xiaochuan chased to the alley and stopped.

"The two must be the ones in the magic gate, and they fled!" Yu Ningsheng said.

"They can't escape. Too old!" Ning Xiaochuan summoned the cubs of Taisui.

The Taisui Beast has grown up again, the scales are brighter, the claws and sharp teeth are full of light, and the eyes are as big as the copper bells. The momentum is quite shocking, and it can scare the ordinary warrior down.

Ning Xiaochuan was originally skeptical of Ji Yifan, so when talking in the inn, he specifically asked the Taisui animal to remember his breath.

Although Ning Xiaochuan has a sense of mind, but Ji Yifan and Shi Dahai are not much weaker in their martial arts practice, they can hide the cultivation of harmony.

But the Taisui animal is different. As long as it smells the other person's breath, no matter how the person hides, he can find out that person.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng both rode on the back of Taisui Beast. Taisui's body gave out a circle of mysterious light, enveloped both of them, and then went straight into the ground and disappeared from the street.

Shi Dahai and Ji Yifan fled into a manor house not far from the alley. This is an important gathering place for the magic gate. Many monks of the magic gate are gathered here.

Shi Dahai was sweating, panting, and his body was shaking. "Exhausted, exhausted. If I knew he was so powerful, I shouldn't have tried to test his cultivation. It was a real crime."

Ji Yifan also exhaled deeply, saying: "But he was finally thrown away. If it is not necessary in the future, don't provoke him."

Before their words fall, the earth on the ground starts to move and becomes a vortex, constantly falling down.


Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng rode out of the ground riding on the Tai Sui beast and stood inside the manor, exuding a strong martial arts breath, pressing them like the two of them.


There was a roar in the mouth of the Tai Sui Beast, and the yellow leaves on the tree kept falling, like a yellow butterfly!

Shi Dahai and Ji Yifan looked at each other, and they wanted to scold their mother. Does this still make people live? Ning Xiaochuan could fly soaring.


Inside the manor, all the warriors suddenly appeared. Some warriors carried black Zhang Er lances and wore 100-pound armor. Some warriors held nine stone bows and hooked iron arrows on the strings.

There are even hundreds of warriors, all of them have murderous eyes and fierce indifference, which shows that they are all really murderous characters.

"Misunderstandings, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings!" Ji Yifan did not want to make things big.

After all, Tian Meng Dao is now an internal and external problem, and if it gets into Jiangehou House again, it will be even more troublesome.


However, Ji Yifan was one step behind. The arrows in the hands of the demons had already flew out. There were more than two hundred mysterious arrows, all of which were wrapped by mysterious energy, with a harsh sound of breaking wind.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were indifferent. At the same time, mysterious air appeared from both arms, and he began to draw in the air, drawing a huge ripple picture!

The arrows hit the ripples of the mysterious air, the speed becomes slower and slower, and then the ripples distort the flight direction.

More than two hundred arrows flew along with Ning Xiaochuan's arm, forming an arrow rain above his head!

"go back!"

Ning Xiaochuan's hand pointed at those warriors who had shot arrows just now, and more than two hundred hook iron arrows flew out at the same time, with a surging roar.

An old man with white hair flew out of the manor, stood above the tower, stood on Lingfeng, stared at the more than two hundred flying arrows, stretched out a dry old hand, and uttered a word in his mouth. ,"broken!"

A bleak mystery erupted from his body, covering almost the entire manor, shaking many warriors to the ground.


Those two hundred hook iron arrows were shattered by mysterious energy, turned into a pinch of iron powder, and fluttered in the air.

"Who is it? Dare to go to the demise of the Tianmu Dao to make trouble?" The white-haired old man stared at Ning Xiaochuan, his heart was slightly surprised, because Ning Xiaochuan was too young, but the martial arts repair just showed Enough to compete with the older generation of masters.

This young hero must come to the big family, the big door!

It is for this reason that he did not immediately kill Ning Xiaochuan.

Of course, this is also because Tianmian Dao is in a special situation, the Taoist master is violent, and internal and external troubles are the reasons why he has some concerns.

If it was put in the past, Tian Meng Dao would not be afraid of anyone, and dare to make trouble at the helm of Tian Mian Dao, that is a dead end.

"Misunderstandings are misunderstandings." Ji Yifan explained again.

The white-haired old man frowned slightly and said, "Yifan, what's going on?"

Ji Yifan then explained the entire cause and effect of the whole process, a bit helpless: "In fact, the main reason is because we want to see if the martial arts of Brother Ning are as powerful as rumors. We have to say that we There is no big holiday between them, in fact, it is impossible to talk at all. "

"Yes, that's true!" Shi Dahai said roughly.

The old white-haired man stared at Ning Xiaochuan in amazement. He actually met a descendant of Wang Hou, "You are the first genius of the imperial city, Ning Xiaochuan in Jiangehoufu?"

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