Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 207: Wan Long Qi Fei

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Just in the time between the fingers, the Fox Fairy Road, more than thirty masters of the magic gate, were all beheaded.

In the air, there was a smell of blood, bones, minced meat, blood, all over the ground, like a Shura field.

Xiao Cheng stood between the bones, as if he had done one of the most common things. The only drop of blood on his body slipped to the ground.

Even Ji Hanxing, the seventh most important person in the world, was defeated by him. It can be seen that his cultivation was terrible. Even if the elders in the magic gate drive by, they will be killed by him.

In terms of momentum, Ning Xiaochuan did not lose to him at all. He secretly operated the magic sword and was ready to use the power of the magic sword to deal with Xiao Cheng. This is the only way he is now.


When Ning Xiaochuan was about to make a shot, the clouds above the sky rolled and a thunder sounded.

The clouds gathered into a huge palm print, falling from the sky, squeezing the air into an arch, with a force that squeezed the space, and fell to the top of Xiao Cheng.

The power of this palm print can hardly be described in words, it is like a **** outside the sky, making a palm print.

Some masters shot to suppress Xiao Cheng.

"Ding Ding!"

When Xiao Cheng's face changed, he punched out the silver ring on the wrist, propped it up on his head, and turned it into a huge **** ring.


This shattering palm print will smash the city centered on Xiaocheng.

Ning Xiaochuan grabbed Zi Luoer's shoulders, started the rainbow movement, and retreated tens of feet quickly.

The stone buildings piled with thousands of megaliths were crushed by the palm prints, the streets subsided, and they broke into pieces of rubble.

On the ground, left a huge palm print.

Xiao Cheng was hurt by the palmprint, his body blood rolled back, and he took a deep breath, took the silver ring of Hunyuan back to his palm, and stared at the end of the street.

At the end of the street, stood a woman in a white shirt, with a beautiful figure, like an elf in the wind.

With a golden mask on her face, she gave out a scorching golden light, and there were flying dragon-shaped mysteries around her body, and her graceful body was enveloped in mysterious mist.

Duanmu Linger, Elder Lin, Situ Altar Master, and the three masters of the magic gate all followed behind the sage of the magic gate, staring grimly at Xiao Cheng.

The voice of the sorceress of the magic gate is long, empty, and majestic. It is like a voice coming from the sky, saying: "Xiao Cheng, you know that this seat is in the ancient city of Tiancheng, and you dare to kill the master of the magic gate, and you are not afraid. This place puts you in the Tu Sheng Ding, cooks you, and feeds the mysterious beast. "

After the confrontation just now, Xiao Cheng knew that the cultivation of the maiden of the gate was quite terrible, and she was definitely not her opponent.


Xiao Cheng was decisive in doing things and never dragged his feet. He immediately called Scorpio, kicked his feet, and landed on the back of Scorpio. He drove away and disappeared into the clouds.

There are so many opportunities to deal with Ning Xiaochuan, there is no need to fight with a character like Saint Mormon, it is unwise.

"Master, why don't you get rid of Xiao Cheng?" Duan Muling's eyes were cold.

Mormon maiden said: "Xiao Cheng is the great disciple of Yun Zhonghou, and the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Xuegong Alliance. It must have a life-saving card. It is not easy to kill him."

The sorceress of the magic gate stared at Ning Xiaochuan, paused for a moment on him, and immediately looked away.

Duanmu Linger's eyes also stared at Ning Xiaochuan, revealing a look of suspicion, so she walked over with a dignified look and said, "Ding Xiaosan, why did Xiao Cheng shoot at you?"

She had doubts about Ning Xiaochuan's identity.

Zi Luo'er is very strange and clever, knowing that "Ding Xiaosan" must be the pseudonym of Ning Xiaochuan, so he quickly said: "Originally your name is Xiao San! This name is so nice. Sister Duanmu, thank you and the lady Otherwise, those guys with the last name Xiao would have to capture me and be his little wife. "

Daimu Linger's eyebrows frowned slightly, and said, "What the **** is going on?"

Zi Luoer said pitifully: "Sister Duanmu, you also know that I am naturally beautiful and peerless. That Xiao Cheng is a wolf in human skin. He saw my beauty and wanted to catch me and do it. His little wife. Fortunately, Ding Zhuangshi saw the righteousness and boldly stepped forward to reprimand Xiao Cheng, cursing him as a beast and saving me from the heat of the water. "

"However, because of this incident, he irritated Xiao Cheng. Xiao Cheng launched a killing ring and killed all my subordinates."

"Is that so?"

Duanmu Linger glanced at Ning Xiaochuan slightly, and said secretly, this kind of stupid thing can't be done by others, Ding Xiaosan is really likely to do it.

The maiden of the magic gate stood gazing at the distance, and Ning Xiaochuan naturally did not want his identity to be exposed, so he nodded gently, "Huh!"

The maiden of the magic gate does not know when it has left and disappeared on the ancient street.

Like a gust of wind, she came silently and walked silently.

Duanmu Linger took a deep look at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "You are still vulnerable to this kind of personality outside. Follow me to Jiu Death Cliff!"

"Sister Duanmu, sister Duanmu!"

Zi Luoer grabbed Duanmu Linger's arm and said with a smile: "I'm going to Nine Dead Cliffs too, but now I have to **** all dead. I must be on the road is dangerous, can I be with you?"

"You didn't go with your mother?" Duanmu Linger said.

Zi Luoer flatened her mouth and said, "If I walk with my mother, that Xiao Cheng dare to bully me! Her old man has other things, and he will rush to Nine Dead Cliff later."

"Okay! You'll be on the road with us!" Duanmu Linger said.

Zi Luoer was immediately overjoyed, walked to Ning Xiaochuan's side, walked side by side with his eyes slightly inclined, and said, "Little brother, this time I have helped you this big one, how do you plan to thank others?" "

"Thank you!" After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan went straight away.

Zi Luoer stayed a little, raised his white chin, and stomped his feet, "It's awful! A‘ thank you ’is over. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world, I will slowly pack you up until the cliff of nine dead.

That night Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Luoer both lived in the manor house, and there was a maiden sitting in the magic gate, Xiao Cheng naturally did not dare to come to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan can also feel the breath of Xiao Cheng. He is still in the ancient city of Tiancheng. As long as he is allowed to find an opportunity, he will definitely shoot again.

The manor.

The maiden of the magic gate sat in the pavilion, wearing a golden mask, and the gauze on her body was blown up by the breeze, like a white catkin.

On the desk case, a bronze furnace was lit, with the mystic wood fragrance burning inside.

With her slender fingers, she twisted the strings gently, playing a beautiful and ethereal sound.

A series of dragon-shaped mysterious blasts flew into the sky, turning into a "flying dragons" scene.

The martial arts monks throughout the ancient city of Tiancheng can see the "million dragons flying together" above the sky, just like the dragons wandering in the Tianhe, and it is difficult for everyone to be calm.

Sitting in the room, Ning Xiaochuan was practicing the seventh floor of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi". After hearing the sound of the piano, his mood was a little chaotic and he could no longer practice. He opened the window with bamboo branches and saw flying in Wonderful scenery above the sky, I admire the cultivation of the maiden of the magic gate in my heart.

Ning Xiaochuan was called the first genius of the imperial city, and it was only the first genius of the young generation, not the first master of the young generation.

The sorceress of the magic gate is regarded as the true top character of the younger generation. It is estimated that Xiu can already compete with Wu Zun.

"The mysterious woman is right. I really lost on the starting line. To catch up with them, I can only spend more effort."

Hearing the ethereal sound of the lyre in the air, a beautiful figure appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Yu Ningsheng!

After leaving in the barren mountain Taoist temple, she never appeared again, and I don't know where she is now?

Will she also come to the ancient city of Tiancheng?

In the middle of the night, the sky was filled with snow, and the snowflakes were as large as goose feathers, sweeping the mountains and rivers!

When Ning Xiaochuan pushed open the door the next morning, the outside had become a silver-white world, a thick layer of snow had accumulated on the ground, and the branches and grass had turned white.


A cold wind blew over, making a giant roar, blowing large snowflakes into the house, and slap on Ning Xiaochuan's face, the snowflakes cut the skin sore.

"What a snowfall, the winter of the Yulan Empire has arrived!" Ning Xiaochuan said.


A snowball hit Ning Xiaochuan's head accurately, then spread out and spilled a large pile of snow residue.

In the snow, a silver bell-like laughter came from Zipinger, "Little brother, why don't you hide?"

Ning Xiaochuan wiped off the snow from his head, and went to the outside of the manor, and said, "We should go."

"Boring, not fun at all."

Zi Luoer squeezed the ears of the small fox in her arms, stepped on the snow, and ran towards the outside, closely behind Ning Xiaochuan.

The caravan set off again, but the staff was streamlined, and unnecessary goods were left in the ancient city of Tiancheng. Only a total of more than 200 masters of the magic gate escorted the iron coffin to the road.

There were a total of twenty mysterious beasts traveling with them, all pulling big carts and purplish black cymbals to dig the snow on the ground into two deep track marks.

Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Luoer were sitting in the same car. To be precise, she had to squeeze into the same car with Ning Xiaochuan.

"Brother Xiaochuan, why on earth are you going to Nine Dead Cliffs? Do you have any hidden tasks? Would you like me to help you?" Zi Luoer wrapped in thick fox fur, soft body, and squeezed towards Ning Xiaochuan Squeeze, cute blinking eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I'm from the imperial court, and you're from the magic gate. Even if I have a task, it's definitely a bad task for the magic gate. Are you sure you will help me?"

"Yes! Anyway, I will marry you in the future, I am also a court prince." She pursed her lips gently and stared at Ning Xiaochuan with big eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The magic gate and the imperial court are incompatible. Even if I really marry you, no one will agree. Falling, I can see that you really want to help me, but there is no possibility between us, you Let's find another Ruyilangjun! "

"Whoever said that the women of the Momen and the men of the court could not marry. Twenty years ago, the maiden of the previous generation did not marry a young prince of the court. Although their end was very miserable, but At least I have loved vigorously. If I want such a love, even if it is dead, "Zi Luoer said.

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